
Application of melamine sponge in everyday life

Application of melamine sponge in everyday life
What is a melamine sponge and its harm

Some housewives break their heads over how to cut the time that goes on cleaning in the house. This is not an easy assistant to become a melamine sponge. With its help, it is possible to easily wash the dishes, rapidly and efficiently eliminate the scurvy, fatty and burnt fragments of food. In addition, the melamine sponge will greatly manage with corrosion, it is like an eraser gets rid of dishes from dirt. The melamine sponge perfectly absorbs the liquid, with a small amount of the cleaning agent on a sponge, a rich foam is formed.

What is a melamine sponge

What is the melamine sponge

Such a magical auxiliary item is made of one hundred percent melamine, pale crystals, weak-soluble in liquid. Melmin is quite an easy way to combine cyanurchloride and ammonia at a temperature of about a hundred degrees. Also, scientists are able to prepare melamine combining the guanidine heated to the desired temperature and the formation of cyanamide molecules. In the industrial industry, two key melamine formation techniques are used, which are urea pyrolysis and synthesis from dicianidiamida. The melamine sponge contains one hundred percent of melamine, which makes it possible to form an impressive number of melamine foam, it should be eliminated using an unwitted dry cloth.

Where to buy a melamine sponge

Melamine sponges are sold in almost every supermarket or in specialized business stores. You can also purchase this miracle sponge by making an order on Chinese sites.

What do you need a melamine sponge

If you trust the responses of users and the recommendations of manufacturers, then the sponge of melamine is the most literally unprofitable cleaner, which is absolutely not afraid of any kind of contamination. From among the most famous and more encountered in household use:

  • fat or soot on dishes and furniture;
  • oven, microwave, refrigerator, hood and other kitchen inventory;
  • raid and lime on bathroom devices;
  • outdoor and wall coverings;
  • glass and mirror surfaces;
  • car salon and upholstered furniture;
  • contamination by coloring means of any surfaces;
  • fabrics, clothing, shoes, etc.

Harm melamine sponge

You already know that the basis of the melamine sponge is melamine, which is characterized by high toxicity and is able to induce all sorts of ailments. However, some experts assure that the sponge is quite safe if you comply with all important items for its use. You should not be afraid of the onset of allergies if you simply touch it naked hands. Fluid from the sponge in the mouth does not represent any danger to the human body. But the penetration of melamine inside the human body can cause significant harm. The fact is that melamine molecules can settle in the kidneys area, as a result of which it is possible to form a urolithiasis. In order to eliminate the emergence of various kinds of problems, it is not necessary to apply it for the purpose of everyday washing of dishes and cutlery. It is well known that melamine retains its own particles on each treated surface. Nothing is not dangerous as the hit of melamine particles to the surface of the dishes, so it is extremely recommended to wash the dishes like a sponge. However, to cleanse the saucepan you can resort to it from time to time to its use. It is important to know that after such a procedure you need to rinse it thoroughly. The melamine sponge should be stored in strictly remote places from children and pets.

The main qualities of the melamine sponge


The advantages of melamine sponge

The main qualities of the melamine sponge are:

  1. High-quality cleaning. Sponge freely eliminates all the types of contamination. Not shkryabet surface. One sponge is enough for purification of 10 kV / m surfaces.
  2. Perfectly absorbing liquid. Perfectly functions in any condition.
  3. Foam Education. The sponge is able to hold the milk dirt. In order not to spoil the melamine sponge, it is important to know that it is not worth allocating.

Disadvantages of melamine sponge

  1. The melamine sponge is incapable of the first time to overcome the strongest fatty pollution.
  2. It can rapidly lose the form, for this reason, experts recommend to divide the sponge into several parts.

Contraindications for the use of melamine sponge

  1. The melamine sponge is even with a moistened structure is rather tough, its effect on the surface is possible to compare with the treatment of emery paper. Therefore, it is worth it to be extremely careful in applying it in relation to fragile coatings and subjects. Despite the fact that advertisements give promises that the sponge will not leave the impulse and does not scratch the surface, people who used this funds do not agree with such a statement. For example, when used on wallpaper, in the area of \u200b\u200bthe electrical switch, a clarified stain is formed.
  2. The melamine sponge does not smell, and yet for caution, it is preferable to perform work in home gloves. In the course of use, it has the ability to paint, and the protection means can protect your handles from small grinding elements.
  3. It is strictly prohibited by any interaction with dishes for nutrition and with food. The World Health Organization approved a slight level of toxic enzymes, at the same time testified the existence of risk, in the case of its large cluster in food.

How to use the melamine sponge - instruction

In order to resort to the use of the melamine sponge, almost no special conditions will be required. At the moment naisier conceived moistened harvesting of housing, try to use it instead of ordinary homemade washcloths. In case you are heated and do not understand how to use a melamine sponge in practice, work according to the following instructions:

  1. Pull out the melamine sponge from personal packaging, if necessary (if the bar is very large and does not fit into use), cut off a piece of suitable scale, with the help of a cutting tool.
  2. Wet a sponge with water and squeeze (unscrew the sponge) in order to free it from excessive water.
  3. It is not worth adding any chemicals to the sponge.
  4. Press a slightly slightly on the sponge, then wipe the dirty plane with a moistened melamine sponge. Its use is possible in different orientation, with a flat and angular surface.

Video lesson on the use of melamine sponge

We suggest you look at the video, which will tell you what is a melamine sponge and how to use it at home.

Reviews about melamine sponge

"Tried a melamine sponge, miracles did not expect, but the sponge is indisputably very well managed with the contaminants. Amazingly eliminates limestone raid from plumbing furniture. It is also possible to clean the mirrors without adding a special cleaning agent, however, the ink is not able to drop ink, perhaps because it was necessary to clean longer. " Marina.
"On the eve of the daughter unexpectedly wrote the walls with felt-tip pen, was unattended for some time. Previously, the same situation occurred with doors and furniture. I do not really scold her, because all the kids are engaged in enthusiastically. For a long time I thought how to clean everything, and so, came across information about the melamine sponge, acquired several pieces at once. For two months I use and I can not say that I am dissatisfied with the result. " Kristina.
"I bought a set of melamine sponges, honestly, I expected more. Of course, they cleaned the wallpaper and furniture from the handles and felt-tippers, but the baking sheet and the oven, unfortunately, were not mastered. " Olga.
"And I have such sponges. I use almost everything, except for washing dishes. The kitchen apron cleaned without much effort, everything turned out with the table top. Window sills seemed to whiten. All in allI'm in full delight from mi-sponges, I recommend it. "


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