
Women's circumcision - what it is and why. Female circumcision before and after

Women's circumcision - what it is and why. Female circumcision before and after
Female circumcision: the roots of traditions, the cause and consequence, consequences, historical facts.

Women's circumcision is a special procedure that consists in partial or complete removal of the external genital organs of a woman. Mainly this procedure is distributed in African and Asian countries. It is usually carried out due to cultural or religious principles that are associated with a low level of education of a nation.

Circumcision in women: why and why


  1. In medicine, there is absolutely no reason for holding such an event. After all, no bacteria are accumulated on the genital organs that could lead to inflammation and development of the disease.
  2. Such a procedure is carried out only as a given culture to the well-established traditions. The circumcision conversion procedure is a sacred rite. It is believed that after his holding a woman can no longer be able to conduct a slituity life, but neither in any holy book does not say that the rite is obligatory for every woman and that it should be carried out at all.
  3. Cutting is carried out for those women, parents who believe that it is the foundation of honor for their future daughters and granddaughters.
  4. In African countries there is an opinion based on the uneducation of the population, which states that the circumcision of female bodies leads to the fact that the woman will no longer be able to betray his spouse.

What is the female circumcision


  1. The essence of female sexual circumcision is quite simple. It is that a woman partially or completely remove sex lips and clit.
  2. Female circumcision is especially popular in Africa. Because it is there that there is a belief that it says that it is from the female clitoric.
  3. It is believed that with the help of an operation to remove genital organs, the Libido is significantly reduced.
  4. Usually the operation is carried out before adolescence, but definitely no later than him. With the help of cutting girls in advance prepare for adulthood.

The main age for female circumcision

Girls Pose on April 6, 2015 at a market in nougboua in chad. Seven Civilians Were Killed in An Attack in Chad Blamed On Nigerian Boko Haram Rebels, Officials Said On April 6. AFP Photo / Philippe Desmazes (Photo Credit Should Read Philippe Desmazes / AFP / Getty Images)

  1. Age in which the girl may be subject to circumcision operation depends on the country in which it lives.
  2. In some countries, it has been carried out during the first weeks of life. In other circumcision suitable, age is from 5 to 14 years.
  3. In Kenya, the procedure is made strictly at 10 years, while in some nations, the removal of external genital organs produce aged 16 years.

Consequences of female circumcision

2702411 19.09.2015 Member of the Festival of National Cultures and Cults of the Peoples of Dagestan on Freedom Square as part of the 2000th anniversary of Derbent. Alexey Filippov / RIA Novosti

  1. Conducting such a procedure can lead to sufficiently serious consequences for women's health. Not only is the genital organs lose their aesthetic look, so the girl also threatens the frequent occurrence of infectious diseases and other gynecological problems associated with the availability of the vagina zone to the environment.
  2. The following problems are possible after circumcision:
  • introduction of infections into genital paths;
  • infection of blood dangerous diseases like HIV or hepatitis C;
  • infectious lesions of the bladder;
  • problems with urination;
  • kidney disease;
  • the occurrence of scars and the appearance of a cyst on the genitals;
  • constant miscarriages;
  • infertility;
  • abortions that occur in inexplicable reasons;
  • pain during sexual intercourse;
  • sometimes there is a need to carry out another operation for sexual intercourse or childbirth;
  • the emergence of diseases like sepsis and infertility;
  • violation of the duration of menstrual cycles.

The sequence of female circumcision and its types


Female circumcision can be carried out by different methods. Ways depend on the country in which a young girl lives, culture, which is inherent in this country and religion beliefs. Consider what kind of operations are and how women circumcision make.

Pharaoh Crucification

  1. Such a procedure involves the removal of the entire clitoris and small sexual lips.
  2. To circumcise parts of the genital organs, they first stitch each other. Thus, the entrance to the vagina becomes very narrow.
  3. It even happens that the passage becomes too narrow for normal and painless urination and blood output during menstruation.

Execution method

It differs from the previous one that when conducting a procedure for a part of the genitics, doctors do not stitch each other. But female organs, such as the clitoris and small sex lips, after circumcision on the female body are not completely.

Incomplete circumcision

This operation implies circumcision only a small part of the hood, located around the clitoris. Such an operation leads to the fact that the clitoris becomes more open and fairly sensitive. Such a procedure does not bore harm. In some European countries, it even started practicing it.

Conditions of female circumcision


  1. In most countries, the conditions for conducting such operations are just terrible. It happens that several dozens of girls spend the procedure as one and the same tools that are not sterilized after each application.
  2. When surgery is almost never used anesthetic. As soon as some parents are concerned about the acquisition of a local anesthetic for their children.
  3. The surgery is very painful, but very few people pay attention.
  4. Sometimes the procedure can cause not only physical problems, but also problems with the psyche.

Female circumcision: geographical distribution


  1. Such operations do only in 30 countries around the world.
  2. In some countries, for example, in Egypt, it was forbidden to carry out such an operation in 2008. But even today there are illegal in certain hospitals quotes young girls still do the circumcision surgery of the external genitalia.
  3. There is a statistic that says that 85% of the female living in Egypt have been subjected to this procedure.
  4. In addition to Egypt, the circumcision operation is mainly done in African countries and Ethiopia, for example, Arabia, Somalia, Pakistan, Oman, the Philippines and other regions of similar religious beliefs.
  5. Not long ago, the Asian traditions associated with this procedure, began to penetrate into European states. People who came from Asia, still manages to find surgeons who are illegally, but spend such manipulation of impressive rewards.
  6. Earlier, the operation of the circumcision only did the girls, whose age ranged from 9 to 13 years, with no anesthesia is used. The procedure was carried out using a knife, razor, or glass.

Operation circumcision in Africa

  1. Basically similar manipulations on a woman's body is carried out in African countries. Therefore it is best considered, looks like female circumcision, by the example of the population of this continent.
  2. On this hot continent a greater preference is given to carrying out a full circumcision, that is, Pharaoh's. In part, this is because among mainlanders adhere to the theory that the girl becomes so sealed that it is so-called seal.
  3. This is the seal will prevent future girlfriend experience pleasurable sensations during intercourse. Therefore, it can not have a relationship of this kind with other members of the male sex, and thus will always be faithful to your spouse.
  4. For the population of the tribes does not matter whether a woman will eventually feel an orgasm during sexual intercourse. As the basis for their belief it is that positive emotions during sexual intercourse can feel very man.
  5. In the first place to spread the operation of female circumcision in African countries, Egypt costs, and Ethiopia occupies second place.

How to circumcision in Dagestan

  1. Not so long ago, in Dagestan, the custom of making girls sex cutting appeared again. His return was the result of the recently past sexual revolution. Many women continue to fight for their rights and independence from the opinion of the male half of the country. These girls seek to be able to independently decide who is a suitable sexual partner, and who is not, and also believe that it is entitled to choose spouses themselves, with whom they will live their lives.
  2. There are quite a large number of sects in Dagestan, which are engaged in the release and distribution of antigumanist newspapers. They allocate all positive moments that relate to sexual circumcision of women. This operation is considered a selection of a festive ritual. Here, as in Africa, has its own opinion on this. The population of Dagestan believes that after conducting such a cruel and unnatural manipulation, the girl becomes more fruit. In addition, circumcision does not allow a woman to morally collapse.

Operation in Indonesia

  1. The Indonesian population conducts circumcision to girls who are students of the younger school. Doctors come directly into educational institutions and make the operation of each schoolgirl in turn.
  2. In Indonesia, it is believed that the procedure removes all dirty thoughts from a young head that only the girl who has already passed this procedure may begin to fulfill their homework. And all because such a young beautiful thought will not be slaughtered by sex.

Circumcision and Islam

  1. In countries in which Islam is confess, there is no consensus among doctors. Koran says nothing clearly about cutting out genital organs of a woman. But the procedure with the name "Sunna" - the cap clipping is recommended for carrying out not only female representatives, but also men too.
  2. At the same time, the book prohibits complete circumcision. It is permissible only to remove skin folds located around the clitoris. So the girl will be considered in order. It is believed that the procedure will make the life of the girl and her spouse more pleasant and joyful.

How long does this procedure exist?


The circumcision procedure began to be carried out in those times when Pharaohs were. There are many confirmations made by modern scientists. This custom exists a rather long number of centuries.

Historical facts about female circumcision


  1. Even in the era of progressive modernity, many girls are still exposed to the operations to remove external genital organs. Most of the Asian and African women could not feel the real pleasure of relationship with a man.
  2. Such representatives of weak sex are often unable to give birth to a child without medical intervention. Children appear on the light by conducting cesarean sections.
  3. Such a physiological feature is explained by the fact that after removing the genitals, the woman's vagina cannot stretch more. This leads to the fact that the girl becomes very difficult to help emerge a child to light naturally.
  4. Most of those women who moved to live in European countries from Africa or Asia remain alone until the end of life. All due to the fact that sexual relationships do not bring them any pleasant sensations and pleasure. Often, men do not welcome such a state of affairs.
  5. In most countries of the world, the operation on circumcision is prohibited by law, but despite this, they are still carried out. True, in the hidden and unfavorable conditions for this conditions, in which they do not have to speak at all about hygiene or sterility. Conducting such manipulations is usually entrusted either on midwife, or it is carried out by hanging for a relatively low fee.
  6. Many Muslim researchers in the field of theology consider the female circumcision to sin.
  7. In England, banned these operations relatively recently - in 1985. But even despite the existence of this resolution, the communities in which Afroziatsians are consistent and follow their customs.
  8. In Egypt, officially banned manipulations over the women's sexual authorities in 1997, but this ban many do not take seriously, still continuing to attract girls to operations.
  9. In 2007, the Eritrean government studied the process of circumcision and, based on medical observations, also put a ban on the removal of female genital organs.
  10. In 2012, the UN was connected to solving this issue. A resolution was released, which also stated a ban on cutting operations to girls. It was recognized that this procedure violates human rights. Attempts were made to fully eliminate this custom, but nothing happened because all the defenders decided to raise the issue of tolerant attitude towards religion and culture of different peoples of the world.
  11. On many sites and forums on the Internet, women's circumcision is represented in the photo in two categories: before and after. Seeing them, many women living in European countries come to the real horror. They simply cannot understand why there are such countries in which the female rights are so great.

What they say those who have suffered a procedure

Most women who were subjected to removal of genital organs consider this process absolutely normal and correct. Operation for many is something mandatory, like vaccinations. It is surprising that only some of them complain about their further life.


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