
Hair dyeing with basma

Hair dyeing with basma
How to dye your hair with natural dyes.

Modern cosmetology does not stand still. Famous brands offer the latest hair dyes, after the application of which we are guaranteed by resistance and color saturation for several weeks, 100%coloring gray hair, healthy shiny hair and other benefits. But unlike new -fangled hair dyeing products, there is also an old familiar basma. Some have undeservedly forgot about her, but some do not know at all. Nevertheless, girls successfully dye her hair for many generations.

Basma hair dyeing: Advantages


Historical data indicate that the first references to Basma dates back to the 7th century BC. It is even difficult for us to imagine, but at that distant time, women also strove for excellence and painted hair and eyebrows with basma. The secret of the popularity of basma is that it is a natural product. It is made from the leaves of a tropical tree with an exotic name of the indigofer for our hearing. Basma is a nondescript powder of a completely unpresentable appearance, especially if you compare it with modern glossy boxes and bright tubes with hair dyes.

Sometimes they remember natural dyes in cases where allergies appear to the components of hair dyes. Then they acquire a natural proven tool that not only gives the hair the desired shade, but also takes care of them.

The main qualities of hair basma:

  •   restores the structure of damaged and dry hair;
  •   activates processes in the scalp, stimulating hair growth by it;
  •   makes the appearance of the hair more perfect and well -groomed;
  •   Relieves dandruff.

Basma excellently dyes hair, not inferior to supermodic colors. It has resistance, superior to chemical dyes. Natural basma “does not tolerate” chemistry, so after coloring her hair, you cannot use conventional hair dyes for 1.5-2 months. If you neglect this advice, hair color can be untidy and uneven. Curls exposed to reagents as a result of a chemical curling cannot be painted with basma for a month.

Hair dyeing with basma: recommendations


When purchasing a basma, be sure to look at the expiration date. The natural product loses its qualities after a certain period, and the hair can acquire an undesirable shade. In addition, the expired agent can dry the scalp.

Hair coloring with basma is recommended to be used no more than 1 time per month. This is especially true for girls with dry skin. If you know about such a feature, add a few drops of olive or burdock oil to the prepared composition.

The duration of the paint is purely individual, it depends on the structure of the hair, the initial and desired color. But getting into an independent swimming hair coloring, do not put experiments on your beauty. First, try painting a separate strand, and then focus on the result. Basma staining time ranges from 40-50 minutes to 3-5 hours. It all depends on what shade you want to achieve on your hair.

Work with the composition only in gloves, the paint stains the skin very well and is poorly washed off. So that the flow does not leave a mark on the forehead and temples, in front of the procedure, lubricate the skin near the hair with oily cream. Prepare in advance the means to combat the flows of paint, if they appear. For this, napkins or cotton swabs are suitable.

To tint hair, only freshly prepared composition should be used. The paint has the ability to oxidize, entering into the reaction of the air, and then the hair color after the basma can be unpredictable. Instead of an even saturated color, a spotty faded color is likely.

To obtain a good staining result, it is recommended to mix the basma with another natural component - henna. Creating compositions based on these colors, you can choose the desired shade not only of brunettes, but also brown -haired and even lightweed.

Even if you strive to become a bright brunette, you need to add henna to the basma. This will help to avoid a greenish shade of strands. If you only dyed your hair with basma and they acquired a green tint, dye your hair with henna, this will help get rid of unwanted “greens”.

How to dye hair with basma: preparation of the composition

In the process of preparing for staining, it is necessary to buy a bag of henna or basma, gloves, a brush for staining, prepare paper napkins and cotton wool, oily cream. Having carefully studied the instructions, we proceed to the preparation of a tinting composition. Perhaps at first the staining process will seem complex or unusual, since it has some features. Having made it yourself staining 1-2 times, you will understand how simple this procedure is.

In a glass, porcelain or heat -resistant plastic container, pour the powder of the basma or basma in a mixture with henna. Gently rub the powder so that there are no lumps. Pour the powder with hot water with a temperature of 80-90 degrees, but not boiling water, because the paint can coil and unevenly paint the strands. We constantly stir in order to achieve the uniformity of the composition and the desired density. By consistency, the finished paint resembles the sour cream of medium density. If the composition turns out to be liquid, it will drain from the hair, which will lead to an uneven color of the curls. The same result can be with very thick paint, which is difficult to evenly distribute through the hair.

How to dye hair with basma: tinting process

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To avoid traces of paint on clothes, we cover the shoulders and neck. Lubricate the skin near the roots of the hair on the forehead with oily cream so that there are no paint spots. We apply the prepared composition to the hair warm, approximately 40-50 degrees. So that it does not become cold during application, it is recommended to put a container with paint in dishes with hot water. Such heating will allow the paint to remain warm for 10-15 minutes, this period is enough to apply the composition.

We start staining with the occipital part, the hair in this area is long stained, unlike the temples and crown. The hair can be slightly wet or dry. Divide the hair for the parting, we take a strand of hair and apply the composition with a brush, working across the strands. We retreat 1-1.5 cm and make the following parting. Gradually stain the entire hair. We fix the long curls on the crown with a clamp or hairpin. We cover your head with a shower cap or improvised means, for example, a plastic bag.

Depending on the desired shade, hold the paint for 50-60 minutes or more. Then wash your hair with water without shampoo. If the remaining paint is difficult to remove, you can use a small amount of hair balm. Within 2-3 days, the color is fixed, so you should not use shampoo. In order for the nutritional effect of the use of natural components to be tangible, egg yolk can be added to the composition. It will saturate the hair with proteins and help to wash off the coloring gruel from the hair.

Basma hair dyeing: how to become a bright brunette


The natural composition for dyeing hair in a dark color consists of 1 part of henna and 3 parts of the basma. Grutter is applied to the hair for 2.5-3 hours. The longer the time of exposure to the dye on the hair, the more dark the color will be. If the curls turned out to be lighter than we would like, you can give them a more saturated color by repeating staining. For repeated hair dyeing with basma, it is recommended to take only the basma powder or in its connection with henna.

There is another option for hair dyeing for girls who seek to become brunettes. First, use only henna, exposure time 1 hour. After removing the composition and drying of the hair, prepare the gruel only from the powder of the basma. Distribute the puree mass through the hair, hold for 2-3 hours.

To obtain black color with a shade of Bordeaux, the so -called “black tulip”, it is necessary to take 3 parts of the basma and 1 part henna, prepare the paint. Add red beet juice in the amount of 3-5 tsp to the composition of the juice. Prepare juice immediately before painting. Beetroot juice not only gives the hair a beautiful shade, but also nourishes them with trace elements, making them soft and silky.

Hair dyeing with basma: how to get chestnut shades


To obtain chestnut color, henna and basma are taken in different relationships. The darker the desired color, the more basma and less henna should be taken.

In order for the hair to become chestnut, 2 parts of the basma and 1 part henna will be required. From these ingredients, prepare the composition, distribute the length of the hair, make an exposure for 1.5 hours. In order for brown hair to acquire remarkable shades and a rich color, cocoa powder, tightly brewed ground coffee, a decoction of green peel of walnuts, strong teaspoon, red wine are added to the composition.

Getting a beautiful chestnut color of hair, fragrant with a coffee aroma, will help natural paint with such ingredients:

  •   2 parts of the basma;
  •   1 part henna;
  •   4 tsp ground coffee.

Preparation: ground coffee pour 100 g of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. Insist, then strain. Dilute the mixture of basma and henna with hot coffee, grind thoroughly. Keep 1 hour.

You can get chestnut color with a reddish tint by adding cocoa powder to the paint. For staining, you need to choose a cocoa powder of saturated chocolate color.

Ingredients for the composition:

  •   1 part of the basma;
  •   2 parts of henna;
  •   3-4 tbsp. cocoa;
  •   water.

Grind powders with a spoon, pour hot water until the slurry is obtained, constantly stir. The composition in warm form is applied to the hair. Keep 1.5-2 hours.

Brown hair will purchase a cherry shade if you add red wine to the composition for coloring. It is best for staining a saturated wine, for example, Kagor.

Preparation: 100 g of red wine heat to 70-80 degrees. Pour the prepared mixture of the basma and henna with hot wine, mix thoroughly until the sour cream -shaped mass is obtained.

The results of the use of basma for hair before and after in the photo:



Hair dyeing with basma: gray hair

If gray hair is single, you can carry out ordinary staining using one of the proposed recipes. In cases where the gray hair is 30 or more percent of the hairline, you should prepare for staining in advance. Gray hair differs from ordinary hairs with their structure, they are more dry and hard. That is why gray hair is difficult to color. When planning in the near future coloring gray hair with basma, make a course of masks to soften and nutrition of hair. To do this, you can use the following recipe.

Mask to soften hard hair:

  •   1 tbsp. sea \u200b\u200bbuckthorn oil;
  •   1 tbsp. burdock or castor oil;
  •   1 yolk.

Mix all ingredients, apply to the hair and scalp. Keep the mask 1.5-2 hours, then wash your head. The mask can be done 1-2 times a week before washing the head.

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On the day of coloring, wash your head, apply the coloring composition to slightly wet hair, they are more susceptible to paint. For painting a large amount of gray hair, powder from the leaves of the uzma in a mixture with basma and henna is used. Uzma leaves have a natural coloring substance that dyes hair black and stimulates their growth. Eastern women have long used this tool for painting eyebrows, eyelashes and hair.

For dyeing hair with gray hair, you need to cook paint from such ingredients:

  •   2 tbsp. basms;
  •   1 tbsp. henna;
  •   1 tbsp. Uzma.

Add hot water to the lost powder and grind thoroughly. To obtain an intensive chestnut shade, you can replace water with a strong infusion of black tea. For this, 2 tbsp. Pour dry black tea with 1 cup boiling water, wrap for 10-15 minutes. Then strain the infusion and dilute the composition from the powders. Apply the composition to the hair in warm form. If gray hair has not painted over at a time, repeat the coloring after a few days.

Any chemical drugs have an alternative. No exception and hair dye. They can be successfully replaced by natural dyes that will bring your skin and hair only benefits and beauty. Take care of your hair and be beautiful!

Hair dyeing with basma. Video



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