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How to check gold for authenticity

How to check gold for authenticity
How to distinguish a product of gold from a fake.

In modern conditions, despite economic difficulties, it can be observed that the number of jewelry stores has increased significantly. Many people, faced with the purchase of gold products in a similar place, or even at all, are wondering - how to check the authenticity of gold. There are many tricks that allow an unscrupulous manufacturer or seller of poor -quality goods to enrich at someone else's expense. Having checked the quality of gold products, you can determine the fake or make sure of the advisability of your acquisition.

How to check gold for authenticity: useful tips

In order to protect yourself from possible problems, it is recommended to buy gold products in well -proven, reliable jewelry stores - in this case, the risk is minimal. When buying a product in a pawnshop or from hand there is a chance to run into a poor -quality product or fake. In addition, while being on vacation abroad, it is worthwhile to be apprehensively treated with cheap, supposedly gold, jewelry - if gold is present in such products, then its sample can be very low.

Cases of deception are frequent, which can result in a fairly large amount of money for the buyer in vain. To enrich himself, an unscrupulous manufacturer can provide a qualitatively performed part of the jewelry (for example, a link from a bracelet or a fastener from earrings) to the analysis of precious metals - and only he knows what can be inside all elements of the jewelry. Often, gold products are faked, lowering the quantitative content of gold in them, or replacing it with one of the significantly cheaper metals of a similar color. In such cases, the Pyat mineral can act as its substitutes, due to the similarity with this precious metal, nicknamed the “gold of fools”. Quite often there are products with imitation of gold from brass or copper with gold spraying.

Thus, information on how to check gold for authenticity can be very useful. You can determine the quality of this noble metal in various methods, some of them are quite complex and expensive, but at the same time guarantee the most accurate analysis. The choice of a method of how to check gold for authenticity depends on what degree of accuracy of the result is necessary, and on which product must be tested. It is worth noting that in some cases, if the fake is performed very high quality, only a jeweler can be detected using special tests.

How to check gold for authenticity: external inspection

Gold is a very soft metal. If you create a jewelry of it in its pure form, then it can easily deform with ordinary handshake, therefore, to strengthen the products, it is traditionally combined with various metals. In the manufactured alloys, a test is a test as an indicator of the gold content. For example, the 750th indicates that it contains 75% of this precious metal, the remaining 25% accounts for a ligature (special alloys to give it the useful properties necessary for prolonged operation of the product).

When buying a precious product, you should pay attention to the stigma applied to it with the specified breakdown. Unevenly affixed sample numbers or a lubricated print are an occasion to think about the possibility of fake. In addition, the presence of the manufacturer’s stigma should be checked (it can be slightly oblique, but still should be present).

It is also necessary to carefully examine the wrong side of the product - if it is made as qualitatively as the front, the probability of fake is reduced. If you apply a light scratch on the jewelry in an inconspicuous place, then in the case of falsification under a layer of gilding, you can detect ordinary metal.

How to check gold for authenticity: Home methods

If you are interested in how to check the gold for authenticity yourself, the following information may be useful. A clear fake can be recognized using simple ways that any person can apply at home, far from jewelry.

How to check gold for authenticity: comparison with the standard

You can facilitate the task of testing using a gold product as a sample, whose authenticity you have no doubt. In a first approximation, check gold at home, using the following methods:

  • there is an opinion that you can check the authenticity of the gold product by the sound made by it when hit - for this you should drop it on a flat and hard surface of the floor or on glass. When falling, real gold is able to make a pure ringing sound resembling crystal ringing. It will be necessary to compare the sounds made by a reference gold product and tested. It is worth considering that for bulk chains and bracelets consisting of many links, this method, how to check gold for authenticity, is not suitable;
  • if you draw with pressure both products on a hard surface (for example, by ceramic non -glazed tiles), then a trace in the form of a strip will appear on it. Gold will leave a yellowish strip, other metals - dark. Having spent the edge of the product on a glass surface, you should make sure that it will not leave any traces. Gold is a sufficiently soft metal, unlike distant analogues that can leave scratches on the glass.


How to check gold for authenticity: chemical method

You can check the quality of the metal from which the product is manufactured using ordinary iodine available in each first -aid kit. To do this, you need to dip a cotton wool into the bottle and moisten it abundantly with this tool. To check the gold with iodine, you should grate a metal product in the selected place. When this product gets on the surface of the gold, a distinct dark (almost black) spot will appear. On the surface of other metals, for example, brass, copper or their alloys of such a spot will not appear. Next, you should erase the iodine with a soft fabric or a piece of cotton wool.

It is worth noting that on the gilded surface after iodine processing there will also be no traces. Therefore, in order to make sure that we are dealing not with gilding, but with gold, before conducting the test we should lightly scratch the product in an inconspicuous place with a skin with low granularity, and then apply iodine there.

In addition, you can also check the authenticity of gold vinegar. To do this, pour it into a small container and dip the tested product into it. When it enters the vinegar solution, gold will not change its color, while most other metals are noticeably darkened.   It is worth considering that the product with a gilded vinegar applied will also not change its color.

How to check gold for authenticity: other methods that can be applied at home

In addition to the above methods, in domestic conditions, other methods can be applied how to check gold for authenticity:

  • for example, conduct a test with a powerful magnet, trying to pull the subject product to it. General gold does not respond to the magnet, while other metals will be pulled and stick. It should be noted that gold of a very low sample, including a significant share of impurities in its composition, can respond to magnetization. It is also worth considering that some metals (for example, copper, as well as aluminum) from which fake can be made, do not magnify;
  • in clear weather, carefully consider the gold product - first in the shade, and then placing it under direct sunlight. The genuine gold product looks in the shade and in the sun is almost the same, while the false in the shaded place will seem darker;
  • if you are not afraid to damage your teeth, then you can gently bite gold - at the same time, traces will remain on the surface of genuine dragmetal. Moreover, it is believed that the higher the content of gold in the alloy, the easier it is deformed;
  • in addition, you can find out the authenticity of gold using the crumb of rye bread - it should be kneaded, pressed into it and leave it for several days until the bread becomes callous. Next, you should extract the decoration and carefully examine the break. If there are traces of metal oxidation and green plaque on it, then false gold;
  • you can also check the gold for authenticity using a lapid pencil. This antiseptic and hemostatic agent can be purchased at the pharmacy. By moistening the tested product with water, draw a strip on its surface with a pencil. General gold does not react with the silver nitrite that is part of the pencil, while the usual metal will darken.


It is important to note that these simple methods of checking gold for authenticity cannot guarantee 100% of a reliable result. Nevertheless, by applying several of them comprehensively, you will get a certain result in the first approximation, and you can determine at least a clear fake. It is worth considering that with such testing it is not always possible to identify a well -worked fake, in addition, gilded products can show the same results as gold.

How to check gold for authenticity: more accurate testing methods

It is possible to qualitatively investigate the product, most reliably confirm or eliminate the authenticity of gold, and also determine its sample in the presence of special equipment. Such work is carried out by a test a test. A specialist who has the skills of working with precious metals can determine the composition and sample of gold - a jeweler.

The following methods can be used to analyze gold:

  • there are special electronic testers of various modifications that can be used for non -destructive studies of gold - both private individuals and in special laboratories. Devices of electrochemical control "De-Mon" scan the tested sample, analyzing the surface of the material, and give accurate results of the analysis. Using such a device, it is possible to identify products from suburgical metals, determine the sample, check white gold and analyze the composition of its ligature;
  • acid check - this testing method allows you to get accurate results. Such a check can be performed, including at home - for this you will need to purchase a set of reagents for gold, including gold needles of various samples (standards), as well as acids (nitrogen, sulfur, salt). This analysis method is as follows - it is necessary to apply a slight scratch on the product. After waiting a little while it cools to room temperature, you need to drip a small amount of acid on the scratch. Comparing with the machines with the reagent applied, you can check the sample of gold in the product. For testing, you can use a special test stone with a polished solid surface - for this, choose an inconspicuous section of the product and rub it on the surface of the stone. Next, the same should be done with 2-3 needles-figures with the closest, in your opinion, breakdown;
  • in laboratory conditions, you can also apply special equipment for the study by the method of analysis of x -ray radiation. Within a few minutes, you can determine the sample of gold, as well as the fully composition of the alloy.

How to check gold for authenticity - video



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