
Useful products for vessels and hearts. Products reduced cholesterol and cleansing vessels

Useful products for vessels and hearts. Products reduced cholesterol and cleansing vessels
What products reduce the risk of heart disease and clean the walls of the vessels.

A healthy lifestyle that includes proper balanced nutrition, reasonable physical activity, the maximum stay in the fresh air is the key to health is so simple and so complicated at the same time. Simple, because everything is already in our hands, you just need to walk before you head, and right now, from this very second to start a new life. It is insanely difficult, because old life, full of bad habits and useless food, such an attractive and mounted. How true said F.G. Ranenevskaya: "I noticed that if you don't eat bread, sugar, fatty meat, not drinking beer with fish - the muzzle becomes smaller, but sadder."

However, most of us are arranged in such a way that seriously do not think about such simple things, while the danger does not affect their or the closest surroundings. But much easier would be prevented by trouble than saving themselves from her sometimes irreversible consequences.

So, the products are thinning blood and the strengthened walls of the vessels - what are they?

Products for heart and vessels

The heart is an internal organ without which life cannot exist. It begins to fight even in the mother's womb on the first trimester of pregnancy, and only with the onset of death, forever freeze.

Do you know the elderly people who do not have a heart problem? Or maybe in your environment and young suffer from heartfelt - in the literal sense - diseases?

Of course, from genetics not to go anywhere. And if parents, grandmothers and grandparents are tormented with a heart, then a great probability and the descendants to face such a misfortune. But no matter how it was, everything is in our hands. If in time to take care of your way of life, you can avoid a lot and reduce all risks to a minimum. And who do not want to live long and happily? Health is the key to excellent well-being, mood, beautiful shape and sparkling skin. We are what we eat.

But it turns out, it is important not only what we eat, but also in what quantity. Surely you have never heard that you should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. The fact is that food takes some time to reach the walls of the stomach, and the hunger has ceased to the brain. Obviously, if there is to complete saturation, the brain will already go to the brain, and this is risky not only for the outlines of a slender figure, but also increases the likelihood of infarction. The problem is that when overeating is strongly disturbed by blood flow: blood is thickened, it is hard to distinguish, and in the meantime, all free resources of the body are thrown on digestion.

In general, in our world, the ritual of food absorption is too overvalued. For example, when the kid falls in most grandmothers, grandparents, mothers and dads strive to feed him to the dump in order to get better faster. And the situation is directly opposite - again, all the resources of the body are aimed at digesting food, and forces to produce antibodies and fight the disease no longer remains. The wise organism in the period of the disease signals - no need for food, and so bad, so listen to him! Give hot broth, tea with grass, and recovery will happen much faster!

Let's return to the vessels and heart. We have already learned that rule number 1 reads: do not overeat. Immediately, and Rule number 2 will also withdraw: in the diet, there must be products to strengthen vessels rich, in particular, magnesium and potassium! Sometimes a cardiologist, in addition to the correction of the patient's diet, can recommend to take special multivitamin complexes, because in some launched cases, a balanced strict diet is unable to help avoid problems.

Products that reduce cholesterol and cleansing vessels: fruits

  • Apple. This is really a magic fruit that prevents heart diseases, it contains minimizes of calories and has a sweet and wonderful taste. The apples contain a fiber, an extremely important element to reduce cholesterol, potassium, which eliminates the edema, activating the excretory system, pectin that promotes slags and toxins from the body. The happy owners of garden plots are usually collecting an apple harvest annually and invent what they would prepare from apples this time, who would offer a bucket-other. But the most useful fruits are just grown in its own sector, when one can be 100% confident in what they were treated and under what conditions were growing. So, if there is no of your site, feel free to take apple gifts from your friends and relatives, it is the most efficient and budget path to good health.
  • Garnet - Another useful product, thinning blood and firming vessel walls. It also reduces cholesterol and protects reliably from atherosclerosis. Of course, the garnets are most enriched with vitamins sold exclusively in the fall. And what delicious fresh juice is supplied with straight from Azerbaijan, although it costs quite a lot, but this is a real storehouse of vitamins!
  • Grapefruit Satisfies the body with vitamins and struggles with the aging of the heart muscle. Someone this fruit is associated with bitterness in the mouth, but it is not like that - try cleaning the flesh from the peel and you will feel the sweet true taste of the grapefruit!
  • Avocado Adjusts increased pressure and helps to fight stress due to its composition of fatty acids and potassium. Too hard fetus speaks of his immaturity, but also too soft is not good for use - most likely he just already rotted. Mature avocado to the touch in moderation is rigid, and his peel is pretty elastic at the same time.

Products useful for vessels and hearts: Vegetables

It's no secret that vegetables must be present on the table constantly, preferably in the fresh form, stew or cooked for a couple. This is how the composition enriched with vitamins and minerals is preserved in them, which nature was given. The child is best to deal with the earliest childhood to eat vegetables and greens, because the food habits are formed very early, and as taken in the family, it will eat the crumb when it grows.
  • Castle it is primarily a presence on the table. leaf vegetablesFor example, sorrel, spinach, arugula or lettuce leaves. These are excellent products, cleaning vessels and feeding the heart, regular use of them in food is an excellent prevention of heart disease. The magnesium contained in them contributes to the enrichment of blood oxygen, regulates the heart rate and prevents the formation of thrombus.
  • Very useful food for vessels is any cabbage, for example, broccoli or ordinary white.
  • Garlic It serves as the prevention of myocardial infarction, this is a product that expands the vessels and removing the voltage from their walls. Its active elements prevent heart failure.
  • One of the products that dilute blood and strengthening vessels is pumpkin. She is good because it can be stored almost a whole year. It is very convenient to immediately clean it and cut it into pieces, pack the portion in special bags and send to the freezer. And how good the pshyn bash with a pumpkin is very tasty and useful for the heart! Its composition is enriched with potassium and vitamin C, they reduce increased pressure and are actively involved in the fight against atherosclerosis.
It is clear that in the season with natural vegetables in our strip it is difficult, but still it is necessary to try to find a quality manufacturer and make purchases from him.

What products strengthen vessels and heart: legumes and cereals

  • In the morning you need to eat, of course kashu.. These are the so-called long, the right carbohydrates that store us with energy for the whole day, without laying off in the form of fat folds where I would not like. But it turns out that the regular use of legumes and cereals is also the excellent prevention of heart disease and the protection of the vessels from the accumulation of cholesterol. Therefore, the cereals can be safely attributed to products that dilute blood and strengthening the walls of the vessels.
  • Of course, the benefit can only whole cereals With the exception of oats, which is used in the form of flakes. Cashier quick preparation of a priori benefit is no longer carrying, except for saving time for the preparation of breakfast. However, in order to supply the body with resources for cleaning vessels and preventing heart failure, you need to cook real cereal porridges, to prepare which takes 15 minutes at least. Now in the arsenal of almost every housewife there are multicookers, pressure coarse, with the help of which, without any problems, to cook delicious cereals, without being distracted by their stirring and not surviving, however, no matter what happened.
  • Concerning legume, then beans, lentils, nuts, peas must be present on the table in one form or another! It turns out that even soy refers to bean, and this is one of the most effective means for the prevention of heart disease! Soybean is effective even with some form of oncology.

Products Strengthening Vessels and Heart: Fish

Most meat is an integral part of the diet, attending the tables every day in one form or another. Cutlets, soups, walking, kebabs - the list can be listed to infinity. But you should know that meat is a very heavy product, and only a healthy organism is capable without any problems. From the point of view of the state of the vessels and hearts, the meat should be at least 1-2 times a week to replace meat on the fish - only 100 grams in 7 days reduce the risk of heart disease 2 times! Moreover, it is advisable to buy a sea fatty fish, since it has polynaturated fatty acids, sharply necessary for the heart and blood vessels.

What products are useful for vessels and hearts: nuts

Do not forget about the nuts, especially highlighting walnut, almond, cashews, forest and cedar among them. In addition to the fact that they fill fatty acids, improve the work of the heart and reduce the risk of developing heart disease, they are also a direct source of protein.

Therefore, you should not forget about nuts, let them always be on your desk. However, it is also not recommended to carry a lot of calories on them - they are rather calories, so excessive consumption threatens the appearance of unnecessary centimeters on the waist.

Useful products for vessels and hearts: vegetable oils

With excess cholesterol, heart diseases or problems with vessels, it should be sufficiently hard to limit themselves from the consumption of animal fats, but as for vegetable fats, they are not only well-hazardous, but even very useful in reasonable consumption. Total 1-2 tablespoons of olive, sesame, linen, pumpkin or almond oil are able to work wonders. This is a source of vitamin E, and, moreover, vegetable oil prevents the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The skin will return a blooming appearance, it will become more touched and elastic, wrinkles will smash - youth will be back both outside and inside.

Products for brain vessels

The brain is the center of the human nervous system, and it really depends on its nutrition. You can highlight such useful products for brain vessels:

  1. Water. If there are no kidney problems, then about 1.5 liters of conventional non-carbonated water should be drunk. Dehydration of the body can apply, among other things, serious injuries to the brain. Water should be high-quality, nekype, bought from a reliable supplier or taken from a proven source.
  2. A fish. The fatty acids and omega 3 in its composition purify the brain vessels, feed it and prevent the formation of thromboms.
  3. Complex carbohydrates. For the full work of the brain, the energy is necessary that can be learned from such products: cereal porridges, pasta and bread from solid varieties of wheat, corn and legumes. The main thing is not to confuse complex and simple, short carbohydrates - from them the benefit of any, a short-term sense of saturation and satisfaction, which in the near future will change to a feeling of hunger.
  4. Fruits, vegetables and berries. More and preferably fresh. It is better from its bed, but if not the season, then the proven imported supplier is suitable, and berries in frost, for example.
  5. Green tea is a natural antioxidant, capable of extending the cells youth, accelerating metabolism and thus contributing to weight loss and removal of slags and toxins. This is probably everyone knows. But it turns out that the substances that are part of the green tea also protect the cells of the brain from various lesions. Of course, we are talking about natural, cavalous tea, in no case about bags or cheap fakes!
  6. Eggs - chicken, quail, no matter. Their composition is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain membranes, but they still should not eat them in large quantities.
  7. Nuts. A straight source of vitamin E, sharply necessary for the brain, and special attention should be paid to Walnuts to Walnuts - its oil contains a record number of omega poly saturated acids. - They are very calories.
  8. Oil. Linen, sunflower and olive oils supply a brain necessary for its normal functioning by the amount of unsaturated fatty acids. In general, olive oil occupies the first places in many directions - this is both diet and cosmetology, and individual therapeutic branches. It must be in every mistress, because it is taken inward, and even used as cosmetics to the surface of the skin. So, it perfectly prevents the appearance of stretch marks during pregnancy, for example, eliminates wrinkles and returns to the skin former elasticity.

What products are harmful to vessels and hearts

Of course, according to the law of meanness, the most delicious and attractive is both the most dangerous to the health of the product! Smoked and cheesecake sausages, caviar, alcohol, margarine and its products are a direct source of cholesterol and increase the risk of blood clots and the occurrence of heart disease.

If there are already at the moment some problems with the heart and vessels are already available, then the above will have to refuse, but as the prevention fall into such extremes there is no need. But it's better to limit better if possible, everything is harmful, because in addition to the increased risk of heart disease, such a food, and the lifestyle can generally entail a number and others, sometimes irreversible troubles.

Let's summarize

Now you know which products are cleansed vessels, contribute to the discharge of blood and prevent heart disease. Obviously, their list is very extensive, they are all available and for the price, and by availability in most shops. It is not difficult to stick to healthy nutrition, it is not at all difficult, the main thing is to put a goal and correctly melting yourself. Do you want to look good and live long and happily? Then the case remained for small!

Video " Useful products for vessels and hearts "


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