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What is ultrasound cavitation. How is ultrasound cavitation carried out, the results of the procedure - photo before and after

What is ultrasound cavitation. How is ultrasound cavitation carried out, the results of the procedure - photo before and after
The article tells about the main stages, principles and results of ultrasonic cavitation. The pros and cons of the procedure are considered.

Currently, in the arsenal of cosmetologists there are a large number of hardware methods to combat fat. A sedentary lifestyle, improper nutrition, ignoring sports as such, lead to the appearance of fat deposits on the sides, hips and buttocks. The picture, it turns out, gently say, is not entirely aesthetic. When this problem appears, it makes no sense to start playing sports intensively. The deferred fat, even after several months of increased running, will not go anywhere. Here we need an integrated approach that would combine a change in lifestyle, observance of a diet and conduct cosmetic procedures. One of these is ultrasonic cavitation. Recently, it has become one of the most popular figures correction techniques. We will tell you about what ultrasonic cavitation is and how it is carried out.

The principle of ultrasonic cavitation

The principle of ultrasonic cavitation is the destruction of the fat cell (adipocyte) under the influence of ultrasound vibrations. After the destruction of the membrane of this cell, its contents (triglycerides) are removed into the intercellular space, where with the help of lymphs they are transferred to the liver. In the liver, fats pass the stage of metabolism, in which they disintegrate and remove from the body. The advantage of this procedure is that it affects the state of fibrous tissue, loosening it, and at the same time does not have a destructive effect on blood vessels.

For the session, ultrasonic cavitation devices are used, which generate sound vibrations of various frequencies. At the same time, cavitation bubbles occur inside the adipose tissue, which burst and destroy the membrane of fat cells. During experiments conducted with the sound of various frequencies, the frequency range (from 38 to 41 kHz) was identified, which most effectively affect the destruction of fat cells. The fact is that at low frequencies up to 32 kHz, large cavitation vesicles occur, which simply do not have time to collapse. At higher frequencies (more than 45 kHz), a large number of small bubbles occur, however, their size does not allow effectively affecting adipose tissue.

When choosing the conditions for conducting ultrasonic cavitation, not only the sound frequency, but also the pressure of the sound wave is of great importance. The minimum value of this indicator for the effectiveness of the procedure should be at least 3 W/cm 2. However, this does not mean that the higher the pressure, the better. On the one hand, it should be sufficient, and on the other hand, limited, so as not to influence the internal organs of a person who are behind adipose tissue.

The level of exposure to ultrasonic cavitation on the human body depends on the nozzle used by the cosmetologist. Modern devices are usually equipped with two types of nozzles:

  • Concave. When using this type of nozzle, ultrasonic radiation is more focused. Thanks to this, they act mainly on the upper areas of the skin, without penetrating deep inward. In this case, the effect of the soft action is achieved.
  • Flat. The use of a flat nozzle focuses the radiation deeper in tissues, which can more effectively adjust the deep layers of fat.

Ultrasound cavitation: Advantages

As mentioned above, ultrasonic cavitation is a non -surgical method of correction of the figure. Exposure during the procedure is carried out directly on problem areas. A directed wave of ultrasound “moves” and “breaks” fat deposits that accumulated for a long time due to an improper diet or as a result of the lack of physical activity with a sedentary lifestyle, “sedentary” work. Basically, after undergoing the procedure, patients were shared by positive reviews of ultrasonic cavitation.

The advantages of this technique should include the following:

  • First of all, this method is non -surgical. During the procedure, there is not even a minimum surgical intervention.
  • This technique can be used even in adolescence, of course, only after preliminary consultation with a doctor.
  • Ultrasonic waves are able to penetrate to a depth of 20 cm, thereby there is an effect even on the most “old” fat deposits.
  • The result from the procedure is noticeable after 3-4 sessions.
  • In this way, you can adjust the "problem" zones, because with systemic weight loss to remove fat from the abdomen, sides and hips - it is very difficult.
  • This procedure is painless.
  • Not required for a long period for rehabilitation after the procedure.

How the ultrasonic cavitation procedure is carried out

Before the procedure, a mandatory interview is carried out with a cosmetologist for the presence of contraindications for the patient for this procedure.

Rules and procedure for the procedure:

  • Special preparatory measures before ultrasonic cavitation are not required. However, to improve the penetration of ultrasound waves and the absorption of a special lipolid gel, cosmetologists recommend peeling. A few days before the start of the procedure, it is necessary to drink more fluids, this will improve the effect of cavitation, and will also contribute to the removal of their body fats. However, 2 hours before the start of the procedure, you can’t eat and drink anything.
  • The use of RF ultrasonic cavitation is more efficient with parallel use of lymphatic drainage or press therapy.
  • Immediately before the start of the session, the cosmetologist makes gel to the processed area of \u200b\u200bthe skin. Then, depending on the nature of the problem and its level, the device is programmed and the nozzle is selected.
  • To carry out the procedure in the abdominal cavity, which must be approached very carefully, the patient is placed on the side and formed. It begins to work out with a nozzle, moving parallel to the front abdominal wall.

  • As a rule, the maximum time of one procedure is 45 minutes. It depends, first of all, on the volume of work and the field of exposure. Prices for ultrasound cavitation also depend on the duration of the session. So, the abdomen is processed within 20-30 minutes, while the hips can go to 45 minutes. At the same time, no more than one session per week is allowed. During this break, the body manages to recover, as well as completely withdraw triglycerides.

The entire course of ultrasonic cavitation may include 5-8 sessions, after which it is possible to achieve quite excellent results, but in some cases their number can be increased to 10. The frequency of courses is no more than 2 per year.

The first visible results are noticeable after 3-4 sessions.

Contraindications to ultrasonic liposuction of cavitation

Ultrasound cavitation (liposuction) should not be carried out at:

  • Pregnancy, lactation.
  • Diabetes.
  • Liver diseases and other pathologies of the digestive system.
  • Intolerance to ultrasound.
  • During periods of exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • The presence of metal implants in the field of session.
  • Heart disease.
  • Oncological diseases.
  • Obesity.
  • If there is osteoporosis.
  • With trimboz, thrombophlebitis.
  • With various gynecological pathologies (for diseases of the ovaries, uterus).
  • If there are various skin (pustular) rashes.

When conducting ultrasonic cavitation of the body, some of the patients can feel a slight malaise and buzzing in the ears. This is a normal body reaction to ultrasonic vibrations that will pass after 2-3 sessions.

Ultrasound cavitation: tips

Conducting ultrasonic cavitation is not a “panacea” in the fight against obesity. It will not help full people to get rid of excess weight, since the procedure is designed to fight only local fat deposits. In the case of obesity, ultrasound cavitation can be considered only as one of the stages in a comprehensive weight loss program. Therefore, the assurances of some “not clean on the hand” of cosmetologists that in a couple of sessions they will help to get rid of excess weight, you should not believe.

The passage of the vacuum ultrasonic cavitation course should be accompanied by the correction of nutrition and lifestyle. Otherwise, the result will be lost during the first months.

Ultrasound cavitation: side effects

Many women doubt this procedure, since there is an opinion that ultrasonic waves have a negative effect on the organs of the reproductive system. There is no single answer to this question, since some experts came to the conclusions that powerful waves of osmotic pressure can damage not only fat cells, but also healthy tissues. Moreover, most often the procedure is carried out in the “problem” zone (on the stomach), and it is here that all important internal organs are localized.

The negative consequences after passing the procedure include the following:

  • Since “destroyed” fat cells, falling into the lymph, concentrate in a large volume in the liver, it may not cope with such a huge load.
  • After the procedure, the presence of increased body temperature - fever is sometimes noted.
  • The body is dehydrated. Therefore, after the procedure, you should drink as much liquid as possible.
  • Hematomas, varicose nodes, pigment spots can appear on the skin.
  • Poorly destroyed fat cells can accumulate under the skin, forming local wen.

Ultrasound cavitation: photo


The results of ultrasonic cavitation can be judged by the photo “before” and “after” the procedure:

Ultrasound cavitation: video



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