
How to make a needle with your own hands is a master class. How to sew a needleman step by step - schemes, instructions, photos. How to crochet a needle

How to make a needle with your own hands is a master class. How to sew a needleman step by step - schemes, instructions, photos. How to crochet a needle
How to make a needle crochet, from felt, embroidery, knitted, knitting needles. What needles are - views, description. DIY needle - step -by -step master classes with a photo.

Each hostess knows very well what a needle is and why it is needed. This is especially true for needlewomen, whose hobby is directly related to sewing and embroidery, in which needles are the main working tool.

Of course, this accessory can be safely purchased at any shop for needlework, where anyone will find a needle to his liking. However, it is much more interesting and original to make a needle with your own hands - a bright and unique accessory for sewing, which can simultaneously serve as a decoration and interior decor. With love, such a small thing will emphasize the overall style of the interior, bring coziness and warmth into the room, and also make the process of creating beautiful things with your own hands faster and more pleasant.

In this article, we consider the features of the manufacture of a needleman with your own hands, we note the main types of original needlers for pins and needles, which can be made independently. We give detailed instructions and master classes for the manufacture of beautiful needles.

Features of the manufacture of needles with your own hands

The needlewoman is a small dense pad or tape designed to store various needles and pins. Such a thing will be an excellent assistant not only to needlewomen who are engaged in handmade, but also to ordinary hostesses who love order in everything. With the help of an ordinary needle, you can not only fold all your accessories for sewing, which will always know the location of the needles, but will also give the interior originality and comfort. It is not at all difficult to make a needleman with your own hands, because for this you will need a minimum of materials and your free time, but in the end you will have a cute little thing in your hands, which, in addition to its direct purpose, can be presented as an original gift to your loved ones.

Today, on the Internet, you can find just a huge number of instructions on creating light needles, with a step -by -step description of which even a novice needlewoman will cope. The main thing is to take the first step and choose the best option for yourself, which will fully comply with your requirements, purpose and will suit the interior. Consider the main types of needles that can be made with your own hands at home:

  • Conventional dense pads made of fabric and stuffed material. They can be made of various shapes and with a variety of decor.
  • In addition, the needlewoman can be in the form of a tight -fiber pillow. This type can include needlemen on glass jars, where the pads are attached to the lid. You can note magnetic needles, in which the pillow itself is attached to the magnet.
  • Needleys can be a slightly different species. For example, in the form of a small box or cover with soft material inside. A dense filler can be placed in a regular cup, while making a rather original needle. You can also use the box from the handle, putting it inside which any material, you will get a very comfortable and practical needle.

  • Handmade needles can be made with a special wrist mount. To do this, a conventional pillow with a dense filler is sewn and is fixed on the tape, which is attached to the hand during operation. There are such needles with a finger mount - as a result, you can get a very original ring. It is very convenient to work with such a needle, since needles are always at hand and do not reach anywhere.
  • Knitted needles are another type of original needles with their own hands, which will certainly appeal to needlewomen who can use hook or knitting needles. It is enough just to knit any figure and fill it with stuffed material - your needle is ready. In such technique, needles of needles as a cactus or hedgehog look very interesting in such a technique.
  • Needles made of felt or fabric. This is the easiest option, since the needle can make a needle from any fabric unnecessary, preparing the patterns. In this technique, you can make the brightest and most unusual needles. For example, in the form of a mannequin or dolls, cars or snails, pumpkin or chest of drawers. Turning on your imagination, you will definitely make a bright and unusual needle of fabric, which will become the subject of the interior.
  • A needle in the form of a book. This type of needle is a whole organizer for storing the main tools that will be needed during sewing. Such a book is made most often from felt with individual compartments and pockets for needles, pins, scissors, centimeters and other accessories.

  • Needleys in the form of various ribbons or pads that are attached to the wall, table or basket for sewing. Also, a very simple and original type of this accessory, which can be conveniently placed in the field of your vision, while without cluttering up the space on the desktop.

These types of needles are the main options that can easily be improved and changed, achieving your ideal. The main thing is to always adhere to the specific rules for creating a needleman with your own hands so that this accessory serves you for a long time and reliably:

  • First of all, choose a needle that you will do based on your workplace. She should not interfere or take up a lot of free space.
  • If you decide to sew a pillow, then remember that for a needle it is customary to use only the denser fabrics that will calmly withstand multiple piercing with needles. Synthetics or cotton are not suitable here, jeans tissue can also quickly deteriorate. It is best to pay attention to natural or synthetic felt, as well as cloth or felted products.
  • Do not decorate the needleman itself with beads, beads or sequins, since these decor items can interfere with the hardening of pins and needles.
  • You can fill the needles from fabric with a variety of stuffed materials, the main thing is that they hold the needles and do not allow them to slip inside or fall.
  • If you make a needle -based needle, then select a more stable item that will not stagger or permanent to fall. For this, small glass jars of durable glass or tin jars are often used.

How to make a needle with your own hands - step -by -step instructions

On the Internet, you can find a large number of MK needles, in which all actions are described in sufficient detail and clearly. Clearly following the instructions presented, you can simply and quickly make the original thing with your own hands from a wide variety of improvised materials. Next, we consider several phased descriptions of the manufacture of a needle.

A needle from a can - detailed instructions for creating

The needles of jars are very beautiful and comfortable, since they are intended not only for convenient storage of needles and pins, but also for various buttons and beads, which are constantly lying somewhere and are lost as a result of this. To create such a unique thing with your own hands, the following materials will be needed:

  • Glass jar of any size. It is best to use jars of baby food by other products. The main thing is that they are small and with a twisting lid.
  • Glue or adhesive gun For the reliability of fixation.
  • Holofiber or synthetic winterizer To fill the pillow of our needle.
  • Dense fabric for the needleas well as a beautiful decorative fabric or braid for decorating the side walls of cans and lids.
  • Dense cardboard For the base of the needle.
  • Threads, needle and scissors.
  • Ribbons and various decorative elements, for example, flowers.

The process of making a needle:

  • It is necessary to start work on this needleman with the manufacture of a pillow for sticking needles. To do this, take a piece of fabric you like and draw a flat circle, the diameter of which should be twice as much as the diameter of the bank cover that you will use.
  • Cut the resulting circle, then take a needle with a thread and go along the edge with a simple seam. Pull the thread a little and swap the pillow with a synthetic winterizer or holo -fiber.

  • Next, take the cooked dense cardboard and draw a circle of the same diameter on it as the lid. Cut this circle and place the pillow into the filler, and then tighten the thread tightly and fix it with a knot.

  • At the next stage, the resulting pad must be glued to the cover of a glass jar. To do this, smear the lid well with an adhesive gun and attach the pillow with a seam down, press well and hold for a few minutes so that the glue grabs.

  • Next, take a rectangular strip of beautiful fabric, you can use linen, turn the edges and glue it tightly over the entire circle of the jar so that it completely hides the lid and beautifully tightens the pillow itself. After that, on top of linen fabric, you can sew lace or a tape for decor.

  • To decorate the junction of the fabric, you can sew or glue flowers or ribbons, which will give the needle a more original and bright appearance.

  • A practical and comfortable needle is ready.

Original needlewoman-master class

Very beautiful and practical needles can be made from simple tin cans remaining from canned corn or peas. The main thing, competently and tastefully decorate this accessory. Let us consider in more detail how to make such an original needle.

Necessary materials:

  • An empty tin can with white walls inside.
  • PVA glue and white acrylic paint, as well as acrylic varnish.
  • A three -layer napkin with flowers.
  • Beautiful fabric, braid, ribbons.
  • Dense cardboard.
  • Synthond or holofiber for filling.
  • Glue moment.
  • Beads.

The manufacture of a needle - description:

  • First of all, a tin jar must be opened correctly, using a knife that does not leave Zazubin. Next, with the help of a cotton pad moistened in alcohol, disinfect the surface of the jar inside and out.
  • At the next stage, take a brush and cover the entire surface of the jar with white paint. Next, with the help of a piece of foam rubber, carefully smear the entire surface again so that there are no divorces and missed places.
  • After the tin bank dries, we proceed to decoupage. Take floral wipes and carefully cut out floral elements as close to the edge as possible. Separate only the top layer with a pattern and carefully attach it to the surface of the can in the right place. Holding the napkin, smear it with PVA glue, diluted half with water. In this case, it is best to use a flat brush.

  • Let the napkins finally dry, after which you can cover the surface from the outside with acrylic varnish. It is best to paint in two layers.
  • Wait for the varnish dry, and you can glue any beautiful braid at the bottom. To do this, use glue the moment or the adhesive gun so that the braid is fixed more firmly.
  • Take a dense cardboard and circle the diameter of the tin can on it, then add 2-3 mm to it and cut two identical circles.
  • After that, take any dense fabric and draw a circle on it, the diameter of which should be 6 cm larger than the diameter of the can. Cut it.
  • Step about 1 cm from the edge and make a line with a simple seam, pull the thread in the future, as shown in the figure.

  • After that, you need to fill the future needle with a synthetic winterizer, put a circle of cardboard on top and tightly tighten the threads. Next, glue all the edges of the fabric to the cardboard well and decorate the fabric. To do this, you can use beads along the edge and flower in the center.

  • From conventional cardboard, cut a strip 29 cm long and 3 cm wide. After that, cut the strip to the middle on one side with cloves. Next, we take the second circle and first glue its front part with beautiful paper, and then glue the cloves on the draft side. Glue the two parts of the lid together, tightly pressing them, as shown in the next photo.

  • In the end, the same braid that the jars were glued at the bottom of the lid. At the same time, this must be done in such a way that the joint is closed between two cardboard circles. A beautiful needle with your own hands is ready.

According to a similar scheme, a needle can be made from absolutely any can, the main thing is to show a little creativity and choose the right materials.

How to make a magnetic needle

Next, we consider how to make a magnetic needle out of the simplest improvised materials, where you can immediately store a huge number of needles and pins. Such a needle is perfect for needlewomen, who sew a lot every day.

You will need the following materials:

  • Beautiful saucer.
  • A large magnet so that the needles can magnetize through the bottom of the plate.
  • Glue the moment or adhesive gun.


  • First of all, select the plate and magnet that suit you. Do not take a large saucer, since in the future it will take a lot of space on your desktop. It is also important to choose a fairly large magnet, approximately the same as shown in the photo.

  • Next, take the adhesive gun and lubricate the surface of the magnet abundantly, and then glue it to the bottom of the saucer.

  • Wait until the glue dries and you can use a convenient and practical needle.

Rogue on the finger - a detailed description

The needlers on the finger that can be made from a wide variety of materials look very original and at the same time. For a kind of ring, a plastic ring, an elastic band, and a fabric are suitable.

Necessary materials:

  • A small piece of fabric.
  • Synthond or holofiber for filling.
  • A simple plastic cover from a bottle.
  • Needle and thread.
  • Gum, tape or braid.
  • Circle from felt.
  • Scissors and glue.


  • First of all, it is necessary to prepare a suitable needleman template. To do this, select a circle with a diameter of about 7.5 cm.
  • After that, attach the resulting template to the cutting of the fabric and circle the desired circle. Cut the circle with scissors.

  • Then take the plastic lid and pierce two holes on it with scissors or a needle so that in the future you can insert an elastic band for a finger.
  • Next, lubricate the upper part of the lid with glue and glue the circle of felt to it, in which you also need to make two holes in the same place where they are on the lid.

  • Insert the two ends of the elastic band into the obtained holes and tie the nodules on them so that the elastic band does not untie. More details, how to do this, can be seen in the photo proposed below.

  • Next, take a circle of fabric and a thread with a needle and, having stepped back a little from the edge, go through a simple seam, after it, pull the thread a little.
  • Take the filler and fill it with the middle of the fabric, tightly pressing it inside. After that, press the synthetic winterizer a little and tightly pull the threads. Fix the threads with a knot.

  • Lubricate the inside of the lid abundantly with glue and place the resulting needle there, press tightly until the glue grabs. Next, lubricate the side of the lid with glue and glue a strip of fabric or tape to it, after which sew it with threads for reliability to felt. The beautiful needle is ready.

How to sew a needle with your own hands-detailed master classes

Next, we consider the phased instructions for making beautiful and comfortable needles using fabric or felt. Of these simple material, you can get bright and unique sewing accessories, which can simultaneously serve as an excellent gift to a loved one who is also fascinated by needlework.

How to sew a needle hat with your own hands - description

A small piece of fabric, cardboard, needle and threads are all the materials that you may need to make a very beautiful and unusual needle in the FOR of the elegant hat. With such an accessory for needlework, you can not only use during sewing, but also easily decorate your interior. Consider one option for creating such a needle.

You will need:

  • Dense cardboard.
  • A cut of fabric or felt of any color.
  • Various tapes and decorative elements.
  • Scissors, needle and thread.
  • Glue the moment or adhesive gun.
  • Synthond or holofiber for filling.


  • Let's start making a needle with cutting a circle from cardboard. To do this, take a sheet of dense cardboard and using the template draw a circle with a diameter of 10.5 cm. Cut this circle.
  • After that, take your chosen fabric and make two patterns of a needle from it: one small with a diameter of 14 cm and one large 22 cm.

  • Take a large circle of fabric and put a cardboard in the center, then carefully form small folds and go with threads, as shown in the figure.

  • After that, take a small circle and place a piece of synthetic winterizer or holo -fiber into the center. Next, sew the opposite edges of the circle with a needle with a thread, connecting them in the very center to make a peculiar ball.


  • At the next stage, take two parts of the hat and carefully sew them so that in the end you get a whole hat. After that, close the seam with a beautiful ribbon or braid, carefully sew the tape to the side surface of the hat.
  • At the end, with the help of a glue pistol, glue any decorative flowers or beads.

In addition, on the Internet you can find a huge number of photos of needles in the form of a hat, where a variety of design options and color scheme are used.

Embroidery needle-master class with schemes

If you want to make an accessory for sewing brighter and more spectacular, you can use the following option - a needle with a cross or embroidery with a cross. This product combines several Handmade options, which will make the needle more original. Let us consider in more detail how to make such an unusual needle.

Necessary materials:

  • Canvas in size of the pillow.
  • Colored threads for embroidery.
  • Thread and needle.
  • Scissors.
  • Synthond or Hollofiber for filling.

Production description:

  • First of all, on the canvas it is necessary to embroider a drawing of a ladybug according to the scheme proposed below.


  • Next, having retreated a little from the embroidered pattern, make two identical patterns of the needle, where there will be embroidery on one of them. If desired, you can embroider with a cross and on the other side.
  • After that, carefully sew the two halves together, leaving a small hole so that you can fill the pillow with a synthetic winterizer.
  • Synetep needs to be added in sufficient quantities so that needles and pins do not fall, sew the pillow to the end.
  • If desired, you can decorate the seam with decorative braid or ribbon.

How to make a needle ribbons - phased manufacturing

  • First of all on paper, sketch a drawing that you will embroider with ribbons on a pillow for needles, as shown in the next photo.

  • After that, take a canvas and embroider on it using tapes of different colors the drawing on paper using various techniques: a web, a French knot, tape stitches. You can supplement the composition of flowers with multi -colored beads.

  • Next, cut out two round patterns for the needlewoman, in the center of one of which should be embroidery. Take one circle and, having retreated 1 cm from the edge, go through it with a simple seam, after which slightly pull the ends of the thread. Place a synthetic winterizer in the middle, and on it a regular compact disk. Press the disk slightly and tighten the thread tightly, which must be fixed at the end. The first half of the needle is ready.
  • Take the second circle, put a napkin or other fabric in the center, since the canvas is very thin and shines through. At the end, place the disk and tighten the threads from a simple seam. Fix the threads well.
  • You will get two halves that need to be sewn with each other.

  • So that the ugly seam does not catch your eye, you can sew a ribbon or decorative braid to it, as shown in the figure. The original needle is ready.

How to sew a needle machine - video

On the Internet you can find a large number of workshops of needlewood using Tilda technique, among which instructions are especially popular to create needlers in the form of sewing machines. Such an accessory looks like a beautiful soft handmade toy or as a very original gift. But you can make a needle for yourself that will always inspire you to creativity. More detailed instructions can be seen in the video presented below.

The needleman "mannequin" is a detailed master class

The designed needle in the form of a mannequin, which will also become an excellent decoration of your room, looks very original. Consider all the stages of creating such a masterpiece.

Necessary materials:

  • Fabric of different colors.
  • Cardboard.
  • Felt.
  • Synthond or Hollofiber.
  • Glue, scissors, needle with a thread or sewing machine.


  • The needle of a doll or mannequin using Tilde technique must be started with the preparation of patterns of all parts of the body. This is the front and back, two side parts and two ovals.


  • These patterns must be transferred to dense cardboard and cut it out. Next, put them to the fabric and circle them with a marker or pencil. Cut the necessary parts from the fabric. Two ovals must be cut out of felt.


  • At the next stage, using a sewing machine, sew all the models of the mannequin, and then turn it out. Follow the future needle with a synthetic winterizer. Moreover, this must be done very tightly so that the needles and pins hold tightly. If desired, you can sew one mannequin, and then make another one, like a dress that will be pulled on a draft version.


  • On top of a synthetic winterizer, attach an oval of felt, greased with glue, and squeeze well. Next, turn all the edges of the fabric and glue another oval on top of them. It remains to attach a mannequin based on a candlestick or another improvised material that is convenient for you. At the place of the head, you can attach a ball or, with a great desire, you can make your head.


In such a technique of Tilda, you can sew a variety of figures, including the needle's needle, which will look as original and beautiful. More details can be seen in the presented photo.

Needle book-a detailed master class

Such a needleman will become the real pride of any needlewoman, because in it you can store not only needles and pins, but also scissors, threads, tape and other necessary tools.

To create such a miracle of creativity, you will need the following materials:

  • 12 squares of various fabric 4 cm per 4 cm for the back of the book.
  • A section of fabric in size 12 cm per 16 cm.
  • A strip of color fabric 16 cm long and 3 cm wide for the spine.
  • A section of fabric with dimensions of 27 cm by 16 cm for the inside of the book.
  • Vatin in size 28 cm by 17 cm.
  • Fetr, muline, gum for hair.
  • A needle with a thread, scissors.


  • Start on the back of the book, for which out of 12 small squares, sew the whole side of the cover. On the front of the cover, you can sew a pattern of fabric to your liking, as shown in the photo below.

  • Next, fold the back and spine together, and then stitch them on a typewriter. In the same way, do the front of the cover. After that, you need to smooth out all the seams and put the cover on the seal.
  • Sew the vatin to the inside of the book manually or on a typewriter. At the same stage, at the back of the cover, sew the rubber band, on which in the future your artisan book will be closed.

  • Next, fold together the front part of the cover and the front of the main cut of the fabric, after which sew the two parts, leaving a small part for turning.
  • Turn out the part and carefully sew the hole with a hidden seam. After that, you will need to smooth out all the seams.

  • In conclusion, it is necessary to make pages. To do this, stitch the pages from Vatin into the cover so that they are several cm less than the cover itself. You also select the filling yourself. The beautiful needle is ready.

How to tie a needleman with your own hands

A beautiful and original needle can be tied with hook or knitting needles, while receiving a very original accessory for needlework, as well as a spectacular addition to your interior. It is especially popular to make knitted needles with amigurumi in the form of cacti, turtles, hedgehogs and other figures.

Cactus needle - description

The needlewoman can be made in the form of a thorny cactus, which will definitely fit into any interior and will become a needlewoman an excellent assistant.

  • First of all, you will need green threads and knitting needles number 3.
  • Type 11 loops on the knitting needles.
  • 1st row: 1 front, 1 cloak, 1 front, 1 cloak and so on to the end of the row. It should turn out 21 loops.
  • 2nd row: all wrong.
  • 3rd row: as the first. As a result, 41 loops should turn out.
  • 4th row: all wrong.
  • 5th row: hem, 1 wrong, 1 front, 1 wrong, 1 front and so to the end.
  • 6th row: Imark, 1 persons., 1 out. Remove with crochet, 1 persons. 1 out. Remove with crochet, and so on until the end of the row.
  • 7th row: remove the hem, 1 wrong loop with crochet, a loop removed with crochet in the previous row, knit together with the front loop; We knit to the end of the row.
  • 8th row: Imark; The front loop we knit a crochet loop; out. Remove the loop with crochet; And so to the end of the row.
  • Next, we knit 7 and 8 rows. In the 52 row, knit an elastic band 1 by 1.
  • To 55 rows, we reduce the number of loops to 12.
  • The stretches of the thread through the loops and tightly tighten it, after which we fix the thread and sew it to the middle. Next, turn the cactus and fill it with synthetic winterizer, and then sew it.
  • Take a small flower pot and cut a foam circle along its upper diameter. Cut the middle from him to get a figure like a bagel.
  • Glue the foam on the pot and paint it. You can put pebbles inside to weighing the flowerpot.
  • Apply glue to the edges of the foam and pot and place a tied cactus in it.
  • The cactus can be decorated with flowers. Stuck -on pins and needles will be thorns.

How to knit a needle up a turtle

A crochet needle can be tied in the form of a funny turtle, which will certainly appeal to any needlewoman. Such a cute little thing can be a great gift and souvenir. In the video presented, you can see in detail the whole process of manufacturing such an accessory. By analogy with the given master class, you can also connect the hedgehog needle in the same amigurumi technique.

A do -it -yourself needle is a real work of art, which will not only be correctly helped in the process of creativity and needlework, but will also fit perfectly into any interior and give it a touch of elegance and delight.



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