
Hair Growth Masks at home

Hair Growth Masks at home
List of hair masks from affordable ingredients. How to assist hair growth using masks.

As Women do neither draw on experiments, what haircuts we would do - all the same long thick hair will always be considered a canonical detail of female beauty. Hairstyle is a 50% image. Even if a woman has shining skin, impeccable make-up, a gorgeous dress, but with all the problematic hair - consider that the image is lost.

Since ancient times, Spit had a sacred value. The longer the thick hair, the greater the woman's vitality. Frameless hair is enchanting - no wish it was believed that the witch broke the braid to kill. Somewhere at the genetic level, women remember that their strength has been concluded in long hair and they are trying to improve the condition of their hairstyle in any ways. Someone is increasing the hair, someone uses special shampoos or even therapeutic drugs. But you can resort to folk methods. From natural products, the best masks for hair growth are obtained.


Masks for hair growth. General recommendations

  • Always check if you are allergic to a particular mask component. To do this, apply the ingredient to the inner side of the forearm. If there is a strong redness and the skin will start itching - then, most likely, this is an allergic reaction, and this product is better not to use it in any form. However, if there is any burning component in the mask, then irritation from it is not necessarily allergic. Read more in the next paragraph.
  • Effective hair growth masks often contain any specific component of burning character (mustard, pepper bed), which just serves as a stimulator of hair growth, but at the same time can cause burning on the skin. It is important to know how tolerant of this kind of feelings and, of course, to wash off the mask on time. After all, it is logical: the longer you keep it, the stronger there will be irritation on the skin of the head. And watch the mask does not get into the eyes, the irritation, which will not be so easy to learn. If it still happens, then the inflamed eye will need to be thoroughly rinsed (and better with a soft herbal solution (chamomile, calendula), and not water), and then be sure to consult a doctor.
  • Proper dosage. The structure of the hair and the skin of the head is different from each person. Therefore, the proportions of the components need to be selected individually, but not too much deviating from the recipe. For someone, the same mask may be too fat (at the expense of oil or kefir) or too drying (mustard, yeast). Read more about the properties of each of the components individually, to know what to combine with what is properly, and to which effect it will lead.
  • Regularity. For once the effect you will not see. For comparison - you are taking food every day, thereby providing the body regular energy intake. Also, the hair wants to feed not once, but regularly and dosed. Treat masks as a course of therapeutic procedures in the sanatorium and make them constantly for any period - once a week, every two days, every day. The frequency depends on the specific recipe. Be sure to take a break after the course, start using some other tool. After all, the more often we use the same composition to care, the stronger all the systems of the body are getting used to it. Accordingly, the smaller the effect and benefits. Constancy is good, but the innovations are also needed.

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What makes masks for density and hair growth

You can visit cosmetics stores and choose ready-made masks for hair growth or find recipes and learn to do and apply them yourself. Options for homemade hair growth masks are infinite set. Below you will find several ideas and tips.

Tap Hair Growth Mask

The most popular ingredient of masks from hair loss and for growth is a ray oil. They argue that they can even stop progressive baldness. This oil is made on the basis of any other vegetable oil (sesame, olive, sunflower), which flood the roots of the burdock (yes, burdock and fries are the same plant). Theoretically, such an oil can be prepared and insisted independently, but it is really easier to buy - it is now found almost in every cosmetic shop and in pharmacies.

Before the mask, the burdock oil is better to warm up and apply in a slightly wet hair. The order of this: evenly rub the oil into the roots, and then thoroughly combing the hair with scallop: it will dispense the oil more or less evenly along the entire length of the hair. Mask hold on your head for at least an hour, maximum - three hours. Immediately prepare for the fact that wash the hair out of the hair you will be long. Most likely, it will take several times to lay the head with a good foam shampoo, to finally get rid of fatness. Regularity of the procedure - once or two per week, just a couple of months of course. After a while, the course can be repeated again.

Hair Growth Mask with mustard

Mustard is so popular as the ingredient of hair masks due to the fact that its composition contains essential oil and compounds acting as an irritant. She not only accelerates hair growth, but also dry hair, making them less fat. Therefore, for dry hair, mustard is rarely used and be sure to mix it with vegetable oil or kefir. Do not think that you can use for a mask ready to season from the supermarket. The next time you choose the finished mustard on your dining table - read the composition, sometimes there are too many preservatives and incomprehensible ingredients. In order not to doubt the mask you are going to do, take the basis of a mustard powder. Pay attention to the fact that the powder is brewed with warm water, not boiling water. It is believed that the interaction with boiling water makes the mustard powder harmful and toxic. Add warm water and stir lumps. When the consistency becomes like a yogurt or sour cream - start making a mask.

In order to make a mask with a mustard powder, it turned out correctly and brought the hair benefits, complement the mustard powder with the components suitable for you. If an oil or egg yolk is more suitable as an add-on to the base, oil or egg yolk are longer, then for fatty it can be brandy or lemon juice. From simple recipes - dilute 2 spoons of mustard powder in warm water, add yolk and a couple of vegetable oil spoons, mix and apply on the hair roots. Keep on your head from 15 minutes before half an hour, wash off without shampoo.

Mask with red hair growth

Another mask for those who love the thrill. In masks for rapid hair growth, it is sharp red pepper, and not a sweet Bulgarian. Some time on the skin remains a burning sensation, but this means that the influx of blood to the hair of the bulbs intensified, and it stimulates hair growth. Pepper can be added to a mask to strengthen and hair growth as in the form of powder and in the form of pepper tincture. An important detail - in masks with pepper and tincture, it is desirable to add some kind of fat component in order not to overheat the hair. It can be any vegetable oils or, for example, kefir. Other components can be added - lemon juice, honey, cognac, onion husks. The mask rubbed into the roots of the hair, then the head is insulating a towel. We are waiting until a small burning distance appears, then wash off. Be careful when using pepper masks on painted hair - a chemical reaction can occur, and the hair will change their shade.

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Hair Growth Mask with Egg

Egg - frequent ingredient hair masks. The egg mass serves as a peculiar glue for hair cells, smoothes all the small irregularities - because after masks with an egg hair to the touch gentle, like satin tissue. The structure and surface of the hair is restored. Egg can even replace the shampoo - beat the egg, add some water and wash your head with this mass. The only but extremely significant minus is the smell. Not all tolerant belong to the smell of a raw egg. In some cases, it helps to use only yolks, after removing the film from it, or add essential oil to the mask, and after washing, rinse the hair with a weak solution of vinegar or diluted with lemon juice. But the final result - the smell of eggs will be fixed on the hair or there is still no - it is impossible to predict in advance. All individually and depends on the properties of your hair. And do not wash off the egg very hot water, otherwise the protein will come and wash the boiled egg out of the hair will be extremely unpleasant.

Hair Growth Mask with Honey

Honey - incredibly rich in microelements product, "Bee gold". It is useful to use not only food, but also add to home cosmetics. Our hair also love honey. But remember that this is a very allergenic product. Before applying honey in home use, just make sure you have allergies on it.
One of the classic masks in order to lift the hair from the roots and increase their volume, is made from honey, brandy and salt. Why is the cognac so often recommend adding to hair masks? The reason is all the same: penetrating into the bulbs, cognac enhances blood circulation in the roots of the hair and thereby speeds up their growth. Returning to the mask: brandy, salt and honey need to mix and forget about the tincture on the whole half months: let it be stored somewhere hidden away from the light. Then the resulting agent is used in the same way as any other mask: rubbed in the roots of the hair, warmly wrapped her head and wash off in an hour. This wonder elixir can be replaced with shampoo. After a series of such masks, the volume and hair growth should increase.

Miele - Honey.

Hair Growth Mask with yeast

Yeasts are used in masks as a source of numerous useful substances: amino acids, minerals and vitamins of Group V. will suit any yeast, which will get to you in the store - Pakers, beer and other varieties. First you need to pour yeast with water or herbal tea and be sure to leave for 40-50 minutes so that the solution wandered. Then the fermentation should continue - therefore, any yeast mask must be good and on hair, including. In addition to yeast, you can add something from the above components. For example, kefir, honey or egg. Keep a mask from half an hour to an hour in a bisculated state, after that wash off. If small yeast particles are confused and stuck in her hair, you can use the shampoo.

Hair Growth Mask with Vitamins

For this mask, wrap somehow on your way into the pharmacy and buy there vitamins or in the form of ampoules for injections, or in soft capsules for intake. Vitamins in the form of liquid in capsules are more convenient - you can simply pierce the shell and squeeze the liquid, while the glass ampoule will need to be opened with a special cutting plate (flat circle in packaging with ampulus), which is often lost.

What kind of vitamins from the whole broad spectrum to choose? Vitamins are always useful, take any - and, s, e, from the group V. They can be used in the hair individually, and mix with each other or enrich them other masks or shampoo with them with hair balm. For example, mix several vegetable oils as the basis for a mask, and add one ampoule of vitamin there. Rub the fluid into the hair, making the head massage. Then get the head in the towel and, as usual, wash off in an hour. Hair in the eyes becomes more "less."

Hair Mask with Dimeksid

The way for those who are not afraid to experiment. Dimekside is a solution used in medicine for rapid tissue healing. But by samples and errors it became known that Dimeksid affects the hair and stimulating their growth. On the other hand, use hair domexide by adding it into masks for hair growth, you need with incredible caution. Before adding to the mask, this drug must be diluted with water, observing the correct proportions (no more than 25% of the composition) and then mix thoroughly with the other components. If Dimekside is not enough good enough, you risk instead of thick and attractive hair earn a chemical burn of the scalp. So think twice before you decide on a mask with Dimeksida. And in any case, do not make such a mask more often than 1-2 times a week.

Hair growth facilities except masks

In his desire for beautiful hair, you should not rely only on cosmetic care. Whatever masks for hair growth you use, only external nutrition is always not enough. Hair reflects the overall condition of the body. Masks - it is undoubtedly useful, but better pay the focus on your lifestyle. Are you enough enough? Is it balanced? Hair can be dull and slowly grow banal from what you quickly annoy and nervous. All these factors are reflected in your appearance, including hair.

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Now in your beauty arsenal there is a whole list of masks recipes for strengthening and growing hair. If even after reading, you can not decide what to choose, - try reading about masks for hair growth. Reviews on the Internet. But first of all, remember that masks are just a good addition to the overall care of themselves and your lifestyle in general. Love yourself and be irresistible!


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