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How to get rid of bad habits

How to get rid of bad habits
How to get rid of bad habits. Methods, Rules

Many of us have ever gave themselves the word that get rid of their bad habits. But it is not possible to implement this. The habit is essentially part of us. Therefore, a person who eradicated his bad habits - won herself. After all, as they say, the greatest achievement in life is a victory over himself. On the effect of harmful habits for health and how to get rid of them, let's tell later.

How to get rid of bad habits: What is the habit?


In order to get rid of any bad habit, first you need to understand what it represents. Specialists in psychology determine the habit of as an assimary effect, which has become automated. It does not spend much effort. That is, it is, in fact, the action that a person does without thinking.

How to get rid of bad habits: How do habits appear?

How does the habit come? Very simple. A person once consciously performs certain actions, while controlling each of its movement. Over time, when he repeats constantly alone and the same manipulations, it becomes easier for it. When it takes for some time, then a person ceases to notice how these actions are committed. Then he just no longer thinks about how it is done and why he needs it. Everything comes to automatism. This is the main mechanism of habits.

Habits are usually formed due to some features of the psychological state. For example, long stress can lead to the emergence of a bad habit of nailing. In this way, a person just at first tries to calm down. Long neurosis can provoke the emergence of bad habits - smoking, overeating, painting the pencils, biting lips. If a person is not sure that he looks good, it can revive the habit of constantly wreking clothes and straighten the hairstyle. At the moments of a special voltage, we sometimes rub any objects in the hands, and this also will be in consequences.

Harmful habits and human health


As you know, there are useful and harmful habits. The last of them have a serious impact on the health and life of people. A person often does not understand what danger he is exposed, and that his actions may be wrong, feelings - false, and emotions are distorted and unreal. A person will not be able to get rid of his bad habits, if he does not understand how they adversely affect his life.

Before trying to fight bad habits, you need to understand that we ourselves should want to get rid of them. In the absence of desire, it is useless to act. This will cause only aggression in response. Many, not understanding, trying to get rid of the very reason that caused the emergence of one or another harmful habit, but only on its consequences. For example, a person who will abide by the diet will certainly drop extra kilograms for some time. But after the end of the diet, he will return to the lifestyle, to which he is used. As a result, again gains unwanted weight. Thus, a person will not get rid of the habit, because of which he is gaining unwanted weight, and it will again have a harmful effect on his life and health. Refusal of bad habits should go from us, consciously and reasonable.

Self-discipline undoubtedly helps to change for the better, but does not solve this problem. In the case of a diet, your goal should not be a limitation of yourself in food, but getting rid of such a frequent bad habit, as overeating. It is already much more difficult to do.

A person who in childhood is accompanied by stress, conflicts, complexes, lack of love of the mother, in adulthood such bad habits as alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction may well develop in adulthood. The influence of bad habits in this case is essential. They threaten not only the life and health of the person himself, but also his loved ones.


Many people do not even realize what their bad habit is. In this case, before you get rid of it, it is necessary to determine it. The causes of harmful habits of mass, and some of them are conscious, and other subconscious. That is why, first of all, you need to understand that it served as a factor in its appearance. If you try to get rid of it without eliminating the cause, it may eventually pose into the emergence of a new habit that will become even more serious.

Causes of bad habits

In order to get rid of bad habits, you need to identify their causes. They can be:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Effect of public.
  3. The desire to get away from problems.
  4. The absence of the power of the will (do not overeat, not spend a lot on purchases, etc.).
  5. Stresses, conflicts.

What are the harmful habits

Harmful habits: pictures


Asleep DRUNK Woman Holding An Alcoholic Drink

All habits can be divided into two main groups:

  • So, the first of these includes the most detrimental, which will gradually go into the disease. Such habits is, for example, smoking, addiction to drugs and various gaming games. A rather modern problem is also addicted to the Internet.


  • The second group includes not such dangerous habits. They sometimes seem, at first glance, even insignificant. It can be hair pulling, nail spraying, tapping a finger on the table, bitten your lips. Here you can still take picking in the nose, sutting something "to yourself under the nose", scattering dirty socks, chasing and inappropriate to the norms of decency by the table. These health habits are not harmful, but disfiguring a person.


The most common bad habits are perhaps smoking and alcohol abuse. But these can only be called figuratively. For example, a thrust for alcohol is often born because a person has an incorrect idea of \u200b\u200bthe harm. Some sources have information that alcohol is good for health. It really can sometimes be useful, but only in rare cases and in small quantities. Its use over the norm will undoubtedly harm health. In addition, there is an opinion that alcohol warms, but according to research, the use of alcoholic beverages gives the opposite effect.

How to get rid of bad habits


  • There are several radical ways to get rid of bad habits. One of them is punishment. So that it affects, it should be applied rarely, and on a very serious occasion. In addition, the punishment will be effective only when the habit is only formed. If it is already formed, it will be impossible to punish.
  • A more efficient way to get rid of bad habits is a negative reinforcement. The essence of this method is that a person who makes something wrong or undesirable, gets a negative incentive. And when it starts to behave properly, the effect of this incentive is stopped. By making short harsh comments, or displeasantly frowning, we apply exactly this method, and even thinking about it. Of course, this method can affect not all. In addition, they can not be abused. And on the little children, he does not work at all and need to be careful with him. After all, the reaction of parents on the actions of the child seriously affects what it grows.


  • From bad habits, it sometimes helps to get rid of such a way as a migration. It lies in not to show no reaction to the action of a person - neither negative or positive. That is, the harmful habit is not reinforced. Unfortunately, there are habits that are stimulated and rooted by themselves. Therefore, this method is also suitable in each case. The fading can affect the artistic type people that everyone loves to do "on the show" - to arrange hysterics and defiantly fall into fainting.


  • One of the good ways to get rid of bad habits is the development of incompatible behavior. An example of this method is the use of candy every time you want to smoke. Thus, one habit is replaced with another. True, it does not always work with smoking. The method of developing incompatible behavior is very well suited in the case when we have bad emotional or physical well-being. In particular, it is impossible to dive into a depressive state, sorry yourself and lower your hands. In general, depression can be different. Some of them are undoubtedly demanding appeal to a psychiatrist, but often we are quite capable of cope with such a state on their own. To do this, you just need to make yourself engage in any active activity. At these moments, a person will simply be unable to "go to himself."
  • Perhaps the most effective way is to change motivation. That is, in order for a person to get rid of his bad habit, he needs to have very strong motives. So, for example, from alcoholism, a person himself wants to cure if his family well-being depends on this.

Independent prevention of bad habits


  1. Distractable for a while and relax. Think what actions you do during the day unconsciously, which can be found in the category of harmful habits.
  2. When you identify "harmful actions" that make automatically, think about what reason it happens.
  3. Before you make any action that you consider your bad habit, stop, breathe deeply and take up to 10.
  4. Do not regret yourself and do not be overlooking. After all, it all depends only on your willpie.


In order to improve your life, just perform a few simple rules. First of all, you should not edit myself for your own bad habit. Remember that there are no perfect people, and you are not obliged to be. The most important thing is that you are aware of the presence of a bad habit and try to get rid of it. In addition, it should be analyzed whether it will be really profitable to fight her. If so, then you need to tune in to changes. After all, if a person does not want to change anything, it will be impossible to get rid of the bad habit. Finally, a very important point. Never blame yourself for minor errors. After all, you are no longer addressed by the level of your consciousness, do not go uncontrollably, and try to change for the better. And this is the first step towards victory over yourself.

How to get rid of bad habits: video


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