
How to decorate the holiday table with your own hands. How to beautifully decorate the table at home for a birthday, wedding, New Year

How to decorate the holiday table with your own hands. How to beautifully decorate the table at home for a birthday, wedding, New Year
How to decorate the holiday table with your own hands. How to decorate a birthday table, wedding table, children's table. How beautifully to decorate the New Year's table.

Any holiday is the joy of preparation and exciting expectation.  In order for it to be justified by 100%, it is important to make every family holiday with something special and incredible. At first glance, everything seems quite complicated, because the preparation of any feast, and even more so the decoration of the festive table, requires a lot of effort and time, as well as expenses. However, even despite the small difficulties, decorating the table with your own hands is very fun, since in the process you can come up with many new and interesting ideas, find new recipes for festive dishes and just have a great time with your loved ones, which they definitely cannot stand aside from Such interesting work.

The decoration of any festive table requires imagination and creativity, it is important to clearly observe all the stages and nuances, but in the end the celebration itself will be fun and will be remembered for a long time. In this article, we will consider the basic rules for decorating the festive table with your own hands, as well as give a detailed description of how to decorate the holiday table for a variety of family holidays from the correct serving to the presentation of dishes and decorating walls.

How can you decorate the table for the holiday - Basic rules

The success of any party with friends or a family holiday directly depends on how beautifully it was possible to decorate the table for a planning celebration. Recently, it is very popular to carefully prepare precisely the festive table so that its decor and serving are fully consistent with the purpose of the holiday. That is why many hostesses for each holiday begin to prepare in advance, thinking over all the nuances and details of the feast to make this day bright and chilled.

  • First of all, it is worth remembering that the decoration of the table in nature will be very different from the festive table of the house. In the natural environment, natural decorative elements will prevail: flowers, vines, branches and leaves, garlands and light bulbs. At home, it is better to use beautiful tablecloths, napkins, dishes and glasses.
  • It is necessary to decorate the table for the holiday in accordance with the planned celebration. For example, the birthday table will be very different from the holiday table for the wedding, since various attributes are suitable for each event. For a birthday, there is nothing better than balloons, and for the wedding, flowers are considered the most important decorative elements.
  • You need to start decorating the table in the room with the choice of a tablecloth, smoothly moving to the serving, the choice of plates and napkins, as well as to decorate the central part of the table, where it is customary to make bright and unusual compositions.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the color scheme of the festive table. Do not act standardly using a white tablecloth and such monotonous accessories, for example, napkins. The choice of shades is best to correlate with the preferences of the birthday man or newlyweds, you can also choose a color scheme that is suitable for a specific time of the year.
  • Napkins should be selected in the same color as a tablecloth or plates.
  • It is important to clearly comply with the rules of serving and lay out the cutlery precisely and evenly.
  • As an option, you can decorate the festive table in its very center using various candles, flowers, fruits. A beautiful individual decor can be beautiful boxes or bags with sweet surprises that your guests will be happy to take home.
  • The decoration of the festive table can be both in the form of a feast and in the form of a buffet event. The choice of decorative elements, and accessories, as well as the decoration and supply of dishes, will depend on this.

How to decorate a birthday table

All elements of the festive feast should be competently combined and should make one general picture. Today it is very popular to arrange birthdays in a certain subject, which gives this holiday a special solemnity. And this is relevant not only for a children's holiday, adults are also not averse to dressing up in pirates or superheroes and have fun at such a thematic party. In this case, the main thing is to take into account the age of the invited, since what will be interesting to young people 25-30 years old will not be quite suitable for guests after 50. When deciding to make a thematic party, it is worth remembering that absolutely everything should be sustained in this vein: absolutely everything: From serving and tablecloths to jewelry on the festive table and the appearance of dishes.

Next, we consider the main stages of preparation and decoration of the festive table for a birthday.

How to decorate a festive table - serving

Any feast begins with the choice of a tablecloth and table setting. At this stage, it is very easy to make a mistake, since serving is a very meticulous and responsible process. However, with clear observance of the rules and with a creative approach, making a chic festive table is not difficult.

  • Serving needs to be started with the choice of a tablecloth and a Runner, i.e. A long rectangular tablecloth that is laid out in the center of the table. The tablecloth can be used plain, for example, white or cream with small patterns. In this case, the tablecloth will be a pleasant background that will not distract attention from the general decoration. Bright tablecloths in saturated colors also look spectacular: dark green, blue or brown. It is recommended to use bright tablecloths when organizing a thematic birthday. It is also important to remember that if the tablecloth has patterns, then in the same style you need to decorate the entire table. It is not necessary to use the Runner at all, it can be replaced by a beautiful composition in the center.
  • It is also important to choose textile and paper napkins. Fabric napkins are most often used in the tone of the tablecloth. They must be beautifully decomposed. To do this, you can use special rings or simply fold it according to a certain scheme.

  • The next step is the choice of canteen dishes. For a birthday, it is best to use a service, since all the plates of each invited should be the same. At the same time, the plates do not have to be white, any color scheme is allowed, which will be combined with a common tone of the festive table.
  • The plates should be placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other, and from the edge of the table there should be about a couple of cm. First, a plate is placed, a plate for the main dish and deep. If necessary, you can put a plate for dessert and salad nearby.
  • Following the generally accepted scheme, place cutlery and glasses on the festive table.

  • Baskets or fruit stands are recommended to be placed on both sides from the birthday man. Closer to it is placed a festive cake.

How to decorate the table with decorative elements for birthday

It is important to pay attention to the decorative elements on the festive table, which will help to support the chosen idea and thematic orientation. You can decorate the table for a birthday with a variety of elements: candles in candlesticks, flowers, fruits and berries, balloons and compositions from them, figurines, figures and even leaves. The choice of specific decor will directly depend on the subject of the birthday, on the hobbies and hobbies of the birthday man himself. Consider the most basic options for decorating the festive table:

  • Jewelry from candles that can be selected in different colors looks very beautiful and spectacular. In this case, it is important to choose quite tall and thick candles on the same high and stable candlesticks. At the same time, it is recommended to install candles only in the center of the table so that the guests on burning their hands, applying a salad or reaching for snacks.

  • For any birthday, you can decorate the festive table with balls. Moreover, this is relevant not only for children, but also for adults. There are simply a huge number of options for the location of balloons. For example, several balloons filled with helium and fastened along with the load can be located in the center of the festive table. So that the goods do not stand out with their unpretentious appearance, they can be decorated with baskets or vases with flowers. Balloons can be tied to each chair. You can decorate the table for the anniversary with the help of a large composition of balls in the form of a number or wishes.

  • A birthday holiday table can be decorated with fresh flowers. As an option, flowers can be put in a large vase in the very center of the table. However, it is best to arrange small pots or vases with flowers along the entire table - this is how they will not interfere with the guests sitting on the contrary. It will look very original if you put one flower on a plate for each guest or next to the cutlery.

  • Recently, it is very popular to decorate each place for guests individually. You can do this in different ways. If you do not want to clutter up the central part of the table where you can put more festive dishes, it is recommended to decorate the places around the plates for each guest separately. For this, various flowers, twigs, small candles are used. You can make a beautiful composition of napkins and tie everything with ribbons. As an option, you can make beautiful boxes or bags with your own hands and fill them with sweets or souvenirs. Thus, the birthday will be remembered by gifts not only to the birthday man, but also to his guests.

How to decorate a table with dishes for a birthday

The main decoration of any festive table is dishes that make the feast truly comfortable and home. In this case, it is important to clearly adhere to the subject of the birthday of the birthday, the main thing is that all dishes are present on the table: snacks, salads, hot, desserts, as well as fruits and berries.

  • The most important dish of any birthday is a cake, so special attention should be paid to its decoration. Most often, inscriptions, beautiful toopers and gingerbreads are used, which indicate which anniversary the birthday person celebrates. If you strictly adhere to the decoration of the festive table of the shades of the same, then it is also advisable to withstand the cake in the same tones.

  • You can decorate the table with salads. To do this, you can use everyone's favorite home puff salads, which are decorated in accordance with the holiday. Portion salads in various cremas and special salad bowls look very original and quite practical. You can use cutting from fresh vegetables by laying out pieces with any pattern and put the sauce separately.

  • Particular attention should be paid to snacks, which are better to do a little, but of different ones. It can be various canapes that look quite elegant and it is very convenient to take them with their hands. Various sandwiches and tartlets are suitable.
  • A hot dish can be very different: from meat, from poultry or fish. It is recommended to prepare several options. On your birthday, you can bake a whole duck or chicken, putting it in the center of the table. Such a dish can be decorated with fresh vegetables and herbs.

How to decorate a children's table

To decorate the table for a child for a birthday is a real joy not only for the hero of the occasion, but also for parents. In this process, you can show all your imagination and find a creative vein, because this holiday should become unforgettable for your child.  Consider the main options for decorating the table for a children's holiday.

How to decorate a table for a year for a child

Perhaps the first birthday of the child all parents try to make it unforgettable, beautifully designing a festive table, a room, ordering a memorable photo shoot. For this holiday, it is important to create an atmosphere of joy and fun, since kids at this age cannot yet entertain themselves. Therefore, a special emphasis should be made on the bright decoration of the table and the room itself.

  • First of all, it is worth remembering that the dishes are still prepared for adults, since at this age the kids still eat baby food. However, it is important to allocate a certain area in the room with a small table where a festive cake will be standing. Usually with the same cake, a photo shoot is held.
  • The cake is a bright decoration of any holiday, especially the birthday man of such a small age. For girls, the cake is most often made in pink gamut, and for boys - in blue. Jewelry for the cake can be very different - from gingerbread to various children's figures on the cake.

  • Decoration of the festive table with balloons is one of the most important stages in celebrating the first birthday. Be sure to present a ball in the form of a unit of foil, as well as various compositions of ordinary balloons and balls with confetti. Such balls are filled with helium and attached to a small load that does not allow balls to fly away.
  • If your child already eats fruits, you can prepare small portioned plates with fruits, previously finely chopped. In most cases, as already noted above, dishes are prepared for adults.

How to decorate a girl for a birthday girl

Any girl is always associated with all the shades of the pink, therefore, the holiday table for her birthday is almost always designed in this color, with the exception of, of course, the child’s own preferences in favor of another color.

  • For school-age children, most often the festive table is already decorated in a particular topic. Here you need to think a little and imagine what will be interesting to the birthday girl. For example, you can create an atmosphere of Disneyland cartoons and decorate the table with various accessories of princesses from various cartoons. You can also use the heroes of your favorite cartoons, for example, Hello Kitti, Fastes and other characters. The main thing is that all elements of this feast correspond to the selected topic.

  • Do not forget about balloons. You can just inflate the balls with helium and run them under the ceiling above the festive table, or you can make beautiful compositions and put on the table itself. As an option, you can attach a smiling ball or a ball in the selected color scheme for each chair.
  • You can put some souvenir or a gift on each invited plate on a plate, which the guests will take home in the future. This will be a kind of gratitude to the birthday man for having come to him for his birthday.

  • Most often, a table in the form of a Kendi bar is being prepared for children, where various sweets are collected, so in this regard it is necessary to think about how to decorate a sweet table for a girl’s birthday. Usually, a separate table is organized for this, which is decorated in the same color shades as the general party. To do this, you can use beautiful tablecloths or napkins. In the center of the table, a cake is placed, which should also be performed in the subject of the whole birthday. Such a sweet table for a girl is also decorated with stands with cupcakes, various cakes, converters with fruits, juice, candies and meringue. It is best to lay out sweets on separate napkins or plates so that it is easier for girls to eat.

  • To supplement the bright and festive feast for the girl’s birthday, you can also decorate chairs. For this, an air pink fabric is usually used, which turns around the back and tied with a bow.

How to decorate a table for a boy

The decoration of the table for a boy for a birthday is practically no different from the design of a feast in girls. The exception is the color scheme, although there are shades that are suitable for any birthday. In addition, the festive table for the boy’s birthday will be sustained in a slightly different topic. For boys, pirate parties are most often chosen or a table decorated in the genre of superheroes, for example, Spider-Man. In order to decorate a buffet table for boys with sweets and fruits, it is necessary to use the selected color scheme and the theme of the holiday. The rest is decorated similarly to the girl’s birthday.

Photo: how to decorate a table for a birthday boy

How to decorate a table for a new year

New Year is perhaps one of the most beloved holidays in both children and adults.  In addition to decorating a house and a Christmas tree, it is important to think in advance how to decorate the New Year's table, because it is he who is the center of the evening. All relatives and close friends gather behind him, wish each other happiness and health in the new year. Therefore, it is so important to make the festive table beautiful, cozy and memorable.

  • It is necessary to start the decoration of the New Year's table with the choice of a suitable tablecloth. Each New Year has its own symbol in the form of a specific animal, which, in turn, is suitable for certain colors. Therefore, before decorating the table on this holiday, it is recommended to learn more about the symbol of the New Year and preferred shades. However, there are also win -win options, for example, a red tablecloth or red with green. You can also use a white tablecloth with various silver and blue shades.
  • Serving the New Year's table is practically no different from any other festive feast, except that on this day it is usually customary to get their best sets and commemorative cutlery. It is recommended not to be very cluttering the central part of the table with hot dishes and salads so that there is a place for snacks, slices and New Year's decorations.
  • You can quickly and easily decorate the table with napkins with your own hands. A napkin looks very original, folded in the form of a Christmas tree on a plate in front of each guest. This immediately gives a feast a great solemnity. Such a Christmas tree can be folded both from textile napkins, and from ordinary large -sized paper. The cutlery can also not be put on a regular napkin, but placed in a special pocket in the form of Santa Claus or Christmas deer. The cutlery can be decorated with beads or spruce branches.

  • The decoration of the festive New Year's table with green coniferous branches is always stylish and appropriate. In addition, with the minimum cost of your strength and investment, you will be able to create just an incredible design. Take spruce branches, juniper or fir, beautifully lay them in the center of the festive table. Additionally obtained spruce garland can be decorated with balls or wrapped with lights. Also, on a plate, each guest near napkins and cutlery can be put a small spruce branch without jewelry or with a minimum festive decoration.

  • Candles are another decoration of the New Year's table. For this holiday, you can use a variety of candles that will be scattered or collected in a certain composition. Light candles surrounded by spruce branches look very impressive. From these simple materials in the center of the table you can build a beautiful composition: take a small wooden box, put the branches of spruce in it, decorate with small balls and cones, then arrange the candles.

  • Vases with filling are another very bright decor element that can be made with your own hands. To do this, you need to take any vases of various shapes and fill them with colorful New Year's balls, as well as beads. Such compositions can be performed in the same color scheme. In addition to balls, you can put cones, spruce branches and garlands. In the same way, you can make spectacular candlesticks. To do this, take shallow glass containers, put beads or small balls at the bottom and put a candle.

  • You can make an even simpler, but from this no less beautiful element of the decoration of the New Year's table. To do this, cut a variety of snowflakes from ordinary white paper or white napkins and put white candles in glass jars filled with salt. As a result, you will receive a real snowy clearing on your table.

  • To decorate the table with fruit is another wonderful idea. Oranges are suitable for this purpose. Take ordinary oranges and along the entire peel with beautiful patterns, stick clove stars. In the same way, you can make candlesticks from oranges, which are cut into two halves and cleaned of the pulp.

  • A chic composition in the center of the table can be a beautiful tray with inverted glasses, inside filled with bright New Year's balls, and decorated with candles on top.

  • Do not forget that you can decorate the table with appetizers and other dishes. It is enough to make small sandwiches in the form of a symbol of the New Year or festive attributes, and the holiday will definitely be amazing.

How to decorate the table for a wedding - the main ideas

A wedding celebration is a magnificent and very bright holiday that requires a large investment of forces and money. Most often, in recent years, wedding tables, like the entire room, decorate special organizations, but this service is quite expensive. You should not accept this as an established rule, because with competent planning you can simply decorate the wedding table with both your hands both at your wedding and at the wedding of your friends and relatives. Let us consider in more detail the main points and rules for decorating the table for the wedding.

  • First of all, it is necessary to decide on the number of guests at the wedding. If there are few of them, then the tables can be placed with the letter P, with a large number of invited guests, it is best to plant at separate round tables so that they see the table of the newlyweds.
  • It is worth remembering that decorating the table for a wedding is definitely necessary in the same colors as the general scenery of the holiday. In recent years, it has become quite popular to carry out the whole celebration in certain shades. Some even ask guests to adhere to the chosen flowers in their outfits.
  • At the first stage, it is necessary to choose the right tablecloths. They may not be purely white to maintain the general idea of \u200b\u200bthe wedding, the use of bright fabrics, for example, pink or lilac.
  • To decorate the table with a fabric is a whole science, since it is not easy to throw a tablecloth over the countertop. You can take a regular white tablecloth as a basis, and with the help of needles or pins on top of it, fix beautiful flush or lambrequins from a fabric of another shade.

  • The fabric, which is used as an emphasis on the festive table, can also be used to decorate the chairs. Usually, a cut of such fabric is decorated with chairs, as shown in the previous photo.
  • First of all, it is necessary to decorate the table of the newlyweds. It should always stand out, although it is designed in the same color scheme as other tables. The difference is that it is necessary to decorate the wall above the table where the bride and groom will sit. For these purposes, the same fabric that decorates the tables. Typically used fabric of several shades. Long cuts are collected by folds and launched by waves or cascades, fixed with threads or pins. Also in the design of the wall you can use flowers and balloons.

  • You can decorate the table of the bride and groom with the help of wooden letters, which can indicate the names and surname of the spouses, the word "love" or "family". Such a decor looks very beautiful and touching, but is sold in flower shops or on order.
  • Free flowers are ideal for decoration, which decorate the front of the table in the center, and you can also use the same flowers in vases from the bride and groom.

  • The remaining wedding tables can also be decorated with flowers, placing them in vases or in small compositions in the center. However, if you emphasized precisely on flowers, you should not clutter the tables anymore with other bright decorative elements, for example, composed napkins. The main rule when decorating a table with flowers - all flowers should be in harmony with flowers in the bride’s bouquet. Also, the height of the bouquets should not close the guests from each other.
  • You can decorate the table of the bride and groom with napkins. They are quite simple to make beautiful and spectacular figures that will suit the general tone of the wedding. The main thing is to choose the right color of the napkins for the total tone of the tablecloth on the table. If the tablecloth is white and or light, the napkins can be taken brighter.

  • Do not forget that special attention should be paid to the decoration of seats for each guest. For this, landing cards are used, which are made in the same color and style as all the decoration on the wedding table. You can also make bonbonnieres with your own hands, i.e. Small boxes or bags in which small souvenirs or sweets are put.

  • With the help of such pleasant little things made by your own hands, you can make the decoration of the wedding table rather original and cozy, which will support the overall festive atmosphere of the wedding.

A beautifully decorated table is the central part of any feast that will help create a whole festive picture and give the event a spiritual and cozy atmosphere. And this, in turn, will be remembered for a long time for all guests.



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