
What bed bugs look like, photo. How to detect bed bugs, symptoms, what their bites look like. How to get rid of bed bugs at home. Lifth bugs - review

What bed bugs look like, photo. How to detect bed bugs, symptoms, what their bites look like. How to get rid of bed bugs at home. Lifth bugs - review
What bed bugs look like and how to find them - a photo. How to get rid of and withdraw bedbugs at home are the best means and methods. What to be afraid of bed bugs, where they live, how they breed. How bugs bite.

A real nightmare can turn into a night dream for those people who could not find bugs in their dwelling in time. Bed bugs multiply quickly and if you do not take measures in time, they will quickly spread throughout the apartment. Insects in the house are always dangerous and a signal to ensure that measures are taken urgently. It is not worth waiting for the favorable moment when the favorable moment comes, and even more so to wait for these blood -sucking bugs to retreat themselves.

If the bugs appear in the house, they will not become smaller, on the contrary, there is a favorable environment for propagation, and insect-reliability insects will use this. It is believed that the destruction of bed bugs is not complicated, but time -consuming. In stores, funds are sold in assortment. But before starting the action, you need to find out what bedbugs look like.

What do home bed bugs look like

Of all home parasites, bugs are most difficult to find out, because at each stage of the development of this insect they can look different: for example, to have a resemblance to a tick, a louse or a cockroach. This is precisely misleading the inhabitants of megacities, who believe that the house did not have bugs, but harmless cockroaches. Because of this, the first alarming symptoms are often missed and when it is too late, people begin to sound the alarm.

What does a bed bug look like? Outwardly, this insect is very similar to the spring "soldiers", which are a lot in parks, but there are some differences. In general, the appearance is common to all types of these insects: elongated body, wings with a pattern and dense, the head is clearly delimited from the body, the nose is pointed. Bed bugs that destroy agricultural plants, bugs-blades (tropical) and those insects that live in rivers (water meters) look approximately the same.

But bed bugs are still slightly different in the following signs:

  1. The "home" bugs have no wings, they do not need them. The insect becomes invulnerable without wings, as it is difficult to take with your fingers and crush it when the bug is hungry. Due to this feature, i.e. the absence of wings, the body of the home bug is more rounded.
  2. There is no pronounced pattern on the body.
  3. The painting of the parasite is brown, but if the bug is fed, its body will be darker due to the fact that it got drunk blood. If the insect is very saturated, it can be even black.
  4. Small hungry larvae will be almost transparent or have a pale yellow color.
  5. If you managed to find the place of accumulation of insects at home, many people can confuse bugs with cockroaches during a cursory examination.
  6. Bed bugs always a noticeable abdomen, it is divided into segments. And if in ordinary bugs they are not so noticeable because of the wings, they are pronounced in the family. Especially in well -fed bugs, each segment is slightly lengthens and darkens.
  7. Each insect has a proboscis on the head - this is the organ of its nutrition. There are 2 channels in it: for the introduction of saliva into the wound and for blood absorption. The proboscis easily enters the skin, the insect intentionally selects places where the capillaries are located close and for a couple of minutes it energetically sucks blood. Then - can move to another site to repeat the meal. In order to get enough, the insect is enough for a maximum of 5 bites, then the bug will crawl into its refuge and will come out for the next hunt only after it is hungry.
  8. The dimensions of bedbugs are small: an adult reaches a length of 0.5 to 8 mm. In a hungry state, the length of the body is only 4 mm, and after saturation - increases by 2 times.
  9. Insect larvae are very small, they are very difficult to discern, except under a magnifying glass. Even young bugs are difficult to notice and easily confuse with other home insects. Larvae are transparent and separately invisible if the female put aside several batches of larvae in one place at once, then they can be found. Moreover, they will always be nearby where adults are in.
  10. A well -fed bug is very vulnerable and easy to crush it in bed. If the bug is hungry, it is flat and it is very difficult to destroy, even picking it up - it is impossible. You can crush the bug only if you crush a hard object to a hard flat surface. For example, use a knife, nail or coin.

It is enough to see once how the home bug looks and you can never confuse it with other home parasites.

What bed bugs look like, photo

Propagation of bed bugs

It is not enough just to destroy the parasites by processing sleeping places, rooms and even a whole apartment. As soon as all individuals are destroyed, after a while you can again feel the bites of bed bugs on yourself. And after a week - to find in bed the larvae of bedbugs. Why can't you get rid of uninvited guests once and for all?

You need to know how bed bugs propagate:

  1. Males have one feature: they can transmit seed fluid not only to females, but also for males. The fertilization of the female occurs unusually: the male pierces the abdomen of the female and introduces seed fluid into it. One injection is enough for the female to have the ability to reproduce until the end of her days.
  2. After the seed fluid gets in the body, the female can lay eggs. Each individual is able to postpone up to 10 eggs a day! Eggs of bedbugs are very small, light and oblong, similar to rice grains. The length of one egg is from 1 millimeter! The female can lay eggs in different places of the room, wherever she can hide, in the most secluded corner.
  3. Beds propagate rapidly, since in the living rooms where they are justified, there are all favorable conditions for this. This is heat (from +22 to 30 degrees), there are no temperature fluctuations (sharp decrease in temperature), there are many places where you can hide and there is always access to food.
  4. Insect larvae develop rapidly, after the 3rd day they leave the shell and immediately go in search of food. Nymphs are called larvae. If food for nymphs is enough, it grows very quickly. The parasite larva can change its shell up to 5 times, dropping the old and cramped. The growth rate of insect growth depends on what the air temperature will be in the room. If the apartment is warm, from +25 degrees, larvae grow faster and will change the shell every week. If in the room it is cool and barely the temperature reaches +20, the growth slows down and stretches for 3 months. If the room is cold, the development of the larva is suspended, it hibernates before the favorable period.

Parasite insect larvae cause people more anxiety than adult individuals, because with bites they do not inject saliva with anesthetics (young individuals are not yet able to develop this substance). Only sexually mature insects produce anesthetic. Therefore, when a nymph bites a person in a dream, it is immediately felt, since the place of the bite immediately itch and itch.

What do the bites of bed bugs look like:

Bed bugs: how to detect

It is not easy to detect bed parasites - they are hidden in mattresses, sofas, pillows and blankets, sofa cracks and in places where they can come into contact with the surfaces of the back and abdomen on both sides. So parasites feel safe.

Home, bed parasites have a special characteristic smell of feces. They exude the smell similar to the smell of sour berries or corrupted cognac. Sometimes they even say that poor cognac has the smell of a bed bug. And there is a share of truth in this.

Sometimes people think that a specific smell available in the apartment is the smell of old furniture, but in fact, bugs live in this apartment. Their smell will be more strongly felt where there are a lot of insects: in the area of \u200b\u200bsleeping places (bed, sofa), behind the cabinet, for paintings, window sills. Therefore, if an extraneous smell is present in the apartment, you must be wary. It happens that people have gotten so much that they do not feel an unpleasant odor, then it is worth leaving for several days and upon returning the smell will be felt much stronger.

How else can you find uninvited guests? Sometimes single bites are not enough and I want to see the enemy in the face. Then you need to spread the sheet on the bed, turn off the light and turn it on late at night, the parasites will be on a white sheet.

It can also be understood that there are bugs in the house, on this basis: droplets of blood will remain on the sheets after an insect bite. Bed bugs in saliva does not have enzymes that help blood to crap faster, so blood droplets on bed - this is inevitable.

Where bed bugs live:

  • in sofas, beds, chairs, chairs, mattresses;
  • for skirting boards, slots under parquet and baseboard;
  • under carpets and paths;
  • in a closet in clothes;
  • behind the cabinet, bedside table and any other furniture that stands close to the wall;
  • on the shelves between magazines and books;
  • behind the paintings;
  • in old chests of drawers, bedside tables, boxes;
  • in household appliances and wherever an increased air temperature (for example, under the windowsill);
  • in sockets.

Bugs can climb into the cabinets and especially mobile individuals even put eggs in the folds of clothing, so it will not be hopeful that they will not be in the cabinets. In the fight against these parasites, you will have to process everything completely indoors.

The only thing where blood -sucking cannot get into is inside the pillow, but to get under the pillowcase and hide in the folds of the bedding is quite likely.

How bugs bugs bugs

The bed bug is a blood -sucking parasite, its bites itch, they cause a person inconvenience. Pierce the skin of the bugs with a proboscis, injecting anesthetic saliva and sucking blood. A small bug can bite one person up to 10 times per night, until he finds a place with close blood vessels. The food of one individual is enough for a week and even more, but these parasites will not sleep calmly at night, because dozens, hundreds and even thousands can be in the premises! In one night, up to 500 bites on a person’s body can be!

Symptoms of bite bugs:

  • only open areas of the body bug: legs, arms, face, neck, choosing accessible places. If children sleep without pajamas, bite everywhere, choosing the most “tasty” parts of the body;
  • the symptoms can be said the following: they are almost no different from the bites of other insects, especially if there is a suspicion of bugs in the house in the summer, when windows are open, balconies due to heat. At the site of the bite, a swelling immediately appears and the place of the puncture will be seen on its hill;
  • the bite of these insects from a mosquito bite is distinguished in that the punctures are not single. Even one individual can make several punctures until it “gropes” the place where the capillaries under the skin are closely located;
  • at night, bugs come out in parties at night, so the bites will be multiple, and whole red paths can be on the body. The number of bites can vary and depend on the infection of the room;
  • in the afternoon, bloodsucchers rarely show activity, they are active in the dark.

The reasons for the appearance of bed bugs

Where do bed bugs come from? It seems that the room is perfect in the room, and these parasites attacked the room. There is a great probability of detecting bugs in old high -rise buildings and houses in rural areas. It is no secret that bugs can move from neighbors if they decide to pull insects.

Bed bugs are not as moving as fleas or mosquitoes, they have no wings, they do not know how to fly, but move much slower than cockroaches. But these insects have one feature - they can do without food for a long time, so they can find the location. They can move into dwellings from chicken coins, move through ventilation ducts in multi -storey buildings, penetrate into the gaps of the entrance doors, get into the house with guests or things.

Bed bugs can get into the house in this way:

  • with things and road bags after traveling. So you can bring bugs from warm countries to the house (India, Thailand, Egypt, etc.). Moreover, it is enough to bring one individual and in a short period of time in the house there will be a lot of them. With a frequent change in hotels, hostels, traveling with one backpack, it is likely to bring uninvited guests from distant countries to their home;
  • with bought used furniture. This is one of the most common ways to infect a new home with bugs. Even if the purchased bed or any other upholstered furniture at the house was carefully processed with a vacuum cleaner, this is not enough to sleep calmly;
  • bed bugs can move from one place to another, hiding in the folds of clothes. Therefore, the bug can be brought from the guests home and even from decent boutiques!
  • blood -sucking insects are hidden in secluded and warm corners. For example, in household appliances: microwaves, scanners, laptops, etc., waiting in the wings;
  • moving on animals (dogs, cats and even bats) - this is rare, but possible.

Attacked bed bugs: how to get rid at home

If parasites are found in the house, you need to know how to deal with bed bugs.

There are many means and methods, this is:

  • using chemicals;
  • folk remedies;
  • independent struggle with bed bugs;
  • appeal in special services.

All methods have their advantages and disadvantages, consider in more detail how to get rid of bedbug bugs:

  1. If it is decided to etch bugs using special means, it is necessary to protect your hands, face and respiratory system. You need to work in gloves, a scarf, a respirator. You also need to put on clothes, the most closing the body, isolate all family members and pets during processing. After the processing is completed, get out of the room yourself.
  2. The list of effective tools: the “executioner” is very effective, but has a pungent smell; “Get” is a smell remedy; RAID aerosol preparation; Forsyth is the most toxic remedy for bedbugs. The form of the drug can be different: emulsion, aerosol, solids, gel -like. Choose those that have a low toxicity threshold and a high degree of destruction of parasites. Such drugs quickly destroy insects and disintegrate, no danger to people. After the 2-3 days after processing, you can return home.
  3. How to withdraw bed bugs? There are dozens of folk methods in the fight against these insects. This is the treatment of dwellings with vinegar, kerosene, turpentine and other poisonous liquids. For example, for processing floors, wooden chairs, cabinets and other wood furniture, you can use a mixture of kerosene, turpentine and naphthalene in equal proportions. You need to work in special plastic gloves.
  4. For processing upholstered furniture: beds, sofas, seats, alcohol -containing solutions are used. For example, ethyl alcohol (70%), vinegar, technical alcohol with naphthalene (5 g per glass of alcohol) are effective in the fight against pests. After processing furniture, you need to leave the room for at least 6 hours, and best of all at night.
  5. Grassing and tansy grass helps in the fight against bugs if there are not many these parasites in the house. The strong aroma of these herbs will scare off pests, but in order to destroy them completely, you will have to choose another tool.
  6. What are bedbuilding bugs? These blood -sucking are afraid of changes in temperature conditions. If the room is warm, and Moroz on the street, you can take mattresses, armchairs, chairs and other furniture to the street to hold in the cold for 3-6 hours. The method is not effective enough, because if there are a lot of bugs, they may not die completely and after a while new colonies will appear. As an option, you can try to freeze the entire room, opening the windows and balconies wide open, leave the windows in this position for the 2-3 days.
  7. War processing is a great option, in the presence of special devices. The supply of hot steam under pressure (temperature from +50 degrees) will get rid of pests. But in order to fulfill everything according to the rules, it is necessary to call a special team with equipment (irradiators, steam generators or hair dryers).

Bed bugs were found at home: how to get rid of yourself

You can fight bugs yourself, processing the room with various means:

  1. For example, vinegar essence has proven itself well, it is necessary to try to treat all surfaces with liquid. Work strictly in a mask, gloves, protective clothes in a well -ventilated room.
  2. What else can help: an ordinary valerian. But remember that it does not work on the larvae. Therefore, if there are few parasites, it is worth trying this method. It is necessary to process valerian furniture, skirting boards, etc.
  3. Dry wormwood and tansy, laid out in the corners, scares bugs, but this method is more suitable as a preventive.
  4. For the processing of a 1-room apartment, you need to take 5 bottles of 70% vinegar, brew wormwood grass (a pack for 500 ml of water) and add 1 liter to a cooled decoction, all this needs to be mixed. The smell will be sharp, so you need to work in a respirator, gloves, a scarf, dense clothes. Process furniture, walls, skirting boards, covering everything. After the processing is completed - to leave the room without ventilating (the windows should be tightly closed). After a day, you can return, the smell will disappear and there will be no blood -sucking insects. It is advisable to carry out the processing of the apartment by agreeing with the neighbors, so that in the whole house every owner of the apartment processes his home, then the chances of winning these insects are doubled.
  5. Tracks for bedbugs, as one of the effective methods in the fight against these blood -sucking ones. On sale you can find several types of traps, but they are more intended for other insects. Some are suitable in the fight against bugs. For example, Velcro for cockroaches. If you develop the tactics of fighting these insects, you can get rid of them. For example, put a bed on the bed so that each leg is surrounded. For 2-5 nights, you need to move to sleep to another place, so that the bugs are carefully hungry and go massively to the smell. Bed bugs fly and do not know how to jump, they will go down the bed on the legs and will immediately fall into the trap.
  6. There is also a modern trap, specially designed for the destruction of bedbugs - this is a vessel with carbon dioxide that a person identifies when breathing during sleep. Bugs come to this landmark at night. And if you put such traps near the bed, in the closet, in the corners, they will all fall into a special container. Only then bugs will need to be destroyed independently. But this will not be difficult, since bugs die in water. They need to be poured into a plastic bottle of water and close the lid.

The best measure of the fight against bed bugs is prevention

The sanitary condition of the dwelling cannot affect whether bugs will settle in it or look for a suitable option. Even in new houses and only apartments after repair, the reproduction of these blood -sucking bugs is not excluded. Therefore, you need to think about prevention in order to prevent the settlements of uninvited guests:

  1. Buy a drying machine, after hotels and visiting a visit, wash all things, and then dry in a car at a temperature of +50 degrees. When reaching +48 degrees, these insects die and so it can be completely destroyed.
  2. After staying in dubious places (for example, an overnight stay in a hostel, in a rented apartment), all things need to be packaged in vacuum packages and handed over for dry cleaning. Things, bags, backpacks cannot be entered into the apartment - also hand over for processing.
  3. In summer, you need to put the nets on the windows to protect yourself from adults.
  4. Perform the insulation of sockets, treat the space under a glass of silicone so that there are no cracks.
  5. In ventilation holes, put dry wormwood, lavender, tansy and every 14 days to change the grass to fresh.
  6. The openings of ventilation ducts can be treated with naphthalene, sprayed with vinegar from the spray gun.

Now you know what to do if bed bugs are found in the house.



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