
The benefits of milk

The benefits of milk
Milk: its benefit and harm

Pets milk has been used in food for several millennia, and dairy products occupy an integral part of the diet of any person. However, such a valuable and indispensable product can bring both benefits and harm.

After birth, the baby eats only mother’s milk, which allows him to receive all the necessary substances and develop healthy. However, many doctors do not recommend the transition from breast milk to cow for children up to a year. In addition, dairy products in adults can cause an allergic reaction to lactose.

Some types of products from milk of exotic animals are more useful than the families of the cow's familiar due to their various compositions. Recently, supporters and opponents of milk have not ceased to prove their innocence and continue to argue about the benefits and dangers of milk. Trying to rely only on scientific research, and not on advertising, we will consider who is useful and who is harmful to the use of dairy products.

The benefits and harms of cow's milk


Pros of cow's milk

Such a valuable food product as cow's milk is rich in nutrients (more than 200), such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins of groups A, E, K, C, D, B, PP and minerals. The protein of cow's milk is the most valuable, since it is a source of all the amino acids necessary for the casein, globulin, albumin, which are especially important for children and athletes. Dairy fats are considered the most full of food, and the fat content of cow's milk exceeds many other species.

Milk sugar helps the body in digestive processes, and other elements (salt, calcium, phosphorus) take part in the formation of bones and cells. Cowl for children is especially useful for full -fledged growth and development. Also, such products are used in dietary diets, with anemia, kidney diseases, gastrointestinal tract, tuberculosis and neutralize environmental harm, as well as various poisoning, including alcohol.

Dairy products help in the treatment of the nervous system - in the morning for vigor, and in the evening for a calm sleep. Eastern medicine claims that it is the milk of cows that contributes to the development of intelligence. Potassium in this type of milk helps to reduce the risk of incidence of the heart and blood vessels, as it maintains their elasticity and reduces blood pressure.

A glass of milk will help with heartburn by reducing acidity. Strawberries, currants and blueberries help the absorption of milk and its useful elements. Canadian scientific studies have shown that milk helps to reduce weight, since the human brain receives a sufficient amount of calcium.

With hypertension, milk is shown as a diuretic, and a cocktail of milk and raw eggs will help from constant headaches and migraines. Also, such a drink helps to quench thirst and muffle sudden attacks of hunger. Pregnant milk that has undergone heat treatment helps maintain the health of the skin, nails, hair and teeth.


Cons of cow's milk

Despite the enormous benefit of milk for children, adults often have its intolerance. This process is explained by the fact that with age the human body ceases to develop certain enzymes that are responsible for the assimilation of dairy products and their components. Doctors also do not recommend giving cow milk to the baby, since the composition of the product differs from the breast milk of the mother and can cause lactose intolerance from birth.

Many scientists explain the allergy to milk in adults in that even adults of animals cease to eat milk, despite the fact that it does not differ in composition from their mother. Intolerance is justified by the fact that the enzyme lactase, which breaks down and absorbs milk sugar (lactose), is absent in an adult organism. In the absence of assimilation, these substances lend themselves to fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract, which can cause diarrhea, heartburn, vomiting, flatulence, crammal pain and colic, bloating, and as a result, digestive impairment, dehydration and development of ulcerative diseases.

Allergy to cow's milk protein and increased sensitivity to it can also be the causes of intolerance to this product and after half an hour they make themselves felt with rash and itching of the skin, nausea and vomiting, throat and shortness of breath, swelling and swelling, enhanced excretions of mucous membranes. Nutritionists recommend drinking milk to adults only as a neutralizing caffeine additive to tea or coffee, but in its pure form do not use at all. However, dairy products such as kefir, sour cream, cottage cheese and cheese do not cause allergic reactions.

Also, milk should be consumed in its pure form, without mixing with food and bakery products, since it is an independent product. A glass of milk together with a butter product will complicate the digestive tract and will not be useful. Dairy cereals and soups cannot be considered dietary products.

Superior milk contains a large number of pathogenic bacteria, so it cannot be consumed raw. Natural milk of cows must be boiled before use. Pasteurized products contain useful substances without malicious bacteria, and sterilized products retain only some vitamins, but do not cause an increase in the acidity of the stomach.


Cow milk is a source of estrogen (pregnancy hormone) and insulin growth hormone, which can provoke cancer and unregulated division of malignant cells. Adult women who consume milk in large quantities are subject to uterine cancer, breasts, rheumatism, atherosclerosis and osteoporosis, and men cancer of the testicles and prostate, stone formation in the kidneys, diabetes. Since milk protein or carcinogenic casein is not split in an adult body, but spends minerals on its neutralization, calcium in the milk drink is not absorbed without eating products that contain vitamin D, but, on the contrary, is washed out.

Casein, located in all products of milk origin, can cause addiction. This is due to the release of morphins and opiates from casein, which are most contained in cheese. Even breast milk contains a small percentage of casein (less than in animal) to get used to the mother and breastfeeding.

With colds, milk drinks can increase the inflammatory processes of the body and increase the release of the mucous membranes. In viral diseases, the level of immunity and the content of the enzyme lactase are reduced to assimilate elements of dairy products and, in particular, lactose. Shop milk contains preservatives for longer storage of the product, which significantly reduces its usefulness and spoils the natural microflora of the intestine.

The benefits and harm of goat milk


The pluses of goat milk

In addition to the higher content of the nutrients of this product, it can also be safely called hypoallergenic. The benefits of goat milk are that it practically does not include alpha casein, which causes intolerance and affects the gastrointestinal tract. But beta-casin is much larger than in the milk of a cow, which is much closer in composition closer to the breast.

The benefits of goat milk for children are undoubted, but it is not recommended to completely replace them with the breast when feeding newborns. This is due to the fact that it is the milk of the goat that contains a large amount of fat in the absence of a specific enzyme for their complete splitting (lipase). Therefore, when feeding children up to a year, it is recommended to dilute the milk with breast or children's mixtures.

The distinctive benefits of goat milk are also that it contains cobalt, which is part of group B vitamins, which allows you to control the vital metabolic and digestion processes, takes part in bloodstorming. These enzymes improve digestion, immunity and help in the treatment of anemia, and vitamins A, C, D, E, H, PP help in combating vitamin deficiency.

Kholin, albumin, lecithin, biotin and immunoglobulin improve the condition and color of the skin in milk and prevent its aging. Such a specific product also strengthens the bones, teeth, hair, nails, thyroid gland, blood vessels and circulatory system as a whole. Vitamins increase performance and help in the fight against stress and neurosis.

Kozye milk is effectively consumed in the treatment of gastrointestinal tract, heartburn, ulcerative diseases, tuberculosis, diabetes, after poisoning and chemotherapy. The benefits of milk with honey with colds and viral diseases are also undoubted, which helps to increase hemoglobin in the blood. Also, it is the goat milk that helps in the fight against some types of allergies and its attacks.


Cons of goat milk

Individual intolerance to such a product is rare and often caused only by rejection of taste qualities. With increased blood coagulation, limited consumption of a goat milk in diluted water is recommended. The increased fat content of the product can provoke an exacerbation of pancreatic diseases, and for dietary nutrition, such a passage will be harmful due to the complete digestibility of a large amount of fat.

The benefits and harms of ghee


Pros of ghee

By boiling and longer heating, you can prepare a stanned milk drink from any fresh milk. The features of this drink are its sweet taste and brownish tint. This effect is due to the interaction of sugars with its serum proteins.

The benefits of ghee are that phosphorus and vitamin A contribute to the renewal of the circulatory system, nerve cells, are preventive elements for impaired vision. Calcium strengthens the bones, vitamin C increases immunity, and vitamin E normalizes the hormonal background. The concentration of fats in such a ghee is greater than in pasteurized or sterilized milk, since during prolonged heating the moisture partially evaporates.

Cons of melted milk

This product is contraindicated for people with allergies to milk lactose, milk protein or with individual intolerance to ordinary milk. This is due to the increased concentration of sugars and the absence of an enzyme for its splitting. Long -term heat treatment can increase the content of bacteria of a harmful nature and toxic substances in it.

The benefits and harms of soy milk


The pluses of soy milk

Plant milk from soybeans is most widely produced and used in East Asia. A specific tofu cheese is produced from soy milk, and the product is also used for dietary diet. This drink contains proteins, amino acids, calcium and vitamins necessary for the human body.

The benefits of soy milk are that it is easily absorbed by the body even with cow intolerance, which allows you to replace it in everyday diet. However, unlike cow, soy milk contains less calcium, amino acids, fats in the complete absence of cholesterol. Soy milk contains beneficial and absorbed sugars (glucose and fructose), and also does not contain galactose, which is contraindicated in some children up to a year and therefore can become an alternative to breastfeeding.

In addition to low fat content, calorie content and hypoallergenicity, soy milk is a source of vitamin E, lecine and isoflavon (useful organic matter). Also, such a drink includes sodium, iron, riboflavin. All beneficial substances are completely absorbed by any adult body.

Soy and its drink do not affect the density of bone tissues, therefore, it is recommended for children and adults for allergies or intolerance to lactose of other dairy products of animal origin. There is also a wide variety of children's mixtures based on precisely soy drink. Such vegetable milk is preferably in dietary and vegetarian diets.


Cons of soy milk

Fitinic acid of soy milk drink can slow down the absorption of zinc, magnesium, calcium and iron during digestion, but to a lesser extent than cow milk. Scientific studies show that in adult men soy products and milk itself in particular, can cause a decrease in sperm concentration, although their mobility does not decrease. Soy milk drink is not recommended for use by people with intolerance to soybean protein.

Milk Video Video

Dr. Komarovsky will help to understand the beneficial properties of milk for each family member:


Irina 15.10.2017 Answer

Thank you very much for the article, honestly, openly and without pressure on readers. All the pros and cons are obvious, choose you. I really love milk, sour -milk products, but that year I diagnosed constitutional (age -related) lactase failure and endure it with great difficulty. Just a week ago, I ordered a lactasian enzyme of Bakzdrav, someone on the Lactoznikov forum advised while I did only milk. Surprisingly, I drank a glass, there was no reaction, although I didn’t get out of the usual from the toilet. The instructions say that you can add the enzyme along with Zimovskaya when you want to cook sour cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, then the products will turn out to be lactic. I have not tried it yet, but if it works, then this is really salvation for people with such a diagnosis.
