
Happy New Year 2017 Congratulations. How to congratulate Happy New Year

Happy New Year 2017 Congratulations. How to congratulate Happy New Year
Useful cognitive, frivolous, funny and lyrical congratulations here.

Sometimes it is difficult to find the text to sign a postcard or shine on a corporate party - each time they are screwed to the banality of the poems and the phrase-cliché. Not everyone managed to develop a gift of eloquence or wit, so that it would take to congratulate beautifully. In order not to hit the face during a solemn speech or a toast in a circle of loved ones, it is worth thoroughly prepare congratulations to the feast.

On this page you will definitely find a non-standard congratulatory message for any occasion. Choose your own option, how to originally congratulate friends, relatives and colleagues with the coming year of the red rooster. Memorable toasts, individual and collective congratulations in verses and prose, new texts for every taste - further in the article.

New Year 2017 - the year of the rooster

  • It is important to know that the year of the Rooster - a period of conflict resolution outdated, while new achievements and changes. This year everything has to stand in its place, drawing routine for life in the path to the realization of plans and desires. That you and I wish you!
  • Rooster - is the master of life. He does not tolerate competition and always ready to defend their lead. I wish each of you have his only home of the Cock of the grip and the Rooster in chief.
  • Sum of the digits in 2017 is 10. This means that all the objectives are achieved exactly desyatochku - exactly as everyone wants. With such a positive attitude step over the line of the old year and open a new - the most mechtosvershitelny year.


  • Cock fighting - the most ruthless. The winner becomes the ruler of the hens, and the loser has to go under the ax. I wish you that this year pass without severe casualties, and all conflicts were solved by compromise.
  • Rooster - a leader, a workaholic and a maximalist. With that mindset in the new year we have a lot of work that will bear fruit.

Greetings 2017 Happy New Year to Valentine's

Love is a concept that does not feel the time of day and year. About love writing poets all over the world and the best congratulation for the second half in the New Year and any other holiday, it will be a good quality lyrics.

Take the time to dig in Blok poems, Asadov, Petrarch. Feel the greatness of the words of love. Perhaps the eminent poets inspire you to own poems. Maybe a little sloppy, but with all my heart.


You love latte from the machine -

I love strong black espresso.

A chance meeting in a coffee shop once

Cold winter turned to summer.

We apart bored, sad, dreaming ...

And we met a shy casual look.

We were on the same wavelength

To throughout life go together.

Today we meet along the year -

Let's start hand-in-hand better days.

Push forward duo of soul,

In life we \u200b\u200bare in the boat with you alone.


Your peace to the pendulum-Kurantova

Waiting for the miracle of ineffable.

You prepare a feast of tangerine,

Where will I be invited.

We sit down together to eat,

Unbanal pour tequila,

Then there will be a dance of candles

Under the gentle sound of vinyl.


You can even believe in miracles,

If very much wish.

At the hour when the clock 12,

You need to make a cherished desire.

You and I have planned together

The fact that the only important thing for me and you.

you'll be my bride in the future year -

We will be inseparable next winter.


Short Happy New Year 2017

The sun shines over the planet in the sky high

I send a greeting from afar ray it:

Let a smile sparkle white rays.

Happy New Year greetings, Zaya received.


Happy New Year

And I said with excitement

Without you I feel bad, Zaya,

Crazy love you.


Frost and snow, and high-spirited wind

You write on the box:

Better without you the world

All my love - you.


Candy on the Christmas tree, snowflake in your hand,

Frost on the windows, snow in her hair -

I want every moment to be with you

In the New Year's Eve is reflected in the eyes.


Dedomorozovsky masquerade

The long-awaited snow.

What else is necessary for happiness?

You, Snow White next to me.


Under the bright clinking champagne by the glass

Perelivistym sparkling duet

Happiness in the heart feel a lot

For me, you have become the whole world.

Happy New Year 2017 in poetry


Funny Happy New Year 2017


Bullfinches krasnopuzye in knocking the window

Fluffy fox rushes into a hole

How do you want to meet with you more often

Kiss me, the sun, or else I die.

native wife

I love the smell of wild mandarin,

In a cocktail of flavors from tart needles.

I like the flickering displays,

And with a candlelit lovemaking.

Traditionally, at exactly 00:00

We celebrate the best in the world.

Will Rock with you, baby, old

Yes, so that children are jealous!

New opera Happy New Year 2017 in poetry

Not every New Year - happy and cheerful holiday. Sometimes the day I want to be sad more than ever. For special occasions: loneliness or a long separation, fly in the ointment in the form of tear rifmospleteny.

Desperate cry of the soul

It can be used as a greeting to your wall in the social network.

For dusty wooden door

The old year farewell, slush vsplaknet.

I told him, even kill, do not believe -

How much grief he brought misery ...

I take a look out the window because of the fire,

I'll write a little warm words.

Draw white dolphin

Father Christmas, fir, and a lot of wood.

Pile of wood, mangled by the dope,

Mount porridge, cooked for nothing ...

Draw a gun, shells, bullets,

And above them - a white horse.

I wish happiness to be loved ...

I wish you the joy of love ...

New Year hurry tirelessly,

It would be necessary, even though the door to open it.

Congratulations soldier brother

Not lit for you in a warm house fire

And your girl away - not with you.

You dream of a house in a strange land

You're looking at the stars with it under a full moon.

You live on different poles of the earth

Midnight also does not fit on your watch.

New Year's Eve, is divided into two

You're a cold winter in the brutal war.

Believe me, it will be over soon, brother

Come back a hero, a boy soldier.

You, above all, think about the miracle at midnight -

The universe will fulfill all - do not forget it.

Congratulations, brother - a gift for you:

Pack of socks and a bag-blanket.

demobilization soon - you will get back home is about

And then we will celebrate the New Year with you.

Congratulations to my mother, who is very far

I have not seen you for almost thirty years

Just a word to the word on the Internet.

I miss you, Mom, but again did not come.

Take a look at the new year to earrings neighbor.

We popem him beer and go home

Do not miss me, I love you, Mom.

Away from me, you - the whole point.

I would like to come tearing - zero time.

That is a gift to send you a ticket.

Try, my dear, come to me.

You and I bought red caviar,

Olivier prepare, find Mandarin.

We look for the Christmas tree, hang candy,

Even if your visit happens in the summer.

Each year, buying you gifts -

Oh, it's time to be personally in hands to give them.

I do not know how to write a beautiful speech ...

Happy New Year, dear, see you soon!

Happy New Year 2017 colleagues

New Year corporate parties - the best parties. These are the moments when colleagues turn into friends, and Head off with the rest. Each company has its own specific work to be ready to understand the narrow circle of like-minded people with common challenges and memories. We tried to find the toasts and poems to suit all tastes for you - for any team.

DC employees, morgue, railway crossings and other cool places

Guess the riddle of why Santa Claus is old and does not die, and the Snow Maiden did not grow up? That's right, the thing is the air temperature. So we have to work - special conditions that could freeze the youth. I wish you all as much as possible to work out in our facility, not only for the sake of the salary, but also to not grow old prematurely.

Happy group of young friends touching the glases with each other

all all

While waiting for the New Year

Distraught people.

Drag stinging trees,

That hardly fit into the door.

One hundred packets to the road,

Why, then bought food,

Refrigerator clog,

Nadedat not allowed.

About candy is not the question -

On the Christmas tree: their balls and candles.

Adorn the walls, windows,

Paint the glass.

It has prepared a couple of days.

Invite children

Two questionable actors,

Do not squeeze out a single word.

At midnight - President

Sends greetings on the telly.

Then - as the night show

Someone is sleeping, and someone off

Rushes out of the house to friends.

Someone is himself.

Alone and cat

Pal in the New Year.

I sincerely wish everyone

Have support in joy and in sorrow.


From the sky rained snowflakes

In the courtyard of winter reigns

For New Year's party

Postpone boring affairs.

Chop up a delicious salad,

Under the snow white dance

We spend decrepit regatta

Send into oblivion the old year.

We forgive him his mistakes

And we give all the insults

Enter the barnyard year with a smile

With a bag of hope and love.

trade workers

Time off, vacation - is not a holiday.

Shopping, sequins, tinsel.

Sweets, Christmas tree and gifts,

Fun, wonder, sleepless night.

Only sleep without the hind legs,

Tired of the echoing bustle,

People without whom the holiday

Could become boring and empty.

Thanks to the tireless bee

Counters sphere, offices, storefronts.

Let's go to the square - a Christmas tree

Close the shop at night!

Acrostic for postcards

N.astoyan happiness

Goryachey love.




Otlichny holiday.

V courage favorite

NSp (in our opinion - the songs)

M.s dance, sing and



D.pyr friend

Obnimashkami creating

M.omenty, which will be remembered for a lifetime.

Happy New Year 2017 congratulation in prose

What is winter? The pessimist will reply, it is cold, slush, ice, way to pay for the heating system and the sea embezzlement on gifts to children. A realist would say that the winter is cold, the snow and two weeks holidays.

The optimist believes that the winter - it's time to walk on the ice rink and the ski resorts, the start of the New Year. That winter is the time when you can start something new, to make a wish under the chiming clock and get a gift from Santa Claus his performance.

Only an optimist and the child is able to believe in New Year's miracle and turn life into a holiday. I wish that every one of us, whether he is a pessimist or a realist, to keep the child in himself. A desire, put forth in the New Year's Eve, became the most beautiful reality for each of us!


Blizzard and snow with low temperatures - a good reason to stay at home by the fire, warming his feet under the blanket, drink cocoa and reading, delayed at the best of times, a book, or do needlework. I wish everyone the ability to find time for such amenities, so as not to have to wait for an extraordinary output.


I myself made a list of things you need to be sure to perform this winter. Help make it in good company:

  • selfie at the top of the mountain;
  • a bunch of little rink;
  • feel the speed of descent on skis in Courchevel, or even a packet from a hill in the city;
  • taste the delicious Indian tea with spices or spicy mulled wine for collecting puzzles or playing spin the bottle.

This is only the beginning of the list. I wish you and I refill it with new items and fun to put together next to each earned a tick.


New Year is an unhealthy holiday: drink, smoked and sweet at night - not exactly what the body needs. But positive emotions and laughter - just fill this flaw. I wish us to spend this holiday fun, actively, interesting and great.

Funny congratulations on the new year 2017

Ode Kotu.

My cat is the creation of a clean soul.

You are faithful to my friend and for tears pillow.

You are good to silent in silence;

You speak well with you, as with a girlfriend.

I bought a gift to you alone:

New rug and gray mouse.

I love you, I do not understand why.

When you kiss or sleep.

New Year we divide with you together

You are one - my joy, my joy.

We duet song with you sing

From loneliness or for laughter.

Thank you, my native Kotofey.

To make me alone without you

And now I do not need, at all, friends.

Happy New Year, Fluffy, I congratulate you.

Adults about grandfather m

Santa Claus has become an example -

In women does not know the measures.

In the night walks with cigar,

With a blizzard - windy girlfriend.

And in the afternoon, the Snow Maiden is young

He will be the company.

In concerns, the whole frost-old man,

He used to hard life.

Three seasons resting -

Grandfather knows his job.

In winter, he is smallest.

Sorry, the new year is one attack.

From year to year, not tired

Grandpa plows, sleep not knowing.

Waking up at the dawn,

Reads letters in December.

After a meal drill,

Remits answers to the postman.

Then for three days

Gifts all children.

About adults - also will not forget

He will cool the apartment so

What kisses and sex

I have to warm up at night.

And during the day - skiing and skating

Drive on descents and rims.

I wish everyone to live like that.

Moroz-grandfather your man!

Choose a wish that takes for the soul, transmits your feelings and converges with your thoughts. Turn the cold December in a joyful holiday for yourself, relatives and loved ones, for colleagues. Happy New Year.


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