
How to make a face cucumber mask

How to make a face cucumber mask
The benefits of cucumbers. A list of various face masks in which cucumbers are used.

What picture comes to mind with the word "face mask"? Women's head, the hair is closed in a towel, on the face of a green mask, and in front of the eyes - necessarily sliced \u200b\u200bcucumbers. The face mask from fresh cucumbers has already become a classic. In our latitudes in the warm season, the cucumbers are very common and cheap. Therefore, in the summer with masks from cucumbers, you can afford to experiment as much as you like. In winter, greenhouse cucumbers contain more chemicals and less useful substances, so masks of them will not be as a successful solution.


The benefits of face cucumbers

The main component in the composition of cucumbers is water, so that they fill the stock of the liquid in the skin. And only 5-10% of percent occupy trace elements, vitamins and various organic matter. Despite the small proportion compared with water, the amount of other substances in the chemical composition of cucumbers tends to infinity. That is why they are so useful.

Interestingly, on the shelves of the market and, accordingly, the cucumbers come to the dining table are still misappropriate. Ripened cucumber - yellow, very bitter taste and is not suitable for food.

Cucumber mask for face - a means is very universal. It is equally suited to women with any skin type. Such masks eliminate excessive fatty skin, well moisturize dry areas of the face, help with acute rashes. There are no aggressive components in the cucumbers, so the risk of getting irritation after the mask is practically absent. And if you doubt the reaction of your skin on a mask of cucumber - make a sample composition on the inside of the forearm. If there is no redness and itching - we boldly apply on the face.

The simplest thing is to cut down a slice of cucumber and rub a clean face to them. The skin will become more elastic, moisturized and will acquire a tone right in front. If there are free 5 minutes - you can make the simplest mask from the cucumber - just cut the fruit and put the face with cucumber circles. There is a version of this mask when slices are pre-frozen in the freezer, and in front of the mask themselves they give them out. You can grate the cucumber on the grater or grind in a blender, and then apply to the face obtained by Cashitz. Another option is to skip Cashitz through the gauze and use only juice.

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Recipes for face cucumbers

From cucumbers make masks for all skin types: from problem to fading. Before preparing masks, do not be lazy to wash the cucumber well, perhaps using a brush. Also take note that the mask is better to use immediately after cooking (unless, of course, in the recipe it is not specified that it should be kept in a dark place or leave for a while in the refrigerator). 10502-1024x640 [1]

Cucumber face mask and sour cream

If you have very dry skin, a good addition to the mask from cucumber will become sour cream. Make Cashitz from cucumber, add a spoon-two sour cream and stir up to a homogeneous state. Keep on the face as much as you comfortable - usually it is 10-15-20 minutes. Instead of sour cream you can use other dairy products - cream, kefir, yogurt, light cottage cheese. Even there is a recipe in which the cucumber juice is mixed with milk. Such masks due to the moisturizing properties of the cucumber and the nutritional properties of dairy products harmonize the condition of the skin of the face and restore the liquid balance in it. Dairy products will also become a good component for rejuvenating cucumber masks.

Face mask from cucumber and honey

Cucumber again rubbing on the grater, turn it into Cashitz. Then add a spoonful of honey to this cleaner. Better, if it is fresh, liquid, has not yet managed to crystallize honey. Such a mask tones and nourishes the skin, and also perfectly suitable as a rejuvenating means of wrinkles. Do not overeat her on her face longer than 15-20 minutes. Still, honey is a strong allergen, and instead of getting rid of skin redness, you will earn a new one. In some cases, honey in such recipes is even replaced with sugar syrup to minimize the risk to cause allergies.

Whitening face mask from cucumber and parsley

The parsley itself is a whitening means, and in combination with cucumber gives a stunning effect if you need to save the skin from extra pigmentation. It is recommended to add it in the form of a tincture, which is very easily prepared: just pour a small amount of chopped parsley boiling water, as if brewing tea. You can first dock the chopped parsley so that it will let juice. Experiment and add to a cucumber basis another greens from the table: the leaves of dill, basil, mint. So that you prefer, in any case, get a refreshing effect from fresh greenery. As well as a noticeable decrease in the number of pigment spots and freckles.

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Face mask with cucumber and lemon

Grate the cucumber on the grater, in the resulting mass to squeeze the juice from the Park of Lemon Bakes. Then the composition is cool. Catchy disk cut down in half, dry halves into the workpiece for the mask and apply them under the eyes. You will be enough for 15 minutes to refresh such a mask under the eyes and make a look more alive. Instead of a cotton disk, you can use a piece of gauze and cover it all the face, not just your eyes.

After such a mask, the skin of the face will quickly come to the tone, and the eyes seem to "open." Ideal to use this method before an important meeting or to cheer up in the morning. The combination of cucumber and lemon is used as well as a means to whiten the skin. Therefore, if you want to keep the tan, it is better not to do such a mask.

Cucumber Tonic

In addition to masks, prepare at home and other cucumber tools, for example, tonic water. To do this, you fill with a grated cucumber with water overnight, and I wash it in the morning, predetermined. Note that such a tool is made by small portions. If you prepare it "about the stock" a few days ahead, then, unfortunately, it will quickly exhale and lose its useful properties. Remember that freshly squeezed juices need to drink right away? Here, a similar effect is cucumber and so insisters a whole night. So use cucumber water immediately. In addition to cucumber, you can add to the tincture and other components: lemon slicing, greenery twig, a slice of aloe.


A few recipes were added to your beauty arsenal. What problem would you face - masks from cucumber saved acne and wrinkles equally efficiently. Use on health.


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