
How to make money on Aliexpress without investments. How to really make money on the Internet

How to make money on Aliexpress without investments. How to really make money on the Internet
A brief overview of popular methods of earning using the Aliexpress online store -The Chinese online store, in which today you can find anything you want. Often it pleases not only with a rich assortment, but also with free delivery. Our article will talk about how to make work with this site one of its constant sources of earnings.

Is it really possible to earn on Aliexpress?

Like any other matter, work on Aliexpress Requires the initial application of forces and finance. There are four main ways to make money through Aliexpress:

  • direct sale of goods,
  • work on the affiliate program,
  • writing reviews (including filming video reviews),
  • mediation.

Whatever you do from the above, you still have to either look for customers or look for sites to place partner links. Choose the category of goods that you are really interested in doing, so that routine work still brings you pleasure.


How to make money on Aliexpress. Sale of goods

  • The easiest and logical way to earn in trade with Aliexpress -Buy something and sell with a small margin. Recommendations on the size of the margin are different - from 30% to 60%. If you are already thinking about how to make money on Aliexpress, ordering and reselling things, then pay attention to the following steps:
  • Create a platform for your store. Use a personal site or blog, a page on social networks, instagram.
  • Look for sellers with free delivery or minimum cost, which will be easily repelled at the expense of the margin.
    Buy the goods in small parties - it is a shame when the little things lie with dead cargo, so without anyone.
  • Think the "face" of your store. You must stand out not only with a wide range and affordable prices, but also with an original approach to business. After all, there are thousands of online stores now, and customers should really notice you.
  • Decide on the work scheme, build an action plan.

There are several options for such work on Aliexpress. The first is the purchase of goods at their own expense and selling it to customers. The second is the work on prepayment: buyers send you money, and you place an order. A convenient option is partial prepayment. Part of the money is sent to you before ordering, part - after. However, for this option, you must first earn the confidence of the client. Therefore, if you still have a small client base, you will first have to order goods at your own expense. After a series of successful transactions, customers will become more loyal to you and will not be afraid to make an advance payment.


How to make money on Aliexpress. Affiliate programs

This option is suitable for those who have their own site, blog or active page in social networks. With such cooperation, you do not have to sell anything - you just leave a link to the goods on your resource. If one of your readers is interested, he will follow the link and buy the goods, you get the percentage of the sale of goods.

How does this work? First you register on one of the sites offering to earn through Aliexpress According to the affiliate program.   An important platform, which is primarily worth paying attention to is ePN - The official partner Aliexpress. On the main page that opens, you choose the option “Register as a web master” and fill out the form.


Next, you need to choose a product that you are going to promote, as well as the method of promotion itself - it can be banner advertising, targeted ads on social networks, contextual advertising, simply posted on your page link. You can choose any of the options in the menu of your webmaster office:


It is important that the potential buyer not only look at the store on the store’s website, but also purchased the goods that your link leads to, and during the same visit. The system deducts you a certain percentage of the cost of the goods. You can and need to go to the statistics section and see which of your links buyers make purchases, and which remain useless, and based on this to build and adjust their strategy for placing links.
Also pay attention to the possibility called CASHBACK - a service that allows you to get part of the value of the goods back. Why is this done? As a rule, a returned part is no more than 20% of the price - not such a large amount for the loyalty of the client. Now imagine that you buy goods in large batches or place orders for other people. The total amount of money saved increases markedly.

We will consider working with cashback services using the same EPN platform as an example:

  • on the site ePN We are registered not as a webmaster, but as a buyer;
  • confirm the registration, go to the Personal Account;
  • we carefully study the pop -up instructions with tips:


This instruction will float on the site every time when opening the window until you mark the checkplace “no longer show” in the upper right corner. In each of the points, it is described in detail how to make purchases on the site so that cashback is counted. For greater convenience, you can also install expansion for the browser. Then, on the site itself, a small pop -up window indicating the amount of cashback will occur over each product (it is not visible directly on the site).


How to make money on Aliexpress. Writing reviews

There are sites that allow you to receive a small income from the reviews you left for a specific product or product.

Of the most popular sites of this type - this  Ozzovik.


Also popular  iRECCOMOMEND.

It is important to know the principle of operation of such sites: they are not paid for the review itself, but for its views by other visitors of this site. This method itself will not bring large profits - views are paid literally with a penny. However, you can combine the spelling of reviews with the sale of goods. After all, the goods are already in your hands, you know all its pros and cons - it will be easy for you to write a detailed report.  Write not only about the technical characteristics, but also leave your personal opinion about the product - this is exactly what the public is looking for on the websites of reviews. Do not forget to photograph the goods from all available angles. And also try to write competently and interestingly.

How to make money on Aliexpress. Taking video reviews

An additional method, which allows how to earn directly on sale with Aliexpress, and get bonuses if you have a good camera at your hand, free time and a little imagination. Everything is simple - before the sale of goods, you make a video review on it and then fill your video on YouTube. Do not forget to leave the aforementioned partnership link under the video, moving along which your interested viewer will be able to purchase the goods. Try to approach the shooting creatively and even humor: viewers love when the video makes them smile. Work on your voice: a monotonous text filling very quickly leads to pressing the Stop button. You should want to listen to you.

Mediation as a way to earn on Aliexpress

This method differs from resale in that, in fact, you do not create your own store, but immediately position yourself as an intermediary. People find you and inform you what they need the goods, then they transfer money to you for the goods and a small commission for your work. Again, in order to win the trust of customers, you need to carry out several successful operations. Now more and more buyers prefer to understand the work of the site and order on Aliexpress yourself, so you will have to try in search of customers who will really be easier to act through you.


Now you have an idea of \u200b\u200bhow to earn on goods with Aliexpress. Remember that first of all, future income depends solely on your desire and determination, regardless of the chosen method.



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