
The benefits of keratin hair masks

The benefits of keratin hair masks
Properties of keratine hair masks: Review of the salon and the formulation of making masks at home.

What can spoil beautiful long hair? Only narrowness and seed ends. Woman hairstyle Many couturiers are compared with the crown. Beautiful haircut, styling will not hide the painful condition of the hair. Especially such periods come in the summer after the holidays: from the frequent stay on the scratching sun and the abundance of the salted sea waters of the shevuris become similar to the pass, sometimes and broke the tips, as well as in winter: during the actively wearing hats, after which the hair is electrified, Become fragile from lack of oxygen and require additional care.

Let's figure it out how to make hair beautiful, well-groomed with keratin masks produced by well-known companies and prepared independently at home.

Keratin: What is it and what effect on hair it has

Keratin is a protein consisting of 90% of the protein. Tools for the care of the hair, containing this component, envelop hair, creating an additional protective layer.

Under the influence of external factors: wind, rain, cold, strong heat, painted or due to a chemical curling hair about the fragility and various kinds of damage.

In order not to be resorted to at least aggravating long curls, there is a less radical procedure - restoring the hair structure with keratin masks.
It should be noted that the content of this component in the body of each person is not the same.

For example, in the body of dark-skinned brunettes and mulats keratin, there is a sufficiently high concentration with the goal to create additional protection when directing the sunlight, in the lateral blondes with the nordic type of appearance is less, as light hair has the ability to repel the sunlight. Curly hair holders also have low keratin level than people with straight hair.

For everyday care there is a whole complex of funds containing this useful protein component: shampoos, serum, keratin water, rinsing balms, oils, gels, sprays. Saturation of hair with a useful protein cannot occur for 2-3 sessions, and requires systematic repetitions, but no more than 1-2 times a week. However, these funds contribute to strengthening the outer shell of the hair, the internal structure still remains damaged. If you decide to exclude this problem once and for all, you need to reconsider your nutrition.

The lack of keratin instantly affects the appearance: the nails are pumped, the hair is bad and broken. To solve this problem, you should adjust your diet in favor of keratin products rich, such as: turkey, eggs, fish oil, seafood, red fish, legumes, beans, nuts, sea buckthorn oil, linseed oil. Entering these products to your daily menu, you will notice that the hair has become silky, elastic, the past has disappeared, and the hairstyle has a well-groomed look.

Useful properties of keratin hair masks

Keratin contains ceramic, which have a reducing function and instantly fill the hollow areas in the hair structure. That is, if you start using keratin masks in time, you can save the maternity to the lapse and fragility. However, it should be remembered that protein contained in keratine is easily destroyed due to external influences: wind, rain, smog, chemical curling.

The main advantages of keratin hair masks are:

  • it has a regenerating effect for the porous hair structure, removes the post, gives shine hairstyle;
  • useful keratin masks are suitable for both adults and adolescents;
  • have a straightening effect for curly hair, create visibility of biolanation;
  • strengthen hair after long-term use of thermocouples: drying with hair dryer, iron straightening, curling Crying and curlers, extension procedures;
  • facilitate the process of laying hair: after keratin masks of the lap is obedient, it is easy for it to give the desired volume, which is prepedential for a long time;
  • natural protein contained in masks protects hair from falling out.

Contraindications of using keratin hair masks

Keratin is a protein protein, and protein is a building material for cells. Therefore, there are no special contraindications to use keratin masks, there are only recommendations that should not be neglected:

  • when applying a keratin mask purchased in the store, it is necessary to be attentive and read the label to track the presence of harmful chemical components, the firm-producer of fragrance and GMO content in a mask, which can cause an allergic reaction;
  • to test mask on tolerability, it is recommended to smear a small plot on the back of the head, if redoing and itching on the skin of the head does not arise, you can continue the cosmetic procedure;
  • in the presence of cuts, ulcers, ulves on the surface of the skin of the head, the use of a mask is better to postpone so as not to cause pain;
  • with increased fatty hair mask, it is recommended to use in preventive purposes no more than 1 time per month, since the protein having a dense texture significantly takes the curls.

Keratin masks of famous brands

To date, a wide range of salon equipment from shampoos to gels and varnishes containing keratin is known. Leading branded cosmetic lines that produce keratin hair masks, such as: L'Oreal, Schwarzkopf, ESTEL have in their arsenal various products for the restoration of the chapels on the most demanding taste.

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You can purchase such cosmetic products in supermarkets, stores in special departments or pharmacies. In any case, it is recommended to first ask a consultant for beauty or pharmacist what kind of product with keratin fits most of all for your hair type.

A protective keratin mask is usually applied to clean washed hair along the entire length, focusing on areas with lords, then thoroughly combing and give the hair dry naturally without the use of thermal means.

Before keratin treatment, hair is not recommended, as well as to reduce the use of chemicals for laying. Otherwise, all the results achieved hair strengthening will be reduced.

Before you decide to improve your hair with keratin masks, it is recommended to cut the seeds of the tips and, if possible, process the hair along the entire length of hot scissors, seating damaged parts of the hair follicle.

For a complete set of recovery of the chapels, it is recommended to combine masks with keratin water intended for daily care, and shampoo with ceramic.

Recipes for cooking keratin hair masks at home

Recommendations for the independent preparation of keratin hair masks at home:

  • all ingredients should be fresh, products - without adding GMOs, preferably home origin;
  • do not prepare the mask of the future - from this its beneficial properties and the activity of the impact on the hollow structure of the damaged hair decreases;
  • do not add ingredients to the mask, which are allergens for your body;
  • pick your unique composition of the ingredients for a mask that will most suit your hair type and will have a healing effect not only on the grains of the tips, but and to promote the activation of hair growth as a whole;
  • it is recommended to systematically carry out keratin therapy, not less than 2 times a month. From one-time procedures, it is unlikely to achieve the maximum effect.

There are salon products, you can prepare a keratin-mac for hair at home.

Pets keratin hair masks are prepared on a similar algorithm: all the ingredients are mixed until smooth, applied translational movements of the fingers or a special brush to clean washed hair for 30-40 minutes. To enhance the effect of the head can be covered after deposition mask towel warmer or a food wrap. Rinse with copious amounts of warm water.

1. Mask with gelatin. 1 sachet of gelatin (11 g) to be poured into a glass, pour 100 g of cool boiled water, left to swell for 15 minutes. After the gelatin is ready, its protein structure expanded, add 1 h. L. olive oil, mix well.

2. Mask with aloe.For the preparation of masks required 30 g of aloe juice, 2 h. L. rosemary oil, 30 g of freshly squeezed carrot juice.

3. Mask with fish oil. Fish oil is suitable pharmacy in capsules. Squeeze in a separate container 6 capsules with fish oil. Add the juice of half a medium onion, 5 grams of red pepper. This mask not only protects the hair, but also through increased blood circulation to the scalp, caused by the action of red peppers and onions, promotes active growth of hair. In order to avoid a sharp smell in the mask, you can add 5-10 drops of any essential oil.

4. Vitamin mask. For masks need capsule with vitamins A, E, which are sold in the pharmacy. In a separate container to squeeze out the contents of the capsule, add the juice of 1/3 lemon, 1 tbsp. l. heavy cream.

5. Mask with soda and salt. Mix to a homogeneous mass of 1 h. L. soda 2 h. L. Marine iodized salt, 2 h. L. Tire oil. This mask is best applied to the hair for 15-20 minutes, after covering his head warm towel or plastic wrap.

6. Honey Mask. Best of all, if the honey is straight from the comb, but if it does not, do not worry, the main thing - that the product was not sugar-coated. Required 50 g of honey, heated in a water bath to a liquid state, 2 tsp castor oil and 5 drops of rose oil.

7. Mask with royal jelly. Such product typically is ordered in advance from beekeepers. Since the royal jelly has a very concentrated liquid texture and composition of protein, it is usually mixed in equal proportions with honey. Use a mask is recommended to royal jelly and honey, warmed in a water bath, - 15 grams, plus the juice of half an orange average. All mix thoroughly.

8. Mask with linseed oil.2 tbsp. l. linseed oil mixed with 1 egg yolk and 1/3 of lemon juice.

9. The mask with apple cider vinegar. 2 egg yolk mixed with 2 tablespoons. l. apple cider vinegar and 1 hour. l. Tire oil.

Reviews on the use of keratin hair masks

To understand the importance and effectiveness of keratin hair masks offer you feedback from our readers who have used such cosmetic procedures:

"I - the owner of the curly unruly hair, as well as the burden of a short cut, we have to carefully take care of hair: daily washing, blow-drying and alignment utjuzhkom led to the fact that the hair began to resemble a bundle of straw. After I tried keratin mask on the basis of gelatin, I wondered how is it possible that my hair long curly look smooth and beautiful even after the rain had disappeared and visited the noticeable growth of new hairs. Now I turn this into a weekly mask must have to take care of themselves. "Natalia, 42 years old

"I am - an opera singer. However, to align the financial situation often have to earn money by singing in restaurants, cafes, etc. By frequent changes of hairstyle: fleece, curls, etc. My hair has become dull. So for me keratin mask by Estel has become a godsend. I advised her my hairdresser. Having done such a mask in the beauty salon immediately after staining, I did not recognize her hair - smooth, shiny, so alive. He acquired himself the same. I use already half a year. " Arina, 35 years old

"My life - a solid mission: travel and flights, taxi. Any styling will not stay on with the rhythm of life of the hair. When I heard about keratin masks, not hide, worried that the hair will look dirty, and not smooth and shiny as keratin hair heavier. Usually I have an allergy to the salon means, so my joy knew no bounds when I tried keratin mask, home-cooked my beautician, based on soda and salt. Now - a corporate recipe beauty of my head of hair. " Elena, 28 years old

"I - a young mom, my 1.5 years old crumbs. To care for a special time there, and expensive salon means I can not afford. So when I tried to do at home keratin mask on the basis of egg yolk, not only was I pleasantly surprised, but my husband. Now my hair looks gorgeous, even after I often braid them into a ponytail or make a bundle. A girlfriend think I was in the cabin and made lamination. "Yana, 23 years old

Photo. Before and after applying the keratin masks




Video. Keratin hair reconstruction with gelatin


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