
Crafts for March 8. Children's crafts for March 8 with your own hands

Crafts for March 8. Children's crafts for March 8 with your own hands
Children's crafts for women's day from sweets, paper, cardboard and other improvised materials.

The female holiday on March 8 is given a special atmosphere for children's gifts-samobs. On the eve of this women's day, the children with love make cute crafts with their own hands to please their mothers, grandmothers or sisters. We offer you a few ideas on how to make postcards, flower bouquets of paper, pleasant little things and other crafts on March 8 to mom.

Crafts for March 8. Paper flower arrangements

On March 8, flowers are always given, therefore, for making gifts-samorobok, flowers from multi-colored paper, cardboard and various improvised materials are often made. Flower compositions can be a self -sufficient gift to the mother, or with their participation you can create a card, collage or voluminous application.

Crafts for March 8. Flower composition "Chamomile"

Paper crafts on March 8 are always associated with flowers. Paper chamomiles are perfect for colorful and easy to execute a bouquet and will be a great gift for a teacher or teacher.

For work, you will need multi-colored paper, scissors and adhesive pencil.

The bouquet is made as follows:

  • Start with the design of the green base of the bouquet: fold a piece of paper in half in half, glue the upper part, and cut the bottom along the entire length, form “grass”.


  • Then cut the silhouettes of colors from colorful sheets and glue the middle of another shade in the middle.


  • Glue the grass in the form of a cylinder, and decorate with flowers.


Crafts for March 8. Tree "I love mom"

Not only mother, but also other relatives will be delighted with such an unexpected gift. Thanks to a detailed description, the baby will easily manage such a craft.

Stages of creating a gift navigation:

  • Prepare a brown cardboard sheet (it is better to take bilateral), multi -colored paper and stationery glue.
  • Take a brown cardboard and help your child carefully circle his palm.
  • Under the silhouette of a tree, draw a rectangle that will serve as a stand for a tree.
  • Cut the prepared drawing and create a tree layout.
  • From pink, red, yellow paper, cut hearts of various sizes, and make leaves from green paper.
  • Now decorate the Loadel tree by gluing flowers on it.
  • On the stand you can glue any wishes.


Crafts for March 8. Bouquet "White snowdrops"

How can March 8 do without snowdrops. But to give fresh flowers it’s easy, but a real masterpiece of corrugated paper is that gift to mom for March 8, which she will definitely appreciate.

Master class on the manufacture of believable spring colors:

  • Prepare three segments of 10 cm wire for future stems, one white paper napkin, one sheet of yellow and green corrugated paper and glue.
  • From paper, cut the blanks for the flower shown in the photo below. You need to make three sets.


  • Now take one wire, and wrap one end with a white cloth - this will be the basis of the flower.
  • Form the crown from the yellow part and glue the flower base. Thus, you will make the middle of the snowdrop.
  • Lubricate the bottom of each petal and glue them near the base of the middle, forming an inflorescence.
  • Take a long strip of green and glue below the petals, forming the color of the color. Then wrap the entire wire diagonally, and fix the end with glue.
  • Make a leaf. To do this, twist one part of the workpiece a little to give the sheet a plausible shape, and grease the second part with glue and glue it to the stem.


  • In the end, you need to bend the wire a little so that the snowdrop flower looks down.

In the same way, you can make a bouquet of purple crocuses, which will be a suitable gift to the grandmother on March 8.


Crafts in the form of cards and applications for March 8

Particular pleasure gives children to the manufacture of cards. To make them, it is not necessarily skillfully drawing. To do this, you can use beads, buttons, paper applications, or you can create a funny pattern from the fingerprints.

Crafts for March 8. 3D postcard "Fun flowerbed"

To make a voluminous multi -level card is actually very easy. Therefore, such gifts on March 8 can be prepared for all women and girls in a family or school.

You will need:

  • Multi-colored paper (7-10 colors).
  • Two sheets of A4 format (green and white).
  • Glue-pencil.
  • Scissors.


Now you need to follow the following actions:

  • Bend the green sheet A4 in half, from the fold side make 8-9 incisions (as in the figure).


  • Now bend the strips in a checkerboard pattern.
  • Turn the sheet with stripes and cut it around the perimeter, giving it a wavy look.
  • Glue it to the white sheet. Bent strips should remain not glued.


  • From colored paper, cut chamomiles, tulips, butterflies and revive a green meadow with their help.


Crafts for March 8. Circular postcard "March 8"

You can make a thematic postcard made of paper and lace from the template “8”. For the base, you can take multi -colored cardboard or ordinary cards with floral motifs. You can make such crafts by March 8 to the grandmother and send them by mail in the envelope.

For crafts you will need:

  • Template number "8".
  • Paper of three colors.
  • Lace shred (a lace napkin).
  • Chancellery (glue, scissors).

How to make a nullipine:

  • Print the template (you can draw it).


  • Attach the template on a sheet of paper and cut one half of the digit with an office knife.


  • Now glue the previous sheet on a sheet of a different color (it can be slightly larger).
  • From lace or openwork paper towel, cut two arcs and decorate one part of the eight (one that is not cut out).
  • Form a bush from green paper, and roll a few circles from a white cloth to create colors.
  • Glue the leaves at the bottom of the postcard and decorate it with flowers.


Crafts for March 8. Post-cards "Paradise Birds"

Such children's crafts by March 8 are not quite ordinary. A pair of birds that hug, symbolizes tenderness, love and fidelity. In this method, you can express all your feelings for your mother or teacher.

For the manufacture of postcards you need to have:

  • Multi -colored sheets A4.
  • Glue, scissors.
  • Templates (can be without them).
  • Pencils or felt -tip pens.
  • Beads, rhinestones.



Production process:

  • Make the basis of the postcard: bend in half a sheet A4.
  • With the help of the stencil, draw birds on colored paper, then cut them.
  • Draw your eyes and beam to the birds with a black pencil.
  • Glue the birds to the base of the postcard.
  • Around the birds, glue paper flowers, and instead of the middle, use beads or rhinestones.
  • Now it remains to write a congratulation on the inside of the craft. It can be a verse or a simple congratulation on the holiday.


March 8 - DIY crafts In the style of origami

Origami technique allows you to turn the process of creating a gift into a very exciting activity. Thanks to simple folding, a regular sheet of paper can turn into a scarlet flower or a funny dinosaur.

There are a lot of origami schemes: from complex to elementary. Below we offer a selection of crafts suitable for the holiday that even a preschool child can do.

Crafts for March 8. Origami "Bouquet of Tulips"

The creation of crafts for the holiday is a full -fledged creative process that allows the child not only to show imagination, but also to express his love. Even the simplest paper flower made by the hands of the child can easily replace hundreds of roses from the flower store.

Tulips are one of the most popular color-arches. To make an excellent bouquet, you need to buy paper for origami of several colors, adhesive pencil, wire and trifles for decoration.

Making a tulip is very simple in the following scheme. Everything is available there, so it makes no sense to additionally describe all steps.


To make the stalks for the tulip, you need to take a piece of wire or a cocktail tube and glue with green paper. Then cut the oblong leaves from the paper and glue the stem to the base.

According to this scheme, you can make a whole bouquet with multi -colored tulips.

Tulip in the technique of origami.

Crafts for March 8. Origami Flooding butterflies crafts

Butterflies always create a festive insistence. They can be “planted” on a card, decorate a bouquet of fresh flowers or create a panel. To create multi-colored moths-orgers do not need a lot of materials and time.

To create a mischievous flock of butterflies, you need to cut several squares from multi -colored paper and fold them according to this principle:

  • Bend each square diagonally. As a result, you will get triangles.


  • Now fold the workpiece again and turn it over the opening edges up.


  • Make a rounded neckline in a triangle, forming the carved wings of the future butterfly.


  • In the lower part of the triangle, make an incision, as in the figure, and bend the wings to the side, and spread the upper wings.


Crafts for March 8. Candy bouquet "March 8"

Another original gift for March 8 is a bouquet of sweets. This is a great combination of flowers and sweets in one gift. For crafts, both chocolate sweets and ordinary multi -colored caramels will fit, the main thing is that the bouquet is made with love.

So, let's start with what you need for a gift:

  • Sweets (about 15 pieces).
  • Tree twigs (wire, skewers).
  • Scotch tape or floristic tape.
  • Glue "Titan" or thermal pistol.
  • Stapler, scissors.
  • Corporal and phlezilin paper of different colors.
  • Satin ribbons.


The course of work:

  • Attach the candy on the one hand to the twig with a thread, and then glue the base of the flower with a green glue tape and the entire branch to the bottom. In this way, fix all the sweets.


  • Now, cut off the squares of 15x15 cm from flash drive paper (paper wipes).


  • Then bend them diagonally, and then again. In the resulting triangle, make an incision so that when unfolding, you get a square with a hole in the center.
  • Put a branch through the hole and fix the paper around the candy with a ribbon.
  • In turn, decorate all the blanks with sweets.


  • In the end, collect the flowers in a bunch and wrap the bouquet with corrugated paper.


Crafts for March 8: photofor inspiration

Panel "Fials Field"


Quilling composition "Tulips"


Application "Kittens"


Postcards "For beloved grandmother"


There are many ideas for children's creativity dedicated to March 8. You can follow the templates and detailed instructions, you can come up with something completely unique or you can watch the proposed video “Craft on March 8”.



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