
Moon calendar 2018

Moon calendar 2018
Tips for attracting a cash flow into your life with the help of a lunar calendar.

The influence of the moon on human life has been known since ancient times. The sphere of influence of the nearest planet is really wide - from health and well -being to personal life and material well -being. In this article, we will consider how the moon affects your financial condition and try to plan 2018 in accordance with its phases.

Lunar Cash calendar 2018. Monetary magic according to the lunar calendar

The lunar calendar implies the presence of lunar months, that is, 12 periods from the full moon to the new moon. The lunar month is divided by 29 days, which begin and end with the appearance of the moon in the sky. Lunar day is slightly longer than sunny-mainly for 1-1.5 hours. There are no divisions into clear segments, because the moon appears in the sky every day at different times.

Every day of the lunar month carries a certain energy, on the basis of knowledge of which lunar calendars with advice are compiled. It is also well known that the moon has several phases. Many astrologers recommend correlating the processes in their life with the transitions of the moon from state to state. The same applies to the maintenance of monetary affairs:

  • 1 phase of the moon (from the new moon to the first quarter) - the period of planning, the search for new opportunities, the start of training, a quiet and cautious start of your own business. The moon begins to grow and with it is your energy. Make dating, start building and investment, develop projects. Also, this time is suitable for the search for new work and interviews, as well as for preparing to change activities.
  • 2 phase of the moon (the full first quarter - the full moon) - the amount of energy gradually increases and reaches its peak to the full moon. Time to accelerate and move on to active actions. You can actively conclude transactions, launch PR campaigns and advertising. If there is a need to take a loan or money on debt, then this is also better to do now.
  • 3 phase of the moon (full moon - the third quarter) - the amount of energy is slowly decreasing. This period is suitable for the climax and completion of important processes. Begin to summarize and make reports.
  • 4 phase of the moon (the third quarter - the new moon) - the minimum amount of energy, which should not be spent on trifles. Get rid of the old, give debts, clean the space and conduct an inventory. This is an important time to analyze the past month and realize your results. If you are the owner of the business, then outline the dismissal of employees to this stage.


Lunar Cash calendar 2018. Monetary days according to the lunar calendar

In certain characteristics, not only periods corresponding to the phases of the moon, but also every lunar day are distinguished.

  • The most successful days for doing business and any manipulations with money are 10, 14 and 27 lunar day.
  • The least successful in the monetary calendar are 3, 5, 12, 15 and 29 lunar day. Money at this time simply floats out of the hands.


Lunar calendar for January 2018

The new 2018 year will begin with 14 lunar days, that is, at the last stage of the growing moon. Already on January 2, the full moon will come. This lunar period in itself is characterized by a strong energy upsurge, and given the fact of coincidence with a general holiday, and even when anyone feels a surge of strength and motivation, it is important to be able to “catch a wave”. This will affect all areas of your life, including financial. Determine for yourself that you do not just want to get rich - this is something more than a dream. Get in specific actions: plan your future business, make a business plan, mix the main goals.

But in a hurry to start: the moon will begin to age before the new moon on January 17-18-it is better to devote this time to close "sagging" cases, give debts and loans. But from the very new moon, you can slowly implement your plans - on January 17, 2018 in many respects can be considered one of the most successful days of the month (as well as January 4 and 25).

By the end of the month, it is worth slowing down: January 31, on the day of the full moon, the first full lunar eclipse this year will take place. Most likely, it will not be seen in European latitudes, but it cannot be excluded - at this time it is better not to allow any sharp changes in your life. Financial operations are also not recommended. It is better to “release” money on this day - you can donate a certain amount for charitable needs on this day.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: economics, finance, management, public administration, jurisprudence.
  • Favorable days: January 1, 14, 25.
  • Adverse days: January 2, 16.


Lunar calendar for February 2018

February open 16 lunar days - day immediately after the full moon and eclipse. The moon at this time will be in the Lev sign, which hints that you are more attentive to all major monetary operations-proud and self-confident lions often play wa-bank and risk their condition.

The eclipse that stirred the world is still walking at large, so be careful and concentrated in all your affairs, including monetary ones. A week later, the energy background is stabilized and already on February 6-7 (the third quarter in the sign of Scorpio), you can make profitable transactions and purchases.

It is also worth catching good luck by the tail of February 21 and 22, on the growing moon in the sign of the body, the patron saint of all businessmen).

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: high technology, inventions, social sphere, small business.
  • Favorable days: 6, 7, 21 on February.
  • Adverse days: February 14, 19.


Monetary lunar calendar for March 2018

March will also begin and end with the full moon - 2 and 31, the full moon in Virgo and the full moon in the scales.
The first full moon promises an increased concentration on monotonous matters. Try to gradually deal with all business before the New Moon on March 17. This month it is under the sign of fish, the least practical and most dreamy of all signs. Even if you are not prone to vitania in the clouds and illusions, be careful about specific affairs - postpone them for the next week. Good days for decision -making this month - March 21 and the period from 27 to 29 March.

  • A favorable time for activity in the region: everything related to water (fish is the most watermark) - navigation, shipbuilding, navigation, research, as well as creative professions.
  • Favorable days: March 8, 14, 15.
  • Adverse days: March 2, 19.


Lunar calendar for April 2018

The first and second week of April fall on the waning moon. Then, on Monday, April 16, the new moon in the sign of Taurus will come, which promises a successful atmosphere for large transactions and real estate transactions. After all, Taurus is a very earthly sign, a symbol of material well -being and security. Devote the next two weeks thoroughly. The most successful period from April 23 to 29, especially Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.  The full moon on April 30 in the sign of Scorpio will contribute to a critical understanding of the results of his activity and work on existing mistakes.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: sports, show business, startups, petty entrepreneurship.
  • Favorable days: 3, 10, 11 April.
  • Adverse days: April 15, 30.


Monetary lunar calendar for May 2018

The waning moon of the first and second week contributes to the completion of affairs. The new moon is again in the sign of Taurus, which still hints at luck in large projects.  The full moon day - Tuesday May 29 in the Sagittarius sign - promises to be especially active, because the influences of the patron of Tuesday, the planet Mars, the fiery elements of Sagittarius and the traditional surge of energy with a full moon are superimposed on each other. Direct your energy to global goals, but do not lose your head.

  • A favorable time for activity in the region: landscape and interior design, culinary art, agriculture, gardening.
  • Favorable days: 1.2, May 16.
  • Unfavorable days: May 14.


Lunar calendar for June 2018

Pay attention to the day when the moon goes to the third quarter - Wednesday, June 6, a sign of fish. In theory, this day should become quite successful for communicating with partners in the case and discussing the current state of your projects. The patron of the environment, the planet Mercury, contributes to negotiations and the conclusion of unions.

The new moon in a week, on Wednesday June 13, in the sign of the twins. The total amount of energy is minimal, and the sign of twins, as a rule, does not differ in the ability to focus attention. Therefore, do business that require minimal concentration.

June 28, Thursday - the full moon in the sign of Capricorn. The royal influence of Jupiter, the planet-patron of Thursday, and the organizational and managerial abilities of Capricorn are imposed. Show your leadership qualities, but do not flirt into the “king”: the full moon can play a cruel joke with you.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: journalism, PR, advertising, the field of trade, educational projects, the creative field.
  • Favorable days: 5, 12, 19 June.
  • Unfavorable days: June 28.

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Lunar calendar for July 2018

New Moon - on Friday, July 13 in the sign of cancer. This day is clearly not devoted to cash concerns. On Friday, the goddess of Venus’s love is patronized, and cancer is a very sentimental and vulnerable sign. It is better to devote the next two weeks to the full moon.

The full moon is July 27, again on Friday, in the sign of Capricorn.  On this day, the second full lunar eclipse in 2018 will be held. And again during this period, any activity, contacts with people and decision making should be limited.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: work with children, work at home.
  • Favorable days: 4, 10, 11 July.
  • Unfavorable days: July 6.


Lunar calendar for August 2018

August 11 - the new moon in the sign of Leo. Despite the fact that this is a day off, Saturday is influenced by Saturn - a planet that helps to solve serious affairs and issues related to business. The lion can encourage you to exploits in the financial sector.

August full moon - on Sunday 26, a sign of fish. Great temptation to break away from reality. Distract from business for a while, give a splash of your energy through creativity and communication with loved ones.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: show business, creative professions, business class luxury.
  • Favorable days: 4, 7, 16, 17.
  • Adverse days: 26, 29, 30.


Lunar calendar for September 2018

New Moon - on Sunday September 9, in the sign of the Virgin. But of all the signs of the zodiac who, if not a virgin, is distinguished by its practicality, business grip and a tendency to serious and painstaking work. You can devote the coming week to the clear and methodical solution of all hanging issues and the design of transactions.

September full moon will occur on Tuesday, 25th. The full moon in the sign of Aries under the auspices of Mars can respond with temper and impulsiveness - apply excess energy to solve routine and stagnant affairs. To rush into the pool with your head (signing a new contract, the beginning of a new project) in such a period, only a strong foundation under your feet can be.

  • Favorable time for activity in the field: teaching, statistics, medicine, fitness.
  • Favorable days: 1, 2, 4, 20 on September.
  • Adverse days: September 24, 25.


Lunar calendar for October 2018

New Moon on Tuesday, October 9, in the sign of Libra. The period under the influence of Libra is always a small rest after hard work under the auspices of the Virgin. This is a time full of self -contemplation and reflection. The crop is harvested - think about what you have achieved in a year and what you did not work out, especially in the field of self -realization.
The full moon will come on October 24, on Wednesday under the sign of Aries. Do not do things that are associated with accuracy and a clear mind now.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: art, fashion industry, diplomacy, advertising.
  • Favorable days: October 1, 6, 10.
  • Unfavorable days: October 23, 24.


Lunar calendar for November 2018

Wednesday November 7 is a new moon under the sign of Scorpio. Immersion, which began in the previous month, is further intensified. This is the time to think about important solutions and prepare for all critical fractures in the development of your business. It is advisable to resolve all issues before the full moon on the sign of the Gemini (November 23, Friday). Both the sign of the twins and the light energy of Friday will distract you from serious classes.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: forensics, medicine, psychology.
  • Favorable days: November 6, 8, 14.
  • Unfavorable days: November 16, 19.


Lunar calendar for December 2018

The new moon on December 7 falls on Friday. The Sagittarius sign patronizes the daredevils and adventurers - this is a good period for business trips and business trips. Apparently, luck will be with you all a month, because the full moon (December 22) falls on Saturday under the sign of the twins - a good day for questions, which requires a quick reaction and lightning -fast decision -making.

  • A favorable time for activity in the field: tourism activities, training, petty entrepreneurship, trade, public relations.
  • Favorable days: December 4, 5, 13.
  • Adverse days: December 16, 22.


Our tips are a very generalized version of the lunar calendar. It is impossible to make a universal forecast for everyone - the personal horoscope and the lunar calendar depends on the specific place and time of your birth. If you decide to build your life and do business in accordance with the lunar days, then it will not be superfluous to consult with the astrologer. We wish you good luck in your life and in your business!



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