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How to learn how to make a wheel

How to learn how to make a wheel
Recommendations and exercises that will help master the acrobatic trick.

It seems to ride with a wheel of a simple trick, but requires certain physical training and skill. That is why he is perceived by the audience as something unusual, not everyone is available.

If you like to hit the imagination of friends with your talents, learn how to make a wheel. The ability to make this acrobatic trick will not be superfluous. If you enable this element in physical education, you get several advantages at once for your health:

  • excellent muscular tone;
  • Stretching the muscles of the legs, which means that your legs will be elegant and slender;
  • Stretching and pumping abdominal muscles;
  • Positive and energy charge.

How to learn how to make a wheel: psychological training

For many it will be a discovery, but learn how to make the wheel is much easier in childhood and youth. At this age, we are completely fearless, do not fear fall, hit, plant a bruise. And over the years we are prudent and judgment, we assume that we can fall and hit. Therefore, an adult man must begin with psychological training. It is necessary to convince yourself that to be down the head is not entirely scary, but the fall, if it happens, will not have fatal consequences. You must be firmly confident that make the wheel easily, and this trick performs many people without unpleasant consequences. First, make a rack on your hands near the wall, wait a few seconds. Try to analyze your sensations, draw conclusions: it's not scary at all, you almost could do the conceived, your body is perfectly listening to you.

How to learn how to make a wheel: preparation of the place


It is best to learn how to make a wheel in the gym, under the supervision of an instructor and if there are mats. In no case, such classes cannot be carried out on asphalt or lawn in the park. It threatens injuries and bruises. Even if the grass and land in the park are rather soft, glass fragments or other objects that are easy to hurt there.

For training such a trick, a sandy beach is well suited, well, and if there is no such possibility, you can prepare a lawn with a soft soil in nature. Before training, carefully examine and clean the place for classes. The soil on which you will do, determines the type of shoes. It is best for classes to choose light sports shoes so that it does not slide and did not interfere.

How to learn to make a wheel for 1 day


For such a short time, only people with good physical training will be able to master the desired skill. Recommendations for those who want to learn in a short period to make the wheel:

  1. Follow the security technique. In the initial stages, the training is better to carry out an instructor or a partner, which can inspire during the execution of the trick. If there is no such possibility, perform the wheel along the wall.
  2. Mentally imagine all acrobatic exercise. Determine how long it is better to start rotation if you are right-hander, then most likely, with the right. The exercise is based on a consistent uniform weight distribution by 4 points: right leg, right hand, left hand, left foot. Proper posture during the exercise will help hold the center of gravity. To the trick looked beautiful, the legs must be keenly, without bending in the knees and hips. Bending legs change the center of gravity, so the equilibrium will be difficult to keep.
  3. Put your feet apart, lean away. Put your right hand on the floor, keep your right leg and hand straight and not far from each other. Make the wave of the left foot, at the same time go on the left palm. If you feel stability, hold the balance for a few seconds.
  4. Put the left leg closer to your left hand, then return to its original position. Even if everything turned out perfectly the first time, work out for 15-20 minutes. Your body must "enable" muscle memory to make the next time this trick is easy and beautiful.
  5. If the exercise turned out to be crumpled, practice, fulfilling all the recommendations. Over time, everything will definitely be beautiful, the main thing is the perseverance of training.

How to learn to make the wheel at home

In a short time, learn to perform this trick is not possible to all, unsportsmanlike people need additional workouts. During sports activities, you need to pay attention to the flexibility, training of the muscles of the hands and legs. How much time will go to the preparatory activities, the question is purely individual and depends on the general state of the muscular corset.

Sometimes when performing the wheel, problems with the vestibular apparatus occur. If you often hurt or spin your head, until this trick is performed a little practice. Stand smoothly, look in front of yourself. Do slow rotations around your own axis: 2-3 in one direction, then as much to another. Gradually, the number of rotations can be increased and accelerated the pace of rotations.

How to learn how to make a wheel: hand exercises

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You have already understood that it is not possible to quickly learn whether the wheel does not work, so we start training the muscles of the hands. You can choose any exercises to strengthen the muscles. For more efficient classes, you can purchase a special inventory: dumbbells or expander. At home, dumbbells can be successfully replaced by plastic water bottles.

Exercises with dumbbells.

  1. Flexing hands. Stand smoothly, the back straightened, the legs apart, the hands along the case. Cressing the elbows to the body, bend your hands and pull the dumbbell to the case. The exercise is performed at a slow pace, breathing: bending hands - inhale, blending - exhale.
  2. Rowing. Put the legs at a distance of 15-20 cm parallel to each other, slightly bending the knees. Keep your back smoothly, flexing in the lower back. Hands with dumbbells hold on weight, parallel to the thighs. Smoothly pull dumbbells to yourself and return back slowly, 10-15 times.
  3. Lifting dumbbells in front of them. Stand straight, legs at a distance of 30-40 cm one from another, spin smooth. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. Rim up your hands to the chest level, without bending in the elbows, holding parallel to the floor.
  4. Rising dumbbells in the slope. Put the feet at a distance of 40-50 cm one from another, slightly bend the legs in the knee joints. Bend a little ahead, hands with dumbbells below. The blades are shifted. Rim up hands with dumbbells, spreading them to the sides. Run 10-15 times.

Exercises without dumbbells.

  1. Pushups. Stand on socks and palms parallel to the floor. Press the floor 10-15 times. Sometimes for girls, this exercise seems very difficult, so it can be simplified, putting on his knees and straightened hands. Gradually, the muscles will learn to work, and it will be possible to go to a more complex option. If pressing from the floor in any form is complex for you, press from the chair or wall.
  2. Complex pushups. Sit on a hard stool, go hits the palms about the seat. Restore the buttocks from the seat and squat next to the chair, at the same time bending the hands in the elbows. This exercise is complex, but very effective. It will help not only jump up the muscles of the hands, but also to eliminate the problems in the shoulder area: accusations and leather dery.
  3. Planck. Very simple static exercise that does not require special inventory, sports hall and physical training. The exercise is very effective, allowing literally for 3-4 weeks to pull the muscular corset. Stand up for pushups: legs on the socks, palms rely on the floor, the body is parallel to the floor. Singing 5-10 seconds stationary. Each day to increase the time staying in the bar.

How to learn to make a wheel: exercises for flexibility


It is easy to take flexibility at all, almost all exercises from the morning gymnastics are suitable: tilting forward, backwards, to the side, rotation by the case. If you have long forgotten how exercises look for warm-up, we offer a simple complex:

  1. Stand smoothly, the back straightened, the feet feet are parallel to one another at a distance of 30-40 cm. Take a rope or towel into the hands. Raise hands up, strain. Make turns in different directions, straining back muscles. Repeat 15-20 times.
  2. Mill. A very familiar exercise, which we performed in the lectures of physical education. The housing is slightly tilted forward. One hand straightened up, the second down. Twisting torso in different directions. Try to get the fingertips of the floor.
  3. Stand near the chair at the distance of the length of the hands. Put your palms on the back of the chair. At the expense of 1-2-3, do springtime movements back. On account 4 return to the initial rack. Repeat 20-25 times.
  4. Tilt forward and sides. From the initial position "Standing Exactly" make tilts forward, touching the floor with your fingers. Then take the floor with your palms. Restrained a little, you can easily get the floor even elbows. From the same rack, make tilts to the sides. Going to the right side, lift the left hand per head, and leaning left left - left.

Exercises for flexibility are well supplemented with a stretching for 10-15 minutes.

How to learn to make the wheel: foot exercises


Exercises for legs are distinguished by a variety. You can make squats, maugh, jogging, suitable sports such as swimming, tennis, bike.

  1. Squats. Put your feet apart, hands on the belt. Sat is not very deep, so that the hips are parallel to the floor. So that the exercise was more efficient, you can take the dumbbells.
  2. Squats "Plie". Put your feet for a distance of 30-40 cm, socks apart, knees diluted. Slowly squat, but not very deep. Remember how the ballerins are squatted, these are their exercise. If you feel difficulties, perform this movement, keeping for any support with your hands.
  3. Mahi legs from the position "standing on the knees". Stand on all fours. Perform Mahi to account 1-2-3. On 1 - max back, on 2 - to the side, on 3 - max back. On account 4 return to the main rack.
  4. Mahi legs from the position "Standing near the chair". Stand behind the chair, put your hands on the back of the chair. Perform mahi legs to the sides. Run 3 approaches of 10 moving.

Having pumped the muscles, you can stretch the rack on your hands near the wall. From this position, perform preparatory exercises for the wheel. Lower alternately legs along the wall, keeping them smooth, as if going to the heel on the wall surface.

How to teach to make a baby wheel


Almost all children have ease and flexibility, so it is easy for them to learn how to make a wheel. Perhaps the child will have to practice muscles a little if he does not engage in any sport and does not like physical education. If you notice the child's interest in the acrobatic trick "Wheel", try to develop this interest in the love of physical exercises. Carnate with your chance over the strengthening of the muscles, play tennis or purchase bikes and make cycling. It does not hurt a child nor an adult, but the benefits of such classes will be necessary!

Exercises for muscles can be performed similarly to adults, but in a gaming relaxed form. Then pay attention to the rack on your hands near the wall. During this exercise, imprint the movement of the child, hold his legs so that he learned to hold the balance. If you know how to make a wheel, show everything on your own example: how easy it is, how to make a beautiful trick, lingering upside down.

Let your child enjoy physical movements and sports. This will help the child to love the active rest, will have a positive effect on health, self-confidence and mood.

How to learn to make a wheel. Video

The video contains recommendations, how to learn this simple acrobatic trick on their own.


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