
Fluoksetin tablets are instructions for weight loss. Flouquastin Lananber for weight loss - price, reviews

Fluoksetin tablets are instructions for weight loss. Flouquastin Lananber for weight loss - price, reviews
How to lose weight using fluoxetine tablets.

How many are ready to admit that beauty is more important for them? It sounds absurd, but unfortunately, it is so. In pursuit of perfect appearance, people (mainly, women) are ready to go for everything, right up to appoints to themselves serious drugs. Is it safe and effectively?

For example, what carries the use of fluoxetine for weight loss? After all, this drug is initially considered an antidepressant, why is it so high of its popularity among those who want to have beautiful forms?

Fluoksetin for weight loss

Although we are talking about the reception of the drug for weight loss, yet it is his side effect. First of all, fluoxetine is an antidepressant, and its main purpose is to deal with stress and depression, improving the mood, reduce the sense of tension. It is also often prescribed to patients with diagnosed Bulimia, since it is primarily a disease that has a psychological field.

Fluoxetine does not have a fat burning effect, with its help you can lose weight due to the fact that it effectively reduces the feeling of hunger. In other words, taking the drug, the woman eats several times, and therefore the calorie deficit arises, leading to weight loss.

It should be understood that the loss of appetite is a consequence of the effect of the drug on the brain! Therefore, the conclusions about the feasibility of receiving fluoxetine as every woman should make as a method of combating overweight. In any case, it will not be possible to buy it in the pharmacy without a recipe, because without consulting the doctor before his reception could not do in any way.

What fluoxetine for weight loss is better to take? The fact is that the drug can meet in pharmacies under different names - Prose, Profude, Flunisal. All of them contain fluoxetine as the main component, but in different dosages.

How to take fluoxetine for weight loss

So, the decision was made, it remains to find out how to take these miracle pills. It is necessary to start gradually, from 20 mg per day. After 7-10 days, the dose of up to 40 mg increases, which should be divided into two receptions - in the morning and in the evening. If the effect is achieved, and the appetite is taken under control, then you can also stop. Otherwise, it is necessary to increase the dosage of up to 60 mg in a few days - three receptions of 20 mg. If it is not enough, then after a few days the dosage is increased to 80 mg, breaking it by 4 reception of 20 mg. This is the maximum allowable amount of the drug!

Since the drug is addictive, then it is necessary to cancel it gradually, reducing the dosage just as it raised.

Fluoksetin for weight loss: Price

The price of the drug depends on the dosage of 1 tablets and the manufacturer, and on average range from 35 to 150 rubles per pack.

Fluoksetin Slimming: Reviews

Tablets designed to withdraw a person from the strongest depression, judging by the reviews, are really effective. They reduce appetite, forcing the body to spend their own stocks and launching the process of weight loss. Taking drugs mark high efficiency, but at the same time, dependence on it. A few weeks after the reception, the weight returns back, or even more. It is difficult to objectively evaluate such feedback, because we do not know what way of life these people were led after the cancellation of the drug: whether the diet was observed, whether sports were engaged in sports, etc. If ate all in a row, not peeling from the sofa, then this is a no-wing result! If you create a deficit of calories and move all the time, it is difficult to imagine how you can return spent kilograms with this lifestyle.

But once the drug really is addictive, you need to be prepared for the cancellation syndrome and take yourself to heroic mittens.

There are also such reviews in which people express sincere surprise: the drug prescribed to them to exit depression is actively discussed in the network as a means for weight loss! But the side effects of his mass, the appetite decreases far from everyone, the drug acts on the brain and the central nervous system, does it really be?

Fluoksetin Slimming: Photo

If we take fluoxetin, the results of weight loss will not wait to wait. The main thing is to do everything correctly, observing the dosage and principles of the cancellation of the drug. However, remember that not everyone felt the effect of loss of appetite or weight, everything is very individual.

Tablets fluoxetine. A few words about weight loss

I would like to emphasize once again that absolutely any drug carries side effects. Therefore, before you go to extreme measures, you still have to try to achieve the desired result in conventional ways. Yes, it is longer. But this effective weight loss, lost kilograms do not return, and how much does not suffer from any - on the contrary, strengthened, and immunity is always guarding! The essence is very simple.

Tablets fluoxetine. Create a calorie deficit

Beautiful figure is created in the kitchen. 90% of success depends precisely from what you put in your mouth. The principle of action of pills for slimming fluoxetine is that the appetite is reduced, less calories fall into the body. But this can be achieved without the use of the drug. Just to mock yourself, the power of the will to put on a maximum and learn to be delicious cooking healthy and useful food. With the motivation of problems, it should not arise - if a person reads the material on this topic, it means that he dreams of a beautiful figure, which means that something does not suit in his appearance. Motivation is. Learning to prepare delicious and useful - no problem. On the Internet you can find a lot of recipes, there would be a desire. Useful food - there. The main problem remains with the presence of the power of the will - not so many people can boast it. To activate it, you can remember such a statement: "We must enjoy or when you eat, or when naked is standing in front of the mirror." What would prefer the option?

So, we run on the main advice, the principles of proper nutrition:

  1. There is no fat, sweet, flour. It follows the logical output - no fast food, only homemade food or from a proven cafe / restaurant.
  2. Fruits are up to 15-00, bananas and grapes to exclude.
  3. Tea, coffee drinks without sugar and additives.
  4. Exclude potatoes in all kinds, except for the young in the uniform.
  5. Do not add ketchup, mayonnaise, sauces. Exception - soy sauce, not sweet.
  6. Rice to eat can, but not more often 1 time per week and not at night.
  7. Pasta is similar - it is possible, but rarely and not at night. Do not save, welcome good pasta from solid wheat varieties.
  8. Drink 1.5 - 2 liters of water daily besides other liquids.
  9. Avoid random snacks, separating all powered by 5-6 receptions. Breakfast, lunch, dinner and 2-3 planned snacks. All food used at a time must fit in the palm.
  10. Breakfast - long carbohydrates, lunch - proteins with carbohydrates, dinner - predominantly proteins with fresh vegetables. Smells - fruits, vegetables, dairy products. The last snack before bed - low-fat cottage cheese or kefir.
  11. Nuts and dried fruits are very calories. They can be replaced by sweets, but in extremely small quantities and only in the morning.

How accurate to adhere to these items depends only on how much and how fast you want to reset. If we are not talking about a discharge, but about maintaining weight, then you can give yourself a cross, however, still, guided by these items. For example, you can afford a little flour or sweet, but only for breakfast. Of the sweet it is better to give preference to marmalade, grazing or marshmallow. Include in your diet bananas and grapes, but also, only in the first half of the day.

What do you think you can eat when weakness? It turns out, a lot of things! Here are just some allowed products:

  1. All types of croup, in particular, is welcomed buckwheat.
  2. Vegetables.
  3. Fruits.
  4. All kinds of low-fat meat, fish and birds.
  5. Dairy products with a low percentage of fat content.
  6. Eggs.
  7. Makaroni solid wheat varieties.

Even from this list you can delight yourself and close to diverse and delicious dishes!

Load your body

Morning jogging in the morning, the subscription to the gym, the running track of the house ... options mass, for every taste and color. Let's talk first about the ideal model for weight loss, then more budget and less costly.

Ideally, it is worth purchasing a subscription to a sports complex with professional and certified coaches. Make fitness testing, ask you to make an individual workout program. Typically, power loads alternate with cardio-classes. In the first, we strengthen the muscular corset, on the second, burn the fat mass. That is, it happens not just a slimming, but excess fat comes off, exposing the beautiful embossed muscles - only regularly engage in sports, it is possible to build his body, somewhere adding, somewhere by Ubaviv, by editing somewhere. 3-4 times a week will be optimal, but if there is no possibility to walk so often, then 2 is a minimum.

If there is no possibility or money, or both, then load yourself in your daily life. Morning jog and / or gymnastics, staircase instead of elevator, walking instead of traveling by car or public transport ... Buy an exercise bike or running track. Many things can be invented, the main thing is to do it regularly and with the mind!

Record on massage

Massage itself is not a panacea for a beautiful and slender figure. Without proper nutrition and regular sports, he simply will not give anything. However, as an additional, auxiliary procedure, it is worth walking at least 1-2 times a week.

If the weight goes big, it is with the help of massage and wraps that you can remove and pull the savory skin. In any case, the anti-cellulite massage perfectly splits the fatty tissue and gives the tone of the skin, removes slags and toxins, outwardly the body becomes more touched.

Tablets fluoxetine for weight loss. Let's summarize

Probably someone easier to start taking Fluoksetin Lannanber for weight loss than trying to cope with the problem independently. Well, he really helps, maybe it is your option. In any case, before applying this drug, be sure to consult your doctor! Do not forget that first of all it is an antidepressant, weight loss is only a side effect! Be healthy and beautiful!

Video " Reviews of the doctor about the drug Fluoksetin »


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