
How to eliminate zoom in the bath. How to clear the damp in the bathroom at home. Bathroom Tools - Overview

How to eliminate zoom in the bath. How to clear the damp in the bathroom at home. Bathroom Tools - Overview
How to eliminate zoom in the bathroom? Causes, preventive measures. How to get rid of the bedroom in the bathroom - the means and methods. Overview of the best means to eliminate the bathroom. Folk methods to combat clouds in the bath.

The bathroom is the place from which the morning begins and the day of each person comes. At least 1 time a day, a person visits this room to take a shower or simply wash his hands. It is quite natural that over time in the pipeline accumulates garbage, which can lead to a tube blocking in the bathroom.

Why can the pipes and siphon be lit up? There are many reasons: it is fat, mixed with detergents, hair, pets, pieces of washcloths and rags. Water can pass in the sink and the bath is all slower and slower, an unpleasant smell may appear. All this is not only annoying, but also prevents the water procedures normally. You can get rid of the problem yourself, there are many ways to clean the bedroom in the bathroom.

Why do barmers arise in the bathroom?

Before you begin to solve the problem, you must try to find out the cause. There may be several of them. The most dangerous - if the bath or sink was dried because an error was made when installing sewer pipes. For example, an angle of the pipes was incorrectly set. This is one of the most common reasons from which to fight with priests and any folk methods will not work. We will have to fix the problem in this way: dismantle the old pipes and install pipes, according to the standards.

The second reason and one of the most common is neglecting preventive measures during the adoption of water procedures. Small objects, hair, rollers from clothes, threads, pieces of washcloths, rags can get into the drain and score a hole.

There is a third option - if metal sewer pipes are installed in the apartment, they can clog out due to the fact that mineral growth is formed. The reason is the time, such pipes remained in old houses, over the years the inner diameter could significantly decrease, which was the cause of the blockage. It is impossible to correct the situation, it is necessary only to change the old metal pipes into modern plastic.

How to get rid of the bedroom in the bathroom

Methods for eliminating a blockage in a bathroom several:

  1. Mechanically, with special means.
  2. Elimination of a strong cloth in the bath - with special preparations. This can be both chemical preparations and folk remedies.

How to clear the block in the bath:

  1. It will take vanatuz, which will help clean the drain hole. Take the Vanatuz, prepare a plug or a dense rag to close the drain hole in order to prevent the "corridor" of the air. We still need Vaseline to lubricate them to the rim of the tub. Thus, it is possible to ensure a dense contact of the device for cleaning pipes with a drain hole. It is necessary to insert the Vanutuz clearly on the drain and sharp movements there, back to drive out the blockage and all the existing pollution. If the zoom is dense, perhaps the first time you will not work. You need to try again and again or try the second way.
  2. We take the same vanatuz and turn on hot water. The more hot, the better. It is necessary to dial the third part of the bath, and then pump this water to the pipeline. Rolling - with sharp movements, pulling the vehicle as cracked as possible. Thus, you can clean the drain hole. It will be seen if the water starts to go faster, it means that the blockage almost managed to remove.

How else can you break in the bath? Special cable for cleaning sewer plots. This device for sale in any economic store is inexpensive. But if you do not have such a fitting at home, it can be made from a piece of metal flexible rod, so that it is possible to wrap it on one side and flush the tip on the other side. So the device will be well penetrated into the bends of pipes and will not rest in the knee (this is one of the most frequent errors when performing such works). To make it easier to work, the cable is preferably wrapped with a braid to make a comfortable handle.

How to work a cable:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to understand that if you need to remove a block formed inside plastic pipes, you need to act neatly so as not to break through the thin plastic.
  2. It is better to work with the assistant so that one introduced, pushing the cable into the drain, and the second assistant rotated the cable. As soon as you go through a pair of turns and come to the place of the break, it will immediately be felt, since further the cable will be harder.
  3. At this stage, you need to make several jerks by the movement "Forward-back", after which it turns on the hot water a strong pressure and slowly remove the cable, gradually flushing the dirt that will go out.

With the help of a cable, you can remove the accumulated garbage, and push it inside, into a wide part of the sewer hole. But you should always try to take out the garbage to the outside so that the tight lump is not stuck in the depths of the sewer pipe where the cable will not be able to reach.

There is another way to eliminate the zoom in the bathroom, if the garbage has accumulated almost on the surface. To do this, you need to use a crochet cable at the end. It must be omitted into the drain hole, pry hook trash to remove it to the surface. This method is effective only if the blockage was formed almost from above, on the surface of the drain hole.

How to remove zago in the bath chemical

When there is no time for dirty work, because the hook, vanatuz and the cable, though efficient devices, but always on the surface there are pieces of hair mixed with detergents, fat, wool. It is pretty unpleasant when it is necessary to clean the blockage and then eliminate trash. Therefore, there are special chemical preparations that allow you to easily and quickly get rid of the blockage.

Recommendations for selection of chemicals:

  1. We go to the household chemicals store, choose a means that can dissolve the wool of domestic animals and hair.
  2. Carefully read the instructions on the package so that this drug is really intended for cleaning sewer pipes.
  3. You can choose both liquid products and powdered.
  4. How to use chemicals: according to the instructions. As a rule, powder or liquid must be poured / pouring into the drain hole, it is immediately necessary to pour 1 cup with warm water.
  5. After processing the drain hole, it is necessary to withstand a pause and try not to use a sink or bathroom to give the opportunity to make your own business.
  6. After the time is suppressed, you need to open a hot water crane to wash off all the garbage and rinse the pipes well.

Bathroom Tools - Overview

In the household chemicals departments, the means from blockage in the bathroom are presented in a wide range. It is difficult to determine the choice, as a lot of drugs, but it is still unknown how effective they are.

We offer top topics from bathing baths:

  1. Granulated powder consisting of sodium nitrate and soda caustic - preparation "Clean drainage" It is in the first place. It is considered one of the safest and more efficient. Despite the safety, it still has a very unpleasant smell, which, when using the tool, weather quickly. The speed of action is a quarter of an hour. One bag is enough for one application. Advantages: The product is effective, the packaging is small, designed for one application, there is no need to store chemistry at home. The price is small, in the composition there is no chlorine, which is very important for allergies. The preparation is fast. Cons There are: You can not find this tool in every store.
  2. Gel "Deboucher" - Allows you to cope with strong stamps, used in preventive purposes. You need to fill the liquid into the drain hole at least 1 hour, but if the zoom is not dense and the water still passes, it will take less time. It cleans perfectly, suitable for an emergency when you need to quickly clean the pipes. For ease of use, it is advisable to pour gel in the evening. Advantages: The remedy is effective, it has a pleasant smell, quickly acts, the price is low, a large bottle with a lid-blocker (which is very safe in the house where there are small children), suitable for cleaning plastic pipes. There are cons: this is a big consumption. For 1 application it is necessary to spend at least half the bottle. The composition contains chlorine, therefore it is impossible to use for cleaning aluminum pipes.
  3. "Buggy Pothana" - One of the most beloved tools for cleaning breaks from buyers. As part of the surfactant and caustic soda, activated when pouring boiling water. Effective, but very caustic. But it acts almost instantly, you need to wait only 3 minutes. Very helps when a serious traffic jam was formed in the sewer. But not suitable for prophylaxis, as the remedy is caustic. Pluses: Fast action, there is a lid-blocker for children, a comfortable bottle for use, an economical preparation. Of the minuses it is worth noting the high cost, it is impossible to use on worn pipes. The drug is very caustic, so you need to work in gloves, in a well-ventilated room. It is advisable to isolate for a period of domestic animals and children.
  4. "Clean stock" - Sodium hydroxide plus seals, the smell is caustic, but the pipe does not spoil. With strong clouds, the blocking in the sink in the bathroom will not be able to cope, is more suitable for prevention. The bottle is large, but not economical, it is designed for 2 use. There is a cover protection for children, it is a plus, suitable for any pipes, cost is accessible. Disadvantages: acts slowly, not economically spent, not suitable for serious blockages.
  5. "Mole" - One of the most popular funds in the fight against the clouds. You can meet this drug in any store, you have a penny, but is more suitable for regular prevention than to combat serious traffic jams.
  6. Granulated drug "Antisators"Also a cheap drug, but despite the availability, works well and dissolves the blockage and hair in the bathroom, as well as other contaminants. Can be used to clean the toilet bowls. Packaging - 4 bags, at the rate of 1 bag for one application. Acts for a long time - within an hour.

How to eliminate strains in the bathroom at home

If water takes place badly in the sink or bath, it is not necessary to induce plumbing so that it removes the blockage in the bathroom, you can cope with yourself using the screwdriver.

How to clean the blockage in the bathroom by folk remedies:

  1. Eliminate the zoom in the bathroom will help vinegar and soda. These funds have long been tested by hundreds of the owners and have proven themselves as the best.
  2. How to cleanse sewage drains from the blocks with soda. It is necessary to spend half of the pack of soda, the powder needs to be poured into the drain, wait from 5 to 10 minutes, then pour the kettle with hot, just boiling water. Total will need about 1-2 liters of boiling water.
  3. How to clean the bed in the bathroom: the second way. We take soda, only 4 tablespoons, pour out into the drain hole and immediately, pour soda with vinegar. Most 1 cup of vinegar. Attention! It is necessary to pour vinegar slowly, and immediately, as you finish, close the hole with a plug. After 10 minutes, you can wash the sewage drain hot water. It is necessary that the flow is big and continuous. If there are very hot water in the crane, it is excellent - the crane must be discovered and waited until the pipes are fried. If the water is not hot enough, we put the kettle on the plate, plus a saucepan, bring water to a boil, pour into the drain hole.

These methods are effective, there is another proven, but it is more suitable for prevention and if the block is small. It is necessary to take several lemons, squeeze the juice from them, which to pour immediately into the drain, leave for 1.5 hours. Then you need to turn on warm water to rinse the pipes well.

Prevention - as the best measure of the fight against stamps in the bathroom

It is always easier to prevent the problem than to deal with the consequences. In order to avoid getting into a drain hole of the hair, pet wool, garbage, etc., it is necessary to install a special mesh with small holes.

Alternatively, if the pipes are worn and old, mud tubes can appear much more often, because inside the surface rough and the contamination is quickly cling to it. In this case, the best prophylactic measures will replace the laying of sewer pipes and replacing the risers.

And even if you see that hair has screwed out outside on the drain hole, with soap sediments, they are always easier to extract than then insert the cable and get such a plug by attaching efforts.

Now you know what to do with a break in the bathroom and you can cope on your own, without a call of plumbers.


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