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Exercises with Gury

Exercises with Gury
The most popular exercises with Gary, which will help at home to pump certain muscle groups and achieve positive results.

Everyone wants to look as much as possible, always be in tone and in beautiful well-being. And it is possible to achieve such results even at home, systematically performing exercises with weights. The main thing is to know what and how to do it right. We will talk about it.

Basic exercises with weights

Starting exercises with weights, you should know that there is a small list of basic exercises. They are the most important and most basic, so they need to be known about them.

Professional athletes reduced the calculation of basic exercises with weights to the number of six:

  1. Swing.
  2. Rise on the chest.
  3. Turkish rise.
  4. Army press.
  5. Squats.
  6. Jerk.

These exercises became basic, since they combine almost all the muscles of the human body. And when using them in the complex, already in a month and a half, you can achieve positive results in fitness.

In order to find out what exercises with the Gary are as executed, we will analyze them separately.

Exercises with Gary: Swing

Swing is often called "Mahami", and this is one of the very first exercises to which beginner athletes study. Thanks to the swine, you can develop the following parts of the body:

  • biceps of the hip;
  • buttocks;
  • the bottom of the back.

In addition, making swells, you will be guaranteed burning a large amount of calories.

So, how do these exercises are made with the giri for the back, buttocks and hips:

  1. Put your legs a little wider than the width of your shoulders.
  2. Install the sports projectile right in front of yourself.
  3. Tests back, and I try to start the weight between your legs back.
  4. By a sharp movement, you will need to remove the weight in front of yourself at no lower chest. At the same time, you yourself must straighten.
  5. Return to the initial position.

01 Swing

Exercises with Giri: Rise on the chest

If you were looking for exercises with hand weights, then this is one of the most suitable. Performing this exercise, you activate the following muscle groups:

  • legs;
  • buttocks;
  • breast;
  • hands;
  • back.

Start your execution:

  1. The legs are put on the width of the shoulders, and the ice is right in front of them. The glance must be kept right.
  2. Having a hip back, you need to fall down to get a gircuit with the right hand. At the same time, your loin should be in bend, which can be called natural.
  3. Now you need to fulfill the shuffles between the legs, heading the Gury for yourself. Hand with Gary must be turned in such a way that the thumb is shown back.
  4. With the help of a jerk movement, you need to straighten your knees and hips.
  5. Bend your hand in the elbow, then deploy the wrist until the weight is in the position on your chest.
  6. After performing the required number of approaches, change your hand.

02 Climbing on the chest

As for breathing in the process of exercise, it is recommended to inhale when lowering the weights and exhale during lifts.

Exercises with Gary: Turkish rise

This exercise involves almost all of the existing muscles of the human body, and is not so difficult.

What you need:

  1. Lie on the back is the starting position.
  2. On an elongated right hand, you need to take a gircuit.
  3. You need to bend the right leg in the knee and rely on it.
  4. Left hand Enact about the floor, and try to stretch a little higher hand.
  5. Making sure the reliability of the stop, climb over the floor.
  6. The left foot needs to be adjusted for yourself and neatly, not a sharp movement, kneel.
  7. If the left knee, the right foot, are eradicated to the floor, and the weight is in an extended position, the exercise is performed correctly.
  8. Straighten.
  9. Back this instruction Exercises until you return to the starting position.

03 Turkish ascent

If something is not fully understood to you, you can always figure it out, looking at these exercises with weights in pictures.

Exercises with Gary: Army Pym

The press of army type is one of the best exercises for the muscles with the Gary, and it develops the following parts of the body:

  • delta;
  • triceps;
  • top of the chest;
  • shoulders.

Execution technique looks like this:

  1. Put your feet on the width of the shoulders.
  2. Take the Giri from the floor.
  3. Sit down a little, lift the weights on the chest.
  4. Doing exhale, pull the weight up, so that they are above your head. Please note that the elbows are completely dispersed.
  5. In this position you need to stay for a few seconds.
  6. Exhausted, lower the weights on the floor. Do it smoothly, do not throw shells and try yourself not to injure yourself.

04Armeysky press

Exercises with Gary: squats

Squats with Gary will help you develop the following muscles:

  • quadriceps;
  • biceps;
  • buttocks;
  • delta muscles.


The correct execution of this exercise is the key to success. To the part, it is not so difficult to observe it.

  1. Take a gircuit with both hands upper grip.
  2. Hold the girches in front of your breast.
  3. Legs on the width shoulders.
  4. Divide socks and stand straight.
  5. Sit in such a way that your pelvis is just below the knees, and your hips, while, were in the position parallel floor.
  6. The weight must be held in front of the chest.
  7. Strint sharply.

Exercises with Giri: Jerk

Jerk with Gary is performed quite simple, here is a list of exercises:

  1. Shuffles.
  2. Giri traction.
  3. Her undermining.
  4. The sublayer followed by straightening legs in the knees.
  5. Lowering and installing weights in the initial position.

So that everything becomes completely clear, we recommend to look at the photo of exercises with the Gary:

Giri: Exercises for beginners

It is possible that you, our dear reader, are a newcomer in classes with Gary. It should be noted that basic exercises are one thing, but for beginners there are also basic exercises that need to be considered more. There are separate exercises to the following muscle groups:

  • biceps;
  • legs;
  • triceps;
  • shoulders;
  • back.

Exercises on biceps

Fitness Woman.

First exercise:

  1. Take the standing standing, holding the weights in the legs lowered.
  2. Apply the shells to your chest, while flexing your hands in the elbow joints.

Second exercise:

  1. Bend over the floor, observing a straight bend angle.
  2. I have a gircuit from the floor to raise your breast so that the hand in the elbow is bent.
  3. Watch your back straight.

Third exercise:

  1. Put on the bench.
  2. Estimate the elbow of the free hand in the knee. Raise the weight using a bicep to the top position.

Exercises for the back

08 spin

In the case of the back there are also three exercise options for beginners.

  1. The slopes with the weights that will be located on the back or the chest.
  2. Slopes sitting on the bench. In this case, Giri must be in front of the hands down.
  3. Torso reversals with gyms on the chest. Runs must be performed 90 degrees, both to the left and right.

Exercises on triceps

09 Triceps

Here we have 2 options for exercises:

  1. The dates of two girips in the standing position. You can press both at the same time and movements called counter.
  2. A similar first variant of the bench, in which the weight is used in the inverted position. Performing such an exercise, free hand must be kept on your belt.

Exercises on the feet

10 legs

In order to develop your legs, you need to follow these exercises:

  1. Squats, in which weights are installed on your shoulders.
  2. A sharp jerk with squats. You need to take the handbook of Giri with both hands and, lifting it up to your chest, squat.
  3. Install the gury in the buttocks. Take it in the sitting position and get up. Take the weight follows with both hands.

Exercises on the shoulders

11 shoulders

In the case of shoulders, we have 3 basic exercises. Here they are:

  1. Taking the position of standing, you need to take weight and synchronously breed your hands before the position at the shoulder level.
  2. A similar exercise in which the hands must be displayed in front of them, bringing them to the chest level.
  3. The initial position is lying on the bench. View direction up. Giri must be installed on both sides of the bench. Take Giri and lift them over your breasts on straightened hands.

During the first workouts, try not to overvolt, since any exercises associated with the weights require serious efforts, which, in turn, can carry serious trauma. Increase loads carefully.

Exercises with larger weights

It is no secret that weights are different masses. But today, you need to say, the most popular are weights with weight 16, 24 and 32 kg. There are other weight coefficients, but they are much more difficult to get them.

Exercises with Gary 16 kg

To begin with, I want to consider exercises with the easiest of now popular Giri.

The first exercise is in the simultaneous rise of two Girus. It is performed as follows:

  1. Take two weights, the mass of which is 16 kilograms.
  2. Put the garish yourself on the shoulders.
  3. Raise the shells by making a deep breath. The rise must be made exclusively on a flat, straight line.
  4. Lower the Giri back on the exhalation, observing the low speed.

Make sure that in the process of the entire exercise, your press muscles were in tension.

12 16 kg

The next exercise with the lungs, if they can be called it, the weights, very much like the previous one. But unlike him, now you need to raise the Giri with some hands, but the impetus. Exercise is performed as follows:

  1. Standing standing with weights on the shoulders.
  2. Bend legs in the knees.
  3. A sharp jerk up, with a raising hands to the ceiling.
  4. We lower the weights as before, slowly and without sharp movements.

Exercises with Gary 24 kg

The first exercise will require you quite a lot of effort, but, as it is obvious, performing it, you can achieve serious results. You will need to pull the gircle in the position of the body "stop lying".

  1. Two 24 kg weights are installed on the floor on both your hands.
  2. You need to adopt stop lying. At the same time, the hands should stand in the weights.
  3. Try one hand up along with the gay, turning at this time the case to the side.
  4. When you reach a peak point at the top, take a pause for a second or two.
  5. Return to the position "stop lying".
  6. Repeat the exercise alternately for different hands.

13 24 kg

It also allows you to perform a 24 kg weight exercise, which is often called "Pistolatics". The exercise received such a name, because performing it, you need to take a position sitting with a straightened foot, which is a little resemble a pistol. It is done as follows:

  1. Take one 24 kilogram weight and keep it with both hands in front of your breast.
  2. Sat and in the process of decline, exhibit one of the legs right in front of yourself.
  3. Return to the initial position.
  4. Take approaches, alternately changing your legs.

By the way, that the exercise "Pistolatics", so much benefit, try to perform it as far as possible is slower that the load is greater.

Giray 32 kg: Exercises

So we got to the exercises with the most severe gay. The first of them will require you to lift the projectile from the lying position.

  1. Lie on the back, lifting one any hand along with the gury up.
  2. Not lowering hand, try to get up from the floor.
  3. Your actions should be as follows: Bending the left leg, bending the right leg, lift to your feet.
  4. Repeat the exercise of 10 approaches for each of the hands.

The next exercise with severe weights will require you to pull the shells from the inclined position. Such a task is an analogous to the famous many bodybuilders. Exercise - "Tracting rods in the slope."

14 32 kg

It is done like this:

  1. Set the weights on the floor so that they are between your legs.
  2. Curved legs in the knees, lean and take the weights.
  3. Holding the back straight, pull your hands up.
  4. Cressing the elbows to your housing, delay in this position for 1-2 seconds.
  5. Return the weights at the starting position with slow movements.

Complex of exercises with gay

Giri Exercises for Fighter

It is no secret that sportsmen engaged in martial arts use Giri for their workouts. All because it is an excellent projectile that allows you to add loads for all muscle groups. And thanks to the center of gravity, which can be called "walking", the weights allow to strengthen the grip and the force of impact.

By the way, the fighters are absolutely optionally to start their workouts with Girus, the mass of which will exceed 16 kg. It is better to start with less weight, gradually increasing the load. So you can avoid the possibility of taking away.

15 fighter

As for the exercises necessary for execution, then they are:

  1. Beeble standing. We already considered it a little higher.
  2. Throwing weights. You need to become, putting the legs on the width of the shoulders. Rod lift the weight from the floor and throw it down. When it is in the air, grab it with the other hand and put on the floor. Repeat the exercise 10 approaches. Try not to beat off your feet.
  3. Deadlift. This is a lifting of the Giri with two hands from the ground, and its rise above the head.
  4. Push up on the bars from the gury. It is unlikely that someone needs to be explained how they are pressed on the bars. You just need to tie a girc for yourself and perform this exercise.

Exercises on biceps with gay

In order to pump a strong, relief biceps, you need to remember several exercises. Their amount can be easily reduced to four. Here they are:

  1. Gary of biceps sitting.
  2. Lifting weights on the chest.
  3. Slopes to the sides with the Gary in the hands.
  4. Gary of biceps standing.

Such exercises on biceps with weights will help you in a short time to bring themselves to a good look. By the way, the procedure for performing these exercises, we were considered higher.

16 biceps

Exercises for the press with weights

As you know, many people decide to begin to engage in weights only because such a sports projectile allows you to do at home. And often it is for the sake of a beautiful, pumped press, we go for such a step. Therefore, we suggest you view about the exercises with the videos, which will tell in detail how to pump up the press.


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