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How to dance in the club

How to dance in the club
Want to go through life easily and with optimism? Learn to dance club dances!

Club dances without exaggeration can be called fresh jet in the dance world. Sometimes the fashionable dance appeared in a popular club becomes a whole direction of dance culture. And it is not surprising, because the clubs are mostly the youth, namely the new generation is capable of fresh ideas and directions.

What is club dancing?


Club dances came to Russia from the West. In the 80s of the last century, the first nightclubs began to open, in which dance music sounded and young people were going. In our country, club dances were "born" in the style of disco, then brake dance was gradually entered. Club dances were constantly modified, added, and now they are mixing styles and cultures. Music club dancing consists of rnb styles, hip-hop styles, techno, street jazz, is not forgotten by the old life-affirming disco.

The main positions of club culture changed. If earlier it was believed that only young people dance in the nightclub, then more mature and solid people appear on the dance floors. In such places there are parties, corporate parties, meetings of friends and birthdays.

Therefore, it becomes necessary to learn to dance under club music in people of different ages. After all, coming to the club, I don't want to look ridiculous among the dancing people. The splash of the popularity of club dancing entailed the formation of special groups for beginners in dance schools. But not everyone has the opportunity to attend such classes. How to learn to dance club dancing yourself?

The basis of the club dance is a rhythm, as we found out, the music can be different. The rest of the dancer provides complete freedom. Club dance does not imply limit movements, the most important condition - it should be beautiful and free.

How do you dance in clubs: recommendations


First of all, it is necessary to relax and distract from extraneous thoughts. To teach the dance, it is better to choose a familiar movement, because we have ever danced. Now you can start moving, listening to the rhythm of music. So that the dance was beautiful, all movements must be performed softly and smoothly, without a large amplitude, but also without clamping.

Dancing, do not forget that you are not at the lesson of physical education and you do not need to do as much exercises as possible for a certain time. And you do not make morning exercises - you dance! Try to understand what improvisation is in dance. Compositions of club music are often moving from one melody to another, it creates the need to rebuild with slow movements to quick and vice versa. In general, it should be a dance, and not a set of exercises or dance passes.

Club dances are deprived of high jumps, allowed to be absorbed upside down. Not welcome in dancing and slopes, it looks too vulgar. The exceptions are strip dancing, but for this you have to be a prepared dancer and perform such dances in special places. If you really want to lean, perform this movement more symbolically, without using a greater amplitude. The main movements you can choose the usual silence of hips and stepping from foot to the leg. If you have mastered these movements to the music of different rhythms, you can add other dance combinations to them. It all touches the dance technique.

Club dance is based on sensuality and emotionality, so do not hesitate to spill your energy on the dance floor. Sensual dance is pleasant to look, but it is nice and dance! You charge the energy and feel the incredible lifting of the mood!

No matter how old you are and how much you weigh, go on the basics of club dancing. You can shine with your ability at a regular party or a serious event. And besides this, the dances charge with energy and positive, allow you to feel more confident only in the club, but also in everyday life. Permanent dancing occupation makes gait light, and movement plastic, which is immediately noticeable. And also dancing classes is a good physical activity, so you yourself will not notice how your body will catch up, and you lose some kilograms. Currently, special weight loss techniques based on dance movements have been developed.

How to dance in the club: movements


If you are an absolute newcomer in dancing, try at home, to master a few simple movements in front of the mirror.

  1. You need to start with relaxation. Stop smoothly, we shake your hands, moving your shoulders. Your goal is to get rid of the feeling of grips. Dance is free movements of self confident.
  2. We listen to the rhythm of music. Everything can do it, just some do not give yourself a report. We listen to music and beat back with your hand or foot. It turns out? There is nothing complicated in this.
  3. Learning to perform swing movements. To do this, in the rhythm music, you swing your head to make it more convenient, first can be considered from 1 to 8. Now we swing the torso, slightly tilting the body forward and returning to its original position. Swing with the help of the knees: bending and extending your legs in tact with music. Do not forget about the good mood during Kacha!
  4. Rhythmic steps to music. Steps should not be wide amplitude, as you are still a novice dancer. We use the usual your steps, retreating forward from the starting position, backward, only all this rhythmically, shaking and smiling. If you captured these movements, you can already go to the club, you will not look like a white ravene among the dancing people.
  5. Go to your hands. The movements of the hands during the dance should be relaxed, natural. It can be said that the hands repeat the movements of the legs, but if all this is still difficult for you, slightly bend your hands into the elbows and keep them at the waist level. Experience will come with time.
  6. Shoulders. As much as possible, start moving shoulders: up, down. Then one shoulder forward, back. Second shoulder forward, back. You get very good!

How do girls dancing in clubs


A girl who knows how to dance beautifully, is always in the center of attention. Even if you do not have the opportunity to attend a dance school, learn to move beautifully to the music. Watch for other girls at a party or video as they dance. Choose an acceptable style for yourself, appreciate yourself what movements you like, and which are not.

  1. Turn on dance music, try repeating beautiful movements, shake with your hands, hips, shoulders. Learn to dance better before a big mirror. So you can see the result of your skill, what happens, and what else to work. Do not forget that dance abilities can be developed, but this requires classes. Therefore, dancing at home more often, dance instead of the morning charging and just for the mood.
  2. During the dance, do not hesitate, do not look at the floor. Remember that beautiful movements are free, but not squeezed. Do not move too actively, you dance for pleasure.
  3. Deep slopes, bends with a large amplitude look vulgar, so try to be beautiful and feminine.
  4. So that the dance delivered pleasure to you and others, create yourself a good mood. Be sensual, feminine, impregnable, mischievous and cute during dance.
  5. If you are a novice on the dance floor, do not try to immediately become a star. To begin with, you dance as a majority in the Club: Move from foot to foot, slightly shaking the body. Then gradually you can add movements that you manage to domestic workouts.
  6. Dance movements must be selected with your clothing. If you have dressed a narrow mini skirt today, the wide movements of the thighs and slopes will look ridiculously.


At home, you can explore several basic movements that will be useful to any girl, regardless of whether it visits nightclubs or not. Perhaps you will ever want to dance the dance of passion, so you will be ready for this. We start learning to dance:

  1. High movements. Perform swings of hips, transferring the center of gravity from one hip to another, from one side to another. Each movement to finish with fixation, as if by setting the point.
  2. The movements of the hips can be diverse. You can slightly bend your knees, thighs will devote down. Perform swings of the thighs below, then raise them up, straightening the knees.
  3. Motion chest. We put the legs slightly apart, stand smoothly, hands on the belt. Cress the shoulders forward, rounding your back. Then we crawl the shoulders, raising the chest. This is a very spectacular element, but it is performed only under very rhythmic music.
  4. Waves. We carry out a wave back: first we take shoulders, then the housing, then the hips. So that this movement looks beautiful, you need to get back the back. When the movement is mastered, you can add a similar wave of hand to it.

Home exercise is more convenient to conduct video based on video. On the Internet you can find video tutorials for those who want to learn how to dance club dancing. Most video is accompanied by excellent comments. Training on video tutorials is a wonderful opportunity to learn to dance at home, besides for free. Acquired skills must be constantly fixed on the dance floor. At the housework lessons it is impossible to achieve the feelings of euphoria and flight from the dance, for this you need the atmosphere of universal freedom.

How to dance club dancing. Video

Lessons of club dancing for girls will help to master several movements that make dance beautiful.

How to learn to dance in the Club: visit Danceshkola


Home workouts are good because they do not need money. But a great desire to learn to dance beautifully in the club will definitely lead to a dance school or studio. Before starting classes, it would be good to learn how they were held, listen to reviews of dancing. If you are demanding comfortable, try to visit the dance hall, locker room and showers to appreciate the conditions in which you will do. If everything suits you, you can sign up for the first lesson.

To choose to choose a school where the trial occupation will be free. So you can evaluate the work of the teacher, the relationship in the team and exercise. Sometimes even one occupation is enough for a person to realize that dancing is not his horse.

To visit the school with the intention to learn to dance club dancing, it is not necessary to buy special clothes and shoes. Clothes can choose sports, not constraints movements. The shoes are better to prepare a soft, without heel, sufficiently light and comfortable.

Prepare for the fact that classes will be 3-4 times a week, and the physical activity is quite tangible. This will allow you to feel in excellent physical form.

The program of classes in a dance school includes:

  • learning dance movements and compositions;
  • dance formulation;
  • Stretching exercises.

How to learn to dance club dancing: GO-GO


This is the most popular dance for girls in nightclubs. Girls dancing GO-GO, graceful and plastic, the most real stars of the dance floor. They are welcomed on dance sites of fashion nightclubs. It is explained very simple: they can ignite the public to the public, create a fun atmosphere with their perky dance and excellent appearance. The GO-GO dance is distinguished by the limit and sexuality of movements, transitions from smooth bends to active jumps. In the correctness, experts in the dance school will be trained correctly, because for beautiful dance it is important not only to hear and feel the music, you need to be able to control your emotions into the dance.

At home, you can explore the main movements and GO-GO combinations, which will simply be danced in the club and hit the imagination of your friends. To do this, it is best to use video tutorials for beginners. To imagine the movements of GO-GO dance, perform several elements:

  1. Stand smoothly, hands on the belt. We make 2 steps forward with the right leg, then step with right foot aside. For each step, feed your shoulder. We lend, then raise the torso up, sliding palms on the front of the legs. Raise the right hand for your head, then left.
  2. We continue movement from the previous figure. We carry the center of gravity to the right thigh, at this time elbows we connect in front of you, palm for your head. Now we carry the center of gravity on the left thigh, straighten your hands in front of yourself, connecting the brushes.

Learning dancing more conveniently on video, there you can see the plastic girls dancers, learn the beautiful movements of the hands and legs. Even if you do not apply all these compositions on the dance floor, you will learn to move beautifully and dance. And too erotic elements of the dance can be boring for your beloved man.

How to learn to dance GO-GO newcomer. Video


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