
Orthodox calendar of posts and holidays 2018

Orthodox calendar of posts and holidays 2018
Every year, many Orthodox Christians celebrate religious holidays and observe posts.

Orthodoxy is one of the oldest directions in Christianity, which arose on the basis of beliefs in Jesus Christ in the first millennium BC At the moment, the number of followers of this religion has approached 300 million people and continues to grow. Orthodox people with special trepidation belong to the Orthodox holidays and seek to observe all posts in order to cleanse their souls from sins and become even closer to God.

Orthodox calendar of holidays 2018

On holidays, believers recall and honor events related to Orthodoxy. These days, worships are performed and strict prohibitions in food are canceled. Moreover, in many families it has become a tradition to get together in these days. In 2018, large Orthodox holidays are celebrated in almost every month with the exception of June and November.


Orthodox calendar of holidays 2018 by month

Orthodox holidays in January 2018

  • January 7 - Christmas. On this day, the birth of Jesus Christ is celebrated in the flesh from the Virgin Mary. The holiday is preceded by a 40-day Christmas post.
  • January 14 - circumcision of the Lord. According to legend, on this day, Jesus Christ himself accepted the circumcision, which was established by the testament long before his birth.
  • January 19 - the day of the baptism of the Lord. This is one of the main Orthodox holidays, which is celebrated on the Baptism Day of Jesus Christ. Baptized Jesus John the Baptist in the Jordan River. According to legend, it was at this moment that the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove came across Jesus Christ on top of Jesus. On this day, it is customary to consecrate water, swim in the hole.

Orthodox holidays in February 2018

  • February 15 - the Day of the Minor of the Lord. Translated into Russian, the word "Setting" denotes a meeting. According to legend, on the fortieth day after the Nativity of Christ, the Virgin brought Jesus to the temple. This holiday symbolizes the meeting of two covenants: dilapidated and new. On the feast of the Lord’s lines in the temples, candles are consecrated and give them to believers.

Orthodox holidays in March 2018

  • March 31 - Lazarev Saturday. On this day, Orthodox Christians recall the resurrection of the righteous Lazar Jesus Christ, which was made in confirmation of the future resurrection of the dead. On this day, the Orthodox is allowed to eat fish.

Orthodox holidays in April 2018

  • April 1 - the day of the entry of the Lord in Jerusalem (or Palm Sunday). This holiday is better known as Palm Sunday. On this day, Jesus Christ arrived in the city of Jerusalem on Oaklen, thereby showing that he wants peace. This holiday also symbolizes the recognition of Jesus mission.
  • April 7 - the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is attributed to 12 great Orthodox holidays. On this day, the angel informed Mary of the imminent birth of Jesus Christ.
  • April 8 - Easter - bright Christ Sunday. Easter is the largest, most important Orthodox holiday. The holiday was established in connection with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, therefore, in this and next forty days, the Orthodox greet another words “Christ is risen”, which it is customary to say “truly risen”. His resurrection Jesus Christ saved people from the captivity of the devil and gave them eternal bliss. In this and next forty days, festive services are performed in the temples.


  • April 17 - Radonitsa. This day is classified as the main parental days. Symbolizes the joy of the living and the deceased about the resurrection of Christ. On this day, prayers are made for the deceased. The living go to the graves to the deceased.

Orthodox holidays in May 2018

  • May 17 - the holiday of the Ascension of the Lord. It is celebrated on the fortieth day after the main holiday, Easter, the resurrection of Christ. According to legend, on this day, Jesus Christ ascended right into heaven.
  • May 27 - Day of the Blessed Trinity. Pentecost. Ten days after the Ascension of Christ, the Day of the Blessed Trinity is celebrated. On this day, the Holy Spirit went down to the apostles, after which they were able to teach Christianity among all the peoples of the world. On this day, it is customary to decorate the house with leaves of birch, maple or linden.

Orthodox holidays in July 2018

  • July 7 - Christmas John the Baptist. This holiday is established in honor of the Nativity of John the Baptist (John the Baptist), who baptized Jesus Christ. On the eve of the holiday in all temples, an all -night vigil takes place.
  • July 12 - Day of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul. On this holiday, the apostles of Peter and Paul are remembered, whose relics were transferred in Rome this day. On the day of memory of the apostles, Petrov post ends.

Orthodox holidays in August 2018

  • August 19 - the holiday of the transformation of the Lord. According to legend, Jesus Christ rose to the mountain with the apostles, where he began to pray and his face was transformed, and his lover’s son spread from the sky, listen to him. ” On this day, services are held in the temple.
  • August 28 - Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This holiday is preceded by the Assumption post. On this day, the Assumption (Death) of the Virgin is recalled.

Orthodox holidays in September 2018

  • September 21 - Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary. On this day, the Orthodox notes the birth of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of the Lord Jesus Christ.
  • September 27 - the Exaltation of the Cross of the Lord. The holiday is established in connection with the acquisition of the life -giving cross of the Lord, on which he was crucified on Calvary.

Orthodox holidays in October 2018

  • October 14 - the cover of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The basis of this Orthodox holiday is the phenomenon of Andrei of the Virgin in the Vlacheern Church in Constantinople, where her Riza was located. It is believed that from this day winter is replaced by autumn.

Orthodox holidays in December 2018

  • December 4 - the introduction to the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary. This Christian holiday is celebrated on the basis of legend, which says that on this day her parents of St. Anna and Joachim brought Mary to Jerusalem Temple at the age of 3 years. Thus, they fulfilled the promise to them to devote their child to Maria to God.


Orthodox calendar of posts 2018

Fasting is the days on which an Orthodox person must earnestly pray, go to church, abandon entertainment and going to entertainment places in order to cleanse himself spiritually and find inner peace. These days, an Orthodox person should refuse to eat animal origin.

There are one -day, multi -day posts during which you need to pray and abandon a number of products. Special days of the week have also been established, during which, throughout the year, an Orthodox person must follow the post. The exception is solid week and meat -eaters, during which the Orthodox may not deny themselves the food of animal origin.

Orthodox post days in 2018

  • Wednesday and Friday are the days of the week in which the Orthodox are not allowed to use certain products. These days were designated as lean in the primitive church. These days they recall the betrayal that Judas committed on Wednesday, and the crucifixion of Jesus Christ on Friday. There is no post in the baptism of the Lord (January 19).
  • On Wednesday and Friday, between winter and spring meat -eater, you cannot eat dairy and meat products.
  • During the summer (July 12-August 13) and the autumn meat-eater (August 28, November 28), dried is allowed, that is, the use of non-combatant food products in the food.
  • During Maslenitsa (or cheesecake), you can’t eat meat, and during the holy, the week of the fund and the Pharisee, the Easter and Trinity Week on Wednesday and Friday is no longer. On Wednesday and Friday, immediately after a week of Ianzer and Pharisee, the Orthodox fasting Christians are allowed to eat any hot food of plant origin without the use of oil in it.
  • In the days of the great holidays as the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Christmas of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the day of the memory of St. Nicholas, the holiday of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the introduction of the Virgin into the temple, the residence of the Lord) The post on Wednesday and Friday is completely canceled.


Calendar of Orthodox posts for months 2018

Orthodox posts in January 2018

  • January 18 - Epiphany Christmas Eve. This post belongs to one -day. It is respected on the eve of the baptism of the Lord. It is allowed to eat hot food with oil.

Orthodox posts in February 2018

  • February 19-April 7-Great Lent. This post precedes the most important Christian holiday - Easter. The great post in 2018 begins on February 19, from this day it is forbidden to eat animal origin. The post lasts exactly 7 weeks, the first and last of which is especially strict. On the first day of the first week, it is completely forbidden to eat. In the period from Tuesday to Friday, dried is allowed, and on the weekend - hot food with butter.
  • From the second to the sixth week of post on Wednesday and Friday, dried is installed (it is allowed to eat bread, vegetables, fruits, dried fruits, nuts, honey, drink water), and at the weekend - hot food with oil.
  • In the last week or passionate week, dried is allowed, and on Friday, food is completely prohibited before the removal of the shroud.

Orthodox posts in June 2018

  • June 4- July 11- Petrov post. Petrov’s duration is 38 days. Throughout the post on Tuesday, Saturday, Thursday and Sunday, it is allowed to eat fish, dried on Wednesday and Friday for Christians, that is, you can eat vegetables, fruits, nuts, honey, dried fruits.
  • July 7 (on Christmas Day, John the Baptist) is also allowed to eat fish.

Orthodox posts in August 2018

  • August 14-27-Assumption post. This post lasts exactly 2 weeks and precedes the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Drying is installed on Wednesdays and Fridays, on Tuesday and Thursday you can eat hot food of plant origin without oil, and on Saturday and Sunday - plant hot food with oil.
  • On the day of the transformation of the Lord, which is celebrated on August 19, it is allowed to eat fish.

Orthodox posts in September 2018

  • September 11 is a one -day post on the day of the bend of the head of John the Baptist. This post is established in honor of the memory of the painful death of John the Baptist. On this day, it is allowed to eat vegetable products with oil.
  • September 27 - one -day post on the day of the erection of the Cross of the Lord. The post is established due to the acquisition of the Life-giving cross. It is allowed to eat vegetable products with the addition of oil.

Orthodox posts in November 2018

  • November 27, 2018-6 January 2019-Christmas post. This post lasts exactly 40 days and precedes the Christmas of Christ. From this period, on Monday, Christians can eat hot food (plant) with oil, dried on Wednesday and Friday for Orthodox Christians, and on Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday and Sunday, the Orthodox is allowed to eat fish.
  • From December 20 to January 1, on Tuesday and Thursday, vegetable products are allowed with the addition of oil.
  • In the period from January 2 to 6 on Wednesday and Friday (January 2.4), dried is installed, and on Saturday you can eat hot food with oil.
  • January 6 (a day before baptism) you can’t eat before the first star appears in the sky, after which you can eat juicy or rice with raisins.


Continuous week

  • January 7-17-Christmas time. The duration of the week is 11 days. You can eat meat every day. Including on Wednesday and Friday.
  • January 29-February 3-The Week of Yutar and Pharisei. The duration of this week is 6 days. Meat products are allowed to eat every day.
  • February 12-18-cheese week (Shrovetide). Week lasts 7 days and ends on forgiven Sunday. It is allowed to eat any products. The exception is the environment and Friday, in which the fish is allowed.
  • February 9-14-Easter week (bright). Week lasts 6 days. Any products are allowed these days.
  • May 28-June 3-Troitskaya week. All the week after the Trinity, any products are allowed to eat.

Meat -eaters

Meat -eaters are the period in which it is allowed to eat animal origin.

  • January 7-18 February-Winter Myspoic. In the period between the Christmas and Great post (from January 7 to February 18), Orthodox Christians are allowed by animal food. However, on Wednesday and Friday, only fish are allowed.
  • April 8-June-spring meat-eater. In the period between the Great and Petrov post (from April 8 to June 3), it is allowed to eat products of animal origin (meat, dairy, products, cheeses, etc.). On Wednesday and Friday, only fish are allowed to eat.
  • July 12-13 August-a summer meat-eater. During the period that arrives between the Petrov and Assumption post, you can use animal products. The exception is the environment and Friday, when dried. During this period, it is allowed to eat fruits, vegetables, bread, honey, nuts.
  • August 28 is November 28-Autumn Myaso-eater. In the period between the Assumption and Christmas post, Christians are allowed to eat any products. On Wednesday and Friday, dried is established for Orthodox Christians.

Orthodox posts and holidays are one of the main religious events. It is important to remember that the post is, first of all, the time for spiritual purification, when a person by the power of his prayers to God and humility approaches inner peace, peace, confirms his faith with action. In turn, the Orthodox holiday is a time for joy, meeting with your relatives and friends, the reason for which you should go to the temple for service.



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