
What kind of fish is a kizhum. How to delibe to prepare a kigo at home. Step -by -step recipes for cooking a kizhuda in a pan, in the oven and a slow cooker. How to salute a kizhum

What kind of fish is a kizhum. How to delibe to prepare a kigo at home. Step -by -step recipes for cooking a kizhuda in a pan, in the oven and a slow cooker. How to salute a kizhum
What kind of fishing fish, photo. How to cook tasty kizhuch at home. Recipes for cooking kizhuch step by step with a photo. How to salute a kizhum.

Red fish has good taste, along with this, it is nutritious, easily absorbed by the body and has low calorie content. Such features justify the high cost of the product. If you love red fish such as: salmon, salmon or trout, but you do not have the opportunity to buy it, then look at the kizhum. This is also a fish of the salmon family, but only with a budget price. There are a lot of recipes for cooking kizhuch, so each housewife will be able to choose a dish to her taste.

Kizhuda - what kind of red fish?

Before preparing a kizhum, learn about its features and differences from other representatives of the red fish. Fish is a predator, represents a salmon family, has a large head and a rather powerful tail. Adults can reach 1 meter in length and have a weight of about 15 kg. A kigoud is often called “silver salmon” due to its coloring scales in a bright silver color.

This variety of red fish is the most useful among other representatives of salmon. The meat contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins for the body, but is noted by low calorie content. In 100 g of the finished product, there are only 140 kcal. Therefore, Kizhuda fish is often used for a diet menu.

Important! The calorie content of the dish can increase from the method of cooking meat. Therefore, for those who are on a diet or watching their weight, it is necessary to cook fish for steam without adding sauces. It is allowed to use vegetables with greens.

Kigu -school - preparation before preparation

This type of fish with very delicate meat, so there are some features of the preparation of kizhuch before thermal processing. You can cook almost any dish from it, since the meat is universal in terms of taste combinations.

  • If you have fish in a frozen state, then before using it in the dish, defrost the meat. This must be done on the refrigerator shelf or at room temperature. Do not defrost the fish in the water, all the more hot.
  • Rinse the carcass in fresh or chilled form with cold water and remove the scales. At the same time, work carefully, since the fish scales are small, and you can easily damage the integrity of the meat. Then cut the head, tail and fins. Lastly, the fish will gnaw and the inside of the carcass is thoroughly washed.
  • Now act according to the recipe. Fish can remain intact or be cut into steaks. If you cut fish on fillet, then carefully inspect the meat for the presence of bones.
  • The kizhum does not need long -term pickling. There will be enough 15-20 minutes for marining, otherwise spices can interrupt the unusual taste of fish. It is also not recommended to use seasonings with a strong aroma for the marinade and add alcohol to it.
  • To make the fish juicy when frying, use the batter. Experienced chefs claim that the most delicious kizhum is obtained during cooking in the oven. For dietary dishes, fish should be cooked steamed or in foil with a minimum number of spices.

Kizhuch fish steaks in foil

One of the simplest ways to prepare this variety of fish is the baking in foil. The meat is cooked quickly, while all its juices remain inside the foil. The kigo is prepared under the influence of hot steam. This dish is suitable for the menu of people who adhere to diets. Also, such fish can be prepared for children, but only use the minimum number of spices.

List of fish baking ingredients:

  • steaks of kizhuch - 5 pcs.;
  • onions - 1 stalk;
  • medium tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh herbs - 30 g.;
  • olive oil - how much is required;
  • spices for fish, salt - to taste.

How to bake red fish in the oven:

  1. For the recipe, it is best to use ready -made steaks, as they have the same thickness. In the presence of a whole carcass, the fish is first cleaned of scales, the head with a tail and fins is cut off. The carcass is gutted, washed under cold water and wiped with dry napkins.
  2. Then the fish must be cut with steaks. Try to make pieces of the same thickness. For the recipe, select steaks of approximately one weight. So all pieces of meat will be prepared at the same time.
  3. Remove the skin from tomatoes. To do this, lower the fruits into boiling water, leave for 5-7 seconds and take it out. From the cooled tomato, remove the film. Cut the pulp of vegetables with rings. Wash the greens thoroughly, dry and cut coarsely.
  4. For the recipe, onions are used. It has a milder taste, thin aroma and is quickly prepared. Instead, you can take purple onions. It is gentle and sweet to taste. Rinse the stalk of onions, cut along, then grind in width. You will get half rings.
  5. Grate the steaks of kizhuch with salt spices. For a long time, do not leave the fish to be saturated with seasonings. Cut 5 parts of foil and roll each in 2 layers. So if the lower layer of foil breaks during baking, the juice will remain inside. Top each sheet with olive oil.
  6. Put the fish first on the foil, then the onion and the top layer of the circles of tomatoes. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Lift the edges of the foil up and wrap the steaks. Do not press foil tightly to the meat, hot steam should circulate freely inside.
  7. Warm up the oven. Cook the kizhuch for no more than 20-25 minutes, otherwise it will become dry. After baking, serve the fish immediately to the table, as it continues to prepare. To serve, put a steak with vegetables on a flat plate. Fill the meat on top with juice in which the fish was prepared.

How to salute ki

Red fish is well suited for cold snacks. Salt to the kizhuch at home will not be difficult. But at the same time it is important to pay attention to the features of the recipe, since the meat of the kizhuch is tender. For the recipe, live or chilled fish is best suited. To get a delicious dish, for salting, purchase a whole carcass. So you can evaluate the freshness of the product.

Ingredients for the preparation of slightly salted ki.

  • kig, fresh or chilled - 1 kg.;
  • onions or purple - 5 pcs.;
  • sea salt - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • white sugar - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • dry herbs and spices ground - to taste;
  • refined sunflower oil - 1 tbsp.

How to salt kizhuch with onions:

  1. To salivate ki horses, you need a carcass fillet. To separate the file part, clean the fish first, cut the fins, head and tail. Gently gut the carcass so as not to hurt the gallbladder. Rinse the fish inside thoroughly. Then the carcass is cut on the fillet, the skin is left. Blind each piece with paper towels from excess moisture. So spices can evenly cover the meat when salting.
  2. Prepare the dishes for salting kizhuch. It should be glass dishes or plastic. You can also take enameled dishes, but only without chips and cracks. For salting, refuse aluminum containers, otherwise the fish will acquire a metal taste. The container for salting meat should be dry.
  3. Separately mix sugar with salt, add spices. For a salting of kizhuch, use the following spices: black pepper, soums, coriander. Add dill from dry herbs, but only in small quantities, since it has a strong aroma.
  4. Sugar will give the meat softness. It is necessary to take only white sugar for the recipe, since the brown will not give so much sweetness. Salt use sea or large grinding. So crystals will gradually melt, and slowly feed the fish with their taste.
  5. At the bottom of the tank for the salting, pour a small amount of mixture from spices and salt with sugar. Put the skin down in the dishes down, salt again and put the second part of the meat, but now the skin is upstairs. Pour the remaining spices on top of the fish.
  6. The rule does not work for kizhuch: the fish will take as much salt as it needs. It will not work to soak the kizhuch from excess salt, since the meat is very tender. Therefore, use the amount of salt indicated in the recipe. Also for the marinade do not use alcohol. He will make the meat hard.
  7. Cover and put the container in a cool place for a day. After the indicated time, try the fish to taste. If the meat is not enough, then leave it in the refrigerator for another day. But only now it is necessary to try fish every 5-7 hours so as not to overcome it.
  8. For the preparation of slightly salted kizhuch, spices with salt are washed off after the final salting. The fillet is thoroughly dried from moisture and cut into large pieces. Onions are crushed by very thin half rings.
  9. In the container, put in layers fish with onions and pour in vegetable oil. It is important to use only refined oil, it has no smell. Do not fill the fish with olive oil. It has a strong aroma that can kill the taste of fish. The kizhum with onions again goes for a day to a cool place.
  10. You can reduce the salmon time of the suction of the kizhuch if you remove the skin from the fillet and cut the fillet into pieces. For a good salting of spices with salt, do not wash off, but leave further to pickle with half rings.

Fillet of kizhuch in the cream baked in the oven

Creamy sauce is a classic of cooking. Cream gives red fish tenderness and creamy taste, making the dish more appetizing. In addition, cream retain the juiciness of meat, since the kizhuda quickly becomes dry during cooking. You can diversify the taste of cream sauce with fresh herbs, garlic or champignons.

Ingredients for a kizhuch recipe with cream:

  • carcass of kizhuch or fillet - 0.8 kg.;
  • fresh greens of dill - to taste;
  • mustard sauce - 10 g.;
  • cream with fat content of 20% - 200 ml.;
  • raw garlic, pepper peas, salt, a leaf of the laurel to taste;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • fresh champignons - 3 pcs .;
  • lemon circles - for serving;
  • onions - 1 pc.

A step -by -step recipe for making a delicious kizhuch in the oven:

  1. If you have a whole carcass of fish, then clean it of the husk, gut it and rinse thoroughly. Cut the file part and remove all the seeds. Wake the meat with paper towels from excess moisture and rub the surface with mustard. Leave the fish to marry for 10 minutes.
  2. During this time, you can cook the sauce. Pour the cream into a pan, add spices, salt and chopped greens to them. Mix the cream well and put the container on the slow fire. Bring the liquid to a boil and immediately remove from the stove. You can’t boil cream, otherwise they will curl up.
  3. Wash the champignons, if necessary, remove the upper film. Cut the mushrooms first in half, then with slices along the fetus. Peel the onion, grind in half rings. Pour 1 tbsp into the pan. l. Olive oil, heat up and fry the champignons with onions for 5-7 minutes over low heat. Stir the mass as often as possible so that it does not burn.
  4. Lubricate the baking dishes with olive oil, put mushrooms with onions to the bottom, place fish fillet on top, add pepper with peas, garlic with bay leaf and pour everything with warm creamy sauce.
  5. Pre -pause and set a temperature of 180 degrees. Bake kizhuchka with cream for 25-30 minutes. If you want to make the sauce more thick, then do not cover a baking container.
  6. To serve, take it out of the fillet shape, cut it into portioned pieces and transfer it to a plate. Pour the sauce along with mushrooms and onions on top, which remained after cooking. Cut the lemon in circles, disintegrate the dill to twigs and decorate the dish.

Kizhuch cutlets in the oven

Most recipes using kizhuch are prepared on the basis of fresh or chilled meat. If you still have a pile of frozen fish, and you have already thawed it several times, do not rush to despair. Fish cutlets can be prepared from such meat. In order for the kizhum to remain juicy, prepare the cutlets not in the pan, but bake them in the oven.

The number of ingredients for 10 portions:

  • red fish - 1.7 kg.;
  • garlic, slices - 3 pcs.;
  • round rice - 0.5 cups;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • carrots - 2 pcs.;
  • dry dill, Mayran and green onions - to taste;
  • marine salt - to taste;
  • boiled water - 300 ml.;
  • tomatnaya paste - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • the ground pepper is black and paprika to taste.

How to cook a kig:

  1. Grow the meat in advance on the shelf of the refrigerator, then rinse and dry with napkins. If you have fins on the carcass, then cut them. Remove the skin from the fish, divide the meat into the fillet. Inspect each piece and remove the seeds. To quickly extract them, use tweezers.
  2. To grind KiZhuch meat, use a meat grinder. So the fish will retain its structure. It is necessary to twist the fillet only once, since it is very tender. During the grinding of the fish on the minced meat, add 2 heads of peeled onions.
  3. Rinse rice in several waters, boil it until cooked and be sure to cool. In this recipe, rice groats are cooked completely so as not to pick up moisture from meat during cooking cutlets. Peel the carrots and grate on a fine grater. Grind the peeled garlic very finely or pass through the garlic.
  4. In fish minced meat, enter rice with carrots. Add dry herbs, spices and salt the minced meat. Make the mass with your hands, so all the ingredients evenly disperse along the minced meat. Prepare a baking container with high walls. Lubricate the bottom with vegetable oil and put the formed cutlets into it. It is best to blind them in the form of a ball and slightly crush them from above and below, so the place in the form will be filled evenly.
  5. Dilute the tomato paste with boiled water, pour it into the mold along with the cutlets. Distribute on top over the entire surface onion, chopped by half rings. Cover the container on top with foil and put in a preheated oven.
  6. Set the baking temperature at the mark of 180 degrees, prepare the kijuch cutlets for about 40 minutes. If you want to brown the surface of the cutlet, then 10-15 minutes before the end of cooking the dish, remove from the shape of the foil. You can also use the grill. Serve fish cutlets with a vegetable salad.

Red Fish KigD in a pan

Some housewives avoid fried fish recipes, believing that the meat will be dry. Such a result of the preparation may arise if you do not know the principles of frying red fish. A kiSum is always necessary to fry in batter or a special panic. The temperature regime during the preparation of fish plays a lot of important role. In order for the meat to remain juicy during frying, it is important to observe the cooking technology and clearly follow the specified recipe.

In addition to 4 curtain steaks, you will need the following ingredients:

  • soybean Classic sauce - 3 tbsp. L.;
  • fresh dill - 1 beam is small;
  • olive oil - 30 ml.;
  • ground spices: rosemary, a mixture of peppers - ½ tsp. everyone;
  • lemon, slices - 2 pcs.;
  • mustard sauce with seeds - to taste.

How to prepare fried kig:

  1. Buy ready -made kizhuch steaks. Give preference to live or chilled fish. Such steaks have the same thickness and size, which will make it possible to cook them evenly. If you have a whole carcass, then after cutting, select the same steaks.
  2. Rinse the meat and dry it very thoroughly with paper towels. This is an important point in preparing fish, as it will be fried in panic. On wet meat, spices with greens do not even cover the surface of steaks and can be lagged for during cooking.
  3. Mix dry spices with mustard seeds. Rinse the greens well and grind very finely with a knife, add to the seasonings and mix well. Cover each steak with soy sauce. To do this, use the culinary brush. Choose soy soy sauce with a classic taste, as various additives can kill the aroma of red fish.
  4. Roll the steaks from all sides in a mixture of greens and spices. Put the pan on a big fire so that it warms up well. Use to fry dishes with a thick bottom. The grill pan is also suitable. When the frying pan warms up well, sprinkle with olive oil each piece of fish and lay out for frying. Additionally, use oil is not recommended.
  5. As soon as the fish hit the pan, immediately reduce the fire on the stove to the minimum mark. Fry the meat on both sides of 7 minutes. Then fry until the desired crust, but no more than 5 minutes.
  6. Pour the lemon with boiling water, cut into slices. You can serve red fish steaks with potatoes and fresh vegetables. Before serving, sprinkle the meat with lemon juice or put a slice of fruit on a plate so that everyone can adjust the degree of acid for the fish.

How to cook a kigo on the barbecue

Some gourmets prefer to cook barbecue barbecue than traditional meat. For such a dish, it is necessary to take into account a number of cooking features, otherwise the fish will become quickly dry. So the kizhum does not march for a long time, otherwise the aroma of spices will ruin the natural taste of the fish. During frying on the grill, it is often necessary to turn the meat and water it with sauce.

Products for the preparation of fish kebabs:

  • kiguuda, the file part - 1 kg.;
  • lemon - ½ pcs.;
  • olive oil - 5 tbsp. L.;
  • raw garlic - 3 slices;
  • tomatoes medium fruits - 3 pcs.;
  • dill greens - 1 beam;
  • salt, spices for fish - to taste.

Kizhuda fish kebab recipe:

  1. Rinse the fish fillet, remove the remaining skin, if any. Cut the meat into large pieces. Put the fish on paper towels and leave to dry, but not for long. It is important that excess moisture evaporates, but the meat is not weathered.
  2. Pour olive oil into a deep container, add spices, lemon juice, chopped greens and garlic. If you do not want garlic on barbecue, then cut its slices for the marinade large. Salt at this stage is not used, as it stretches moisture and makes the meat dry.
  3. Mix marinade, put pieces of fish in it. Leave the codes to pickle for no more than 15 minutes. Mix the meat as often as possible for uniform impregnation with marinade. In the meantime, prepare wooden skewers. Soak them in cold water for 10-15 minutes. This is necessary that during the preparation of the skewer do not light up.
  4. Wash the tomatoes, cut with rings. Salt the fish, mix. Get out of the marinade, leave the juice from the fish. Strew meat and tomatoes alternately on a skewer. During frying, vegetables will give juice, which will retain the juiciness of kizhuch.
  5. Fry the fish on the grill when the coals will burn out well, and a weak heat will remain. Preparing meat with tomatoes is necessary for 20 minutes. In this case, often turn the skewers, so the fish will be fried evenly. Periodically water the meat with the marinade that remains.

Steaks of kizhuch in a slow cooker

The slow cooker is so universal that you can cook any dish. For kizhuch, this is ideal. In the slow cooker, the fish will be juicy, since moisture remains inside the bowl throughout the cooking process. From the hostess you will only need to prepare products and load them into a slow cooker. Smart technique will do everything for you.

The number of ingredients for 4 portions:

  • fisher Kizhud Steaks - 4 pcs.;
  • sour cream of high fat content - 200 ml.;
  • purified water - ½ tbsp.;
  • fresh herbs, salt, seasonings - to taste;
  • solid cheese - 100 g.;
  • fresh champignons - 100 g.;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. L.;
  • onions are to taste.

Step -by -step description of the kijuch recipe in a slow cooker:

  1. Prepare steaks. First, rinse the fish slightly and thoroughly dry with paper wipes. Cut the champignons with slices, chop the tears with half rings. Instead, you can use purple onions, it is also delicate and juicy.
  2. Set the multicooker to the program "Frying". Pour olive oil into the bowl, leave it to warm up. In hot oil, lower the onion with mushrooms and fry for 7-10 minutes. In this case, the bow should not be frying so that it does not grieve in the dish. Disconnect the multicooker mode.
  3. Grate hard cheese. Mix sour cream with boiled or purified water, add spices and chopped greens. Put the steaks into the bowl, pour sour sauce on top and pour solid cheese. To further reduce the calorie content of the dish, use sour cream with a low percentage of fat content.
  4. Now put the slow cooker on the “Extinguishing” function, close the lid. Time set for 25-30 minutes and press the Start. A thick sauce will turn out if the hole for steam on the multicooker lid is left open. After the signal, the fish can be immediately served to the table and poured with a sauce, which after stew.

Smoking kizhuch with liquid smoke

If you don’t have a smokehouse at home, and you really want smoked red fish, then use liquid smoke in the recipe. It will give the meat the aroma of smoked. But with this unusual seasoning you should act very carefully. Fish with delicate meat, so add liquid smoke strictly indicated in the recipe. Otherwise, you will not feel at all in the finished dish at all.

Fish smoking products:

  • red Kizhud - 0.5 kg.;
  • sea salt - 1 tbsp. L.;
  • white sugar - 0.5 tbsp. L.;
  • liquid smoke - 1 tsp;
  • a mixture of peppers is ground, salt, soums, coriander - to taste;
  • lemon - for feeding.

The phased process of smoking red fish:

  1. For the recipe, use the finished fillet, so you do not have to cut the carcass and get the seeds. Wash the meat with cold water and be sure to get wet with paper wipes. Transfer to a kitchen towel and let it completely dry. Cut the fillet with portioned pieces.
  2. The capacity for smoking kizhuch should be deep and with a lid that closes tightly. On a saucer, mix salt with sugar and spices. You can not use iodized salt and fine grinding. Large sea salt is well suited. She slowly melts and gives her taste gradually. Sugar will give the fish softness.
  3. At the bottom of the container, pour a small amount of spices with salt. Pour liquid smoke and mix with a spoon. You will get a gruel. Put the ki -fi -tank fillet into a container of one layer. Pour spices on top. If you have a pickling container, then you will have to settled the meat in several layers. Each time add spices with salt.
  4. Close the dishes with a lid, put in the refrigerator. Get out in a day, turn the pieces of fish and send again to the refrigerator shelf. After two days of smoked curtains, you can eat. If desired, you can sprinkle fish with lemon juice before serving. Smoked meat according to this recipe can be used as a separate snack or for salads.

KigD - photo recipes


There are a large number of recipes for making red fish. Having chosen one of them, it is important to observe the indicated technology and the recipe. Only then you will not ruin the delicate fish meat and can enjoy the original taste of ki. Bon appetit!

Cold smoking cod recipe, video



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