
What is the appointment and from what Heviskone helps. The use of Heviskone in tablets, suspension, candles - instructions. Is it possible to take Heviscon to children and pregnant women. Analogs of the medicine Heviskone

What is the appointment and from what Heviskone helps. The use of Heviskone in tablets, suspension, candles - instructions. Is it possible to take Heviscon to children and pregnant women. Analogs of the medicine Heviskone
The article describes the action of Heviskone, from which it helps. Instructions for the use of Heviskone. Heviskone analogues.

Good health and lack of discomfort is the key to health and great mood. Age -related changes, an unbalanced diet, stress, bad habits and medication often lead to disturbances in the digestive organs. The presence of excess body weight, as well as pregnancy, which provoke increased intra -abdominal pressure on all organs of the digestive system, also plays a notable role. As a result - the occurrence of heartburn, belching, the appearance of a feeling of severity and discomfort of the stomach area. The drugs of the Alginates group are designed to facilitate the conditions caused by irritation of the gastrointestinal mucosa.

Heviskone: Instructions for the drug

The most common reason for the appearance of such unpleasant phenomena as belching and heartburn is the involuntary reverse casting of sour gastric juice into the esophagus. This phenomenon can be caused by the weakness of the food sphincter, pregnancy (increased pressure on the peritoneal organs) or provoked by diseases of the digestive system. As a result, there is irritation of the walls of the esophagus and a person experiences discomfort and pain. The active components of the drug Geviscon create a gel barrier, thereby preventing the reflux of juice. It is important to remember that this drug does not eliminate the cause of the violations, but only temporarily facilitates the condition.

Heviskone: The composition of the drug

Regardless of the form of the release of the drug, its effect is determined by the presence of three components:

  • Sodium Alginate is a component of natural origin. Brown algae serve as its source. It is this component, reacting with the juice of the stomach, that forms a protective gel on the surface of the contents of the stomach. If the acid is already casting, the resulting gel film will protect the walls of the esophagus from the irritating effects of gastric juice, preventing the appearance of pain and discomfort. 1 tablet or 5 ml of suspension contain 250 mg of this component.
  • Sodium bicarbonate is a neutralizer of the acid of gastric juice (more familiar name - soda). If you choose Heviscon in the form of a suspension, then 5 ml of the drug will contain 133.5 mg of “soda”, the concentration of this substance in 1 tablet of the drug is 113.5 mg.
  • Calcium carbonate (in other words, chalk-is designed to restore acid-base balance. 80 mg of this component is contained in both 1 tablet and 5 ml of Heviscoon suspension.

You will find the presented components in the annotation to any form of the drug Heviscon. The composition of the drug Geviscon Forte is somewhat different. In this case, 5 ml of the drug contain only sodium alginate (500 mg) and potassium bicarbonate (100 mg).  Among the auxiliary components there are:

  • In tablets-stam magnesium, mannit, macrogol, l-Aspartil-l-phenylalanine methyl, kopovidon, acesulfam K, as well as mint or lemon flavorings.
  • In the suspension, in addition to the current components, there are sodium hydroxide, carbomer, esters of hydroxybenzoic acid (methyl and propyl), sugar, peppermint oil as a flavor, water.
  • In the drug Geviscono Fort there are calcium carbonate, carbomer, calcium carbonate, sodium hydroxide, sodium Saucarine salt, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, P-hydroxybenzoic acid ether (propyl), mint flavor, water.

Heviskone: Action and Pharmacokinetics of the drug

The active components of the drug have determined the spectrum of its action. This medicine is one of the alginates. It was the presence of hyaluronic and mannuric acids that led to high -quality interaction with gastric juice, as a result of which a protective gel film appears. The duration of such protection is 4 hours. And yet, how effective is Heviskone and what does it help from? Among the positive aspects of the use of Heviscon, the following can be distinguished:

  • The components of the drug protect mucous esophagus and stomach from the aggressive effects of acid, and also positively affect the functioning of the large intestine.
  • The components of the drug are not absorbed into the blood, which means they do not have a systemic effect on the body.
  • The effect occurs quickly, the duration of exposure is up to 4.5 hours. Moreover, the components of the drug do not affect the process of production of gastric acid.
  • The high efficiency of the drug is both with increased and in the case of reduced acidity of the stomach.
  • The substance that obtained as a result of the interaction of gastric juice and Heviskone - gel - not only relieves symptoms, but also helps to heal minor damage to the mucous membrane (erosion, ulcers).
  • The drug adsorbs not only an excess of gastric acid, but also excess pepsin, as well as bile acid.
  • The vital activity of pathogenic microorganisms of the gastric medium is suppressed.
  • Eliminates constipation.
  • Increases immunity.

Heviskone dosage: how to take a drug

Dosage will differ depending on the chosen form of release of the drug. The age category of patients is adults and children over 12 years old.

  • Chewing tablets-2-4 dragees after eating and before going to bed (no more than 4 times a day).
  • Suspension-10-20 ml. The daily dose should not exceed 80 ml.

Geviscoon should be taken exclusively after, and not before eating. The duration of the course should not exceed 1 week. If, after 7 days of therapy, negative symptoms are preserved, you must consult a doctor and revise the course of treatment.

Medicine release form of Heviscon

The drug is produced both in the form of a suspension and in the form of chewing tablets. In some cases, you can hear how in a pharmacy women try to buy Heviscon candles, mistakenly confusing them with a medicine with a consonant name Gexicon - vaginal anti -inflammatory candles. The drug Heviskone does not have this form of release, it is taken exclusively orally.

Heviskone: Suspension in bottles

A mint flavor, which is part of the liquid form of the drug, gives the drug the appropriate taste. The suspension is a liquid opaque substance of a viscous consistency. Its color varies from almost white to saturated cream shade. Heviscon syrup is produced in dark glass bottles of 100, 150 and 300 ml. The suspension of the Geviscon Forte (also with mint taste) is released in bottles of 80, 150 and 250 ml. If you opted for the liquid form of the drug "Double action", you can find the package of 150, 200, 300 and 600 ml.

Heviscon: Substantia suspension

A more convenient liquid form of the drug is the packaging of the contents in Sasha. Each such a bag contains the volume of the drug for a one -time administration (10 ml), which allows you to take the medicine on the road and, if necessary, it is comfortable to remove the contents of Sasha. In this form, you can find the Heviskone “Double Action” and Geviskone Forte.

Heviskone: Chewing tablets

Fans of the compact (mobile) form of the drug can opt for chewing tablets Heviscon with the taste of mint or lemon. The medicine has a flat round shape with beveled edges. The color of the pill varies in the range from cream to a yellow shade. The tablets are placed in blisters in an amount of 4, 6, 8 or 10 pieces in each. This form of release of the drug is found in the Heviscon and Heviscon series “Double Action”.

Heviskone: Indications for the use of the drug

The main focus of the drug is symptomatic therapy. The drug is designed to eliminate this kind of discomfort as:

  • Heartburn. The use of Heviskone is also allowed to get rid of the heartburn of women “in position”.
  • Boddy.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
  • The appearance of unpleasant sensations after eating.
  • Reflux esophagitis is an inflammatory process caused by frequent casting of sour contents into the esophagus.
  • The consequences of high acidity of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Conditions after surgery on the esophagus.

Contraindications to therapy with Heviscon

Despite the fact that the components of the drug seem to be soft and gentle, there is still restrictions on the drug Heviscon for use. These include:

  • The presence of phenylketonuria.
  • Increased sensitivity to the components of the drug (as a result - a possible allergic reaction).
  • In the presence of urolithiasis, as well as impaired renal function, before treatment, you need to consult a doctor. Therapy can be prescribed with caution.
  • Casting heart failure is also not an absolute contraindication to the use of Heviskone, but requires a mandatory medical consultation.
  • With caution, the medicine is prescribed with an excess of calcium in the body.
  • Children's age under 12 years.

Heviscon: Analogs of the drug

If for some reason you need to replace this medicine, try alternative drugs of similar action. Geviscoon, according to indications, is close to such drugs as Vikair, De-Nol, Phosfalugel, Gastal, Visol, Almagel, Maalox. Each of them has its own range of indications and contraindications, therefore, before using the drug-analogue, you will definitely receive additional consultation with the doctor. It is impossible to use many of the given drugs to women in a position (or from the second or third trimesters).

Heviskone for children: at what age therapy is allowed

For children whose age has crossed the mark of 12 years, in the presence of appropriate indications, treatment can be prescribed without any concern. If the doctor considers it advisable to use the drug in a young child (from 6 to 12 years old), the dosage should be reduced to 5-10 ml per appointment. At the same time, daily intake of the drug does not exceed 40 ml. The tablets at this age are prescribed less often, because It is more difficult to choose the right dosage. In any case, how to drink Heviskone in each case, the doctor determines exclusively.

Heviskone during pregnancy

Discomfort in the stomach, as well as belching and heartburn, is tormented by the future mother already in the first trimester of the baby's expectation. This period (up to the 12th week of gestation) is the most important, since during it the formation of all organs and systems of the crumbs occurs.

The composition of Heviskone speaks of his soft impact, however, the question of whether Heviskone can be accepted from the first weeks of expectation of a child, worries more than one future mother. The medicine does not fall into the systemic bloodstream, so the answer in this case will be affirmative - the drug is safe and allowed to use already starting from the first trimester of pregnancy.

Confirm the safety of therapy and clinical studies that have not revealed a negative impact on the child. However, before starting any kind of therapy of a pregnant woman, a medical consultation is required. Among the listed forms of the drug Heviscon, the most convenient for pregnant women is a suspension in bags (Sasha). The advantages are obvious - convenient packaging (there is no need to wear a whole package or bottle), always an accurate dosage designed for one trick, the absence of carbohydrates in the composition (therefore there is no additional threat to a set of excess weight). Chewing mint tablets can serve as an alternative.

As for the value of the drug, it is quite moderate. So you can purchase Heviskon suspension at a price of about 200 rubles. (volume of 150 ml), the cost of the suspension of the Heviscon Forte ranges from 300 - 350 rubles, and 12 mint chewing tablets will cost an average of 150 rubles.



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