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How to get enough sleep

How to get enough sleep
How to learn how to get enough sleep: rules, tips, recommendations.

In every corner of the world there are people who are chronically not sprinkled. The reasons can be different-related to work, some hobbies or disorder of the nervous system. It is believed that the duration of full sleep should be 7-8 hours. But the modern rhythm of life makes many sleep much less. In this article we will try to figure out whether it is possible to get enough sleep in a short period of time, while not damaging your health.

How to sleep: how important the dream is for a person

First you need to determine what a dream is and what effect it has on the human body.

On average, the third part of our life goes to sleep. And without staying in the kingdom of Morpheus, a person will not be able to live for more than 1.5 weeks. It is during sleep that the body restores strength and draws the necessary reserves for daytime wakefulness.  A good dream allows you to establish metabolism and accumulate energy, put in order thoughts.

It is proved that during sleep, wounds and burns are healed much faster, and the chemical supply of nerve cells is restored in the brain and the diagnosis of all body systems is launched. Experts note that people who constantly get enough sleep are much less likely to suffer from chronic diseases. It is insomnia that can cause many diseases. In stressful situations or emotional stress, a person cannot fall asleep for half an hour. If you wake up several times a night, this may indicate various problems of internal organs. Early wakeings can cause some hormonal problems. If, after a long sleep, a person still does not feel rested, problems in the brain are possible up to mental disorders.

What are the phases of sleep


Surely you happened in you when you went to bed very late and stood up either light or dawn - but woke up cheerful and feel excellent. Conversely, sleep longer than usual, but wake up sluggish and broken. Let's try to figure out what is the reason for such, at first glance, illogical.

To begin with, we note that the dream is divided into two types - slow and fast. And the slow is divided into four more phases. Thus, 5 phases of sleep of a person are obtained. Consider each of them.

  1. This phase is most often called Dremota. During this period, a person is engaged in the pondering and analysis of everything that happened during the day.
  2. Little by little, the pulse slows down, the pressure decreases. At this moment, the brain stops working. At this time, short outbreaks of auditory sensitivity are characteristic. A person several times per minute is in a state in which he can be easily awakened.
  3. This phase is called transitional to the next stage.
  4. Deep sleep phase. The most important, since the brain receives a good rest, is restored by human performance. During this period, it is difficult to wake a person. It is in the 4th phase that there are cases of conversation in a dream, lunatism.

The first two phases are called a slow sleep or superficial, the second two - deep sleep. Another slow dream is called orthodox sleep.

  1. Fast sleep. It is also called the BDG-Sine, abbreviated from the combination of "quick eye movement." As you already understood, this stage is characterized by the rapid movement of eyeballs in closed eyelids. This is the most important difference from slow sleep.  It is also worth noting that during the period of fast sleep, the brain does not rest, but enters the active phase. The heart rate increases, but large muscles remain relaxed. In such a period of a person, it is very difficult to wake up, although it is at this moment that his condition is like a state of wakefulness.  The state of quick sleep raises many questions, and its meaning is still incomprehensible. There are several versions about this:
  • it is believed that it is in the phase of quick sleep that the brain tries to streamline the information received per day;
  • an analysis of environmental conditions occurs and adaptation strategy is developed. This is indirectly evidenced by the fact that the stage of quick sleep in newborns is 50%, in adults - about 25%, in the elderly - 15%;
  • it is irrefutable that it is in a quick stage that a person sees dreams. In other phases, they also have, but more blurry. It is believed that a person will remember the dream well if he wakes up in the phase of a quick sleep.

How much to sleep to get enough sleep


How many hours a person needs to sleep to sleep? Scientists still cannot converge in a single opinion. Some believe that an eight-hour sleep is the best time, others say that with benefit for the body you can get enough sleep in 4-5 hours, others are sure that this is a purely individual question.

It is known that an average person needs 6-8 hours of sleep. There is even the so -called rule of three eights: 8 hours to work, 8 - for rest and 8 - for sleep.   For most people, this mode is really suitable.   But there are exceptions to the rules. There are cases of famous people who needed very little time or vice versa - a lot. For example, Napoleon was enough only 5 hours. Leonardo da Vinci generally slept every 4 hours for only 15 minutes, as a result - an hour and a half a day. But Albert Enshtein needed 12 hours of sleep to “recharge” his ingenious brain!

Sleep phases, various cycles and calculations - all this is very difficult, given that each person is individual. However, it is quite possible to determine how much time you will need to get enough sleep.  To do this, calculate the duration of your cycle. Each time, try to mark the time when you go to bed, wake up and how you feel. With such an observation, you will understand what time you should go to bed in order to get enough sleep, wake up a rested, cheerful and full strength.

Lack of sleep and its consequences


It is better not to fall into extremes and experiment with sleep.

If a person sleeps insufficient time, this can lead to a decrease in the protective functions of the body. First of all, the nervous system suffers. In case of lack of sleep, a person becomes irritable and diffused, memory disorders appear. If you often do not get enough sleep, this can lead to a state of depression, headaches.

An excess of sleep also has a lot of negative consequences. He can provoke migraines and lower back pain, as a person spends less time in motion. When a person has difficulties in life, he prefers to forget about them with the help of sleep. He thinks that in this way he will gain strength. In fact, everything is exactly the opposite. From an excess of sleep, the body weakens even more, loses vigor and energy.

Many scientists agree that a person must study his body in order to understand his biological rhythm.  If you have enough 6 hours of sleep, after which you feel good, then this time will be enough for you. By the way, a dream does not have to be only at night. During a daytime rest, you can restore strength during the day, as well as for a fairly short period of time (at least half an hour) to fill in the time of night lack of sleep. With regular daytime sleep, the risk of heart attack and other diseases is significantly reduced. In addition, performance is significantly increased after a short day of rest.

It is also worth finding out for yourself what time you get enough sleep. It is better to sleep “owls” in the morning, but go to bed later. “Larks” prefer to get up early, but they don’t lie down too late. Therefore, listen to your body to understand which watches are most effective for your full sleep.

Do not forget about other factors affecting the quality of sleep: air temperature in the room, humidity, convenience of bed, refusal of food and alcohol before bedtime, etc.

How to get enough sleep in a short time

Morning-Bed -larm-Clock

There are cases in our life when there is no time left for sleep - an emergency at work, a session, a newborn child. At the same time, the only dream is the desire to learn how to get enough sleep in the shortest time and at the same time be in good shape, cheerful and full of strength.

There are some recommendations thanks to which you can sleep less, but at the same time sprinkle:

  • learn to completely relax your body before bedtime. After you fell asleep, your brain is still “waking up” and it takes a certain amount of time to relax. Therefore, try to do this before bedtime by taking a bath, a soul or yoga and meditation;
  • the place for your sleep should be comfortable, take care of it. You are unlikely to get enough sleep on a too hard sofa or on the floor;
  • do not eat before going to bed so that your body does not spend excess energy on digestion of food;
  • you can accustom your body to sleep less time. To do this, every day, deliberately put the alarm for an hour earlier than usual. After a while, the body will get used to this time, it will already wake up on its own.

In addition to general rules, there are special techniques that will help to get enough sleep in a short period of time.

  1. This method will be useful to students who need to prepare at night, and in the morning to sleep and gain strength for at least an hour. Put the alarm clock so that it rang half an hour after you go to bed. Having woken up, get it again for another half an hour. So do about 4 times. Whether this method will help to sleep in 2 hours, there is no one hundred percent guarantee. But some use such a technique and call it effective.
  2. This method includes the implementation of certain yoga poses. Oddly enough, but before going to bed you need to eat, and then lie down for a minute and relax well. Then, for 3 minutes, stand on the head against the wall and lie down again and relax. After going to the stomach, bend your back and in this position is about 2 minutes. The last thing is to lie on your back, raise your legs and keep them in this position for 3 minutes.
  3. This method can be checked yourself if you have a sleepless night and you want to get enough sleep.  It is believed that sleep from 9 to 10 in the morning is equivalent to 9 hours of night sleep, and sleep in the interval from 10 to 11 hours - eight hours.

What to do to get enough sleep


  1. Try to go to bed no later than 10 o’clock in the evening. It is believed that it is the time of sleep before midnight that has the best restorative effect. Try to go to bed so as to sleep until midnight for at least an hour or two. Observe your mode and on weekends.
  2. Try to take a nap through the day. At least 15 minutes of your time take a little rest. At the slightest opportunity, rest for some time with your eyes closed - during a lunch break, in public transport, etc.
  3. Do not use coffee after lunch. Several hours are excreted from the body of caffeines.
  4. Take off the TV and computer from sleeping rooms. Refuse to watch films or programs before bedtime. The brain will think over for a long time, as a result, the body will take more time to enter a state of sleep. Take care of yourself: take a bath, do your face massage. Create around you around peace and pacification around you. You will see that it will be much easier for you to wake up in the morning.
  5. Alcohol and nicotine interfere with a person. Therefore, do not use them before bedtime. Some believe that alcohol, on the contrary, is lushing. However, after a while he will begin to act stimulantly. Because of this, you will often wake up and turn in a dream. Better drink warm milk before bedtime.
  6. During the digestion of food, it will not be possible to fall asleep. Therefore, refuse to eat two hours before bedtime. If you cannot resist, eat something easy. For example, a vegetable salad or fruit.
  7. Disconnect the internal dialogue, do not think and do not try to find answers for tomorrow's questions today. Listen to calm music before bedtime - the sounds of nature, bird singing are better. These methods will help you sleep.

How to return to normal sleep: practical recommendations how to get enough sleep (video)


Alexandra 29.05.2017 Answer

A lot of necessary and useful information. I will add from myself that it was much better to sleep as the normal mattress of the Family Care of ASCONA appeared in the house. A cool and very necessary thing. For a full sleep, it is.

Alena 17.02.2019 Answer

I think that it is too much to go to bed later). And about the relaxation and turning off the internal dialogue, you are 100% right. To sleep well, do not think about problems in the evening and nervous. For a calm sleep, I often drink herbal teas, I do not forget to periodically drink plant syrups or an enhanced sleep formula from Evalar. I did not notice side effects, and the dream became better).
