
How to tie a hat with knitting needles for beginners - knitting patterns, knitting lessons

How to tie a hat with knitting needles for beginners - knitting patterns, knitting lessons
it is impossible to imagine frosty and cold winter without cozy knitted hats. It is even more pleasant to tie the hat yourself, especially since there is nothing complicated here.

Knitted things are the main attribute in winter fashion, which is present in the wardrobe of almost every person. It is simply impossible to imagine yourself in our harsh frosts without warm knitted mittens, scarves and hats.

Today, many fashion houses around the world include bright and unusual clothing items associated from various yarns in their fashion collections. Knitting products look especially relevant in recent years. One of the most important and interesting knitted products is a hat, which can be tied even by an beginning needlewoman. With the help of such an attribute of clothing, you can easily transform your image and feel warm even in our harsh winters.

In this article, we will take a closer look at how to prepare the caps of caps correctly before knitting, and also analyze the main patterns for knitting hats for beginners. We give examples of detailed knitting schemes with knitting needles for beginner needlewomen.

Knitting hats with knitting needles for beginners: Preparatory work

Knitting hats is not a complicated process at all. If you are a beginner needlewoman, then, of course, it is best to start with the simplest schemes and patterns. So you will be confident in the final result and at the same time gaining experience in knitting hats with knitting needles. A huge plus in knitting a headdress with knitting needles is the ability to choose the best option for yourself, which is quite difficult to choose in a store or in the market. After all, you can choose the color of the yarn and you like the pattern that suits you, as well as choose an individual knitting technique. Let's take a closer look at all the preparatory work for beginners.

Selection of materials for knitting hats with knitting needles

  • First of all, you need to go to a store with all kinds of knitting materials. It is here that you will purchase yarn for knitting a hat with knitting needles.
  • All yarn is divided into several types, on which the quality of the future product depends, and its wear. First of all, it is worth noting a homogeneous yarn. This is 100%woolen, linen, cotton, bamboo and other yarns. Distinctive features of homogeneous yarn are naturalness and environmental friendliness, however, for example, clean woolen yarn can be stiff and cause allergies. In this case, preference should be given to the most popular mixed yarn. This type can be characterized as follows: Acrylic fibers, viscose and other synthetic materials are added in natural fabric. Knitting products from such threads are very soft, well rush and erased. The third group is a synthetic yarn, which consists of 100% unnatural fibers.
  • All threads can be divided in thickness. For knitting, the hats should choose a thicker thread. In this situation, the question may arise, how to determine the thickness of the thread. It is very simple. Typically, the packaging indicates the length of the thread of 100 g. The smaller the length, the thicker the thread itself will be.
  • The color of the yarn is selected from your preferences and the planned image. Choose the color of a future knitted cap for a winter coat or accessories (scarf, gloves, bag). Also remember, if you are planning to connect a hat with a relief pattern, then give preference to light threads. The pattern will be more clear on them.


  • The next step before the manufacture of knitted caps for beginners will be the choice of knitting tools, i.e. spokes.
  • For knitting hats, you can use various types of spokes. Perhaps for the first knitted hat should take ordinary straight knitting needles with a tip. With the help of them, you can knit a knitted hat, in which there will be a seam on the back.
  • There are also hosiery knitting needles. There are usually five of them. They can be made of metal, bamboo, plastic, glass. Choose from your preferences, since all needlewomen only by trial determine for themselves the optimal material of the spokes. Sachs on both sides are sharp and usually they are not very large.
  • For knitting hats, circular knitting needles are also used. These are two knitting needles that are interconnected by fishing line, wire, silicone tube. In this case, the length of the fishing line or wire can be different, which is important to consider with a circular knitting hat. After all, it will simply not be convenient for you to place the whole number of loops on the fishing line if it turns out to be short. A cap on circular knitting needles for beginners is a fairly easy option, but you need to be careful.
  • The thickness of the spokes should be selected twice as much as the thickness of the thread. If you knit very tight, then choose the knitting needles thicker. And vice versa, if it is very loosened, then use thinner knitting needles.
  • For knitting, you may also need a marker to determine the sequence of rows and a sewing needle.


Choice knitting schemes knitting needles for beginners

To date, there are a huge number of patterns for knitting hats with knitting needles. For this wardrobe item, it is possible to use both simple patterns and various voluminous and relief. However, most often, all hats begin with an ordinary elastic band 2*2.

  • Rubber. The first rows of various caps of hats are knitted with an elastic band. It can be different: 1*1, 2*2, 4*4. The most popular elastic band is two facial and two wrong ones. In this case, it is necessary to dial even the number of loops plus two hem to perform an even edge. In the front row, it is necessary to knit the hem, two facial, two wrong ones and so to the end of the row, remove the last loop without knitting. In the next row, everything is knitted the same. Make sure that the facials are strictly facing, and the wrong ones are over the wrong ones.


  • Mattle -shaped knitting. This is a very simple pattern that you can easily perform without any schemes. Dial the required number of loops, remove the first loop to the right knitting needle, then knit all the loops with the faces. The last loop must be knitted wrongly. The following rows need to be knitted in the same way.
  • Relief patterns. Such patterns include “pearl” and “honeycomb”. In these patterns there is an alternation of facial and wrong loops. In the front row it is necessary to knit: one facial, one wrong, one facial, one wrong side and so on to the end of the row. In the next row, we change the sequence: we knit one wrong side, one front, one wrong, one front and so on until the end of the row. The third row repeats the first.
  • Braids. There are a lot of cos. They can be combined with other patterns, creating unique knitted products. Let us give an example of one spit pattern. To do this, you need to dial the number of loops with a multiple eight plus two hem. We knit 4 facial and 4 wrong ones, 4 wrong and 4 facials are knitted in the next row. Next, you need to remove 2 loops on an additional knitting needle, knit the next 2 loops with the front, and then two loops from an additional knitting needle. After that, repeat the second row. This is a rapport of a braid pattern.


The combination of various schemes will allow you to create interesting and unusual models of knitted hats.

Removing measures from the head for knitting a hat with knitting needles

Before knitting hats with knitting needles, it is necessary to remove the measurements from the head of yours or the person to whom you decided to tie a headdress.

  • First of all, measure your head with a centimeter. It is usually noted by the largest girth. Focus on what you want to get in the end and how you will wear a future knitted hat.
  • Next, you need to determine the height of your hat. To do this, the centimeter must be attached to the nose and marked the length that ends on the crown. Add 3 cm to the resulting result. However, there are models of hats in which the height can be much larger. For example, Bini caps.
  • For a specific age, there are approximate parameters. Which will allow you to tie a hat with knitting needles as a gift to your relatives and friends.
  • After determining all the sizes you need, it is necessary to determine the density of knitting, from which you can calculate the number of loops for the necessary knitting. To do this, dial 10 loops and knit 10 rows. Measure the resulting sample with a ruler and, based on the girth of your head, calculate the number of loops.


The choice of knitting techniques with knitting needles for beginners

The knitting technique with knitting needles depends on the model you have selected. There are several techniques that are used for the manufacture of handmade hats:

  • Knitting hats with knitting needles from the crown. In this case, you first of all form the crown, and then gradually increase the number of loops, forming a hat.
  • Knitting hats on straight knitting needles with a straight canvas. Such a hat on the back will definitely have a seam that can be decorated with an unusual method: apply buttons, knit a pigtail.
  • Knitting hats with patterns. This technique is most often used to make complex hats models.
  • Knitting hats with circular or hindressing knitting needles. In this case, the hat is knitted with one canvas and without a seam.

Instructions for beginners: knitting women's cap with knitting needles

A knitted women's hat is a very stylish and fashionable accessory that will certainly complement the image of a woman in winter. To date, women's hats for beginners are simply amazing with their diversity. Volumetric hats with pompons, Bini caps, tight -fitting hats, hats with ears, classic and elegant berets came into fashion. You can tie all these models without problems yourself. Next, we will consider in more detail the process of performing a simple cap with knitting needles, caps with braids.

Simple hat with knitting needles for beginners

In this instructions, we will describe the manufacturing process of a fairly simple cap for fashionistas, which can be made tight -fitting, or you can give it a slightly voluminous look. Two options will depend on the end of the knitting.

  • First of all, select the necessary materials. You will need 100 grams of thick yarn, the thickness of which should correspond to 100-150 m per 100 grams. Take the knitting needles No. 2.5 and 4.
  • In knitting this model, a simple elastic band and the Polish elastic band are used. To perform the Polish Gum, you will need to knit the following scheme: dial an odd number of loops; 1st row-1 hem, 2 facial, 2 wrong; 2nd row-1 hem, 2 facial, 2 wrong. Due to the fact that an odd number of loops are scored, the pattern will shift.
  • At the very beginning of knitting, it is necessary to dial 90 loops on the knitting needles 2.5 (the average number of loops for the head of an adult).
  • Stitch a simple elastic band 2*2, in which 2 facial and 2 wrong. Repeat this pattern by about 6 cm.
  • Next, choose whether you want a voluminous hat or tight -fitting. If tight, then in the next row after the elastic band it is necessary to add one additional loop to obtain an odd number of loops for the pattern. To obtain a volumetric cap in this row, it is necessary to add additional loops in each 5 loop of the row.
  • After that, knit the Polish Glast, the scheme of which we described above. This pattern must be performed for a tight cap for about 10 cm, and for a more voluminous-14-16 cm.
  • Perform the decrease in loops: 1st row-decrease in every 3 loop; The second row knit according to the drawing; 3rd row- reduction in each 2 loop; 4th row-according to the drawing; 5th row-knit 2 loops together with the front all row; 6th row-knit all the loops wrong.
  • Turn all the remaining loops together and gently tighten the thread.
  • Next, you need to sew a hat.


Female hat with braids for beginners

  • Knitted hats with knitting needles with various braids are very popular in the last few years. These are very beautiful and voluminous accessories that will make any winter image very cozy and at the same time stylish.
  • Consider the diagram of a simple cap with braids connected by beginners.
  • You will need 150 grams of thick yarn of any color, as well as the knitting needles of the number 3.5 and 4.5. Knitting the product is made on two knitting needles. It is better to select the threads with the content of wool, because it is a winter thing, so it is important that it be warm.
  • Take the knitting needles No. 3.5 and dial 96 loops on them.
  • Next, knit a simple elastic band 2 to 2, i.e. In each row it is necessary to knit 2 facial and 2 wrong. A similar scheme is repeated for about 6-7 cm.
  • In the last row of elastic bands, go to knitting needles No. 4.5.
  • Next is the main pattern with braids. It is necessary to knit 2 wrong, 6 facial, 2 wrong and 2 facial. Repeat to the end of the row.
  • The first and next 5 rows we knit according to the drawing, i.e. Above the facial we knit the facial, above the wrong ones - the wrong ones.
  • In the 7th row, we form a braid and make a overlap. Here you may need a pin or a special additional knitting needle. We knit as follows: 2 wrong, 3 front transfer to an additional knitting needle, knit the next 3 facial, then return the 3 loops removed to the knitting needle and knit them. Next is 2 wrong, 2 facial and 2 wrong and again braid. So repeat to the end of the row.
  • The next six rows are repeated, as in the previous ones.
  • Next, you need to make decreases, which you need to start after about 10-14 cm knitted product. Successes are made through a row. First, 1/3 of all loops are knitted together, then 1/2, after which all the loops are knitted two together with the front.
  • At the end, pull the remaining loops and carefully fix the thread. In this model, you can make a pompom or sew the finished fur.


Women's hat with knitting needles for beginners master class

In this video, you can see in more detail the whole process of knitting hats with knitting needles with braids.

Instructions for beginners: Knitting men's hat with knitting needles

Male hats for beginners are also amazing with their diversity. You can easily please your soul mate, or your beloved brother, dad, a friend with a knitted exclusive accessory. In this case, the knitted hat will take into account all the individual characteristics of its future owner. Currently, men's knitted hats of a classic style are in fashion. On the Internet there are a lot of knitting schemes for knitting caps for beginners or “beani” caps, which is the accessory of unisex. Consider several instructions for knitting hats for men.

Men's hat "Bini" with knitting needles for beginners

  • Bini's hat is the best classic option for men. This thing is very convenient, suitable for any style of clothing and practical to wear. It is such things that men prefer. A beino hat can be a standard height of 26-28 cm, or you can knit this piece of clothing a little longer and get a hat-fry or hat-bag. The average height is approximately 30-32 cm.
  • You will need 100 grams of yarn, which includes wool. The threads should not be too thick, give preference to yarn, the sink of which consists of 250 m. The knitting needles must be used 2.5 or 3. The knitted canvas should be dense and without holes.
  • This model of a men's hat on two knitting needles is knitted.
  • To get started, measure the head girth and calculate the density of knitting. To do this, tie a sample 10 by 10 cm and measure with a centimeter. The head of the head must be multiplied by the number of loops located in 1 cm of the sample.
  • For size 57, you need to dial 142 loops plus 2 hem.
  • Knit a simple elastic band 2 by 2, where it is necessary to perform 2 front and 2 wrong ones. A similar knit should last up to 8 row.
  • In the 8th row, knit all the loops with the faces and knit about 16-18 cm with the front surface.
  • After that, you need to start the decrease, which is carried out in every 3 row. You knit for reducing 2 loops with facial.
  • When 10-15 loops remain on the knitting needles, they must be carefully pulled out and draw the thread inside the hat.
  • Connect the hat with a seam.


Men's hat with a pompom for beginners

This season, it was very fashionable to wear knitted hats with pompons, so we present to your attention a simple knitting scheme for men's caps with a pompon knitting needles.

  • To work, you will need a yarn of their wool or 50% wool and 50% acrylic white, as well as a little blue and red thread. The knitting needles should be 3 mm.
  • This model of the cap on the hitch knitting needles is knitted.
  • First of all, dial on knitting needles 112 loops plus 2 hem with a red thread.
  • In the front row, knit a simple elastic band 2 facial and 2 wrong.
  • The 2nd row is knitted according to the drawing, and the third must be knitted again 2 facial and 2 wrong, but already with a white thread.
  • The 4th row according to the drawing, and the 5th blue thread 2 facial and 2 wrong.
  • We knit this elastic band to a height of 10 cm, this is about 22 rows. The elastic band is so high because we will have a hat with a lapel.
  • Next, we knit an elastic band 1 to 1 white thread to a height of 15 cm.
  • After that, proceed to the reduction of the loops. To do this, all loops need to be divided into 6 parts, put a marker in each. Next, in each third row we knit two loops together in each of the six parts. Thus we knit approximately 9 cm.
  • The remaining loops must be pulled by the thread. Next, make a pompom and sew it.

Master class of manufacturing pompon for knitted hat with knitting needles

Instructions: knitting a baby hat with knitting needles for beginners

Children's knitted hats are an even more necessary and relevant attribute of the winter image. These convenient and warm things help little fidgets warm up during their games and walks in the fresh air. At the same time, knitted hats are a stylish accessory. Hats for a girl with knitting needles for beginners in the same way as for boys, are very simple and will not take you much time and effort.

Hat with ears of knitting needles for beginners

  • This model of the children's hat can be connected by a different pattern: front surface, honeycomb, elastic band. Here you can also use various decorative elements: flowers, bows, pompons, leaves.
  • Take as a basis the head of the head is 50 cm and in accordance with this we will pick up 130 loops.
  • The yarn must be used not too thick, about 250 m per 100 grams of yarn. Use natural fibers combined with synthetic. The knitting needles can be used 2.5 mm.
  • Knitting should start with the ears. They can be knitted immediately, using two balls, or separately.
  • We divide all loops into 5 parts: 26 loop into the ears, 26 - on the back of the head, 26+26 - the front.
  • To get the ears, we collect 4 loops and knit with the facials.
  • In each second row we make an increase in 2 loops.
  • As a result, in the last row of the ears there should be 26 loops. Thus you need to knit two ears.
  • All parts of the ears should be on one circular spoke.
  • Next, we begin to knit the occipital part. To do this, we knit a row with the faces on one ear, collect 26 loops for the back of the head and again knit a row with the front on the second ear.
  • Approximately 2 cm need to knit parts of the canvas with the ears and the occipital part of the front surface. At the same time, in every second row we add loops on the ears. Each should eventually get 30 loops.
  • Next, we collect the remaining 52 loops for the front.
  • We knit the entire hat with the front about 10 cm.
  • Next, we begin to reduce the loops.
  • Divide the entire number of loops into 5 parts and make a decrease in each row at the junction of five parts. In other words, you must decrease two loops along the edges of each part.
  • It becomes difficult to knit spruce in circular, you can switch to hitchful ones.
  • It is necessary to reduce until 6 loops remain in each part.
  • You can decorate at will.


Master class of knitting a children's hat with ears with knitting needles

Knitting hats is a great opportunity to make an unforgettable and original gift for their close people and beloved people. And our article will help you start correctly and remember the basics of knitting hats with knitting needles. Good luck in your endeavors!



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