
How to draw a Pikachu in stages with a pencil. We draw a pickle on cells for beginners

How to draw a Pikachu in stages with a pencil. We draw a pickle on cells for beginners
Joint drawing with children is an exciting process.

Pokemon has long become classic. They are loved by adults who once grew up on these cartoons, and current children. Often beloved characters play an important role in developing games and classes with preschool children. In this article you will find phased instructions that will help you draw Pokemon Pikachu.

How to draw Pokemon to Pikacho in stages

It’s not difficult to draw Pokemon Pikemon. Parents will cope with this easily and will be able to teach children. Joint drawing guarantees you a pleasant pastime with children, and the process of breeding exact figures on paper stimulates figurative thinking, develops fine motor skills and helps to detect the artist’s hidden talent. So, let's start with the drawing with a pencil.

How to draw a pikacho with a pencil

Following the step -by -step instructions given in the picture, you can easily draw a pick -up, starting from two ovals and ending with the drawing of small details. Drawing with children according to the instructions is very useful, even if the object you want to portray is very simple. Firstly, step-by-step instructions develop attention and perseverance in the child. Secondly, starting with ovals and lines, the drawing receives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe shape of objects and begins to look at the world differently. And, of course, drawing consecutive lines and ovals, you will achieve a better result than quickly outlining the entire Pokemon at once: after all, with a phased drawing, you better think over proportions.

  1. Draw two ovals that intersect with each other. It will be the body and head of Pokemon. Do not make them too large on the sheet and do not have too close to the edges - otherwise your paws, ears and tail may not fit. Sometimes it is convenient to draw in the notebooks in the cells in order to better measure the proportions.
  2. Combine the body and head with soft lines. It will be a kind of Pokemon neck. Sove your legs below as shown in the picture.
  3. Wash the extra lines of a washing elastic band so that they do not interfere with you. You can erase the lines that remained inside the new borders of the torso Pikachu - in particular, the crossing lines of two ovals. You can also erase the end of the oval behind the line of the legs.
  4. Out your cheek of Pokemon - in our picture it costs in three quarters, so the head will be a little asymmetric. Sove the front paws to pick up: for a start, in the form of two ovals.
  5.   Now in the same way, outline the hind legs of the Pokemon on which it stands. Please note that the shape of these paws is different. The rear ones will be longer and elongated, reminiscent of human legs, and the front ones will be more like. Try to draw your fingers in more detail and connect them with the oval with softer lines without sharp corners. Wash the extra parts of the ovals in the area of \u200b\u200bthe front paws.
  6. Now you can draw your fingers on the hind legs. This is very easy - ovals will remain exactly the same, just at the end of each you need to add three short strokes. Also start drawing your ears as shown in the figure.
  7. Take out the extra lines in the area of \u200b\u200bthe ears, so that they are exactly on your head. The next step is the tail. In Pikachu, it resembles a zipper and consists of two zigzags connected by a perpendicular line.
  8. There are several final steps left. Designate the tips of the ears, the base of the tail and cheeks of Pokemon. Draw your nose and mouth as shown in the figure. Make a pickle eye: they are two large black circles with white glare inside.

How to draw a pikachu in other poses

Now your Pokemon, drawn with a pencil, is ready. If it turned out well, you can try to portray Pikachu in other poses. For example, as in the picture below.

To draw such a pikachu, follow the step -by -step instructions:

  • In the middle of the sheet, put a small oval of a pikachu with a small oval. Start drawing the body, making two lines on the sides. Make sure that your future Pokemon is located in the center of the sheet and is not too large: you must leave enough space for the tail, paws and ears.

  • Start planning smaller details. Make two small ovals at the base of the ears to fix their location. Do the same with the lower paws. The upper paws, for starters, just begin to circle a thin line.

  • Draw a pikachu crown from which the ears will leave. The ears should be drawn, starting from two ovals. In this picture, they are spread to the sides. The left ear will be slightly thinner and shorter, because we see it in three quarters. At the same stage, finish the front paws. The hind legs should be removed from the ovals from below. Divide the head of the Pikachu into the four parts into four parts. This sketch will help you draw a pokemon muzzle in the future.

  • It's time to finally outline all small details. In thin lines, draw the tips of the ears, bend the head, cheeks, eyes, mouth. Correct the boundaries of the body and paws so that they look natural and are not just like a set of geometric shapes. Start drawing a tail with thin lines resembling zigzags.

  • It's time to make the last strokes. To begin with, wipe all the auxiliary lines with which you started the drawing - they are no longer needed. The contour of the figure should be quite thin. Draw the inner part of the ears, mark your fingers on the front and hind legs. Shake the back of the tail and paws, cheeks, mouth and tips of the ears - this will allow you to make the pattern more voluminous.

How to paint a painted pickup

You can paint children's drawings in different ways. This is usually done with colored pencils, felt -tip pens or watercolors. Each method has its advantages and disadvantages, as well as a technique of execution, which will help to achieve a better result.

How to paint a pikachu watercolor

Coloring children's drawings with watercolors is easy and pleasant. In addition, this enables the child to feel like a real artist. Nevertheless, in the technique of working with watercolors there are nuances. For example, if you gain too much water, the pattern may spread. All the white parts of the picture must be left unpainted, otherwise then you will not have the opportunity to return it perfectly white. And, of course, it is better to draw with watercolors on thick artistic paper: the album sheet can remember a large amount of water. To paint a pikachu, use the instructions:

  • Take a little water and light yellow paint on the brush. Apply it to the drawing so that the layer turns out to be translucent. The lightest discharge parts can be left almost white, and in those places where the shadow is, to make the color more saturated.

  • Now on this basis you can play with color differently. Draw the released parts of Pokemon more clearly - for example, cheeks, ears and paws.

  • Make milder transitions from light to shadow with a wet brush. Make a pikacha dark tail and tips of the ears. Color your cheeks pink.

  • The contours of Pokemon and the black tips of the ears are better to draw when the sheet is already dried. It can also be made by watercolor, though it will be more difficult to make the exact lines with a brush. It is best to use a black gel pen or black felt -tip pen. After applying the final strokes, your painted Pokemon is ready.

How to paint a pikachu with felt -tip pens

Children usually like to draw with felt -tip pens - they give a bright saturated color and do not require much effort. The main problem is due to the fact that when drawing a felt -tip pen for a long time, one place can be ruined by paper and not quite the color that I would like. Therefore, you need to work with neat strokes that will not be overlapped with each other:

  • You should also start with the body and head. With neat short strokes, sequentially color your Pokemon sequentially, without crawling out the edges of the figure and without laying one stroke on top of another. It will be good if the movements of the felt -tip pen will resemble the shape of the Pokemon itself - the lines should be soft and slightly curved. Do not paint yellow those parts that should be a different color! Red cheeks, back, the base of the tail should be drawn with a red felt -tip pen on white paper.

  • Now you can take a black felt -tip pen and color your eyes and tips of your ears. If the felt -tip pen is thin enough, you can draw a muzzle and contours to them - if not, it is better to use a gel black handle.

How to paint a pickle with colored pencils

Color pencils are another popular way to paint a children's drawing. Coloring them is quite simple. In addition, you can adjust the pressure, change the direction of the strokes and mix shades, getting an interesting result. Before starting work, make sure your pencils are sharpened. The strokes should be applied in the same way as when working with felt -tip pens.

How to draw a pickle on cells

Another simple way to portray Pokemon is to draw it on cells. A regular notebook is suitable for this, and you can draw with colored pencils, handles or felt -tip pens. With the help of schemes, it is very easy to draw a pick -up - you just need to count the right number of cells and paint them in the desired color. These schemes are ideal for primary school children.

  • To portray such a pikach standing, you need yellow, red, black, brown, beige and white pencils. However, if you do not have any color, it can simply be replaced by similar.

  • This is how you can draw a pikachu muzzle using only three colors.

  • The pikachu lying can be drawn according to this scheme. If the tail does not fit into the notebook sheet, it can be continued on a turn.

How to decorate the children's room with drawings Pikachu

If you draw a pikachu on paper already well, you can try more interesting options. For example, decorate the Pikachu with drawings for a children's room. You will receive not only the result that will delight you and the child, but also spend time and exciting time together.

Here are a few ideas with picacho drawings that can be implemented in the children's room:

  • Picacho drawing on the wall. It can be performed both on wallpaper and on painted walls. Acrylic paints are best suited for this purpose. If you decide to make such a design in the nursery, it is better to take a finished Pikachu picture as a sketch. Previously, you need to outline the drawing on the wall with a pencil, clearly measuring all the proportions. Then you can apply paint, according to the instructions. The drawing of the Pikachu is quite simple, so the result should not disappoint you.
  • Picacho drawing on the window. This can be done using stained glass paints. It is important, as in the first case, to choose a sketch in advance. However, you will not succeed in applying the drawing with a pencil on the glass: you will need to put a sketch in full -size on the back of the glass and immediately begin to circle it with a stained glass contour. When the circuit dries, it will be possible to apply paint - a brush or directly from the tube. It is important to know that stained glass paints are not mixed - each part of the other color should be separately circled by the contour.
  • Pikacho drawing on the curtains. In stores you can find many colors suitable for textiles - it can be both translucent paints for the batik and saturated paints for textiles. The course of work will depend on what paint you choose - each requires its approach.



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