
Face mask from wrinkles after 50 years

Face mask from wrinkles after 50 years
An article on the rules of the selection and application of masks for mature skin.

Beauty is customary to identify the image of blooming youth. But every age is beautiful in its own way. Women after fifty often possess their unique charm, forcing the glance of casual passers-by to unwittingly dwell on their faces.
Years go and take their own. The advantages of the appearance given to us in youth, it is impossible to extend all your life. But if you learn how to take the required measures in time, then the situation may change in a radically.

How to choose a resulting face mask from wrinkles after 50 years

Mask Objectives for Mature Skin

Pathological and natural changes occurring in the organism of a mature woman lead to deterioration of the skin. Therefore, care for it goes to a completely new, better level. Absolutely all face masks after 50 years should be selected, taking into account all the features of a particular woman and its body. Contain only natural, not including allergens components. It is possible to change the components of the ingredients of masks, add natural oils and vitamins purchased in the pharmacy. And then, the recipes for face masks after 50 years will give a stunning result.

One, regular care and patience remains in anticipation of the result. For a more efficient and effective result, it is necessary to know not only its type of skin, which changes to mature age, but what exactly will work with the help of age masks. By the way, the sooner to proceed with the phased use of masks, the faster you can succeed.

The main tasks performed by age masks:

  1. Improving the circulation of lymph and blood.
  2. Saturation of the skin moisture.
  3. Ensuring the feeding of the skin.
  4. Elimination of sagging, dery, pigmentation.
  5. Restoration of elasticity.
  6. Removing dark circles under the eyes.
  7. Smoothing wrinkles and alignment of nasolabial folds.
  8. Improved face color.
  9. Tightening of the second chin and circle.
  10. Removal of inflammatory processes.
  11. Improved protective functions from environmental impact.

Care for mature skin at home

Simple rules and obligatory stages

At home, using folk remedies and masks, care for mature skin is exciting, useful and completely not difficult. Observing non-good rules, you can achieve stunning effects.

  • Regularity.
  • Correctness of care.
  • Literacy of the selection of components.

Do not break the stratitude:

  • Cleansing.
  • Moisturizing.
  • Toning.
  • Nutrition.
  • Protection.

Facial mask from wrinkles after 50 years: Nature help in rejuvenation

Homemade face masks after 50 years

Do not deepen in a distant story, remember Cleopatra and Nefertiti, admiring their ideas for skin rejuvenation. In Russia, the herbs and berries always knew in Russia. Russian women can and did not know the recipes for face masks after 50 years, but they were wash away with dew, the grasses rags refreed to the tired faces, used sour cream and honey to give the soft skin of the face.

In addition to the cleaning procedures with soft water, infused on herbs, mature skin is rejuvenated by special homemade face masks after 50 years, according to popular recipes. For example, the upper, uneven layer of the epidermis is easily removed by a scrub of sugar and natural apricot oil, with vitamin E. Instead of apricot oil, you can take oily cream or homemade butter.

  • Sugar sand (1 tbsp with a slide).
  • Apricot oil (1.5 ppm).
  • Vitamin E (3 extreme capsules or 4 drops).

All components mix, gently apply on the skin of the face (clean, without cosmetics) and slightly massage through massage lines for 10 minutes. In no case without touching the area around the eyes. Next, we wash the water, preferably warm and applied moisturizing cream.

Another rejuvenating face mask after 50 years, with an unsurpassed effect of rejuvenation. This is a mask on oat bran. Bran, the richest product containing a lot of useful elements for mature skin. One of the first helpers for the tired epidermis and fading skin.

  • Spread the face with compresses from herbs (chamomile, vasileuk, tea rose).
  • Make a non-liquid cashem out of ground or just blobbed bran, on fat cream or kefir.
  • Add lemon juice, dried sprigs of parsley, vitamins A or E. Mix, apply to the face, after 15 minutes, wash off and moisturize the cream.
  • Sugar and bran are one of the main components of anti-aging skin masks for the face after 50 years, which are almost always "at hand". The remaining components must be selected competently and carefully taking into account allergies if it is available.

Nutrient face masks after 50 years

Power facility for skin

Mature skin needs daily nutrition, like any organism.

Therefore, the nutritious face masks after 50 years perform an important and indispensable function:

  • Improve blood circulation, increasing the flow of oxygen.
  • Regenerate tired cells based on their nutrient elements.
  • Protect the upper skin layer from external negative factors.

The regular use of nutritional masks after 50 years improves skin color, aligns and returns elasticity.

Honey and yolk are excellent nutrient elements for fading skin.

Masks based on these natural components on the right are recognized as the best masks of the person after 50 years, taking into account if there is no allergies to these ingredients.

  • One yolk.
  • Spoon of honey.
  • Wheat oil embryos, 2 tsp. (or any other natural).
  • Vitamin A, 4 drops.

Honey must be room temperature. You can never warm up honey, since even with a minimum heating, it loses its properties.

Women masks after 50 years

Tightening masks

All masks, including tightening, be sure to apply both the skin and on the neck, avoiding only the area around the eyes.

For a larger effect of the face mask, women after 50 years are washed away with softened water or infuster from herbs, after which cream is applied. After 20 minutes, the cream is impregnated with a napkin, to remove unnecessary, weak skin, not absorbed residues. For better absorption, it is clenched by pieces of ice from herbal infusions.

The gelatin mask is dominated by the gelatin mask, dominant among tightening masks.

The foundation:

In greasy cream, they dissolve gelatin and apply on face and neck. The mixture should not be too liquid, after complete drying, the mask is swollen in warm water and is gradually washed off.

ATTENTION! In no case do not move the gelatin from the face! Namely, we discharge carefully and gradually. Otherwise you can damage the skin!

To the gelatin-based cream, adding various components.

  • Cottage cheese - moisturizing, food.
  • Cucumber for greater suspenders.
  • Strawberry - refreshes the complexion.
  • Carrots (juice) - saturates keratin skin.
  • Creamy oil - meals, removal of wrinkles.

One of the simplest, it is a pull-up face mask after 50 years based on egg protein. Separate the protein, whipping, apply on the face. Withstand to complete drying, wash off. It is in this mask that we do not add anything else.

Secrets of the effectiveness of masks for the skin of the face after 50 years

None even the most effective face mask after 50 years will bring the desired result, if you do not know the secrets.

  1. Regularity.
  2. Proper cleansing of the skin of the face.
  3. Everyday skin.
  4. The use of vitamins directly on the skin of the face.
  5. Use only natural oils.
  6. The correctness of the removal of masks.
  7. Compliance with masks holding time.
  8. Patching ingredients under a specific person.
  9. Know your contraindications.
  10. Good mood.

When performing these simple secrets, any face masks after 50 years will be effective. And they will bring exactly the result to which they are calculated.

The skin will re-shine with a blush, wrinkles minimized, "Faces oval will acquire clarity, time will suspend.


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