
How to embroider a cross

How to embroider a cross
Embroidery is an amazing occupation. It is worth you at least once to pass the evening over the embroidery, and a simple countable cross will forever conquer your heart forever.

Psychologists argue that a successfully selected hobby brings harmony and peaceful in our lives. It does not matter what exactly you like to do in your free time - jump with a parachute, do volunteering or learn Japanese - the main thing that it brings you real pleasure.

How to embroider with a cross: peace and joy in every stitch

Today we want to invite you to the amazing world of embroidery and tell how to embroider with a cross. Those who call the measured dance needle on the fabric is a boring occupation, most often does not have the slightest concept about the specifics of embroidery art. In fact, for embroidery, you can not only rest after a hard work day, but also to realize your creative beginning in the process of creating beautiful. This will confirm every needlewoman. And which euphoria and pride overwhelms the soul at the sight of the finished job, do not convey words! Embroidered paintings by a cross - unique works of art, create which die for everyone.



The feeling of joy, peace and satisfaction embroidery brings no coincidence. Doctors argue that classes associated with work on the tips of fingers stimulate active points that accelerate the production of female hormones responsible for equilibrium, femininity and good mood. Embroidery is an excellent prevention of neuropsychiatric disorders. In how cool to embroider a cross, you will be killed by the following photos.




We argue, you no longer wait to learn how to embroider with a cross?

How to embroider with a cross: preparation for work

Easy the cross is the easier than more carefully you prepare everything you need for this occupation.

How to embroider with a cross: selection of strying plot

What kind of picture to embrace, the personal matter of everyone. Someone crazy about butterflies, and someone like shells and sea surf. However, here it happens hardly not the most common mistakes of newcomers, and now you will understand what. If you have a very modest embroidery experience or there is no, try to objectively assess your capabilities. Not always the rampant desire to minimize the mountains corresponds to the real abilities of the needlewoman. So unfinished work appear, unfair self-criticism and disappear to embroider.

In order not to be disappointed into the beloved hobby, keep in mind that the scheme of the winter forest, wildflowers or portrait / icons may contain more than 30 - 35 shades of threads, and this can become a magnificent burden for inexperienced embroidery.


How to embroider with a cross, it is easier to understand, working on an imperious geometric pattern or a simple picture of kittens (birds, "cartoons", etc.) A simple embroidery scheme is convenient to "fill" hand: Apply smooth neat stitches, deftly jump From one row to another, select shades on your taste. Simple schemes consist, as a rule, from 6 to 9 colors, which in the process of work can be replaced by one or another shade at their own request. The simple picture is created in a few days, and the embroidery will bring the needlewoman much more pleasure than the long-lasting painstaking work on a large-scale web.




Choose a plot, pick up the threads of certain colors and shades for the design of embroiderers with experience, the same, who still did not understand how to embroider a cross, better buy a set for embroidery, where everything you need is: visual illustration of finished work, affordable newcomer scheme , CANVA of the desired size and the necessary set of threads. This is the perfect option to embroider a cross for beginners was easy and exciting.


If you are not accustomed to walking along the path of least resistance and decided to independently choose the materials to the existing embroidery scheme, we will tell you what to pay attention to the process of preparing for work on the plot.

How to embroider with a cross: selection of fabric for embroidery

Special fabric base for embroidery of crosses is called canva. Its canvas consists of an equal amount of threads in width and height, which intertwined into clear and uniform squares - embroidered cross are the same and neat.

The most sought-after brand of tissue for embroidery is called Canvas Aida, which is produced by the world famous German company Zweigart. No less popular canvas of the following companies: DMC, RICO (France), Panna, Riolis (Russia), Lecien (Japan).


The size of the canvas cells determines how dense the finished embroidery will be. Depending on the size of the CANVA cells is divided by numbers. Thus, the large cells of the Aida number 8 are designed specifically for children and beginners of needlewomen, and on Canva Aida No. 20 creates a truly jewelry embroidery, which decorate the miniature bookmarks for books, brooks and medallions. The most common and convenient - Canva Aida №14. It is suitable for playing simple and complex paintings.

Any can with success can be successfully replaced by unlimited linen blade - it is also easily distinguishable to the weave of threads. White or gray fabric will be the perfect background for any plot embroidered by different shades of the threads. Fine embroidered tablecloths, napkins, curtains, tacks and stands are obtained from linen fabric.


How to embroider with a cross: selection of threads for embroidery

The overall appearance of the finished picture undoubtedly depends not only on the fabric on which it was created, but also from the quality of the threads, which were made by her cross.

Today's assortment of filaments for embroidery, or Moulin is truly huge. Thread can be 100% genuine: linen, hemp, cotton, silk, woolen. But from Moulin of synthetic or mixed production, excellent embroidered work is also obtained.


High-quality threads for embroidery are durable, have a uniform texture without nodules and seals with a monochrome deep color over the entire length. Each Muline Muline has an individual labeling - this number is almost always indicated in the embroidery schemes so that the needlewoman is easier to choose the desired color.

When buying Moulin, you certainly pay attention to the length of the thread in the MOTK. It is necessary to do this from purely practical considerations. First embroidering the picture, you will notice that the color of one thread will be used to create some 10 - 15 crosses, while the Moulin of another color will be needed in tens of times more, since the shade or color of this thread will be the main in the composition. Therefore, the threads involved in the minimum must be bought in motges with the smallest metro station, and the main thread to purchase with a margin just in case. Folded 6 times in length of 7 m - standard Muline Motok. You can also find threads of 3.5 and 10 m.

"Gamma" is one of the most popular stuff stamps today. There are a manufacturer for what to respect: Muline, made from Egyptian cotton on the equipment of the Japanese assembly, uniform texture and a stunning rich color that is not afraid of washing. The finished sets for embroidery most often worked with the "gamma".

Decent competition "Gamme" is Mulina Madera (Germany) and DMC (France). These threads are not twisted and do not twist in the process of work, steadyly painted and not fade into direct sunlight. However, it is worth such pleasure more than the goods of domestic production.

The organization of storage remaining after the completion of Muline is a delicate matter. It is more convenient to wear threads on dense cardboard bobbins with an indication of the number of each color.


How to embroider a cross: selection of needles for embroidery

On fine tissue, a thin needle is working with a round ear, then punctures on the canvas are carried out practically imperceptible, and embroidery looks very elegant and neatly. For embroidery on dense fabric, thick needles with a blunt tip and a long ear are used.

It is more convenient to do stitches with a special tapestry needle for embroidery: she has a wide ear and a stupid tip, which, unlike acute, will not hurt ready-made cross or canvas itself. Such a needle is easy to push the nights of the canvas and stretch through them Moulin. You will rate a wide ear, if you need to be able to change the color when you work, the thread is in such a needle without problems.


To solve once and forever for yourself, the question of embroidery needle needs is worth buying a ready-made set with needles of different sizes. Most often, the needles No. 22, 24, 26 and 28 use no more than 3 cm long.

Children and people with poor eyesight will use the nitelover - a wire loop on the handle, so as not to spend precious time on countless attempts to conceive a thread in a needle.


How to embroider with a cross: selection of hoops for embroidery

To make the embroidery process more comfortable and less costly in time, many needlewomen use plastic or wooden hoops. It is most often round, and sometimes oval hoops, slightly different in size from each other. Recently, discharges equipped with a special lock to adjust the upper hoop size on Canva was easier. Inserted and fixed in the hoop cloth is well stretched and not crushed when working.


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For a small or completely miniature cut, round hoops are suitable, and with large canvases it is more convenient to work on large rectangular hoops. Their design is improved by a special stand, which allows you to free the left hand of the embroidery and thereby speed up the embroidery process.


Those who relate to embroidery very seriously work on an embroidery machine. The device is tightly holding a fabric and allows the master to see the entire working surface of the canvas - so immediately you can note the most problematic places in the composition and avoid probable errors.


Beginners, of course, you can do without hoarse, pulling the canvas of the canvas with the fingers of the left hand. However, this technique is suitable only for small pictures that are embroidered in days. If embroidery hobble you seriously, sooner or later you will definitely think about buying a hoop.

How to embroider a cross: organization of the workplace

Before starting to embroider with a cross, take action that will protect you from the curvature of the spine and the development of myopia. Yes, yes, you correctly understood: the lack of suitable conditions for the classes of your favorite hobby can cause tangible harm to your health. With love organized workplace - a guarantee of lack of problems with the neck, back, eyes and hands.

The light should fall on the embroidery on the left side. Naturally, it is better to embroider during the daytime, but sometimes allocate a couple of free hours for your favorite hobby is obtained only in the evening, so you need to get a high-quality desktop lamp.

The longer you will embroider, the more Muline, the remnants of the thread, schemes, thimbles and other necessary trifles will "figure out" sinks, and other necessary trifles. It is more convenient to store all this wealth in special organizers for tools and threads. The organizer will successfully replace multiple cardboard boxes or medium size caskets that are comfortable to keep at hand.

Keep track of your position during embroidery: shoulders should be in the unfolded position, the chest is free, not squeezed, the body is slightly tilted forward. These simple rules will remove you from the slope. The distance between embroidery and eyes should not exceed 25 - 30 cm.


How to embroider with a cross: embroidery process

How to embroider with a cross: learn to understand the scheme

Scheme - detailed guide to action. This schematic image of the picture you like, rated on small squares. Each square is one embroidered cross on Canva. Squares on the diagram are painted with flowers corresponding to a certain color of the thread. Sometimes the squares of black and white schemes are filled with various symbols that mean certain shades and colors of Moulin. Often, the squares of the embroidery scheme are simultaneously decorated with both color and symbols - for funny visibility.

Learning to embroider with a cross according to the scheme is not at all difficult - you need only a little time and perfection. The whole scheme is divided into large squares (10 × 10 cells), due to which it is very easy to place the fabric base, preparing it to embroidery. It is also convenient for the fact that you can quickly compare the corresponding areas of work on canvas and paper.

Getting started to embroider, carefully examine the characters and numbers of the threads that they match. Each Motley Muline, as you remember, is assigned an individual number. In no way marked, empty squares in the diagram mean that in these places it does not need to embroider anything.

The middle of the scheme and middle of the canvas are the traditional start of work and the guarantee that the embroidered picture will be in its place, namely strictly in the middle of the canvas. You pre-warn the annoying errors in the calculations, if you denote the arrow scheme along the edges or a special marker, indicating the middle of each side of the song, and then at the place of their horizontal and vertical intersection, determine the picture center.


How to embroider with a cross: Cooking canvas for embroidery

Canvas have one annoying drawback: it blooms around the edges in the process of work. To avoid this, the fabric is cooled using the seam "through the edge" or, even easier, it is handled by the edges of the PVA glue, which is easily lagging behind when washing the finished embroidery in warm water.

At the beginning of work, the canvas are placed in accordance with the scheme so that all the elements of the image on paper and already embroidered patterns come together in the right places. Most convenient to spread the fabric with squares 10 per 10 cells.

How to embroider with a cross: we master a simple counting cross

All cookings are behind, and now it remains for small: put the beginning of a beautiful embroidered picture by the first stitches on the canvas. In the entire history of its existence, the embroidery was replenished with more than 30 types of cross, but the most popular and the usual cross remains, which is valued for the simplicity of performance and versatility - on the basis of it, you can create both the most primitive pictures and large-scale colorful canvas.

A simple cross make up 2 inclined stitch: lift the needle from the bottom through the hole in the canvas, put the diagonal stitch on the fabric and lower the needle into the opposite hole on the canvas.


It is important! Make sure that the top stitches of the cross were embroidered with a slope in one direction, otherwise the cross, put the "speeding", will give the finished work of a sloppy view.

If you sat down for embroidery for the first time in my life, the fear of failure will help to overcome the special "training" Calling Loskutok, where you can "fill the" hand, making several rows of crosses. By their quality, you can evaluate the strength of the thread tension, the general view of the embroidered strips and, making certain conclusions, move the corrected crossbars on the "purish" option of the canvas.

In one work, you can make stitches 2 ways - Danish and traditional. Each of them is convenient in its own way.

Creating a number of cross in the traditional way, each cross embroidered completely (stretching at once 2 inclined stitch) and only then go further. This embroidery technique is suitable for making a small sector or a separate strip of cross.


If the thread of the same color is to embroider a large plot on the canvas, it is better to do it by the Danish way: to stretch the inclined stitches in one direction (for example, from left to right), and then do the same in the opposite direction. In this technique you can create crosses in any direction: from top to bottom or bottom up, diagonally or left to right.


To skip a small number of squares on the fabric, the thread can be pulled by the offside of the fabric and output in the right place. Just keep in mind that the size of such "armor" should not exceed 2 - 3 cm, otherwise they are pulled by the tissue from the inside and will interfere with the work, and the appearance of the invalid side will suffer greatly.

How to embroider a cross: fixing the thread at the beginning and at the end of work

In order to fix a single thread at the beginning of the embroidery, grind a needle in the canvas with her face so that the tail of Moulin remains outside. You hide it under stitches, making the first 2 - 3 crosses. "Tail" thread cut.

In the second way, it is convenient to fix the thread at the beginning of work if you embroider in 2 or 4 threads (even quantity). Fold the thread in half and thread her free "tails" in needle. When you ship the needle with a thread from the bottom of the canvas outside in the lower left corner of the future cross, the hinkee will remain on the invalid side. Now make a stitch, stretching a needle with a thread on the right upper corner of the square on Canva to put the needle in the loop on the wrong button. Gently tighten the thread. All - invisible nodules ready.


To secure the thread at the end of the work, gently stretch it under 3 - 4 crosses on the back of the embroidery. For strength, wrap it around 1 - 2 stitches. Do not make too long broachs that will certainly be sacrificed on the front side of the finished product.


How to embroider a cross: registration of finished work and care for it

How to embroider a cross, we found out. Now let's talk about how to adequately make up your creation and how to handle it, so that it has retained its original appearance for a long time.

Remember that the color of the frame must certainly be harmonized with the overall color solution of the embroidered pattern and be in one tonality with the dominant shade in the embroidery.

Miniature works can be framed by yourself by entering them into the original small frames for photos. By the way, wooden frames can be additionally decorated with coffee beans, seashells, butchers and other faded trifles. Just do not overdo it, otherwise the embroidered picture will be not the main element of the decor, but the background for an unusual frame.




Embroidered with cross icons, rich landscapes, still lifes and other complex paintings "bloom out" in strict wooden frames that can be ordered in a barn workshop.


Before the conclusion of work under the glass it is necessary to refresh. For this, carefully comprehend the embroidery in warm water with the addition of soap chips and a few drops of vinegar. When the tissue dries, treat it with a cotton swab, impregnated with a starch solution, and then join the gauze with a hot iron.

For subsequent styers from the frame, embroidery should be removed as contamination / dusting. Purify the fabric as well as at the first washing: soaked in warm soap-acetic water for a while. Large embroidered works are put in a special bag for careful washing and put a washing machine on a delicate mode.

Wet embroidery, even very big, you can not get out! After washing, the canvas gently decay on a pure terry towel, a loosely twist and premined with their hands. When part of the moisture from the embroidery "takes" a towel, work gently strokes with a hot iron through a thin tissue.

How to embroider with a cross: tricks and secrets

  1. As already noted, it is starting to embroidered from the middle of the scheme. But if it is possible to immediately begin working with dark threads, and go to bright areas later, please use it. So you will not have time to wash and stain the light sectors of the drawing in the process of continuous embroidery.
  2. If you decide to try your hand in embroidery for the first time, give preference to vinyl cannon. It is rather dense and tough, so the puffs you will not need and the edges of the fabric will not require additional processing.
  3. The most comfortable length of the working thread is not more than 50 cm. In the older, the craftsmen were determined by the desired cut, applying a thread to the hand - from the wrist to the elbow.
  4. Take yourself a rule to make a photocopy of the work scheme of embroidery. On photocopies you can cross out the pencil "worked" crosses: so you will never fly extra and not lose the place where they stopped last time.
  5. Do not throw away the round base from paper kitchen towels: it is convenient to wind and store the finished embroidery, until you insert it into the frame. Put the canvas on a soft paper or a thin fabric face down and wrap it onto a cardboard tube.
  6. In the interruptions between work, do not enter the needle in the edges of the canvas, as it will stretch the fabric and wide opening will be very noticeable on the canvas.
  7. If you bought a thread of an unknown manufacturer, and about the durability of their staining you have big doubts, carry out a simple experiment. Small samples of Muline drop into hot water for a few minutes, and then press them and put on a white fabric. If not light matter does not remain traces from Moulin, the threads are suitable for embroidery.
  8. If you embroidering, intensely missed 1 - 2 crosses (but not more!), Do not beware strongly and do not rush to break ready-made stitches. As a rule, no one notices such misses, as they do not spoil the general view of the finished picture.
  9. You can embroider with a cross anywhere: on plastic canvas, pillowcases, clothes and even on egg scarlupe. Just let go of a fantasy in a free flight and create!







No matter how much you explain how to embroider with a cross, you will not understand this with all the clarity until you yourself take a needle with a thread and canvas. Mastery will come with time - there would be a desire. In the end, again, the needles on the fabric will reach automatism, and you will finally understand why the embroidery appreciates the soothing and relaxing effect, as you yourself feel his action on yourself. Creative success!

How to embroider a cross. Video


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