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The benefits and harms of cocoa

The benefits and harms of cocoa
The benefits and harms of cocoa powder

The taste of cocoa is familiar to us since childhood. Therefore, this drink is so popular. Today, products created on its basis, for example, chocolate, cakes, sweets and other confectionery products, are in great demand. However, not everyone knows that cocoa can bring both benefits and harm to the body. Next, we will tell you more about everything.

How to get cocoa?


Cocoa is a large tree that can reach a height of up to 10-11 m. Its fruits are red or yellow-green. At the same time, their weight is usually up to 450-490 g. The fetal pulp contains up to 45-55 beans. Today, the largest manufacturer of cocoa is the African state of the Cote-d’Ivoire.

In general, there are several varieties of cocoa:

  1. One of them is Cryllo, which has a soft, thin and very enchanting aroma. It belongs to the elite varieties of cocoa.
  2. Cocoa Trinatrio. It is considered a powerful, slightly sour and very fragrant variety.
  3. The most rare variety of cocoa is rightly considered violent.
  4. As for the foraster variety, it is the most popular, it can be safely called the leader in the world market. It has a characteristic flavor and has a weakly expressed aroma of beans. It differs in high yield.

In order to get cocoa, the fruits of wood are first collected, then treated and dried. Drying usually takes place in the sun or in special furnaces. After that, the beans are packaged and sent to chocolate manufacturers. There, with the help of pressing, oil is squeezed out of them. The cake, which remains after receiving it, is grinded and as a result a cocoa powder is obtained.

The benefits and harms of cocoa: Composition


Cocoa is familiar to many since childhood. It is not without reason that it is included in the diet of babies in kindergarten. After all, this is a real storehouse of valuable substances. This drink contains approximately 300 different components, in particular:

  • dopamine,
  • arginin,
  • fluorine,
  • molybdenum,
  • magnesium,
  • anandamid,
  • iron,
  • zinc,
  • tiramin,
  • calcium.

It has approximately 54% fat, 11.5% protein, 9% cellulose, 6% starch and polysaccharides. The rest of the parts are minerals, organic acids, water and tannins.

In more detail the composition of cocoa powder can be found from the table:


The benefits and harms of cocoa: CAKAO calorie content

Cocoa powder is enough calorie. So, 100 grams of product contains approximately 290 kilocalories. In this case, this drink saturates well. Therefore, people who monitor their weight can drink cocoa cupo a cup of cups instead of a certain meal. For example, they can replace a afternoon snack. At the same time, you do not need to put a lot of sugar in the drink.

The benefits of cocoa powder


Let's talk about the benefits of cocoa. It is noteworthy that there are more some beneficial substances in it than in other products. So, for example, it is rich, as already mentioned above, iron and zinc. The iron that is in its composition is necessary to normalize the hematopoiesis process. The zinc with which this drink is saturated is involved in the formation of vital enzymes, the creation of the structure of RNA and DNA, and protein synthesis. In addition, it normalizes the functioning of cells. It must also be said that zinc is extremely necessary for adolescents for the normal course of puberty. Even this element contributes to the intensive healing of scratches, wounds. In order to completely saturate your body with zinc, it is enough to drink a couple of cocoa cups per week. In addition, you need to eat 2-4 small slices of chocolate every day. At the same time, give preference to bitter chocolate.

The benefits of cocoa are also that it contains melanin, which is able to protect from infrared or ultraviolet radiation. In the first case, this substance protects our skin from a sunny blow and overheating, and in the second - carefully protects from the appearance of sunburn. Therefore, if you want to “bask in the sun” for a long time for a long time, then in the morning drink 1 cup of cocoa, and before going to the beach, eat a few cuts of black bitter chocolate.

It should be noted that it is useful to drink cocoa to people who are illuminated by influenza, SARS. The fact is that it has such a rich composition that it helps to restore lost strength. It concentrates a sufficient amount of potassium, which makes it useful for people with heart failure. If you believe the opinion of some scientists, then a substance such as an epicatechin contained in cocoa reduces the risk of rather serious diseases, including cancer, diabetes mellitus.


In this drink, there are still useful antioxidants that can prevent various diseases and slow down the aging process. It is believed that in cocoa antioxidants even more than in red wine and green tea, which, incidentally, is considered one of the best fighters with free radicals. Cocoa fruits contain natural polyferols that do not allow free radicals  "Take root" In the body. Due to this, this drink can be considered a means of preventing oncological diseases. Regular use of cocoa improves brain function. Caccao Bobs contains antioxidant Flavanol, which improves cerebral circulation and normalizes pressure. For this reason, it is useful for people who have problems with blood circulation in the vessels of the brain.

By the way, instead of harmful energy drinks for health, it is better to drink cocoa cup, which will give energy and forces much more than fashionable energy. In addition, it will give cells the necessary nutrition.

Application and benefits of cocoa oil


Fat, which is extracted from the grains of chocolate wood, is called cocoa. It has a solid consistency. But at room temperature, the oil can soften. The product has a characteristic pleasant aroma. In this case, its color is usually white with a small yellow tint.

In total, it is customary to distinguish between two types of cocoa oil:

  • natural,
  • deoded.

The latter is subjected to additional processing. This oil contains approximately 43% of oleic acid, about 25% laurin and palmitin, about 34% stearin, 2% linoleic and several hundredths of arachidonic acid.

Many can alert a large amount of fats in the product. But it is proved that a third of all fatty components of cocoa oil falls on stearic acid, which does not exceed the level of cholesterol in the blood. As for oleic acid, it is known as a substance that can reduce the amount of harmful cholesterol.

It is worth noting that try to purchase only natural products, since the cocoa oil substitute is harmful to health.


The use of cocoa oil is quite wide. In particular, it is used in the food industry, in medicine, in cosmetology and pharmacy. It is successfully used as the basis for various ointments and candles. It is very useful for burns, coughing, dermatic rashes, with dryness and peeling of the skin and with colds.

Cocoa oil has found its application in cosmetology. The product is used for rejuvenation and tonic. This is an excellent means of preventing withering of the skin of the neck and face. It has an effective regenerative effect and at the same time does not cause allergic reactions. This oil is well suited for mature and dry skin. It intensively nourishes, moisturizes and softens. After it, the skin becomes clean, “velvet” and delicate.

The harm of cocoa


It is believed that not only cocoa grains, but also various tropical insects, for example, such as cockroaches, often fall into the packaging of the product. Moreover, it is believed that it is precisely because of the cockroach chitin that this product is made highly allergenic. By the way, chocolate is made of these same cocoa beans, so it has similar properties. Manufacturers, of course, can assure that their products are thoroughly cleaned and processed, but, unfortunately, this is not always true.

As for the harm of cocoa powder, it is extremely recommended to use the drink for problems with the kidneys and gout. This is due to the fact that cocoa contains purine compounds.

It is also worth saying a little about the effect of cocoa on pregnancy. Despite the fact that this product is very useful, it is best to completely abandon it during pregnancy. The fact is that cocoa interferes with the normal absorption of calcium and at the same time is a rather strong allergen. Calcium, as you know, is a vital element for the full development of the fetus. His deficit, obviously, can harm not only the health of the future baby, but also the mother herself.

The benefits and harms of Nesvki cocoa


A fairly popular drink for children is the rapidly soluble “Nesquik”. Cocoa Nesvik is useful or harmful, let's figure it out. Previously, it must be said that based on the composition of the product, the leading role in it is still sugar, and not a cocoa powder. After all, the latter contains only 17%. In addition, the product has other ingredients:

  1. Emulgator (soy lecithin) - usually used to make chocolate.
  2. Minerals and vitamins.
  3. Maltodecstrin (refers to quick carbohydrates).
  4. The flavor is vanilla-fuss.

In addition, it should be noted that this drink is very high -calorie. 100 g of the product contains 337 kilocalories.

The benefits and harms of cocoa: how to choose cocoa?


Now let's look at the issue of choosing cocoa. At the same time, first of all, attention should be paid to the composition of the product. In natural cocoa usually contains at least 15-16% cocoa fat. Natural powder should have a brown or light brown tint. Moreover, it does not contain any extraneous impurities. If you rub it with your finger, then no lumps should form. When you brew the drink, you should pay attention to the resulting sediment. There should be no sediment in high -quality and useful cocoa.

The benefits and harms of cocoa: how to cook cocoa?


To correctly prepare this delicious drink, you need to mix 2.5-3 tbsp. l. cocoa powder and 1.5 tbsp. l. Sahara. After that, bring 1 liter of milk to a boil and pour the resulting mixture into it. Cook cocoa over low heat, for about 3-4 minutes.

In order to make the taste of the drink more piquant, you can add a pinch of vanilla or salt to it.

The benefits and harms of cocoa: video

You can learn more about the benefits and dangers of this drink from the video tutorial:



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