
Properties of pink tree essential oil. The use of pink wood oil for face and hair

Properties of pink tree essential oil. The use of pink wood oil for face and hair
The beneficial properties of pink tree essential oil are for health and appearance. How to use the product in face, hair and body care.

Pink wood oil is an enchanting aroma, the source of which is a rare variety of trees. This amazing product has long been launched in cosmetic and perfumery. How to use pink wood oil to help female attractiveness, read in the article.

The birthplace of a marvelous pink plant is impassable forest wilds of Brazil and Guatemala.  With roses, the flowers of this tree have nothing in common, and it was nicknamed pink thanks to the unusual color of wood-the “gut” can be pale yellow, pink, red and bright purple.

Pink tree essential oil: characteristics

Pink wood oil - distillates of soaked chips, crushed wood from the core of the plant to the state. To get 1 liter of fragrant substance, you need to process almost 100 kg of wood. The largest centers of its production are valid today in Peru and Brazil.

The bottle of dark glass fraught with a light, fluid, practically devoid of color (sometimes pale yellow shade) liquid. Nothing special, if it were not for the aroma - a combination of warm, copper, bitter, forest, flowering, tarry and tart notes. Absolutely incredible mix!

Some people claim that the smell of pink wood oil is vaguely resembles a rose or lily of the valley. And although the aroma of etheric substance is completely self -sufficient, since it has a pronounced, complex “character”, it is perfectly combined with other essential oils. An incredible combination can be created by combining pink tree essential oil with citrus, wood and floral aromas.

After applying oil to the skin, the sensation is definitely pleasant - after a couple of minutes a tingling and warming effect is felt.

Pink tree oil properties

Any ethereal substrate has complex multicomponent nature. In the pink tree oil, the main mass of the main mass belongs to linalool (about 85%), which in a much smaller amount complements other substances. Thanks to a unique combination of active components, numerous positive aspects of pink wood oil are manifested. The product is notable for the following action:

  • contributes to the speedy restoration of mental balance in difficult life circumstances, since it is a fairly strong antidepressant;
  • like mint oil, soothes and tones the nervous system;
  • it has an antiviral and antiseptic effect, which is very useful in the cold season;
  • contributes to the normalization of blood pressure increased on nervous soil;
  • spurred the activity of immune cells;
  • warns the extinction of mental abilities;
  • it is a natural anesthetic, reduces the symptoms of migraines;
  • it boasts a wonderful healing effect on the skin and hair.

Pink tree oil in cosmetology: Advantages for appearance

Every woman feels very confident when she likes her own reflection in the mirror. Healthy clean skin and lush hair shock is an obligatory component of a well -groomed image. It is better to saturate the face and curls with energy with energy, natural products, in particular essential oils, help. Being a real storehouse of valuables, they allow you to correct the most diverse cosmetic disadvantages. The regular use of pink tree essential oil increases female spells, fully nourishing the skin and hair with vitality.

The benefits of pink oil essential hair

A natural cosmetic product is distinguished by a universal effect and is suitable for curls of any type, but most of all the healing properties of the oil appear on a weakened dry hair with the ended tips. Note the following product qualities:

  • fights with bacteria and fungus, which allows you to use this property in the fight against dandruff and minor damage on the scalp;
  • it shows pronounced regenerative and healing properties, so that the product can be included in a comprehensive treatment program for diseases with symptoms such as rash, inflammation and peeling on the scalp;
  • normalizes the activity of oily scalp, makes the hair fresh and shiny;
  • accelerates blood circulation, strengthens the hair follicles, so it is very useful with abundant hair loss;
  • it makes obedient even the most rebellious curls, it does not allow them to confuse when combing.

The benefits of pink tree essential oil

The advantages of the product are so obvious that it will easily compete with purchased cosmetics and hardware cosmetology procedures. The actions of a fragrant fluid on the skin are enough for the face to glow freshness and health. The product has a restorative, antimicrobial, disinfecting and wound healing effect on the epidermis.

The “tired” mature and sensitive skin reacts especially sensitively to the etheric substance. Judging by the reviews of the oil of the pink tree, some time after contact with it, the face is transformed: tone and tightness appear, the first wrinkles are erased, and the skin looks smoothed and velvety. Pink wood oil fights not only with traces of time on the face, but also helps to solve unpleasant cosmetic problems in the form of dark spots, rhinomosis and dermatitis.

The benefits of pink tree essential oil for body skin

"Friendship" with this wonderful product has a positive effect on the skin of the body if you are faced with such aesthetic defects:

  • a lack of collagen mature skin;
  • chronic cracking of the skin on the elbows and feet;
  • abrasions, traces from wounds, post -acne;
  • fresh postpartum striae;
  • vascular marks on the legs;
  • allergic peeling, rash, psoriasis on the upper and lower extremities.

Experts are convinced that the use of pink oil on an ongoing basis leads to an accelerated replacement of the surface layer of the epidermis.

Contraindications to the use of pink tree essential oil

Fragrant oil has established itself as a hypoallergenic product, but the likelihood of developing an allergy to it in the presence of individual intolerance is still present. For their own safety, acquaintance with the product of the pink tree begins with the dough for sensitivity to it.

Features of the use of pink wood oil

It is important to use the etheric substance competently to achieve the maximum effect. Pink tree oil is amazing as an independent cosmetic product, it is also added to home remedies for caring for itself (masks, creams, lotions).

How to use pink wood oil for body skin care

The easiest way is to cook aromannes with essential oil. It is important to connect it to sea salt, milk, honey or sour -milk products. This will help prevent an allergic reaction or burn from the use of concentrated etheric substance. A fragrant bath with the addition of 8 drops of pink butter will help to relax after a hard working day, set up a strong night sleep and give the skin a pleasant exquisite aroma.

The combination of rosewood oil with other essential oils endow aromannes with various effects. For example, a warm bath will help moisturize the skin with the addition of pink wood oil and cypress oil (4 - 5 drops of each product each). You can make the skin more elastic and tightened if you regularly take a bath with carrots and mint oil (4 drops) and 5 drops of pink wood. Those who decided to seriously engage in the elimination of cellulite should pay attention to the aromannna based on essential oils of pink wood, pelargonium and cinnamon (4 drops of each).

Pink wood oil is perfectly suitable for massage. Based on the useful substance, a special mixture is prepared. To begin with, decide what you will use as a basis. It can be olive or linseed oil, pumpkin or sunflower oil (in a word, something neutral). Further, depending on the readings, the base is mixed with one or another essential oils:

  • to improve microcirculation and giving elasticity the skin - the base + pink wood oil, mandarin oil and fir oil (2 - 3 drops of each);
  • to lighten pigmentation - almond base + pink wood oil, ginger oil and grapefruit oil (1 drop of each);
  • to reduce stretch marks - the base + pink wood oil (5 drops), incense oil (3 drops) and jasmine oil (2 drops).

How to use pink wood oil for hair care

It is most effective to prepare various hair masks based on pink wood on the basis of rosewood oil. Remember the precautions: when unpleasant sensations appear in the hair area of \u200b\u200bthe head, a cosmetic product with the addition of essential oil must be washed away immediately. Shampoo, mask, air conditioning or hairproofing balm are suitable for the base.

Here are a few interesting recipes using pink wood oil:

  1. A healthy hair needs your care no less than weakened and dull curls. To strengthen normal hair, prepare a special mask. Combine pink wood oil (2 drops), chamomile oil (6 drops) and almond or coconut base (10 ml). The mixture should be slightly warm. It must be evenly distributed through the hair with massaging movements and left for half an hour, then thoroughly wash the head with shampoo.
  2. So that the hair does not resist combing, drip 2 droplets of pink butter in a balsam and use and use it after each shallow of the head.
  3. Such an oil mixture will help to give curls a natural shine: combine the jojoba oil and a raw chicken yolk, then add 2 drops of pink wood, rosemary and lemon oils. With light massage movements, distribute the mask along the strands and hide your hair under a warm towel for 60 minutes.
  4. To get rid of dandruff, mix 2 to 3 drops of pink butter, juniper and cedar, add them to hair balm and carefully process the roots of curls with this tool. The mixture is held on the head for no more than 10 minutes, then thoroughly washed the hair with warm water. Such an express mask is used until the hair acquires a healthy look.
  5. There is also a “medicine” for the regeneration of severely damaged hair: enrich the coconut base with 3 drops of pink butter, ylang-ylang and lemon balm. Pull the mixture on the roots of the hair, and then distribute it along the entire length and warm your head. The mask is held for about half an hour.

How to use pink wood oil for face care

There are a lot of options to effectively use a fragrant product in facial skin care:

  1. Mask for normalizing moisture in dry skin. In a certain amount of basic oil (avocado or grape seeds), add 1 drop of pink wood, grapefruit, mint and sandalwood. Apply the product on the face and rest for a quarter of an hour, then get wet the rest of the mask with a napkin.
  2. Mask to give fresh appearance pale or grayish skin. Connect 1 tbsp. l. Wheat oils with pink wood oil, orange and sandalwood, taken in equal amount (1 drop). The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes, the remains are removed with a napkin.
  3. Mask for masking vessels on the face. Add 4 drops of pink and lemon oil to the cream for daily use. Apply to the skin every morning or evening.
  4. Mask to eliminate the first mesh of wrinkles. 1 tsp. Liquid honey must be mixed with 1 tbsp. l. ground oatmeal, 1 raw yolk, 3 drops of pink wood oil and 2 drops of orange oil. The mask is applied to the problem areas on the face and after 15 minutes the remains of the napkin are removed.
  5. Mask to normalize the release of skin fat. To dry the skin of the face a little and level its relief, add 3 drops of pink wood in 20 mg of black or white cosmetic clay, then dilute this mixture with water to get a mass resembling a density of sour cream. Apply the product on the face with a uniform layer, except for the skin around the lips and eyes. After 10 minutes, rinse your face with water.

A list of beauty recipes using pink tree essential oil can be continued indefinitely. However, we note that the etheric product is good for its versatility - you can create individual therapeutic drugs with it, given only your personal needs. Regular use of pink wood oil will allow you to thoroughly study its features and experimentally choose the most better masks with its use.



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