
Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants 2018

Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants 2018
How to transplant an indoor plant using a lunar calendar. Top dressing, transplanting indoor flowers.

The moon has a great influence on our planet and this has long been proven by scientists. The moon, depending on the phase, has a different effect, as on the body and well -being of a person, so on the height and life of plants. It has long been known that all the liquids on the plan are under her authority.

During the growing moon, tides occur, the water level in the seas, oceans rises. At this time, indoor plants have an ascending sapotage, energy rushes and intense growth occurs.

In the full moon, this process reaches its completion. These processes stop by the new moon, and the energy in plants rushes from the top to the roots. During this period, it is not recommended to transplant plants, as they become very sensitive, and even the most minor damage can lead to their death.

By transplanting plants, focusing on the 2018 lunar calendar, you can achieve a better result and more intense growth and their flowering.

Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants January 2018

Since ancient times, people have noticed the influence of the moon on the life and development of plants on our planet. In order to correctly grow indoor flowers, it is important to know on which lunar day you can do plant transplanting without much risk.

  • Favorable days-January 18-27.
  • Adverse days-January 4-13.
  • Neutral days are all other days.


Lunar calendar transplantation of indoor plants February 2018

It is important to remember that plants, in addition to water, are also necessary for plants. The plant should not be constantly in moist soil. Do not neglect such a thing as seasonal care. In winter, plants follow less often watering, reduced or excluded by top dressing and maintaining at a lower temperature than during flowering.

  • Favorable days-February 17-24.
  • Adverse days-February 1-12.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants March 2018

It is important when growing indoor plants, to observe certain safety measures. Following the 2018 lunar calendar, you can avoid dysfunctional days for transplanting. Thus, improve the growth of your flowers.

  • Favorable days-March 18-26.
  • Adverse days-March 3-11.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplantation of indoor plants April 2018

For each type of plant, it is worth selecting a pot of certain volume. Carefully study the features of the plant that you decide to purchase. Some indoor flowers are first planted in small pots and only as they grow are transplanted into pots that they need in volume. Other indoor plants require planting in large pots initially. If you choose the wrong pot, then the development of plants can stop at an early stage of development.

  • Favorable days-April 17-25.
  • Adverse days-April 1-13.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplantation of indoor plants May 2018

Plants with solar energy convert water and carbon dioxide into sugar. The necessary minerals, they need for this process, they take from the ground. In the ground for indoor colors of these minerals is not enough. Therefore, it is recommended to fertilize plants.

Indoor plants are fertilized only during their active growth. It is important to follow the instructions on the fertilizer package. Depending on the type of plant, top dressing periods change. An excess of fertilizer can cause irreparable harm to the indoor plant.

  • Favorable days-May 16-24.
  • Adverse days-May 1-10.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants June 2018

On favorable days, you can safely transplant plants. Plant juice on these days from roots rushes to the top. Damage to the roots is unlikely with neat handling of a flower.

On adverse days, touching the plant and transplanting is not recommended. The juice of the plant from the apex rushes to the roots. The roots these days are very sensitive and their damage is possible, which can lead to the death of the flower.

  • Favorable days-June 14-22.
  • Adverse days-June 1-9.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants July 2018

Although neutral days are not unfavorable, on such days the forces and energy of the plant begins to leave it. On neutral days, it is better to leave him alone.

If the transplant is made on favorable days, then the result of the growth of the plant will not make you wait long.

  • Favorable days-July 14-21.
  • Adverse days-July 1-9.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants August 2018

Carefully select the type of indoor plant depending on the room where you plan to grow it. The sun -loving indoor flower will not properly grow and bloom in a room where there is little sunlight. Like a flower, a loving shadow, will not be able to survive in a well -lit room. In addition, group your plants, so they will look better and develop faster.

  • Favorable days-August 12-20.
  • Adverse days-August 1-7.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplantation of indoor plants September 2018

In order to grow a healthy and beautiful flowering plant, many lovers of indoor plants follow the lunar calendar. Having chosen favorable days for care, top dressing and plant transplantation, you will improve their growth, flowering and get rid of danger.

  • Favorable days-September 10-20.
  • Adverse days-1-8, 28-30 on September.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants October 2018

Before transplanting home flowers, you must first figure out whether they really need a transplant and then transplant, following the lunar calendar of the transplantation of indoor plants 2018.

When you need to transplant the plant:

  1. The earthen lump is permeated and braided with roots, forming the so -called felt.
  2. If a general sign of plant weakness appears. This indicates the exhaustion of the Earth.
  3. The roots of the plant began to rot.
  4. The roots of the flower made their way through the hole for the output of excess moisture.
  5. The earth in a pot was acidified.
  • Favorable days-October 11-18.
  • Adverse days-October 1-8.26-31.
  • Neutral days are all the rest.


Lunar calendar transplanting indoor plants November 2018

The time of the year of transplantation of indoor plants depends on their type. But basically, all plants transplant only after the end of their flowering. If there is a need to transplant the plant during its flowering, then you need to be prepared for the fact that it will drop both buds and flowers.

  • Favorable days-November 12-18.
  • Adverse days-3-6, 26-30 of November.
  • Neutral days are the rest of the days.


Lunar calendar transplantation of indoor plants December 2018

December is the time of holidays and fuss. Not always on favorable days there is an opportunity to engage in transplanting colors. In this case, try to avoid adverse days. It is better to postpone a transplant or transfer to a more successful time.

  • Favorable days-December 8-17.
  • Adverse days-December 25-31.
  • Neutral days are the rest of the days.


Perenchid transplanting on the lunar calendar 2018

Orchid is enough to transplant every 3 years. It is worth starting its transplant in a new pot with a prepared substrate only after a flowering period. Choosing a safe day for this on the lunar calendar 2018.

  • Promotive days are considered the days when the moon passes into the phase of the new moon, or as it is also called - the growing moon. During the growing moon, the juice from the roots of plants rises to the top and nourishes it. At this time, you can safely transplant the flower without afraid to damage its roots.
  • For easier extraction of a flower from the pot, place the pot in the water for several minutes. Gently take out the flower, carefully taking it under the outlet with the leaves. Rinse and clean the roots. Cut the rotten or dead roots with a sharp knife.
  • For transplanting orchids, it is better to use a plastic pot. Make the right number of holes in it. This is necessary so that after watering excess moisture is able to reach, and the air has direct access to the roots.
  • After the pot and substrate have been prepared, we proceed to the orchid transplant. Pour a small amount of the mixture on the bottom of the pot. Gently lower the plant and slowly pour the substrate so that it fills the pot to the outlet with the leaves.
  • Return the pot with the plant to its former place. Do not water it three days after the transplant.


Lunar calendar transplanting violets 2018

For transplanting violets, you should choose a pot of not too large. In a small pot, the root systems of violets will develop faster, and flowering accordingly will come faster.

  • For better development of the flower, add to the bottom of the pot with a thin layer of river pebbles or expanded clay. It is recommended to transplant violet at least once every three years. During transplantation, the plant is refreshed under a warm shower, removing weak and yellowed leaves. The substrate is changed to a new one, but the pot is left the old one.
  • It is recommended to transplant violet during the growing moon. The violet has weak roots and if you begin to transplant it during the waning moon, then the probability of damage to the flower, and then its death is quite large.
  • It is recommended to plant new flowers during the growing moon. Loosen and process the earth. Carry out colors.
  • During this period, the violet needs more water. The days falling on the growing moon are great for removal of stepsons. Remove the stepsons is necessary for good development and growth of the flower.
  • At the moment when the moon moves from the waning moon to the growing one, it is good to fertilize and loosen the earth. It is not recommended at this time to circumcise and transplant plants. The duration of this phase is 3 days. It is easy to calculate. This phase begins three days before prosperous days according to the lunar calendar and ends on the first day of these days.




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