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How to choose a pan

How to choose a pan
The nuances and the difficulties that you have to face when choosing a pan. Pros and cons of various types of pans.

It is difficult to imagine the kitchen of any self -respecting hostess, without the presence of a whole set of pans in it. Therefore, the question of how to choose a pan becomes so relevant to such an extent that it should be considered in more detail.

How to choose a pan: aluminum pan


Aluminum data

It is no secret that this alloy is one of the lightest metals, although not every housewife can know about this. Therefore, the advisable question is the advisability of using this material for the manufacture of such kitchen devices.

The pluses of the pan

Among the advantages of pans made of aluminum, the following should be noted:

  • the weight of the products is incredibly small, which is very convenient in the process of cooking;
  • they have high thermal conductivity;
  • the price of such products cannot be called high.

The disadvantages of the pan

If we talked about the pluses, it is worth saying about the minuses:

  • a rather complicated process of frying;
  • constant suction of food;
  • not suitable for baking in the oven;
  • low alkalinity;
  • low acid resistance;
  • the threat of damage to the surface of the pan in the case of the use of metal spatulas;
  • deformation of dishes for overheating.

Recommendations regarding the choice of pan

If you still decide to opt for aluminum pans, or just want to have this option in a large collection and such an option, you need to build on when choosing from the thickness of the bottom. Remember the coefficient of 5 mm., Since the bottom of such a kitchen device made of aluminum should not be thinner than this indicator. This is especially true for meat lovers who plan to use a pan for cooking meat dishes.

If you want to be sure that the purchased pan will serve you for a long time, and one hundred percent will justify the funds spent on it, then you can purchase a cast frying pan. It has the characteristics of the compacted bottom and walls, which makes it more reliable and convenient to use.


True, if you take it to consider the feasibility of choosing an aluminum pans, we can confidently say that it will be by no means not easy to choose the right pan. Such dishes do not live for a long time and will come in handy in the kitchen collection only for rare use and preparation of simple dishes, like fried eggs, for example.

How to choose a pan with ceramic coating


A little story and nuances

Ceramics dishes were made from a long time ago, but as for the kitchen devices such as pans, ceramics reached them not so long ago. It is fair to say that many housewives with somewhat conservative views still do not trust pans and knives from ceramics.

It is important to know that in fact, ceramic pans does not fully consist of ceramics.

Most of it consists of a metal base, which is ultimately covered with special ceramic material, which is sometimes also called titano-curamic. If you decide to choose a good pan, which, unlike aluminum options, will not burn, then your choice is definitely ceramics.

Advantages of the pan

  • Incredible durability. If you can simply not wash some other dishes after handling food, then with a ceramic frying pan everything is very simple and after rinsing, it will be like new.
  • Environmental friendliness. Ceramics does not emit any harmful substances, does not disappear from the surface of the product.
  • One very important point in choosing a pan


    If you are interested in this information, and you decided to choose a ceramic pan for your kitchen, you need to know one very important point that will save you from future problems. Due to the fact that such dishes are very popular, quite often you can stumble upon fakes. Often there is a thin layer of enamel, which is applied to aluminum.

    At the same time, grief manufacturers are trying to give out such a product behind a pan-Keramika pan. Believe me, such products will clearly not be durable and hardly satisfy all your requirements in terms of quality and ease of cooking. Therefore, it is necessary to look at the marginal attention of the materials from which the goods are made and all the nuances about the manufacturer from the consultant are made.

    Rules for the operation of the pan

    Despite the ease of use of such dishes, it has its own rules for use that is recommended to follow. We celebrate them below:

    • After buying the pan, it must be lubricated with oil, after which it is good to rest. Thus, you can create another additional coating that will perform anti -stick functions. In addition, after performing such a simple operation, the material of the product will be hardened.
    • Despite the fact that a frying pan of this type can be heated to a temperature of 450 degrees Celsius, this must be done for a long time. Remember that ceramics does not tolerate sharp temperature changes that can damage it. Therefore, avoid cooking frozen products in a pan.
    • Do not forget about the use of spatula. True, before that, look into the instructions for the product, because it is one thing to finally decide which pan to choose, and another - to choose the right shoulder blade for it. Different manufacturers can offer their consumers all sorts of varieties of shoulder blades and other cutlery. Someone can advise plastic products, and someone-metal products. Do not turn a blind eye to this condition, since it will make the dishes really durable, such problems as cracks and bubbles on the coating will simply be unknown to you.


    Names of ceramic coatings of pans

    Finally, it is worth paying attention to the names of ceramic coatings. After all, they are often found on the market, but their names may slightly vary, which puts inexperienced buyers in a stupor.

    You can find such names in most stores:

    • Ceramica (Moneta);
    • Thermolon (Green Pan);
    • Keravis (ballarini);
    • Greblon (Giaretti);
    • Ecolon (Brener Neoflam);
    • Fry (Best Neoflam);
    • Excilon (Maestro, Gipfel);
    • Ferno Ceramic (Berghoff).

    Which pan is better to choose for the preparation of pancakes For pancakes

    Everyone loves pancakes, and each, self -respecting mistress, should be able to cook them. But in order for them to be fame, not enough skills, we need a suitable pan.

    How to choose a cast -iron pan


    At the beginning of the last century, the most popular dishes for the manufacture of pancakes were rightfully considered the pan made of cast iron. Any grandmother will undoubtedly say that the most delicious pancakes can only be made on such dishes. It makes no sense to argue with such experienced masters of cooking all their favorite pancakes.

    It is pointless to talk about how to choose a cast -iron frying pan, since here the choice will not be so complicated. Cast iron has such properties that almost any product from it will be equally high -quality. Here you can only start from personal preferences and from the names of famous brands.

    But even here it is necessary to note the pros and cons of such products. Let's start with the pluses:

    • Uniform heating of the surface and heat conservation for a long time.
    • The accumulation of oil of the porous structure of the pan, leading to an improvement in anti -stick properties.
    • Thick bottom. It is this factor that affects the uniformity of the color shade of finished pancakes close to golden color.
    • The impossibility of damage to the coating, allows you to use any devices for turning pancakes.
    • Durability of use. Such a pan can be used at least 100 years. With all this, this is really true, because often in families a cast -iron pan for pancakes was inherited.

    And now, to the minuses:

    • The pancake of a cast -iron pan is not suitable for use in the preparation of other dishes.
    • Due to the tendency to the formation of rust, a cast-iron pan is not recommended to be washed. It is better to pump it with salt, after which, with a dry rag, wipe it.
    • The large weight, which clearly prevents you from quickly managing the dishes during cooking.

    How to choose a pancake pan


    Despite the convenience and advantages of cast iron dishes, yet a special frying pan for pancakes is the most suitable tool in the preparation of such goodies. And, perhaps, any specialist and professional cook, to the question of which pan is more suitable, will definitely answer the same way.

    Among the advantages of pans for pancakes, we note the following:

    • Light weight. Unlike cast iron, you will easily maneuver this dish in the kitchen, and your hands will not be tired.
    • The bottom of sufficient thickness, thanks to which pancakes will not be buried, but will be baked even evenly.
    • The presence of comfortable low walls.
    • Long pen.
    • An anti -stick coating that allows you to easily remove the finished pancakes from the pan.
    • It is not necessary to use fat to lubricate the pan before the manufacture of each pancake.

    It is not difficult to guess that such a kitchen device is not perfect. Therefore, we note its disadvantages:

    • Uneven and extremely rapid heating.
    • The risk of product deformation.
    • The appearance of damage and cracks during overheating.
    • To turn pancakes, only special blades made of wood or silicone can be used.

    Trying to choose an anti -stick pan


    The first thing you should build from when choosing a pan with anti -stick coating is the kitchen plate installed in your house. Many well -known manufacturers take care that information on the recommended kitchen slabs is indicated on the packaging of their goods. We can say with confidence only one thing - if you have an electric stove at your home, then any anti -stick frying pan is suitable for it. But on the gas stove, not every dishes will allow you to successfully fry meat and other products.

    Some pans do not withstand the effects of open fire on them, so they become inapplicable to gas stoves. By the way, such information can not always be on the package of the purchased goods. In this case, the Internet may come in handy, as there can help the pan -reviews posted by people who have already tested certain options in their conditions.

    Skoroda material

    In the manufacture of anti -stick pans, stainless steel or aluminum are often used. But, unfortunately, aluminum options are subject to deformation, and they are only enough for a couple of years. In some cases, if they are cast, the life can be increased to 5-7 years.

    In turn, the pans made of stainless steel are more popular among anti -sticks. Since this material does not react with food, which is prepared on it. The increased mass of such dishes more than pays for durability.

    Coating for the pan

    The anti -stick coating is exactly the same, due to which these pans have become so popular. Often it is made on the basis of Teflon. And among its main advantages, of course, environmental friendliness should be noted. Teflon also does not react with all products and has a very high temperature limit.

    It is very interesting that not all manufacturers can make and, most importantly, write on their products that it has a Teflon coating. There is such an American company called Dupont. It is a developer of Teflon, and only with its permission, companies receive a full legal right to release Teflon and anti -stick pans.

    In order for your frying pan to become an ideal choice, it must have the following properties:

    • The thickness of the Teflon coating is at least 20 micrometers.
    • A rough coating (since the presence of a smooth coating is a direct fake indicator).
    • Long and comfortable pen.

    An important point in choosing a pan

    It is very important not to pay attention to numerous commercials found on TV and on the Internet. They say that the anti -stick and Teflon coating allows you to cook food without oil. This is completely wrong. Of course, the oils go many times less, but you can’t cook tasty food without it.

    Operation of the pan

    Finally, it is worth saying about the operation of anti -stick pans. You need to know that despite the fact that the grill pan, during its operation it is impossible to use metal blades and other tools that can scratch it. Even a small scratch can eventually lead to the complete destruction of the Teflon coating, which will make the dishes completely unsuitable for use.

    When washing, a strip with a Teflon coating, for a start it needs to be allowed to cool. And as detergents, never use powders that can scratch the coating. The same condition applies to sponges that should not be too tough.

    Choose a titanium pan


    If you are most interested in a cast -iron pan, since you are quite satisfied with all its properties, then you will also appeal to your liking and pans of titanium, since they have all these properties, plus to everything - they are not subjected to the appearance of rust.

    True, such advantages, as well as the status of such a material as titanium, makes the cost of the goods slightly higher.

    Not everyone knows, but such pans are not 100% from titanium. It is used here only as an additive to the base. At the same time, for different manufacturers, the base can be made of different materials. Very often titanium is used in conjunction with Teflon. There are also pans with a titano-ceramic coating.

    If you take out any coating, then this is certainly Quantanium. And all only because it is completely not afraid of the effects of metal spatulas that cannot do any harm to him. Therefore, if you are not one of the extremely accurate users of the dishes, we recommend thinking about such a pan.

    Choose a lid for the pan


    At the end of ours, we need to talk about the lids for the pan, as this is a very necessary item, without which in the kitchen is like without hands.

    The purpose of the lids for the pan

    Any lid for the pan has 2 of the most important functions:

    • It saves the resources on which food is prepared, whether gas or electricity. Indeed, when using the cover, heat is saved more strongly, which contributes to a faster cooking.
    • The lid makes the dishes more tasty. It is no secret that it does not allow extra couples and juice to leave, which, together with the finished food and creates a delicious dish.

    Criteria for choosing a lid for a pan

  • First of all, you have to decide from what material you want to take the lid. It can be glass or metal. Metal lids have such high heat production, which makes them slowly heated. In turn, glass covers are good in that they are transparent, because this allows you to observe the cooking process without lifting it once again.
  • It is important to pay attention to the density of the cover of the lid to the pan. This is the only way to create a sealed environment that allows you to better cook dishes in a pan. It is important to know that the most tight -fitting covers have a metal rim. But, nevertheless, the size remains the main criterion. The diameter of the lid must correspond to the diameter of the pan itself. Fortunately, it will not be difficult for you to choose the right product, since in modern stores there are always covers with a diameter of 16 to 30 centimeters.
  • The presence of a steaming hole also needs to be paid attention to. It can not only preserve the liquid inside the pan, but also help to avoid unpleasant burns with steam.
  • Finally, do not forget about the pen. It must be made of material that cannot be heated. But this is not the most important factor, it is also necessary for the handle to be convenient.
  • We hope that the information presented in this article gave answers to all your questions and helped you decide on the solution in favor of one or another pan, as well as in choosing a lid for it.

    If you still have some obscure moments before buying a pan, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the video.

    How to choose a pan. Video



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