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Exercises with dumbbells

Exercises with dumbbells
The most effective exercises with dumbbells. Technique and sets of exercises.

Such a shell as dumbbells is quite capable of becoming a real assistant on the way to a perfect body. And its beauty lies in the fact that it is possible to carry out exercises dumbbells at home and achieve the results that many do not achieve in the gym. Let's talk about this in more detail.

A set of exercises with dumbbells

Thanks to the correct implementation of a set of exercises, you can achieve a set of mass, improve the relief of the body and your appearance as a whole. The shell is universal in that it is suitable for use in exercises for the predominant majority of the most important muscles of the human body. And the use of a projectile for exercises at home is the main factor in the fall in the choice of many people in favor of this sports projectile.

Exercises with dumbbells on the chest

There are several main exercises for the chest, which allow you to achieve even great success than the lying bench press. The first of these is called the bench press in a lying position. It is performed like this:

  1. Pack on a bench or bench.
  2. Take the shells in your hands. Their edges should be in a perpendicular position regarding your torso. It is very easy to do if you imagine that instead of dumbbells you are holding the bar of the bar in your hands.
  3. Raise the dumbbells up, and then return them to the position of the chest.


When doing the exercise correctly and without excessive overload, you can very well work out the muscles of the chest.

The next exercise implies the same dumbbell bench press, but in an inclined position:

  1. Place on a tilted bench at an angle of 35-45 degrees.
  2. Take dumbbells.
  3. Straighten your hands 100% so that the shells are at the top.
  4. Return to the starting position.

Hand divorce in the side in a lying position is our next lesson. We perform it like this:

  1. We occupy a lying position on a bench.
  2. We take sports shells in our hands and have each other.
  3. We lower our hands, bending the elbows, at the same time, stretching the chest.
  4. Quickly raise your hands in the initial position.

A similar task, but performed at an angle:

  1. Take a position on the bench at the same angle-35-45 degrees.
  2. Take the shells in your hands. Park your palms next to each other.
  3. Hands bend in the area of \u200b\u200bthe elbows a little.
  4. Now lower sports dumbbells on different sides until the chest is completely stretched.
  5. Return to the starting position.


The last exercise with dumbbells on the chest muscles is called pulver. It is performed as follows:

  1. Lie down on a sports bench and get deep into it with shoulder blades.
  2. We take one dumbbell for the disk from below.
  3. Lower the shell behind the head with an arched movement.
  4. Raise the dumbbell back.
  5. Repeat your actions 10-15 times.

Hand dumbbell exercises

In order to make your hands beautiful, you need to remember a small list of sports exercises, which even a beginner can master.

Exercise number 1:

  1. Armed with sports shells of one and a half kilograms.
  2. Bending at the elbows, you need to raise your hands to the top.
  3. Dilute your hands in different directions.
  4. Lower your hands with dumbbells down.

Perform this exercise 10 times.


Exercise number 2:

  1. Lie on the floor.
  2. Hands with sports shells must be divorced to the sides.
  3. Close your hands together until they meet at the top point.
  4. Return to the starting position.
  5. Perform about 30 times.


Exercise number 3:

  1. Stand up with dumbbells, the mass of which is 2 kg, and hold them on your hands fully extended in front of your chest.
  2. Take the dumbbells behind the head to the extent that it is as much as possible.
  3. Raise sports shells up.
  4. Again, return to the starting position.

Exercises for the back with dumbbells

Perhaps this may seem somewhat strange, but there are not many programs with dumbbells for the back. All due to the fact that classes with the horizontal bar, namely, pulling up, give the best effect to the back. But still, we will consider some of the exercises:

  1. Scars. This is a very effective exercise with dumbbells that can provide the opportunity to pump the trapezoidal muscles well. It should be done with complete dedication and extremely accurate. Stand evenly, and set the feet on the width of your shoulders. Take sports shells in your hands and raise them in such a way as to touch your ears with your forearms. Having made a small pause at the very top point, you can lower your hands.
  2. Inclined traction. The exercise is realized in this way: the dumbbell takes into one hand, and the other firmly and reliably relies on a bench or chair. Pull the shell with your hand to your belt, then lower it. There is nothing complicated and having looked at this exercise with dumbbells in pictures, you probably realize this.


Biceps with dumbbells

It is interesting that the biceps even in the gym is trained with a dumbbell, since there is no simulator for this part of the body. There are several basic exercises. So they look.

1. We bend our hands in a standing position.

  • they accepted the position of standing. Took the shells in their hands;
  • any of the hands you need to raise the dumbbell;
  • at the moment when your forearm will be in a position in a parallel floor, you need to turn a sports projectile at 45 degrees;
  • bring your hand to the very top;
  • lower the shell down with similar movements;
  • do the same task for the other hand.

2. Raise the dumbbell on the board under the slope.

  • take a position on the bench from the same angle;
  • take sports shells into your hands;
  • raise them to the top;
  • lower back;
  • 10 times is a minimum of repetitions for the exercise.

3. We rise in a sitting position.

  • the elbow of the free hand we rest on the thigh;
  • bending a hand from the dumbbells at the elbow, we rest it up;
  • we return to the starting position.

4. Rise standing.

  • having taken the position of standing, you need to take shells so that your palms are directed inside;
  • bring the shells up to the position in which the forearm will be parallel to the ground;
  • 180 degrees turn the hands;
  • lower the sports shells down, wrapping the hands back;
  • in the process of performing this exercise, you need to monitor the fact that the elbows of your hands are always in the position pressed to the body.


Triceps with dumbbells

For triceps, three most effective exercises have been invented and, of course, we will analyze them with you. These are such exercises with dumbbells for muscles, which are also basic, so they must be remembered.

The first lesson has the name French bench press, which is considered one of the most important exercises for triceps. True, this exercise with dumbbells for men is more suitable, since it cannot be called too simple.

  1. Take the position lying on the bench.
  2. On outstretched hands, take sports shells.
  3. Slowly lower the sports shell to your head, bending your hands in the elbow area.

Next, you can try this kind of lesson:

  1. The sports shell should be taken in a standing position, and fix it on an outstretched arm above your own head.
  2. Bend your hand in the elbow, thus sending a shell over your head.
  3. Having reached the bottom point, raise your hand up.
  4. Do not fake and lead your hand to the lowest point.


The last exercise also concerns the extension of the hands, but it trains exclusively the upper part of your triceps:

  1. Rest as reliable as possible on a chair or bench.
  2. Bend to such an extent when the body becomes in a position completely parallel to the floor.
  3. The hand in the elbow is bent, and the elbow itself is pressed against the body.
  4. Straighten your hand with a sports projectile. It is necessary to straighten it to the side so that it bent completely.
  5. Make 10 approaches for each of the hands.

Exercises with dumbbells on the shoulders

We go to work on the shoulders. There are also certain trainings and so they look.

First of all, you need to consider the well -known bench press of Arnold:

  1. Bend your hands at the elbows, lifting your elbows to the top. Sit down to take dumbbells. Shells are required to be turned as if you are holding the vulture with a grip called the opposite.
  2. Hands turn their palms inward.
  3. Hands up, turning the grip back to the initial.
  4. Return to the initial position.


The next sports task must be performed in a lying position:

  1. Take the position on the bench so that the face is lowered down.
  2. Take the dumbbell with two hands.
  3. Looped hands must be divorced to the sides until they are completely even.
  4. Return to the starting position and repeat the training.

And finally, the craving for your chin. Remember:

  1. Stand evenly and take sports shells with a grip, like a grief grip.
  2. At the same time, pull both dumbbells up to the chin level.
  3. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds, then return to the starting position.

Exercise program with dumbbells for everyone

It is no secret that different exercises in sports are not suitable for only different muscle groups, but for different age categories of people and even for different sexes. This moment needs to be paid to special attention, since home exercises with dumbbells do not mean the presence of a coach, and in case of improper execution, there is no person who will help with advice and tell you how to correctly perform this or that sports exercise.

Exercises with dumbbells for women

To always look good, women can systematically carry out several trainings with dumbbells daily. Here they are:

  1. You need to stand in a position in which your legs will be placed on shoulder width apart, while sports equipment must be taken in your hands. Synchronously raise your hands all in the same width, after which lower them down. 30 times is the optimal number of repetitions of this exercise.
  2. Sit on a chair, then raise your loaded hands up. Bend your elbows until dumbbells drop by your head. Return to the initial pose. You need to complete the task at least 20 times.
  3. The next exercise with dumbbells for girls will give you the opportunity to well pump the muscles of the hands. Stand evenly, pressing your hands loaded with dumbbells to the chest. Then you need to take a lunge with your right foot a little forward, while extending your left hand in front of you. Return to the initial type and repeat the exercise for the other arm and leg. For each half of your body, the task must be completed 10 times.

Exercises with dumbbells for weight loss

If you really want to achieve a thin waist, you should perform such a training:

  1. Take dumbbells in two hands, pressing one of them to the hips.
  2. Extend the second hand along your body and tilt to the side so that the raised hand with a sports projectile goes over your head.
  3. Alternate inclins in turn.

To tighten your legs and make them slim, you need to deal with this way:

  1. Legs together, the back is even.
  2. Looped hands are fixed behind the head.
  3. Bending your leg at the knee, you need to make a lunge to the side.
  4. Closure your hands below in front of you.
  5. Return to the starting position and attack the second leg.
  6. Repeat 10 attacks for each leg.


If suddenly you will not fully understand anything, you always have the opportunity to look at the exercises with dumbbells in the photo.

Pull the chest. The training procedure is presented below:

  1. We take a flat stance and set our feet in the width of the shoulders.
  2. We put the loaded hands in front of us.
  3. Without the slightest bend in the elbows, you need to spread your hands to the sides.
  4. Take the initial position.

The training is performed 10 times.

Berry exercises with dumbbells

The very first lesson, which positively affects the improvement of the shapes of buttocks is attacks forward with dumbbells. It is performed as follows:

  1. Put your legs a little.
  2. Reliably take the shells in your hands.
  3. Having a small breath, step forward, while holding your body as smooth as possible.
  4. Return to the starting position.

The next training that can improve the shape of the gluteal muscles is striding on the platform.


You need to pick up the load and strode with it on any platform, the height of which will be on an indicator of at least 40-50 centimeters. Make 30 approaches with one foot, then change your leg.

Exercises with dumbbells for children

Naturally, in the case of training for young children, the weight of sports shells should be somewhat less serious. Choose it by age and physical data of the child.

The training complex for children looks like this:

  1. Raising dumbbells in a standing position. 10-15 repetitions.
  2. The bench press from behind the head. 10 repetitions.
  3. The deflection of the back from the position of lying on the stomach. Clutching the loaded hands to the back of the head, you need to bend your back, raising your head up.
  4. Turns of the corps with breeding the hands in which dumbbells are located. In each of the parties, it is necessary to make 15 turns.
  5. Rise of sports shells above the head. It can be performed alternately, or with both hands at the same time.
  6. Jumping out with shells in the hands. The legs are installed on the width of the shoulder, and when jumping, they close. Do not make overly sudden movements to avoid undesirable injuries and sprains.
  7. Potted. Dumbbells in completely lowered hands. 20 squats with a flat back.


Hand exercises without dumbbell

Of course, there are ways to pump up hands without exercises with dumbbells. In the first of all, this is pull -ups and push -ups. It is hardly necessary to teach someone how such exercises are performed correctly.

You can only note the types of push -ups that are very effective as hand exercises. Here they are:

  • classical;
  • push -ups from the knees (to facilitate the task);
  • push -ups from the wall at an angle;
  • push -ups with a narrow grip on triceps;
  • push -ups with circular motions with weight overlapping;
  • push -ups with a wide grip;
  • push -ups with jumps;
  • push -ups with blooms.


Performing the exercises correctly and with maximum dedication, you can achieve such results that many people cannot achieve by practicing in the gym for many months. Therefore, try to approach the exercises with all responsibility and not try to alleviate your task, because a slender body is a serious job.

Exercises with dumbbells, video

Emphasizing the described list of exercises for different groups of muscles, floors and even ages, I want to add an excellent video. It will help you extremely accurately figure out how to do the right and what exercises with dumbbells in order to achieve really noticeable results.



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