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How to strengthen stunning teeth at home. How to strengthen the gums. Ways to strengthen the enamel of teeth

How to strengthen stunning teeth at home. How to strengthen the gums. Ways to strengthen the enamel of teeth
The article is told how to strengthen the teeth at home and medical facilities. A list of recipes for strengthening teeth and gums is presented.

Sweetness of teeth, bleeding gums - problems that are concerned with many people. After all, naturally, everyone wants to save their healthy teeth as long as possible, and not to put implants, in the place of the fallen. And if you wondered if the teeth can be strengthened at home, then you know that there are many different methods for this - drug and folk recipes. In addition, you should look at the image of your life, adjust your food diet, because it also depends on how long our teeth will be integer and healthy. Next, consider what to do if the tooth rushes, how to strengthen it.

How to strengthen your teeth. Due to what the teeth are stagged

Before switching to the methods responsible for how to strengthen the gums and teeth, let's get acquainted with the reasons that cause these negative phenomena:

  • Periodontacts, periodontitis are serious medical problems with which people are very often treated in dental clinics. This disease needs timely and thorough treatment. Otherwise, the results can be "deplorable" - the blade fabric becomes loose and weak, the teeth are strung and fall out completely. There are many modern techniques for those who wondered how to strengthen their teeth with periodontal disease. However, it is better not to deal with this problem independently, but should be asked for help to a qualified dentist.
  • Injuries, injuries, the results of the bruise. Teeth can shift from the axis of their nests as a result of a strong mechanical injury, impact. At the same time, it is necessary to strengthen the neighboring parts of the gums, which can prevent complete loss of teeth.
  • Inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. Many infectious diseases (stomatitis, gingivitis), spreading through the oral cavity, can cause gums declaration, and as a result, the loss of teeth.
  • Some diseases of the internal organs. Dental loss, inflammation of the gums - may be a consequence of a side effect with such serious diseases such as cirrhosis, diabetes, arthrosis, etc.
  • Disturbance. Teeth for this reason can be shifted from their nest, and over time falls out.
  • The lack of vitamins coming with food. It may occur if you adhere to any confinement or simply your daily diet is not balanced. How to strengthen the front teeth in this case? Balance your diet, turn on the vitamin complexes in it, as well as food, strengthening teeth.

  • Disruption of the work of the immune system, reduced immunity. In this case, various dental problems can also be observed - the bleeding of the gums, the infection of the oral cavity, the loss of teeth. To strengthen the teeth, vitamins are needed, and with a reduced immuniching in the body not enough.
  • Genetic factor. Healthily heredity can affect the condition of your teeth and gums.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period. At this time, the woman's body is most vulnerable to different clauses. During pregnancy and lactation, it is recommended to purchase a paste, strengthening teeth in preventive purposes.
  • Harmful habits are smoking, alcohol.
  • The teeth fall out maybe even if they regularly neglect the oral hygiene.

Teeth whitness is a very dangerous state that can lead to their complete loss. That is why it is not recommended to let it on samonek. Treatment of teeth of teeth is aimed at improving the general condition of the patient and the local fortification of the gums. To do this, use both drug medicine and traditional medicine. Much attention is paid to the physical education, namely, the massage of the gums.

Teeth are swinging: how to strengthen teeth by medication

If you wondered how to strengthen your teeth to a child and an adult, then note that special solutions for rinsing, ointments for gums, specialized toothpastes are used for medication treatment of shaky teeth. We will list more Means, strengthening teeth:

  • Rinsers for the oral cavity. The composition contains flavors that eliminate the unpleasant odor, as well as antibacterial substances that are struggling with pathogenic bacteria and remove inflammation. As a result, the gums become more elastic and less painful, which is well affected by the resistance of the teeth.
  • Ointment and gels. The composition contains antiseptic and painkillers. The use of ointments and gels relieves inflammation, reduces pain syndrome, eliminates foci of inflammation, contributes to healing wounds. Such means are very effective and contribute to the rapid elimination of the reasons that cause the brushiness of the teeth. After a couple of weeks of use of ointments and gels, the gums become much stronger. Apply drugs for gums several times a day, after which it is not recommended to drink for an hour.
  • Toothpastes. Applied not only for the treatment of gum diseases, which lead to tenting teeth, but also strengthening enamel, prevention of caries. Apply these pastes not only during the period of the disease, but also for its warning.

Front tooth rushes: how to strengthen teeth, general advice

If the tooth began to stagger, immediately go to the dental surgeon is not worth it. Despite the fact that the dental implants are now at a fairly high level, their teeth are still much better. We bring to your attention some tips, how to strengthen the enamel of the teeth:

  • Upon the occurrence of this problem is to do the strengthening of the gums, relieve the inflammation, if any. To do this, apply medicines or folk remedies.
  • It is also worth to resort to continuous massaging the gums to make them stronger. The period of treatment is necessary to refuse from eating solid foods. This can lead to tooth loss.
  • You should not smoke during treatment, or drink alcohol. Bad habits are paramount reasons that lead to dental problems.
  • Should reconsider your diet. It should prevail products that contain a large amount of calcium, vitamin D and C proteins.

Strengthening teeth folk remedies

Let us consider how to strengthen your teeth at home. These recipes have been known for a long time and for centuries have helped people avoid dental problems. Based on the study of the effects of certain plants were invented many drugs to combat this disease.

Recipes - the teeth can be strengthened:

  • Fir oil. It has long been known as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Used as medical applications on the gums. Cotton swab dipped in fir oil and placed on the sick gum on both sides for 20-30 minutes. The procedure is repeated daily for a week.
  • A decoction of chamomile. Another very effective means for the treatment of gingivitis. Mouthrinse prepared strong broth chamomile. The procedure is carried out before going to bed, so that after she did not drink or eat. Excellent relieves pain in the gums and heals wounds.
  • Aloe vera and calendula. Broth from these plants are used to relieve the inflammation and reducing action of infections in the oral cavity. Aloe kills bacteria and calendula disinfects the surface of the teeth and gums.

  • Coconut oil can freshen breath, bleeding gums removed. Coconut oil in addition has excellent antibacterial and antifungal properties. To do this, gargle for 15 minutes with a spoon coconut oil. This procedure cleans the mouth from germs, freshens breath, whitens teeth, as well as a positive effect on the health of the gums.
  • Another recipe. To do this, add a drop of lemon juice on a toothbrush with toothpaste. The result is a tooth whitening agent, and a mixture, which will strengthen the gums. Just do not use this recipe every day. Otherwise, it may cause irritation. It will be enough to use it 2-3 times a week.
  • Spruce resin. It has not only antibacterial properties, but also strengthens the gums. Apply it in the form of chewing. It is necessary to choose only fresh and soft resin, because the tough can cause the loss of a patient tooth.

  • Oak bark. The tanning substances in it have favorably affect the state of the gum. The decoction of the oak bark is able to stop the bleeding and accelerate the regeneration of tissues.
  • Yarrow and sage. For the preparation of the medicine, it takes on a tablespoon of dried plants and poured 1 liter of boiling water. Then, infused decoction is filtering and clamping them mouth. It reduces the rubiness of the gum, and improves blood circulation.
  • Honey. Honey has long been used as a bactericidal agent. Also in the treatment of teeth successfully applies the tincture tincture on alcohol. It can be prepared independently or buy in a pharmacy. The decoction of propolis is prepared on slow heat for half an hour. The oral cavity is spoiled, and the tincture is applied to the gums.
  • Sea buckthorn oil and salt. It is used to clean the teeth. First, the toothbrush falls into the sea buckthorn oil, and then in the salt. After that, it is easily massaged gums teeth. At the same time, oil contributes to the restoration of the tissues of the gum, and the salt acts as an abrasive for massaging them. With strong bleeding in the oral cavity, this method does not apply.
  • Lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and soda. For the preparation of a solutions for rinsing 3 tbsp. The peroxide is mixed with the same amount of water, add to it 1 tsp. Lemon juice, and 1 tbsp. Lemon juice. Rinse with such a solution you need twice a day.

Products that strengthen teeth

To strengthen the gums and reduce the slightness of the teeth, it is necessary to eat products rich in vitamins:

  • Citrus. The products of this group are rich in vitamin C, which helps strengthen the vessels and mucous membranes of the oral cavity. Thanks to the use of citrus, the risk of bleeding from gums is reduced.
  • Ryazhenka is well absorbed by the body. With its use, the protective forces of the body increase, cease to reproduce concise bacteria. In addition, when inclusive in the diet of this product, the number of healthy intestinal microflora increases. The daily use of ripples will make strong teeth and bones, and also retains skin health, hair and nails.
  • Garlic and onions. These products contain a lot of zinc, which is an excellent antioxidant.
  • Dairy products and greens. Green contains a large amount of vitamin K, and in milk - calcium. They strengthen the vessels, and also contribute to the improvement of the state of dental enamel. Especially a lot of calcium in cottage cheese and cheese.
  • Red wine. The dry red wine contains a large number of tanins that contribute to the healing of the wounds and have a preventive effect of inflammatory processes.
  • Nuts. All nuts: almonds, cesia cedar are a valuable source of vitamin D and ubiquinone, which prevents the inflammation and formation of a dental stone.

How to strengthen your teeth: video


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