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How to care for suede

How to care for suede
Methods and tools for sucking.

Clothing and shoes made of natural suede are significant and elasticity, it looks attractive and stylish, it is convenient and comfortable to walk in it. However, this material will require careful care. Contraindication with water is contraindicated, in addition, it gets dirty quite easily. Observing the simple rules for caring for this material, it is quite possible to learn how to maintain suede shoes in perfect condition.

How to care for suede: what is this material

In fact, natural suede is a specially treated skin of various animals of not very large sizes. This name is from the Polish word “zamsz”, which, in turn, from a French word with a similar pronunciation, meaning “sulfur”. Due to the special dressing, the short pile of this material forms a characteristic front layer, which gives products from suede special elegance. The legendary Coco Chanel has repeatedly mentioned that suede shoes give women grace, and men who prefer it demonstrate their good taste. Products from suede (clothes, shoes, as well as gloves) are characterized by a soft, velvety and porous surface, look very attractive and elegant. Slow shoes are very comfortable in operation, in it the leg practically does not sweat. It is worth noting that this material is capricious in operation, as it quickly gets dirty and passes moisture, although as it swells, it stops getting wet.  In the absence of careful sugar care, such products can quickly lose their attractive appearance.  In modern conditions, many manufacturers make its artificial analogues as an alternative to natural suede.


The following methods are used for the manufacture of artificial suede:

  • a woven method using microfiber threads, which is specially connected to the canvas. Further, with the help of special equipment, its fibers are split into villi, which form suede pile. The quality of woven artificial suede depends on the cost of time for its processing, as well as the density and weight of the material. It is often difficult to distinguish it from a natural analogue;
  • non -woven method - in such cases, in the manufacture of fabric, loops are added, subsequently turning into villi. In addition, villi can be pasted on it that imitates natural suede pile.

Choosing their own shoes, many people are primarily guided by considerations of practicality. If you are interested in how to care at home for suede, it is worth considering that this material is very whimsical and demanding to care. A careless attitude to suede can manifest itself by the fact that it will lose an aesthetic appearance in a short time and will become unusable. Thus, caring for suede shoes, you will need to show care and attention.


How to care for suede at home

It is no secret that many problems are easier to prevent than to eliminate. To extend the service life of a product from suede as much as possible, care should be started with preventive measures. Prevention often costs noticeably cheaper, and suede in this regard is no exception.

First you should understand the following:

  • when planning, how to care for suede, it should be taken into account that this material is demanding to care and does not tolerate inattention. But in the presence of careful care, such products will undoubtedly delight with their refined look;
  • the demi -season and winter shoes from suede, in fact, are not intended for daily wearing in any weather. Since this material does not tolerate dampness, in raw and rainy weather, as well as with significantly increased humidity, suede shoes should be postponed before a clear day without precipitation.

How to care for suede: prevention

To prevent moisture to penetrate when exposed to precipitation in the form of snow and rain, as well as absorption of dust and chemicals, suede shoes should be treated with a special water -repellent impregnation. In the autumn, on the streets you can observe the accumulation of fallen leaves, as well as a significant amount of dust and dirt. In this case, even in the absence of significant precipitation, shoes can be covered with an unaesthetic grayish raid in a short time. In winter, spectacular boots and natural suede boots can be negatively exposed to wet snow, as well as dirt and salt. The chemical reagents that sprinkle the streets to increase the patency of roads and sidewalks are eaten into delicate suede and may well lead to addictions for this type of shoe.

Upon arrival home from a store with a new pair of suede, you should wipe it with a fabric cloth or walk along its surface with a soft brush, and then treat it with a special water -repellent composition in the form of a spray. This protective agent, uniformly sprayed on the surface of suede shoes, covers its surface with an invisible layer that helps to avoid the effects of moisture, as well as dirt and salt. Such preventive measures to care for suede at home will protect this material from external influences even in the most unpredictable weather conditions, and will also avoid unnecessary worries associated with cleaning shoes. Due to the processing by a special remedy of suede, it will be much less dirty, in addition, it will become much easier to clean it.


Primary processing of suede must be done at least three stages:

  • first, you should spray to the surface of the shoes aerosol (in this case, you should pay particular attention to the lower part of the products), and leave it completely dry away from direct heat sources in the form of heating radiators, heaters;
  • next, you should re -apply the spray and leave the shoes to dry;
  • after that, the procedure should be repeated again.

You should go to the street only after the completely dry sucks. It is recommended to process shoes on the eve of the planned exit.

How to care for suede: cleaning

In winter, dust and dirt on the streets are mainly absent. In dry weather, upon arrival home, it will be enough to shake snow from suede shoes, wipe it with flannel cloth and leave to dry in a cool place, away from heat sources. Washed shoes from suede will need to be filled with newspapers and left to dry away from heaters and batteries of central heating. Having waited for its complete drying, you can proceed directly to cleaning suede.

If you happened to stain shoes from suede, and liquid dirt has dried up on boots, it is recommended to act as follows:

  • shake off that part of the dirt that crumbles;
  • next, it is necessary to lightly, without pressure, wipe the surface of the suede with a soft cloth (for example, flannel);
  • after that, you need to carefully clean the shoes - for this you should prepare a solution of ordinary washing powder (without a bleach), slightly moisten a sponge or brush in it, and then treat the surface of the suede with it;
  • next, you need to wipe it with a moisturized fabric cloth and finally “sanding” with dry silk fabric. If, after such cleaning, the surface of the suede has acquired a “licked” look, it will be necessary to restore its structure by processing the shoes with a soft brush and holding it for several minutes above the pan or a nose of a kettle with boiling water.

How to care for suede: useful tips

In general, when operating shoes from suede, the following tips should be taken into account:

  • immediately after a walk, it is recommended to clean shoes from suede. In no case should you use a regular shoe cream, it is necessary to use a special tool for sucking in the form of a foam-duster. It is not recommended to use funds on a synthetic basis, so they can destroy the structure of the suede pile. With the help of a porous sponge or brush and foam, in just a couple of minutes, you can effectively eliminate any traces of dust and dirt from the suede surface;
  • if you came from the street into the ground, wet shoes from suede, you will first need to dry it. To do this, fill its crumpled paper inside (for example, newspapers). Having waited for the complete drying of the shoes in a natural way, you will need to process it with the help of a brush. In order to avoid the appearance of whitish stains, it is recommended to clean the problem areas of suede - for this you should moisten the brush in soapy solution with the addition of ammonia. After that, it will be necessary to wipe the shoes with a damp fabric cloth, and then cut it with a piece of silk fabric;
  • to restore the brightness of the color of suede and soften its ripe surface, a special paint is used in the form of an aerosol. To refresh this material, you can also apply a transparent spray. These suede care products also have water -repellent properties;

  • to remove oily shine and stains that have come into suede, it is worth buying a special or ordinary clerical eraser. In addition, for these purposes, you can purchase a brush for cleaning suede with rubber dentures or elastic rubber. It is convenient to use a special tool - a double or triple brush, on the one side of which there is a bristle, on the other, rubber and/or rubberized cloves are placed. A similar tool for sucking is small in size. If desired, it can be worn with you so that at any time, shoes can be brought into proper condition.

How to care for suede: the use of improvised means

Slow shoes, painted in a dark color, can be quite effectively tinted with coffee grounds - for this you need to clean it with a brush moistened with the remnants of custody coffee. Due to the use of such a procedure, the color of suede will acquire saturation.

If the surface of the suede shoe is healed, it is easy to give it matte with the use of ordinary baking soda - for this you should add 1 tsp. Its on a glass of warm milk, and then wipe the problem areas with a cotton swab. The dairy mixture can also be replaced with vinegar solution-for this, 1 tbsp should be dissolved. vinegar in 4 tbsp. water. Next, it will be necessary to wipe the suede moisturized in clean water with a cloth.  In emergency cases, when contaminating of suede, you can resort to a proven folk remedy - gently wipe the stained place with a crust of black bread.

How to care for sucking artificial

Products made of high -quality artificial suede are almost not inferior in many respects to their natural analogue. Care for artificial suede is not particularly complicated. In the presence of significant contaminants of a cotton-based polyester with hardening protective impregnation, it can be washed at a temperature of 30-40 ° C with the addition of powder for delicate washing. After that, it will be necessary to rinse the suede with cool water and gently get it off with a dry towel to remove the remaining moisture (otherwise, not aesthetic whitish stains may form on its surface). Artificial suede products need to be dried in a straightened state at room temperature.

How to care for suede - photo



How to care for suede - video



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