
Uzbek pilaf, preparation recipe

Uzbek pilaf, preparation recipe
How to prepare Uzbek pilaf at home

Uzbek pilaf is a high-calum dish of oriental cuisine, which is always preparing with a scope for a large company. Many consider this national dish with male, perhaps because it was originally prepared by representatives of a strong sex. But times have changed, and women's hands give him the same diverse taste, bring their raisins.

In Uzbekistan, no event does without the above dish. Joyful and sad events, according to customs, pass in large feasts with a huge Casual of this Uzbek Plov. And the collective cooking process itself has already become for residents traditionally-festive: all relatives are going and together are taken for the recipe for the preparation of the Uzbek Plov. Moreover, you can walk from guests all day to visit, to eat exclusively pilaf, and he will not get bored. The fact is that the main ingredients of Plov in Uzbeks each time are complemented by individual recipes and nuances of cooking. So to prepare Uzbek pilaf, optional, more than 100 different recipes, which are continuously changed and complemented.

Legend of Pilov

There is a legend about the origin of the very name - "pilaf". As usual, it did not cost without love and suffering. In the ancient world, the son of the Supreme Padishah fell in love with a poor girl, and the inability to marry it was depressed. The young man stopped eating and came in full decline. Father, fearing for the health of the Son, invited healer to cure him. Long examining a young man, the healer realized that his illness was from love. He understood that only the presence of her beloved or high-calorie food can cure the son of Padishach. PALOV Osh, so called the Council of the dish the healer, consisted of seven ingredients: onions, carrots, oil or fat, salt, meat, water and rice - was very satisfying, bold and calorie. Subsequently, the formulation of the preparation of the Uzbek pilaf was supplemented by many ingredients for taste and aroma, such as: pepper, zira, barbaris, peas and others.

Myths about this Uzbek pilaf


  1. This Uzbek pilaf is prepared only in Kazan.
    Moreover, the Kazan must necessarily be cast iron and properly installed over open fire, otherwise Uzbek pilaf - and not at all. Of course, initially pilaf through -uzbekski was preparing in Kazan, since it was an optimal convenient capacity, but this is not a panacea. And the question of choosing dishes is limited only to its ability to keep heat, evenly distribute it and conveniently accommodate the entire volume of the future dish. Of course, the fire gives a piquant smoke dish and evenly "Tomit" ingredients, but not indispensable.
  2. Real Uzbek pilaf only on the Kurdychnyaya Sale.
    This misconception has begun since in Uzbekistan it was elementary easier to buy a Kurdnyny fat, rather than adequate cotton or any other oil. Therefore, it was deeper and more affordable to prepare Uzbek pilaf on the fat in a fresh or threaded form. In modern recipes, Plov in Uzbeks generally, the use of roasted oil is not recommended. It quickly freezes, very fat and heavy for the stomach, and can also interrupt the smells of the spices that you add to the pilaf.
  3. The preparation formulation of the pila should be sure to begin with a strong raining to the haze and precisely cotton oil.
    Cotton oil is probably the most inability to use food and cooking dishes. It has a bitter taste and sourness, which are just enhanced after heating it. Its use also comes from the realities of the life of the ancient Uzbeks. Due to the fact that the culture of cotton was grown in these locations - it was his oil that was quite accessible and distributed to a simple man in the cooking. In addition, the strong raining of any oils leads to a change in their chemical properties, and the release of adverse toxins, which, too, would not want in the process of the preparation of the Uzbek Plov.
  4. Uzbek pilaf in Kazan after laying rice is preparing strictly without mixing.
    With strictest observance, you can often find the recipes of the Uzbek Plov, which are recommended not to mix the rice and not mix it with vegetables until complete readiness. It is believed that with stirring, heat is distributed unevenly, which will lead to its low-quality and untimely readiness. However, in the same Uzbek cuisine there is still a lot of rice dishes that are not easy to stirring, but also require it. In these cases, rice boils evenly. So in the Uzbek swollen, everything is similar. The fact is that "strict not stirring" is, rather tribute tradition, rather than an exceptional need. Although it is indeed, if the preparation of Uzbek pilas occurs on an open fire, with the right and competently established cauldron, rice really does not require mixing. This situation is exactly changing if you are preparing Uzbek pilaf at home on any kind of plate. Because of the high heat loss, the real Uzbek pilaf is prepared exclusively without a cover, rice must be mixed so that it gains sufficient and uniform temperatures throughout the volume. If this is not done, in certain places, rice will digest, in some - it will be half, and in some - and at all will remain raw.

Cooking Uzbek Plov: note


  • Before readiness at home on the stove, Uzbek pilaf usually be covered with a lid or put on the "hearing", but before that you need to make sure that the moisture from the container is completely evaporated. To do this, it is necessary to collect rice in the form of a slide and make several holes in it until the bottom of the container in which you cook. If the liquid that gathered in the holes is transparent - rice can be covered. If you do not check, rice simply digested, and the pilate cooked through the Uzbek recipe will not work.
  • Pay special attention to the proportions of oil and other products when preparing the Uzbek pilaf at home. Due to the fact that different varieties of rice absorb fats and moisture in different ways, the ratio is not easy to calculate the ratio. But since it is always easier to remove the surplus oil than to fill its initial flaw, add a little more than the norm. You will see if there is a bust with fat - his remnants will perform above the surface of the rice. Then remove it carefully noisy.
  • Uzbek pilaf prepared according to a great recipe, unsurpassed with heat, with heat - and not even bad on the second day. And in order to "refresh" a little, so to speak, his taste is in the morning, it is necessary: \u200b\u200bto lie finely onions by 1-2 portions and fry in a pan with a portion of yesterday's rice. Clear everything under the lid - and Uzbek rice, as the newly prepared.

Recipe for the preparation of Uzbek Pill with pork with photos

Prepare step-by-step Uzbek pilaf at home with pork. We will be prepared in the cauldron on firewood, as the Uzbek pilaf relies. Although the specificity of cooking on the stove will be similar.


  1. Fatty pork without dice - 1 kg.
  2. Fig - 1 kg.
  3. Carrot (you can make a mixture: yellow and red) - 1 kg.
  4. The onion is 1 kg.
  5. Peas - 400 g
  6. Barbaris - 100 g.
  7. Raisin - 100 g
  8. Zira - 100 g
  9. Zirchava - 100 g.
  10. Red pepper ground sweet - 50 g.
  11. Red pepper ground sharp - 50 g.
  12. Ground Kinse Seeds - 50 g.
  13. 2-3 heads of garlic (preferably young, but not fundamentally).
  14. Black fragrant pepper - 50 g
  15. Salt to taste.
  16. Sunflower oil for frying.

For the complement of the Uzbek pivot with pork:

  1. Green pepper.
  2. Fresh tomatoes.
  3. Fresh greens.


Peas and raisins at home individually watched in boiling water in half an hour before the preparation of Uzbek Plov. Rice rinse 3-4 times, until the water becomes transparent, and soaked it in cold salted water for an hour.

The meat cut into large pieces. Meat for Uzbek pilaf necessarily have to be with fat and very fresh - looking photos. Meat not previously pickle.

Bonfire, install and prepare properly cauldron.

After it seemed warm enough and intensity - pour sunflower oil. I do not regret.

Onions cut coarsely. For medium onions in half enough. Do not be afraid that large pieces of onions are not aesthetically pleasing fall in meal time. When the cooking recipe when Uzbek pilaf is ready, but the smell and the taste will be left of the bulbs.

Pour the onion in the butter and fry.

After a little browned onion - send in the cauldron meat.

When it started up and browned meat juice, add peas previously drain water, allspice and barberry. Fry until then, until all the liquid has evaporated and all browned.

Do not overdo the meat, so it was not dry. Fill Uzbek pilaf with boiled water, as in the photo, so that barely cover the meat.

Throw spices: cumin, paprika, coriander seeds, salt and garlic. Leave a little cumin and red pepper - are we still come in handy.

Cut carrots into sticks, and be sure to add into the cauldron. Do not stir.

Let us rice: water and merge all fall asleep in the kettle over carrots. Please note that the prescription of the Uzbek pilaf with pork, rice should be sufficient that it forms quite a decent layer of meat and vegetables, and took almost the whole cauldron. Therefore, the proportion of meat and rice - 1 to 1.

We fall asleep on top zirchavu: how we paint the pilaf in our his future gorgeous color. Add the raisins.

We fall asleep in our future Uzbek pilaf remaining pepper and cumin. A little more salt to taste.

Wait until the rice swells just a couple, stirring occasionally. Please note, you need to gently stir only the top layer of rice, do not touch the bottom - with meat and carrots.

Meanwhile brings beauty: cook onion, greens and cut tomatoes.

When Uzbek pilaf home fully prepared - can be fed. Bon Appetit!

Uzbek pilaf: Video


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