
Cabbage pie, recipe and secrets of cooking

Cabbage pie, recipe and secrets of cooking
Cooking cabbage pie is tasty, fast and economical

It is difficult to even imagine how many thousands of years ago the first cabbage pie was baked. This is a traditional dish of Slavic cuisine, because the products were all of their own, homemade and affordable. You can cook it from young, fresh cabbage or sauer, which was prepared for the winter. The cabbage dough can also be varied: on yeast, on kefir and even on mayonnaise.

Bulk cabbage pie

The dough on mayonnaise and sour cream for cabbage pie


Preparing a flood cabbage cake will take 40 minutes of time, but how happy your home will be! The aroma emanating from the kitchen will tell everyone what an experienced fast mistress you are. Due to the simplicity of cooking, it is sometimes called a lazy cabbage pie. Everything will be very simple: the cabbage will not be specially stew or fry, we will not roll the dough and knead with our hands. Not a pie, but a fairy tale!

Ingredients for a pouring cabbage pie:

  • 500 g of finely chopped white cabbage;
  • 1 average onion onion;
  • 2-3 tbsp. butter.

For the test:

  • 3 eggs;
  • 5 tbsp. sour cream;
  • 5 tbsp. mayonnaise;
  • 6 tbsp. flour (with a hill);
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 2 tsp baking powder or 0.5 tsp. soda.

We start cooking the pie. Finely chop the onion and fry in butter until golden. Pour the fried mass onto the cabbage, mix. If the cabbage was taken soft, it does not require additional heat treatment. Solid cabbage of the autumn varieties should be slightly dangled under the lid. Cooking the dough. Beat the eggs slightly, alternately add the rest of the products: sour cream, mayonnaise, flour, baking powder. The dough is prepared very easily, it is not necessary to take a mixer for this, you can mix with a spoon. By consistency, the dough resembles not very thick sour cream.

On the bottom of the baking dish, lay out 1/3 of the dough, distribute the filling in a flat layer on top. Then pour the rest of the dough. We put the shape in the oven, heated to 180-200s for 30 minutes. We take out the finished pie from the oven, let it cool a little, cut and serve to the table. The dough on mayonnaise is always good, it is light, air, does not interrupt the aroma of the filling. Even if you do not know how and do not like to work with the dough, you will succeed in this pie!

Kafir for cabbage pie


The same quick cabbage pie can be baked if you cook the dough on kefir. To prepare the dough, you will need:

  • 2 eggs;
  • 1.5 cups of kefir;
  • 2 cups of flour;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 0.5 tsp soda.

Beat eggs, add kefir, flour and knead the liquid dough.

To fill the cabbage pie on kefir, chop 600 g of cabbage, put it in a pan, add 2 tbsp. butter, simmer under the lid for 7-10 minutes. As a result, the cabbage is slightly crispy, salt, add grated nutmeg, dill greens.

Lubricate the baking dish, pour half the dough. Put the filling on the dough, level it and pour the remaining dough. We bake the cabbage pie in the hast of 30-40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. We cover the finished pie with a towel for half an hour, if the aroma of the pie does not provoke you to cut it immediately and eat it.

Cabbage pie in a slow cooker


Amazing aroma cabbage pie is in a slow cooker. An incredibly delicate and hearty cake in a slow cooker is prepared quickly. Preparation of the dough will take no more than 10 minutes, a little more time will have to be spent on cooking filling of cabbage.


  • 500-600 g of cabbage;
  • 1 cup of kefir;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 g of flour;
  • 100 g of solid cheese;
  • 1 tsp salts;
  • 0.5 tsp soda;
  • 1-2 tbsp. vegetable oil.

We start with the preparation of the dough. Beat eggs, add kefir, salt and soda, sift the flour and also pour into the dough. The ease of preparing this test is that all ingredients can be kneaded at the same time. The consistency of the dough resembles the dough for pancakes or sour cream.

Let's get the preparation of the filling. We pure thin white cabbage, salt a little and mix. In order to give the pies the piquancy, add cheese grated on a coarse grater to the filling. Of course, it depends on personal preferences, some housewives add grated carrots or finely chopped smoked sausage to the filling. Our pie will be with cheese. We mix it with cabbage and add dill greens.

Lubricate the multicooker bowl with vegetable oil, pour the third part of the dough. We spread the filling of cabbage and cheese, pour the remaining dough, gently level the top.

To prepare the pie, select the "Baking" mode. We will bake 40 minutes at a temperature of 180 degrees. We take out the finished pie and call home to try.

Cabbage layer cake

A cabbage pie can well decorate a festive table. It all depends on the set of products for the pie and the feed method, or how fashionable to say now, presentations. The cabbage pie according to this recipe is quite suitable for the festive menu.


We will need:

  • cabbage cabbage 500-600 g.;
  • 300 g of fresh champignons;
  • 2 cups of boiled buckwheat;
  • 100 g of solid cheese;
  • 2-3 bulbs;
  • 2 eggs;
  • according to 5 tbsp. mayonnaise and sour cream;
  • 3 tbsp. vegetable oil;
  • half a glass of water;
  • salt, favorite spices and herbs.

Preparation of cabbage puff pie in the photo.


We disassemble the head of the head on separate leaves, slightly beat off with a hammer for meat, cut out thickening. The leaves prepared in this way, pour salted boiling water. If we use young cabbage, it is enough to hold the leaves for 5-7 minutes in hot water and drain. If the cabbage leaves are dense, you can boil them for 5-6 minutes, until half-cooked. Approximately as the cabbage rolls.

For the preparation of the filling, chop the onion finely, cut the champignons with plates. Fry the onion in vegetable oil, then add champignons, simmer under the lid for 7-10 minutes, turn off.


We make a cabin for a cabbage pie. Mix eggs, mayonnaise, sour cream and water. We leave the fourth part of the fill for the top of the pie, and mix three quarters of the mixture with fried champignons and buckwheat. This will be the main filling.

In a deep lubricated baking dish, lay out cabbage leaves, on them 1/3 of the fillings, then again the leaves and so on. It turns out 3 layers of the filling, the upper layer of cabbage leaves. We fill this splendor with the remaining fill. Bake a cabbage puff pie in the oven at a temperature of 200 degrees at least 45 minutes. 10 minutes before the readiness to sprinkle the top with grated cheese.


Cool the finished pie a bit, cut. The layered cabbage pie in its appearance resembles Italian lasagni, although the calorie content will be much lower. After all, we did not use the dough to prepare it. Beautifully cut and layered on a large dish, a layer cake can become a table decoration, and everyone will like it to the taste.

Cabbage yeast pie


The cabbage pie with yeast dough will be hearty, fluffy and ruddy.

For the test you will need:

  • 2 cups of milk or water;
  • 15 g of dry yeast or 30 g of ordinary;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 800 g of flour;
  • 2 tbsp. butter or margarine;
  • 2 tbsp. Sahara;
  • 0.5 tsp salt.

In warm water or milk, add yeast, salt, sugar, 2 tbsp. l. melted oil or margarine, mix. Sift the flour. Gradually add the flour and mix. 1 egg is broken into the dough, the second we will use to lubricate the pie. We knead the dough until it becomes a uniform plastic mass. We put the finished dough in a warm place for 2-2.5 hours.

We will bake a pie with cabbage and forest mushrooms. If forest mushrooms are fresh, they need to be sorted out and boiled. You can use frozen boiled mushrooms, you just need to defrost them. While the mushrooms are thawed, chop and fry cabbage with a small amount of vegetable oil. In another pan, fry the mushrooms, at the end of the frying, add a finely chopped onion. Mix mushrooms and cabbage. Stew together for 3-5 minutes. Remove from heat and cool.

We roll half the dough into a layer of 0.5 cm thick and spread it on a greased baking sheet. We evenly distribute the filling of cabbage and mushrooms to the dough, retreating from the edge of 1 cm. Roll out the second layer of dough, cover our pie, pinch the edges. We decorate the pie, as our fantasy and skill suggest, let the pies distance 30-40 minutes. Lubricate the top of the pie with a beaten egg and put in a heated oven. The furnace at a temperature of 180 degrees 35-40 minutes.

There is nothing tastier than hot homemade pies! Get the table and proceed to tasting!

A yeast cake with cabbage filling is perfect for a picnic. If you are going out of town, bake such a fragrant homemade cake.

Useful tips for cooking cabbage pie


  1. A filling cake can be prepared with other fillings. You can add a chopped egg, boiled screwed or fried meat to the cabbage filling for pies. A very lightweight pie is obtained with Beijing cabbage, seasoned with dill and nutmeg.
  2. It is better to take kefir for the dough warm, in this form it is better to react with soda, and the pie will turn out to be more magnificent.
  3. A very delicate and juicy filling for a cabbage pie will turn out if we put out chopped cabbage in milk. For 500 g of cabbage, half a glass of milk is required.
  4. In order to prepare a lean yeast, cabbage pie, prepare the dough without an egg on water, butter can be replaced with vegetable.
  5. A delicious yeast pie can be prepared with sauerkraut filling. You can take half of sauerkraut, and the second half is fresh. Sved cabbage should be washed with cold water, put in the pan, add a little water and simmer until soft. At the end, add finely chopped onions and a little vegetable oil. Fry when stirring 10 minutes.

Cake with cabbage. Video

In this video, you can see how to cook a delicious pie from the finished puff pastry with cabbage and egg.



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