
What is body ballet. Body ballet lessons for beginners - exercises. Body ballet at home

What is body ballet. Body ballet lessons for beginners - exercises. Body ballet at home
In this article we will tell you what body ballet is.

Among the many different directions of fitness is one of the most interesting - body ballet. If you dreamed of becoming a ballerina as a child, but for some reason you could not do it, then you will probably like the body-ballet for beginners. The fact that he represents, we will tell you in detail.

Body ballet: the essence and history of this dance aerobics

Body-ballet is called a type of fitness, which helps people to deal with their problem with overweight. This type of fitness can also be engaged in slender girls to keep their body as long as possible.

By the way, very many movements for dance in body ballet are taken from the real ballet. Only they are much easier - every girl can master them. Developed this unique slimming technique. The famous choreographer from the USA Lee Sarago. However, in Russia, this way of weight loss has become popular thanks to the activity of Ballerina Ilzy Liepé. She created a mix of classic ballet and Pilates and presented its development for everyone.

If you are interested in this direction, you can contact fitness centers in your city to talk with a trainer on body-ballet. Immediately, we note that he will offer you his author's methodology, but it will definitely include such steps:

  • workout for joints;
  • classes at the machine;
  • exercises that are performed without support;
  • exercises taken from Pilates;
  • stretching.

If you are shy to go to the public gym, you can do body ballet at home. We will present you several exercises from the body-ballet for adults and not only.

Body-ballet benefits

Body-ballet classes at home have a huge amount of advantages, which includes such items:

  1. It helps reduce weight. The pulse during class is expected, and thanks to this, fat is actively burned. Imagine how many calories and unnecessary kilograms you can reset if you can do at least 1.5 hours a day body ballet.
  2. Using the weight loss technique described in this article, you can not only lose weight, but also pull the muscles, create reliefs on the body to look sexy and attractive. In this case, muscle mass does not grow.
  3. According to the reviews of body ballet helps to restore the joints. Therefore, this direction of dance aerobics is recommended to all people who had to survive the injury.
  4. Body-ballet lessons normalize the work of cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In general, all organs begin to function normally, because they fully satisfy the entire organism with oxygen.
  5. Body ballet contributes flexibility and dexterity. After all, many different exercises are taken from gymnastics. You can better master your body.
  6. Each girl can become a graceful and beautiful, like any professional ballerina if he is engaged in body ballet.

But it is worth noting that only those representatives of beautiful sex can be engaged in such dance aerobics that have an excerpt, patience and will.

Contraindications for training Body-ballet

In fact, body ballet is suitable for everyone - both children and people in adulthood. However, there are several contraindications that need to be considered if you decide to engage in body ballet:

  1. In heart failure and ischemic disease, it is impossible to engage in dance aerobics.
  2. With thrombophlebitis and varicose veins, body ballet is also contraindicated.
  3. Those who are diagnosed with arthrosis or, for example, arthritis, especially if diseases have a staging of exacerbation, cannot be engaged in this dance aerobics.
  4. If you injured, bother or your muscle stretching, (especially if it all concerns the spine), you can not engage in body ballet.
  5. If chronic ailments are exacerbated, especially those related to the urogenital system, body ballet should not be considered as a way of weight loss.

What do you need to start the classes of body ballet?

To body-ballet brought results, you need to know what to do to the successful start of this activity. We will give you some recommendations that you need to stick to:

  • Highlight 1.5 hours of free time a day to devote their training.
  • Purchase special clothes in which you will be comfortable to do. It does not have to be dance things. You can buy a sports suit in which you can perform gymnastic movements.
  • Buy dance shoes, because sports will not suit you.

Body-ballet: Exercises

There are a lot of exercises in the baud-ballet, but you, as a newcomer, do not need to master them all at once. We will share with you the main types of exercises that you will easily perform at first:

  1. Stand smoothly, draw your stomach, spread the legs on the width, and stop the foot so that the socks look at different directions. Hands pull in front of them so that they are located at the level of the diaphragm and were slightly bent in the elbows. In such a position you need to make deep squats. In ballet, this is called "Grand Plie".
  2. Put the chair with the back. Enter on it, align your back and draw your stomach. Fix the housing so that all your weight lay on it. You need to take another leg and try to make it the wave as usual. In the ballet, this exercise is called "Grand Batman".
  3. Stain smoothly, put your hands on the waist, and feet tightly press each other, but take the socks in different directions. You need to alternately retard your leg forward, aside and back, taking off the floor sock. This exercise in the ballet is called "Batman Tandy".
  4. The next exercise is the same as the previous one, only you need not just to divert leg, taking off my sock. You need to completely tear it off from the floor by 45 degrees. This exercise is called "Batman Tandy Ship."
  5. Place one leg on the machine, and then make a few slopes of it, tightly pressing your body. After making 10 slopes on one leg, repeat the same exercise on another leg.

After you master the above-mentioned exercises, you can begin to more complicated. A multitude of video lessons and photos on the body-ballet, which you can download and carefully study, in the future to become a professional fitness trainer to become a professional fitness coach in the future.

Video: Body Ballet


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