
Signs and symptoms of heart failure. Stages of heart failure. Treatment of heart failure in adults, children and elderly - preparations, therapy

Signs and symptoms of heart failure. Stages of heart failure. Treatment of heart failure in adults, children and elderly - preparations, therapy
The article describes the main symptoms in heart failure. How to treat heart failure in men and women.

Heart failure is a heart disease that affects its functions, as a result of which fabrics and system systems suffer from oxygen hunger and blood circulation disorders. This disease is striking the elderly, preferably men, as well as those who lead the wrong lifestyle.

According to statistics, cardiac insufficiency is the main diagnosis for patients undergoing treatment in stationary conditions. Also, this disease may have chronic character. In total, 4 stages of development of heart failure are distinguished, but the first stage proceeds almost asymptomatic.

Heart failure: symptoms and signs

At different stages of aggravation of the disease, a person becomes more and more tangible signs. However, cardiac insufficiency in men and heart failure in women has different symptoms, as well as various reasons that provoke diseases. The main signs of the disease can be considered:

  • Attacks choking and night cough.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Weakness and dizziness.
  • Edema (as a rule, sharpen in the evening).
  • Reducing day diurea.
  • The development of ascites (liquid accumulation in the abdominal cavity).
  • Painful feelings in the right hypochondrium.
  • Akricyanosis (change in skin color, due to insufficient blood supply).
  • OrthopNoe (the need to adopt unnatural position to facilitate pain symptoms).
  • Dyspnea.

Now let's talk about heart failure in children. Little children have this ailment has a number of more specific features. To which include:

  • Frequent joining in newborns.
  • Pallor.
  • Fast fatiguability.
  • Rapid pulse.
  • Frequent cough, accompanied by wheezing in the lungs.
  • Dizziness.
  • Fainting.
  • Refusal of the chest.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Damage in the eyes.
  • Violations of sleep and insomnia.

Very often, the disease manifests itself through swelling. Edems in heart failure are characteristic of people of all ages. Often, this symptom is taken for the usual excess fluid in the body, however, having concomitant signs, you should not merge a visit to the doctor.

  • Such, harmless at first glance, the symptom like swelling is characteristic of the first and second stage of the disease, in which the course of treatment is less prolonged and much more efficient.
  • Coughs during heart failure also refer to the first signs of heart work disorders. This is due to a disadvantage of oxygen in the blood, which provokes a feeling of suffocation and reduce the lungs.
  • In order to determine whether the disease is such that carries a cardiology, it is important to analyze other symptoms. For example, shortness of breath in heart failure is the first feature testifying to the presence of an ailment. Most often, it occurs during sports, as well as active movements. But gradually appears and at rest. It is this symptom that is characteristic of heart failure of the first stage. With timely treatment, the disease does not acquire the nature of chronic and will not bear more serious complications.

Causes of heart failure

Depending on the age of the patient, as well as the quality of its nutrition and lifestyle, several factors provoking diseases can be distinguished. To the main reasons for which cardiovascular failure appears:

  1. Lung disease.
  2. Congenital heart defects.
  3. Reception of narcotic substances.
  4. Frequent use of alcohol.
  5. Anemia.
  6. Hyperthyroidism.
  7. The presence in the body of infections.
  8. Renal failure.

In addition, cardiac insufficiency in old age has a number of special causes. In the risk area, those who had similar diseases:

  • Suffered heart attack.
  • Ischemic disease.
  • Heart rhythm disorders.
  • Myocardial diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Diseases of heart valves.

Types and degrees of heart failure

Distinguish 3 degrees of aggravation of the disease. All of them have special symptoms, pushing out of which the doctor picks up individual treatments. Acute heart failure is characterized by a sharp deterioration in the state of the patient, due to the reduction of the effectiveness of the function of reduction of the heart and its excessive load.

Depending on whether the work has arisen in the right or left ventricle, a number of characteristic symptoms are distinguished. To the right-hand deficiencies include:

  • Increase the size of the liver.
  • Justice.
  • Edema.
  • Swelling veins on the neck.

The following symptoms are manifested at bowls:

  • Strong shortness of breath.
  • Isolation of foam with mouth or nose.
  • Wars in the lungs.
  • Dry or frothy cough (less often with a sputum).

It is also worth saying that in the absence of proper treatment, chronic heart failure is developing. It is characterized by the main symptoms that are observed for a long time without improving well-being. Most often, the disease is a consequence of arterial hypertension or ischemic illness. The 4 stages of the flow of chronic heart failure are distinguished:

  1. I FC proceeds almost without symptoms, not displayed on human activity.
  2. II FC characterize the appearance of shortness of shortness of breath, fatigue and angina during exercise, as well as walking.
  3. III FC interferes with sports activities, and also aggravates all the symptoms with minor loads.
  4. IV FC does not allow a person to move, as well as engage in any activity, since angina and fatigue appear even in a state of complete rest.

There is also a stagnant heart failure.

  • Accompanied by attacks of suffocation, shortness of breath, pain in the right hypochondrium, cyanosis and swelling of the lower extremities.
  • Often, patients complain to increasing the abdomen in the amount, which is characteristic of the accumulation of fluid in the cavity. In the treatment, the doctor selects not only medications aimed at improving the work of the heart, but also diuretic agents that effectively eliminate the body from excessive water.
  • In the absence of therapy, a deterioration is possible. In complications are characterized by the occurrence of blood clots, mixed acidosis, hyponatremia, metabolic alkalosis, cardiogenic shock

Heart failure: diagnostics

In order to make a diagnosis, the cardiologist appoints a number of diagnostic procedures to determine the development stage of the disease, as well as to choose an effective course of drugs. As methods of diagnostics use:

  • Ultrasound of the heart.
  • Electrocardiography.
  • Chest x-ray.
  • Common blood test (biochemical and clinical).
  • Echocardiography.
  • Coronaryography.

If there are concomitant diseases, as well as infections, the doctor may assign a course of generalizing medicines and consult other profile doctors in order to prevent deterioration.

Treatment of heart failure

Help with heart failure is achieved when using an integrated approach. After all, not only medication therapy has a significant effect on the patient's well-being.

  • Also, the patient is prescribed a diet with an increased potassium content and with a decrease in salt consumption and liquid.
  • Medicines may be discharged to expand the vessels for better blood flow.
  • Preparations in heart failure are selected individually, given the accompanying diseases, the age of the patient, allergies and other factors.
  • Also, the doctor will restrict or will recommend to increase the amount of physical activity to prevent the development of blood clots and oxygen hunger.

Now about the question "How to treat heart failure." You must complete the full diagnosis, as well as change your lifestyle. After all, in the absence of positive dynamics, surgical intervention is used. To increase the effectiveness of drug therapy, it is necessary to monitor weight, abandon the consumption of tobacco products and alcohol, and also comply with all the recommendations of the Doctor

Preparations that are used for treatment are divided into:

  • Beta blockers.
  • Glycosides.
  • Diuretics.

Timely therapy in heart failure allows you to conduct a full-fledged lifestyle even to patients with chronic stages.

  • All medicines complement each other's functions and, with proper treatment, are able to save the patient from acute forms of this disease.
  • For example, diuretics have a diuretic effect. Therefore, the liquid in the abdominal cavity and swelling will be held in the first days after the start of reception of drugs. Beta-blockers are aimed at normalization of blood pressure. And glycosides are used in acute forms for instantaneous improvement.

Cardiac insufficiency: folk treatment

Means of treating heart failure are also in the advice of traditional medicine. Patients actively use them, insisting on high efficiency. However, it is not worth separating medication therapy and non-traditional methods. After all, applying the knowledge of pharmaceutics, as well as the experience of previous generations, you not only significantly improve the well-being, but also harden much faster.

  • Our ancestors used herbs drugs as medicines, various bums, tinctures and decoctions. Many people and are now actively used by phytotherapy against various diseases.
  • For example, Tibet's wise people know that with daily use of nuts, raisins and solid cheese, the condition of the heart will improve much.

  • It is also useful to make a vitamined paste. To make her cooking, you need to take the crisp, prunes, raisins and a handful of any nuts. Dried fruits need to grind. Store this product is in the refrigerator.
  • Recommended to use 1 tbsp. In the morning and evening on an empty stomach. Such a means will not only improve the work of the heart due to the rich content of vitamins and trace elements, but also help to cope with colds.

Recommendations of traditional medicine really help patients achieve stunning results in treatment. However, medication therapy plays a key role in the struggle for life. Broth of watermelon crusts, rosehip, hawthorn, pumpkin and wheat porridge are not able to significantly change blood clotting and strengthen the heart muscle. But when combining these products with full-fledged treatment, you will feel the tide of strength and get rid of the accompanying symptoms much faster.

Prevention of heart failure

In order to improve the work of the heart and vessels, as well as prevent cardiological diseases, you need to adhere to the general recommendations of a healthy lifestyle:

  • Regularly undergo a complete medical examination.
  • Refuse alcohol and smoking.
  • Reduce the amount of harmful fats and salts in the diet.
  • Include in your menu products rich in potassium (bananas, pumpkin, liver, apples, melon, tomatoes, garlic, apricots).
  • Reduce tea and coffee consumption, preferred herbal real.
  • Increase physical activity (yoga, dancing, walking at a moderate pace will be suitable even for those who have no love for sports).
  • Exclude stress.
  • Follow weight.

Regarding the forecast in heart failure - it is the most different and depends on the stage of illness.

  • In chronic disease, as a rule, patients die from sudden death. Also in people with this diagnosis increased risk of developing myocardial infarction and thrombophlebitis.
  • With regular observation of the cardiologist, as well as compliance with all the recommendations, the forecast is significantly improved. After all, modern drugs allow you to maintain an optimal condition without exacerbations, and in the first stages help get rid of heart failure completely.

However, in the risk group there are patients of several categories:

  • People over 60 years old.
  • Men.
  • Residents of industrial cities with a bad environment.
  • Patients having concomitant diseases and overweight.

According to statistics around the world, a huge number of people die from heart failure. Therefore, prevention and timely treatment will not only improve the overall condition of a person, but also prevent complications, significantly extended the patient's life. Watch your health, do not ignore the signals of your body and be healthy!

Video: Heart failure: symptoms and treatment


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