
How to take pictures correctly. How beautiful to be photographed - the best poses for filming. How to take pictures to full people

How to take pictures correctly. How beautiful to be photographed - the best poses for filming. How to take pictures to full people
How and where to be photographed correctly: poses. How to take pictures at sea, full, on a passport, guys, a man, on the street, in a swimsuit, in summer, in nature. How beautifully it is photographed by a selfie.

Beautiful photos give positive emotions and memories, inspire and motivate. At the same time, even the most successful photo can spoil the insignificant, seemingly nuances. How to learn to be beautifully photographed so that the moments that are captured in the photo cause positive emotions and after filming?

How to photograph correctly - rules of a successful photo

The final result - a beautiful photo - consists of many factors. To take into account the main points will help compliance with the following recommendations.

How to photograph correctly: pose and angle

Asymmetry is a natural feature of each person - closing the right and left parts of the face in front of the mirror, you may notice how your reflection changes. Analyze what you see to choose the optimal angle in the photo. A good result also gives an analysis of previously performed photos. Highlight moments that do not suit you, and try not to accept such poses anymore. Asymmetry is also one of the reasons why photographs in the FAS are rarely successful.  The model seems more massive than in life, and the pose repels with its unnecessority.

How to take pictures, the following poses will be told:

  • The universal pose, which is subject to any gender, age and surrounding the situation, is a half -breech. An alternative option is a small turn (1/4) from the camera, in which one leg and shoulder are slightly ahead.
  • Avoid long static poses, be in motion.
  • If you need to be in one position, try to move away from straight strict lines - slightly bent legs and hands, slightly inclined head.
  • If necessary, place accents, use crossing legs or arms.
  • You should also not stand with straight outstretched arms and legs. This position looks unnatural and tense.
  • Follow the posture.
  • The second chin will help reduce or completely hide the light tilt of the head in the side or stretching of the neck.
  • Try to arrange a smooth bend of your hand so that there is a little space between it and the body, slightly set the leg.

How to photograph correctly: facial expression, smile

The key to a successful photograph is its naturalness. Do not unnecessarily “pull” a smile, especially if your inner state does not have a violent joy. Excessively puffed lips also look somewhat comical. Imagine you are looking in the mirror. What reflection would you like to see? Be yourself and then the pictures will turn out pleasant and relaxed.

How to photograph correctly: lighting

An equally important role in obtaining a successful frame is played by lighting. Both with artificial and natural light should be neat. Clockwork weather will require additional light sources, but too bright rays can create glare, make a picture fuzzy. When photographing on the street, pay attention so that the shadow does not fall on you. The bright light, which hits the eye, provoke narrowed eyes-shifts.

How to photograph correctly: confidence

The terms “photogenic” and “not photogenic” came up with not too confident people. Everyone can turn out in the photo beautifully. The timidity and fear that a person experiences in front of the camera, the latter is very subtly felt and instantly reflected in the picture. The key to a successful photo is emancipation, confidence and naturalness. If the model feels comfortable, the sensation of harmony is transmitted to the viewer. Love yourself in your natural form.

How to photograph correctly: background

The background also plays great importance on your frame. Think about the plot and the mood that you want to capture and convey. When creating personnel in the room, try to avoid excessively bright and aggressive colors, patterns in the background. The best option is the most uniform interior. It is important for you to emphasize you, not the interior? Also, do not forget about the compliance of the background for your image (clothes, hairstyle, makeup).

How to photograph correctly: clothes and makeup

Successful clothes should be not only comfortable, but also correspond to the selected topic of the photo. Avoid too bright, screaming things. In this case, first of all, the viewer will pay attention to clothes, and after that - to you. Also, bright and large patterns, as well as strips, will not be the best choice. Complex transitions and drawings are not always successful in the photo.  Having photographed in a dress or a flowing skirt of pastel colors, you can emphasize a romantic mood. In what clothes will the theme of the frame be photographed. Accessories (but do not overdo it) will be a successful conclusion to the image.  Makeup will help to emphasize advantages and carefully hide the skin imperfections. Put the desired accents, but do not overdo it.

How to take pictures at sea

Beach photos are the favorite theme of many girls. What secrets do successful personnel keep?

  • To look slim and toned photographing standing, bend a little and put forward your leg closer to the photographer.
  • A light deflection in the back will help to get impeccable posture. Do not forget about it regardless of the position of your body. The photo will turn out to be quite relaxed and light.
  • Trying to emphasize the neckline in the frame (most often in such photos the model takes a horizontal position), ask the photographer to make the frame a little on the side. As a result, the frame will capture not only you, but also a little surrounding landscape, and give a holistic picture.
  • How to take pictures in a swimsuit is one of the most exciting issues. If you take the position of lying down, sit a little at an angle to the photographer, pushing your legs a little forward. Standing photos are best performed in a quarter turnover or putting one leg a little forward. So you will create an interesting bend in the waist, and also avoid excessive stress.
  • Booking sitting, do not take your feet together. Interesting personnel are obtained with a slight turn of the case and the allocation of one leg to the side.
  • Personnel in the pool, on which you relax on a circle or mattress, is best performed on top.
  • When performing a photo at the side of the pool, do not lean on both elbows. The pose looks tense and the shoulders - too massive. It is better to use one hand, leaving the second “freedom of choice”.
  • Playing with accessories (water, sand, around or pareo), you are constantly in motion.

How to take pictures on the street

Photos on the street are very popular. How to make them almost flawless?

  • If the spirit of rebellion is not close to you, try to adhere to natural, but liberated poses. The best option is a straight or slightly detailed case, one leg is slightly bent at the knee and slightly extended forward or to the side. The presence of a bag or folder is not a problem. Distribute the details so that the photo looks balanced.
  • The pose with crossed legs also looks interesting. An important point - the legs should be relaxed. The pose looks more natural if the crossing occurs below the knees (one of the legs is slightly bent at the knee).
  • Support in the form of a wall of a building or a city lantern - An interesting option that allows you to move away from the templates. Here you can safely play with poses and emotions - look at the frame or aside, stand straight or in a foller, there are also many options for the location of the legs.
  • Getting dynamic personnel allow a photo in the style of "defile". It is possible to follow quite at ease, for example, forward, while the photographer will record in the movement lens. The poses in the photographs are very natural and “living”.

How to take pictures in nature

  • Interesting and at the same time natural portrait photos are obtained if you use a perspective over the shoulder. Such shots are filled with dynamics and ease.
  • Personnel in a lying position (on the back or stomach) is best performed from the ground. Bright colors and juicy greens will make the photo amazing. Good pictures will turn out if you place the lens above the model.
  • The variety of interesting pictures can be obtained and in a sitting position. The only precaution - in the presence of rounded forms, such experiments should be carried out carefully.
  • The vertical position of the case It opens the boundless flight of fantasy - a photo during a walk, in a jump or standing (independently or at the support).

How to take pictures at home

Even photos in the usual home walls can be made interesting and spectacular.

  • Photo at the support. In this case, all the same rules apply as when photographing on the street. At home, a cabinet, wall, door or doorway can act as a support. At the same time, it is advisable to rest over the upper part of the body, and the hips are slightly forward. Hands can touch the face or gently slide over the body.
  • Asymmetric poses will help diversify the usual photosWhen your shoulders are at different levels. The legs and arms take a position convenient for you. The pose is relaxed and relaxed.
  • In a sitting position You can squeeze one leg under yourself, tilting your head a little forward. The second leg may fall down or be bent at the knee.
  • Interesting and original photos are obtained When trying to combine the usual household chores (washing dishes or a harvest) and an inappropriate outfit - an evening dress and stilettos.

How to take pictures of pregnant women

The rules of successful photos for future mothers are slightly different from tips for other models. Personnel should emphasize the charm of the situation and at the same time the process of creating a photo should not cause discomfort and stress in a woman. For this reason, the photo in which the model is facing the chamber with the back can be immediately pushed aside - at this stage they are not of particular interest. Of course, you should immediately abandon the poses in which a woman needs to sit down or go to her stomach. Personnel in which the expectant mother is comfortably located in a hammock or a rocking chair, lay down on the grass or walks through the park are interesting and cozy. You can also take a picture with older children and the future dad. Such pictures are even more tender and touching.

How to photograph full

  • The position of the clock It is a real find for the owners of rounded silhouettes and chubby cheeks. This position of the body will not only pull your figure a little, but also make a more elegant waist. This option is well suited for both single and group shots, which should become slightly shifting from the center.
  • When setting group photos Avoid the neighborhood with miniature girls and guys.
  • Do not forget about posture. Straighten your back and straightening your shoulders, you seem to be striving up, becoming a little higher and slimmer.
  • Try not to expose your shoulders completely. If clothing with open hands, throw a stole on your shoulders.
  • The stomach should also not be ignored. If such a “sin” is present, it should be drawn. The facial expression should remain as natural as possible. Follow the balance.
  • Do not ignore your hands. Lean about something or take any accessory. If this is not possible, try to raise them slightly up or place them at the waist.
  • If you take pictures sitting experiment with different positions of the legs. The pose of the foot on the leg looks advantageous. At the same time, the legs are slightly assigned to the side.

How to take pictures at a wedding

Marriage is an important event in the life of every girl. How to create interesting, memorable and beautiful photos?

  1. Start writing your story from the moment of preparation for the celebration. Photo report on the training of the bride and groom, the design of hairstyles and the vestments in the wedding outfit will be a good entry before the main photo shoot.
  2. You can take pictures in a wedding dress before the groom's arrival. Personnel from the back are interesting near the window (daylight passing through the folds of the dress will emphasize all its beauty), pictures in which the bride help to fasten or light up the outfit, photos surrounded by friends, pictures with an accent on a bouquet or part of a veil.
  3. There will also be a photo from the officially part - The murals of the newlyweds.
  4. Shooting during a walk It can be both staged and reporting. Interesting are “random” shots in which the couple does not look at the frame. Positions and topics can be very diverse - in accordance with the wishes of marriage.

How to take pictures - a face on documents

Everyone had to be photographed for various documents. The question is that rarely when a person is pleased with a ready picture.  How and in what to take pictures on the passport so that the result will please you and do not raise questions from the auditing authorities?

The requirements for the photo for the passport are quite simple and at the same time strict:

  • The position of the case and head is strictly Anfas. A smile or ajar mouth, a clear tilt of the head, a look to the side is prohibited.
  • The facial expression should be calm and focused.
  • The background of the picture is light and monochrome.
  • If you wear glasses on an ongoing basis, it is not necessary to shoot them. In other cases, this accessory must be removed.
  • As for the vegetation in the form of a beard, there is no categorical ban on it. However, it is better to take care of the owners of an unnecessarily thick beard about its removal in advance.
  • Piercing at the time of execution of the photo must be removed.
  • The presence of a headdress is not allowed.
  • In clothing, preference should be given to the blouses and shirts of calm tones, which are successfully combined with your complexion and eyes. You should not choose an open top, because The finished photo may have the impression that you are without clothes.

In relation to the photo on the passport, there are similar requirements.  What to take pictures on the passport? In any business clothing, calm tones, the special form is not allowed.

How to photograph naked

Photos in the style of "nude" have always been attracted by their piquancy. How to get spectacular photos and remain a satisfied result?

  • Choose a professional photographer. In the matter of the success of the boudoir shooting, the moment plays an almost decisive role.
  • An interesting and feminine bend of the figure is obtained if, in a standing position, direct one knee inward. The pose will become softer and natural.  A good alternative can be crossed legs - the silhouette of the figure will be like a sand clock.
  • Light and slightly languid pictures are obtained in a lying position on the stomach. The lens can be directed to the neckline or grab the model in profile (in this case, it is advisable to bend the legs in the knees and pull the sock).
  • Play with options for reclining on the side and lying on your back. At the same time, avoid stress and strict lines. Only softness and ease.
  • Pictures from different angles are possible in a sitting position - loud your legs, bending them at your knees. At the same time, one knee lies, and the other is raised vertically.
  • Previsions of the half-broth and near the support are still relevant.
  • Pictures from the back made in a boudoir style look especially interesting.

Cash in full or leave some areas hidden from third -party eyes - the model decides.

How to take pictures on the phone

With the widespread distribution of mobile gadgets with cameras, creating pictures with the image of the photographer himself became very popular. How to take pictures of a selfie?

  • To create a successful picture, contact the help of daylight - if you are in the room, stand around the window.
  • If you need to get a beautiful portrait - place the phone slightly above your head and take a photo on top. This angle is very winning.
  • If the lighting is not enough, when creating a portrait photo, use the flashlight to which you illuminate your face from below. The use of the flash is not recommended, because The frame will turn out too white.
  • The full -length picture will turn out when photographing at an extended arm. The case is located in a half -brood grinder.
  • When creating a selfie, the issue of the direction of gaze is often concerned. It is best to look not in your eyes, but at the camera lens. So the photo will turn out more natural.

How and where to be photographed at different times of the year

Every season is unique. A competent approach to creating a photo will allow the use of the advantages of each time of the year.

How to take pictures in the summer

The summer season is the favorite period of many photographers and models. And this is not surprising-the warm weather and a riot of colors allows you to create real photo gear. How beautiful to be photographed at this time of year?

  • It is better to postpone photos at home or in the studio for a cooler period. Open air, a light breeze developing hair, and natural light - the best satellites of summer frames.
  • Choose a sunny day for the photoeet. Good natural light will allow you to convey all colors and shades as accurately as possible, while maintaining optimal brightness and contrast.  At the same time, too bright sunlight should be avoided. The optimal period is an early morning or afternoon time (after 16:00). Spectacular pictures are also obtained at sunset.
  • Do not forget about suitable clothes. If a swimsuit will be enough for a photo on the beach, then for other entourage (city walk, photo in the garden or park, near the reservoir or in the mountains), select a convenient outfit in accordance with the theme of the plot.
  • Summer provides a huge selection of variations for the behavior of photo shoots - the usual city plots can be diversified by personnel in a wheat, sunflower or rapeseed field, photographed surrounded by meadow flowers or near a reservoir. Interesting photos will give village locations.

How to take pictures in the fall

No less interesting and colorful photos will give the next season - ardent and elegant autumn. What tricks of beautiful photography should be taken into account during this period?

  • Take advantage of the special game of colors and light at pre -order hours and at dawn. The picture will turn out to be softer and “warm”, without losing the saturation of paints and color.
  • The ideal place for autumn paintings is nature. Do not despair if there was no forest edge nearby. The slender alleys of city parks are also able to please with an interesting background.  The gifts of the mother’s very mother often become a successful complement to the personnel-an armful of colorful leaves, collected in a bouquet, thrown up or neatly woven into a lush wreath, or a bunch of mountain ash.
  • Do not be afraid of rain. Transparent flows falling on an umbrella or your shoulders will add to the frames a special, unique atmosphere.
  • Take care of the harmony of color.  Interesting combinations will give autumn paints with cold shades. Outfits for photos can include even such “strict” colors as blue, purple and even black.

How to take pictures in winter

Photos taken in winter are always distinguished by a special atmosphere of magic and holiday. Depending on your idea, interesting personnel can be obtained both outdoors and indoors.

  • One of the popular variations of street photo is a sedentary pose in which the model drinks hot tea, coffee or chocolate. The frosty air successfully shows the steam of a hot drink, taking the photo even more sincere. At the same time, it is better to leave your hands without mittens or gloves. Wrap yourself in a warm scarf and enjoy the moment.
  • Interesting photos are obtained with the usual, but from the no less popular winter attributes, such as sledges, snowmen and Christmas balls.
  • The photo on the street is better to take on sunny days.
  • A walk under the falling snowflakes, successfully caught in the frame, or a perky jump will give pleasant emotions more than once.

How to take pictures of couples

Girls strive to be photographed not only on their own, but also in the company of their loved one. How to get interesting and beautiful shots?

  • Hugging each other, do not overdo it with your hands. Turn out a little to the camera and make your arms less strong.
  • Respect each other's personal space, do not fall into a partner. You can take the guy by the arm by letting him in front of him.
  • If there is a sharp desire to put your head on the shoulder of the partner, it is better to slightly touch the shoulder with it. You should not press your face too much.
  • Kisses in the forehead should also be postponed. The light touch of the girl’s temple looks rather cute and touching.
  • How to take pictures with a girl if the guy is sitting? The partner can stand behind and slightly acquire, without falling over and not a guy.
  • Passionate kisses are rarely successful in the photo, but a few moments before the merging of the lips look very impressive.

And remember the posture - the shoulders should be straightened and slightly deployed from the center.

How to take pictures of guys and men

The lion's share of recommendations regarding photos and successful angles refers to the representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. How to take pictures of strong and confident men?

The following poses look successful:

  • The shoulders are straightened, the stomach (if any) is slightly drawn. Being in a standing position, take one leg a little forward. The main weight is transferred to the leg located behind. This position is confident and calm.
  • Hands can be crossed or located on the hips. You can also place them in your pockets.
  • Interesting pictures are obtained when a man relies on the wall. You can stand in a half -brood grinder, a light smile is allowed.
  • If the picture is performed at the workplace, You can sit on the edge of the table or in the chair.
  • You can stand behind the chair, leaning with one hand on his back.
  • Beautiful and spectacular photos are obtained in an unusual image for a guy. So a serious business man can organize a photo shoot in an informal style - several unfastened buttons, tilted jeans, a reckless hairstyle. If the pictures are performed in nature, the lack of shoes is possible. Fans of the free style of Casual or Sport Style will look interesting in a strict business image. Follow the harmony of color. Black and purple usually grow old. Pastel tones often merge with a touch of the skin. Not a very beautiful shade gives the skin and green.

In recent years, shots with signs with which everyone are photographed have gained particular popularity. The signs are in different cities and contain the same inscriptions indicating the corresponding settlement.  How fashionable and interesting to take pictures next to such a sign? In fact, only your fantasy is a limitation. Positioning rules apply the same as when creating pictures on the street. Experiment, and you will succeed.

In what poses will be photographed by intuition, your sensations and, of course, the recommendations of the photographer. The main condition for a good photo is the feeling of comfort and confidence of the model. The rest of the details also play a role, but are only the second violins of the symphony of beauty and harmony.



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