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How to learn how to make flip

How to learn how to make flip
About training and psychological setting for the fulfillment of flip forward and flip back.

Salto is a jump, during which the jumper makes a coup in the air. Flip forward is a basic jump, on the basis of it you can learn to make a flip back, it is called a flask, as well as a flipper with screw rotations. All listed jumps are appropriate on the playground, in the gym, on the beach, in the pool and relaxing outside the city. These places are suitable in order to learn an acrobatic trick.

Currently, with an increase in the popularity of extremal sports, young people are increasingly wanting to learn how to perform a flip flank and a wheel. For all these jumps, good sporting is required, so if you are unsportsflared, feel free to go to train muscles. Because an acrobatic trick is excellent body possession, and for this requires pumped obedient muscles.

Getting started to train and execute flip, follow safety. Acrobatic trick is quite complex and dangerous if it is not necessary to do it, no wonder there is his other name "Salto Morthala", which means "leap of death" in translation from Italian. Of course, this name went from the walls of the circus, there were first jumps through the head, which were performed by acrobats on terrible height, besides without insurance.

How to learn how to make flip at home


If you have good physical training, pumped legs and excellent flexibility, you can learn how to make a flip yourself. Start preparing for the jump in the flip need from choosing a place and psychological training. If the teaching trick will not pass in the gym, it is important to find a safe place to occupy. A sandy beach, a lawn with a soft soil, is suitable for workouts, and it is best to study the training technique on a trampoline. This is the safest method of all listed, besides, it makes it possible to easily feel your body in the air. Domestic trampoline for these purposes is not suitable, it is too small. For a full workout, you will have to look for a trampoline, which is installed in urban parks, you can work out the elements of flip on it, jump and turn over in the air.

If none of the listed options is not available to you, check the house floor with mattresses and blankets. Here is an improvised gym and ready.

Psychological training when performing jumps is very important. Remember how you were afraid to jump over the horse? But in this jump there was no special difficulty, and the rest of the children easily performed this task. The essence is that the fear does not allow us to make the tricks unusual for us. Therefore, before training mentally, imagine how beautiful you will look in the jump, work in the head all the nuances of Flutto. If you feel confident, you can start training.

For the safety of workouts, it would be nice to invite a person who can inspire during the fulfillment of flip. In the role of the coach, a friend who has already mastered some acrobatic tricks and can now give a delight tips on performing a jump. Sometimes the sides are visible in the execution of the trick: the wrong trajectory jump, too straightened back, sticking hands. Assistant can see this and give advice to eliminate flaws.

How to make flip forward: sequence


Salto jump is a known, which is performed in the air. Therefore, it is necessary to turn on the training for ahead and backward, kwyrki jumping with arms raised. After the workout, proceed to the jump, perform in such a sequence:

  • Run by making 4-5 steps;
  • Make a powerful push with two legs, at the same time, make a wave up and feed the body up;
  • In the air, grouped for a knuckle, pull up your knees to yourself, clasping hands;
  • Scatter as a spring in the air, try to land on semi-bent legs so as not to injure the joints;
  • Try to get up smoothly, straightening your back.

If the first attempts end in failure, do not refuse your intention. Configure yourself to win, and the leap flip forward will fail. And from the first time, the execution of the elements is not always possible even by experienced athletes.

How to make a flip back

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Mastering the next element - jump back, you will be a remarkable figure on the beach or in the pool. This skill will allow you to easily make beautiful jumps with coup into the water and catch the envious views of others. Most of those who have learned to make a flip back, argue that this element learn much easier than flip forward.

Preparation for the jump consists of stretching exercises, training knuckles and jump.

How to do flip back: stretching exercises


You can perform any familiar exercises for stretching muscles ankle, neck and hands. Stretching serves as prevention of injuries and stretching during the execution of the trick.

  1. Sit on the floor, straighten your feet in front of you. Pull socks on yourself, delay for 3-5 seconds in this position. Relax. Then dig legs as wide as possible. Again pull your fingers on yourself. Relax. Perform 2-3 approaches.
  2. Relax your neck and make slow rotations clockwise and back. Stretching time 3-5 minutes.
  3. Straighten your left hand forward, put your palm. Take the right hand to the fingers of the left hand and slowly stretch them towards the body. Delay for 3-5 seconds in the extreme position. Relax muscles. Do the same with the other hand. Make rotational movements of hands with hands, straightening them in front of them. First rotate clockwise, then in the opposite direction.

How to do flip back: training exercises

  1. Locks. Learn to grieve and make the battlefield and back. At the time of the exercise, try to hold the center of gravity, not deviate to the parties. Make a fitter forward with jumping up, it will help make your jumps with light and powerful.
  2. Jumping. To perform a flip back, you need to perfectly jump from the place, without running. Therefore, jump from the place with two legs together, dramatically waving my hands. You can try jumping through objects or from one level to another. For training jumps, use the step platform well. If there is no such possibility, make a solid stand from the remedies. A strong jump is the basis of a beautifully performed flip back.

How to make a flip back from the horizontal bar


Sometimes novice athletes make it easier to make a flip back from the horizontal bar. Basic recommendations:

  1. The horizontal bar must be high enough to get on the tiptoe, you could not reach the crossbar. Such a height will provide the jumper a good flutter amplitude and relieve injuries.
  2. Clash over the crossbar and tighten your knees to the housing. Hold your head on one line with a torso, without folding back.
  3. Sweet the legs between the hands behind the hornbar crossbar, hanging on the bending knees and removing his hands from the crossbar. You stay hanging on the knee joints.
  4. Swinging and grouped, jump from the horizontal bar. This element resembles a flip back and helps to master this skill.

How to learn how to make flip: foot exercises


  1. Squats. To strengthen the muscles of the legs, you can make squats. Stand smoothly, feet parallel to each other. Sit down not very deeply, the hips should be parallel to the floor. Hold in this position for a few seconds. Return to its original position. Perform 15-20 squats.
  2. Squats with dumbbells. So that the training has brought more benefits, squeeze with dumbbells. For female dumbbell handles, 0.5 kg in every hand will be quite enough. If there are no dumbbells in your house, you can easily replace with plastic bottles with water. Muscle benefits will not be at least.
  3. Drops. Stand smoothly, straighten your back, put your hands on the waist. Make the right foot a big step forward, slightly sneezing. The thigh and the shin must be at each other at right angles. Perform the same with the left leg. Make an exercise 15-20 times.
  4. Jumping. Perform alternately: jumps on 2 legs, jumping on the left leg, jumping on the right leg. Jumping out of squats. Sit down. Perform a jump up, simultaneously straightening her knees and pulling hands up. Try to jumped as usual every time.

How to learn how to make flip: hand exercises


Strengthen the muscles of the hands can be exercises with dumbbells, pushups and tightening.

  1. Exercise with dumbbells. Stand smoothly, take dumbbells. Make falling left foot forward. Raise your hands with dumbbells, bending them into the elbows, to the loin level. This exercise not only pumps the muscles of the hands, but also strengthens the thigh muscles.
  2. Exercise with dumbbells. Stand straight. Left leg lift and bend in your knee, keep on weight. Dumbbells keep in bent hands at the shoulder level. At the same time lift the dumbbells, straightening her hands up, and straighten the leg bent forward. At the expense of 1 - straighten, on account 2 - bend. Run 15-20 times.
  3. Push ups. Stand on your knees and hand brushes, press, bending your hands in the elbows. Perform the exercise does not rush, breathe rhythmically. Over time, you will master this option of pushups, and you can go to a more complex method - pressing from the floor, standing on the socks and palms.
  4. Tightening on the horizontal bar. Perform pull-ups first will be quite difficult, so you can do it, leaning on your feet. Different options are possible: stretching, hang in hand.

How to learn how to make flip: exercise for flexibility


To enhance flexibility, exercises from yoga, slopes, twisting, classes on phytball are suitable.

  1. Boat. Perhaps lying on the stomach. Raise straight arms and legs into the air. Lay in this position for 10-15 seconds. Relax. Repeat 8-10 times.
  2. Lie on the back. Feet bend in the knees, put the feet on the floor. Hands arrange along the housing. Raise hips, stay for 10-15 seconds. Back to its original position.
  3. Top forward. Stand smoothly, lift hands up. Bend forward, trying to touch the floor with your fingers. Perform 15-20 times. Over time, increase the amplitude of the slopes, getting up to the floor with palms.
  4. Twisting. For exercise, a gymnastic stick will be required. Stand straight, put a gymnastic stick on the shoulders, keep your hands on the shoulders at the shoulder level. Make twisting to the left and right, gradually increasing the amplitude of the movement. Exercise time 3-4 minutes, but gradually can be increased to 10 minutes. During this exercise, the abdominal muscles train, the waist is worked out and flexibility increases.
  5. Bridge. To fulfill the flip of this exercise, it is necessary to master perfectly. Learn to fulfill it more conveniently near the wall, and even better, the Swedish wall. Stand your back to the wall. Return 1 step forward. Put your feet at a distance of 40-50 cm, the feet are parallel. Raise hands up.

Winning the head back, start the slope to the wall. Feeling palms with a wall, go through her fingers, leaning very slowly. Love palms to the floor. The bridge turned out. Return to the starting position can be in the same way, sticking to the wall.

If you have a partner, ask you to progress you while training. Then you will not need the help of the wall. The prudence is better to stand standing on the side of the athlete, holding it for the lower back from the bottom. Experience shows that with the safety net, you can quickly learn to get up on the bridge and return to its original position.

In the process of preparing for the execution of the flip back, constantly turn on the bridge in the workout, making it several times. Complete the exercise, putting hands as close as possible to the legs. Hold in this position for 10-20 seconds. Try to shock a little back.

Having learned to perform a flip, you will not only see the admiring views of friends, but also increase your self-esteem. Do not despair, if at first everything turns out wrong or it does not work at all, be persistent and do not lose confidence. You will definitely work out!

How to learn to do flip. Video

In the video, the instructor conducts fuel training back. Recommendations for the performance of jumping and safety of safety are given.


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