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Hair growth masks at home

Hair growth masks at home
List of hair masks from available ingredients. How to help hair growth using masks.

No matter how women are drawn to experiments, no matter what haircuts we do - all the same, long thick hair will always be considered a canonical detail of female beauty. Hairstyle is 50% of the image. Even if a woman has shining skin, impeccable make-up, a chic dress, but at the same time, problematic hair-consider that the image is lost.

Since ancient times, the braid has had a sacred meaning. The longer and thicker the hair, the greater the woman in vitality. Loose hair is caught - it was not without reason that the witches are blown up by a braid to conjure. Somewhere at the genetic level, women remember that their strength is enclosed in long hair and in any way try to improve the condition of their hairstyles. Someone increases hair, someone uses special shampoos or even therapeutic drugs. But you can resort to folk methods. From natural products, the best masks for hair growth are obtained.

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Masks for hair growth. General recommendations

  • Always check if you are allergic to one or another component of the mask. To do this, apply the ingredient of interest to you on the inside of the forearm. If there is severe redness and the skin begins to itch, then it is most likely an allergic reaction, and you better not use this product in any form. However, if there is any burning component in the mask, then irritation from it is not necessarily an allergy. Read more in the next paragraph.
  • Effective hair growth masks often contain any specific component of a burning nature (mustard, pepper tincture), which just serves as a stimulant of hair growth, but at the same time can cause burning on the skin. It is important to know how tolerant of the sensations of this kind and, of course, always wash off the mask in time. After all, it is logical: the longer you hold it, the stronger the irritation on the scalp. And make sure that the mask does not fall into the eyes -irritation will be excited, which will not be so easy to calm down. If this nevertheless happens, then the inflamed eyes will need to be thoroughly washed (and better with a soft grass solution (chamomile, calendula), and not water), and then be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Correct dosage. The structure of the hair and scalp is different in every person. Therefore, the proportions of the components must be selected individually, but not too much deviating from the recipe. For some, the same mask may be too fat (due to oils or kefir) or too dried (mustard, yeast). Read more about the properties of each components separately in order to know what to combine correctly, and what effect it will lead to.
  • Regularity. You will not see the effect at a time. For comparison, you eat food every day, thereby providing the body with regular energy. Also, hair also wants to recharge more than once, but regularly dosed. Treat masks as a course of therapeutic procedures in the sanatorium and do them constantly for a period-once a week, once every two days, every day. The frequency depends on a specific recipe. Be sure to take a break after the course, start using some other tool. After all, the more often we use the same composition to care for ourselves, the stronger all the body systems get used to it. Accordingly, the lower the effect and benefit. Constancy is good, but innovations are also needed.

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What to make masks for density and hair growth

You can visit cosmetics stores and choose ready -made hair masks there or find recipes and learn how to make and apply them yourself. Options for homemade masks for hair growth are an infinite set. Below you will find several ideas and tips.

Burdock mask for hair growth

The most popular ingredient of masks from hair loss and for growth is burdock oil. They say that they can even stop progressive baldness. This oil is made on the basis of any other vegetable oil (sesame, olive, sunflower), which pour the roots of burdock (yes, burdock and burdock are the same plant). Theoretically, such oil can be cooked and insisted independently, but it is really easier to buy - it is now found in almost every cosmetic shop and in pharmacies.

In front of the very mask, burdock oil is better to heat and apply to slightly wet hair. The order is: evenly rub the oil into the roots, and then carefully comb your hair with a scallop: this will distribute oil more or less evenly along the entire length of the hair. Keep the mask on your head at least an hour, a maximum of three hours. Immediately prepare for the fact that you will be washed out of hair for a long time. Most likely, you will need to soap your head several times with a good foaming shampoo to finally get rid of the feeling of fat content. The regularity of the procedure is once or two per week, only a couple of months of the course. After a while, the course can be repeated again.

Mask for hair growth with mustard

Mustard is as popular as the ingredient of hair masks due to the fact that it contains essential oils and compounds acting as an irritant. It not only accelerates hair growth, but also dries the hair, making it less oily. Therefore, for dry hair, mustard is rarely used and necessarily mixed with vegetable oil or kefir. Do not think what you can use for a mask of finished seasoning from a supermarket. The next time you choose the finished mustard on your dining table - read the composition, sometimes there are too many preservatives and incomprehensible ingredients.  In order to doubt the quality of the mask that you are going to do, take the base in the form of mustard powder. Pay attention to the fact that the powder is diluted with warm water, not boiling water. It is believed that interaction with boiling water makes mustard powder harmful and toxic. Add warm water and stir lumps. When in consistency it looks like yogurt or sour cream - we begin to make a mask.

In order for a mask with mustard powder to get the right one and bring benefits to your hair, supplement the mustard powder by components suitable for you. If oils or egg yolk are more suitable as a addition to a mask for dry hair, then for oily it can be cognac or lemon juice. From simple recipes - dilute 2 tablespoons of mustard powder in warm water, add the yolk and a couple of tablespoons of vegetable oil, mix and apply to the roots of the hair. Keep on the head from 15 minutes to half an hour, you can rinse without shampoo.

Mask with red pepper for hair growth

Another mask for those who love thrill. In masks for rapid hair growth, it is precisely sharp red pepper, and not sweet Bulgarian. For a while, a burning sensation remains on the skin, but this means that the blood flow to the hair follicles increased, and this stimulates hair growth. Pepper can be added to masks to strengthen and growth of hair both in the form of powder and in the form of pepper tincture. An important detail-it is advisable to add some kind of fat component to masks with pepper and tincture in order not to dry your hair. It can be any vegetable oils or, for example, kefir. You can add other components - lemon juice, honey, cognac, onion husk. The mask is rubbed into the hair roots, then the head is insulated with a towel. Wait until a slight burning sensation appears, then wash off. Be careful when using pepper masks on colored hair - a chemical reaction can occur, and the hair will change its shade.

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Egg hair growth mask

Egg is a frequent ingredient in hair masks. The egg mass serves as a kind of glue for hair cells, smooths out all small irregularities - because after masks with the egg, the hair to the touch is gentle, like a satin fabric. The structure and surface of the hair are restored. You can even replace the shampoo with an egg - beat the egg, add a little water and wash your head with this mass. The only, but extremely significant minus is the smell. Not everyone is tolerant of the smell of a raw egg. In some cases, only the yolk helps to use, after removing the film from it, or add essential oils to the mask, and after washing, rinse the hair with a weak vinegar solution or lemon juice diluted with water. But the final result-the smell of eggs on the hair will be fixed or not yet-it is impossible to predict in advance. Everything is individual and depends on the properties of your hair.  And do not wash off the egg with very hot water, otherwise the protein will curl up and washed the boiled egg from the hair will be extremely unpleasant.

Hair growth mask with honey

Honey is a product incredibly rich in microelements, “bee gold”.  It is useful to eat not only in food, but also added to home cosmetics. Our hair also love honey. But remember that this is a very allergenic product. Before applying honey in home use, exactly make sure that you do not have an allergy to it.
One of the classic masks in order to raise the hair from the roots and increase its volume, made of honey, cognac and salt. Why is cognac so often recommended to add to hair masks? The reason is the same: penetrating into the bulbs, cognac enhances blood circulation at the roots of the hair and thereby accelerates their growth. Returning to the mask: cognac, salt and honey need to be mixed and forgotten about tincture for half a month: let it be stored somewhere hidden far from the light. Then the resulting tool is used in the same way as any other mask: rubbed into the hair roots, warm the head and wash off after an hour. With this miracle alixir you can replace shampoo. After a series of such masks, the volume and height of the hair should increase.

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Hair growth with yeast

Yeasts are used in masks as a source of numerous beneficial substances: amino acids, minerals and vitamins of group B. Any yeast that will be found in the store - bakery, beer and other varieties. First you need to fill the yeast with water or herbal tea and be sure to leave for 40-50 minutes so that the solution is thrown away. Then the fermentation should continue - therefore, any yeast mask must be well wrapped and, including on the hair. In addition to yeast, you can add one of the above components. For example, kefir, honey or egg. Keep the mask from half an hour to an hour in a bitten state, then wash off. If small particles of yeast are confused and stuck in the hair, you can use shampoo.

Hair growth mask with vitamins

For this mask, somehow wrap it in your path to the pharmacy and buy vitamins there either in the form of ampoules for injection or in soft capsules for oral administration.  Vitamins in the form of a liquid in capsules are more convenient - you can simply pierce the shell and squeeze the liquid, while the glass ampoule will need to be opened with a special cutting plate (flat circle in packaging with ampoules), which is often lost.

What kind of vitamins from the entire wide spectrum to choose? Vitamins are always useful, take any - A, C, E, from group B, you can both rub them into the hair separately, and mix with each other or enrich other masks or shampoo along with hair balm. For example, mix several vegetable oils as the base under the mask, and add one vitamin ampoule there. Rub the liquid into the hair, making the head massage. Then wrap your head in a towel and, as usual, wash off in an hour. The hair in the eyes becomes "livelier."

Dimexide hair mask

A way for those who are not afraid to experiment on themselves. Dimexide is a solution used in medicine to rapid tissue healing.  But through trial and errors, it became known that dimexide has an effect on the hair, stimulating their growth. On the other hand, use hair dimexide, adding it to masks for hair growth, you need incredible caution. Before adding to the mask, this drug must be diluted with water, observing the correct proportions (not more than 25% of the composition) and then mix thoroughly with the rest of the components. If dimxide is not well diluted, you risk earn a chemical scalp burn instead of thick and attractive hair. So think twice before deciding on a mask with dimexide. And in any case, do not make such a mask more often 1-2 times a week.

Hair growth products except masks

In your desire for beautiful hair, you should not rely only on cosmetic care. Whatever hair growth masks you use, only external nutrition is always not enough. Hair display the general condition of the body. Masks are undoubtedly useful, but it is better to pay your main attention to your lifestyle. Are you sleeping enough? Do you eat balanced? Hair can be dull and slowly growing is corny from the fact that you are quickly annoyed and nervous a lot. All these factors are reflected in your appearance, including your hair. [1]

Now in your beauty arsenal there is a whole list of recipes for masks for strengthening and growth of hair. Even if after reading you can’t decide which one to choose - try to read about masks for hair growth reviews on the Internet. But first of all, remember that masks are just a good addition to the general care of yourself and your lifestyle in general. Love yourself and be irresistible!



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