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How to choose a blanket

How to choose a blanket
How to choose the right blanket

What is a blanket, perhaps, everyone knows. This is a mandatory bedding. Without a warm, cozy, good blanket, it is difficult to imagine a normal dream. Therefore, his choice should be approached carefully. We will tell you about how to choose the right blanket.

With which filler to choose a blanket


Immediately you need to understand for yourself that a quality product most likely has an appropriate price. In any case, the most important criteria when choosing a blanket are its reliability, practicality and durability. It is recommended to select the blanket by the filler from which it is made. To do this, you need to learn, at least a little, to navigate the existing types of material.

The blankets with fillers are customary to subdivide:

  • quilted,
  • cassette.

Cassette -type blankets consist of several departments called cassettes. In a quinennial product, unlike a cassette, the upper canvas at the junction with the lower cassettes around the entire perimeter has special partitions. This is necessary so that the filler is evenly distributed over the entire area of \u200b\u200bthe blanket. At the same time, there are no satisfaction in the places where there is a batch.

On the basis of cassette blankets, the so-called blankets-clasters are manufactured. In them, the shock is performed in a checkerboard pattern. A similar structure of the blanket makes it possible to redistribute the filler inside the product and thereby create warmer areas. It can be useful, for example, if you need to warm your legs. Some of these blankets have special inserts that provide additional air circulation. In addition, they make it possible to maintain a constant temperature that is necessary for warming.

Before choosing a blanket, check out the varieties of fillers. They can be:

  • natural,
  • artificial.

How to choose a blanket: artificial fillers


In many people, they cause association with something poor-quality. In fact, this is not so. Artificial fillers, as well as other types of materials, have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The main advantages:

  1. They are hypoallergenic. Therefore, for people who want to choose a warm blanket and at the same time have a tendency to allergies, this is the only true option.
  2. In addition, these fillers are much cheaper than natural ones.
  3. The service life of such blankets usually depends on proper care. In addition, products are erased in the car without any problems and do not require dry cleaning.
  4. In addition, the blankets of artificial fillers are good for the fact that various microorganisms do not settle in them, but in particular, ticks.

The main disadvantages of such fillers are that synthetics poorly absorbs moisture and at the same time still collects static electricity.

The most famous and at the same time relatively cheap artificial filler is a synthetic winterizer. This is a light and inexpensive material, but can quickly go into lumps and lose its shape. For this reason, the blankets of synthetic winterizer are stretched in small squares. Another type of artificial filler is Hollofiber. This material consists of springs. They are very light and soft. Unlike synthetic winterizer, this material does not lose its shape, does not get down and does not abore.

How to choose a blanket: natural fillers

As for natural fillers, they can be of plant and animal origin. Of the first, cotton fillers are in demand, from corn fiber, as well as from bamboo. Cotton as material is familiar to many. It is used not only as a filler for a blanket, but also for pillows. Of the products based on animal exterior, today they are in demand by blankets of sheep’s wool (wool), silk and downy.

How to choose a woolen blanket


If you think about which blanket to choose for the winter, then woolen products best retain the heat of the human body. The blankets of this material are quite light, durable and, no less important, warm. They can absorb a large amount of moisture. At the same time, the touch will be almost dry. Thanks to these qualities, a microclimate improves in bed.

Woolen blankets have another wonderful property. They are able to self-clean-this function consists in the fact that moisture (sweat) that they absorb, after some time easily disappears. Wool products can be represented in the form of a plaid or in the form of a quilted blanket. Moreover, the second of them is much warmer. Therefore, if you choose a blanket for winter, then this is your option. These products are well suited for sleeping in winter. Pugs are much easier and preferable for use in the summer.

Woolen blankets are usually made of sheep's wool. Much less often on sale are products based on goat and camel six. If you want to choose a camel blanket, then evaluate, first of all, the following parameters:

  1. The quality of the wool used.
  2. The density of the filler.
  3. Type of fabric used for the product cover. It should be mainly natural.

How to choose a silk blanket

As for silk blankets, they belong to products with natural filler. Such material is based on a natural fiber - protein, which is nothing more than the work of a silkworm caterpillar. When preparing raw materials, the fiber is cleaned of resin. This is necessary in order to acquire the property to absorb moisture and maintain heat. In general, silk filler for blankets is considered the most expensive. Its qualities are obvious. Silk does not cause allergies, quite strong and does not attract harmful insects. All its advantages, of course, affect the rather high price of the product.

How to choose a down blanket


If you decide which blanket is better to choose, then pay attention to the products of the fluff. They usually differ in softness, elasticity, lightness, strength, excellent breathability. Therefore, under such a blanket it is not hot in the summer and not cold in winter.

The main disadvantage of fluff is the fact that when moisture is absorbed, it quickly damps. In addition, mites of home dust (synanthropic ticks) can be started in such a product, which can harm people's health. They are particularly dangerous for those who suffer from allergies.

Pulp blankets are most often made of duck or goose fluff. Such products are quite high quality, but have a high price. The best (elite) is considered the fluff of Gagara. It is from it that the most expensive down products are made. In general, the quality of the blanket is affected by the method of firmware (tightening). The most reliable are the products stitched by the squares, and not those that are driven by parallel rows.

Bamboo blanket: how to choose


Such products are on sale relatively recently. Of their advantages, the following should be noted:

  1. Heat well.
  2. They have air lightness.
  3. Hypoallergenic.
  4. Very soft.

Such a blanket is well suited for use in winter. It will not be hot even under it if you cover the child in the summer. Of the shortcomings, only their high cost can be distinguished. But we must not forget that these blankets have high quality. Therefore, such a price justifies itself.

How to choose a blanket: additional recommendations

happy Family

  1. When choosing a blanket, first of all, you need to evaluate how comfortable you will sleep under it. In addition, a big role is played by a habit. So, for example, if a person slept under a woolen blanket all his life, then it will be under him that will be most comfortable for him. And if someone else is used to a downy blanket, then it will be the best for him. Therefore, if you are really comfortable under some blanket, then changing it to some other simply does not make sense. If you feel some discomfort, you are not warm or, conversely, too hot, then you should think about changing the type of blanket.
  2. When choosing a blanket, it is also worth considering the presence of heating in the room. If it is too strong, then you should purchase thinner options for products. In general, you often need to have at least two types of blankets. One ordinary, and the second lightweight. If a person often freezes, then he can buy a blanket warmer. They will tell you what a blanket to choose, reviews of people who purchased a particular product.

Which blanket to choose for a child


The blanket is a very important sleeping affiliation, especially for children. Therefore, it must meet some requirements. Pay attention to the following points:

  1. So, it must necessarily have convenient sizes. When choosing a blanket for a child aged 1 to 3 years, you should focus on the size of the product - 110 by 140 centimeters. It is standard for children of this age.
  2. In addition, a blanket for a child must be easy. Therefore, do not take it with a cotton filler. Although these options are already considered outdated, so they are rarely in stores. Today, new models with cotton filler are popular.
  3. If you are interested in the question of how to choose a blanket for a newborn, then pay attention to that the product absorbs moisture well. So that the child does not freeze, it must be warm. In addition, it is recommended to give preference to hypoallergenic products that pass the air well. It is no less important that it is easily erased, quickly dry and not deformed after cleaning.

Today, there are several varieties of blankets intended for children on sale. They can have both natural and artificial filler. Any of them has its advantages and disadvantages. You can buy warm products for winter and light for sleep in the summer. In general, it is recommended to purchase two types of blankets for the baby.


A down blanket.It is suitable if the temperature in the room lasts about 16-17 degrees. The filler of such a blanket, as mentioned above, is made of high -quality fluff of Gagara or Goose. Under it, the child will be very warm and comfortable. Puff blankets easily pass the air and absorb moisture. Of the minuses, it is worth noting the following:

  1. It is difficult to care for.
  2. Relatively high cost.
  3. Not suitable for children who tend to allergic reactions.

Syntipone blanket. Ideal for sleeping in an apartment in which there is a dry and warm microclimate. But this is far from the best option. The fact is that it poorly passes the air and warms worse than products with natural filler.

Woolen blanket.This is one of the options for products with natural filler. It is suitable for sleeping a child both with dry and wet air. On sale you can find models with a filler from camel and sheep wool. There are also options with six lamas, merinos and cashmere. Of the pluses, it is worth noting the following:

  1. Heat well.
  2. Easy to care.
  3. Hygroscopic.
  4. Able to reassure.

You can buy a woolen blanket on the buttons. It is convenient to wrap the baby when going out. For the winter, it is best to take fast options.

Products with silicone filler or holofiber. Such models do not interfere with air circulation and at the same time warm well. This is one of the best options with a small budget. It can even be used if the child has an allergy tendency.

Cotton blankets Today is no less popular. This is one of the best off -season options. Such products are several types. So, the bike blanket easily passes the air, it is soft, “airy” and pleasant to the touch. Therefore, it is well suited for sleeping in the summer. It differs in durability and is easy to care for it. The baby can be covered with a terry cover. It has good breathability. In addition, it is light and soft. Therefore, great for summer walks.

How to choose a blanket: video



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