
How to get rid of mold on the walls

How to get rid of mold on the walls
Mold does not tolerate compromises: either she or you. We will tell you how to protect yourself and our family from a dangerous fungus.

What mold looks like, everyone knows: black stains on the walls and green spots on bread have a not very aesthetic appearance. But what is this attack, not every of us imagines. Meanwhile, mold should be rid of mold at all costs, because it is fraught with a real threat to human health! Just and for all, to expel an uninvited guest from your home, our article will tell.

Mold is a microorganism, the disputes of which, having special equipment, can be found in almost every dwelling. In most cases, equipment and equipment will not be needed: as soon as more or less favorable conditions for the development of mold spores appear, this problem acquires a visible and large-scale nature. Traces of microorganism are sometimes found in the most unexpected places: mold fungus lives on concrete, wood, wood fillers, protein glue, linen, paper, food - in a word, wherever humidity is increased.


A piece of cheese, which was covered with mold “patterns”, we immediately send to the garbage bucket, but what about to do with a blackened wall in the kitchen or in the bathroom? Of course, it is possible to replace spoiled wallpaper or tiles, but unauthorized: the insidious fungus rises again some time after the repair. Our ancestors solved such a problem in a fundamentally, burning houses where mold settled. But it is unlikely that we are ready for such radical measures. In the article you will find more acceptable ways of struggle against mold on the walls.

What is important to know about mold

Mold is a microscopic fungus of white, black, red, blue or green. Black mold is most often penetrated into houses and apartments. Her favorite places are a kitchen, a bathroom, a toilet, basements.

The fungus is propagated by spores. A box with spores formed on the body of the fungus quickly bursts and disputes fall into the environment. As soon as they find comfortable conditions for themselves, they will certainly germinate. The high viability of mold is explained by an astronomical amount of its dispute, which make microorganism almost indestructible. Dampness and lack of ventilation generate endless colonies of fungi in the room.  The most suitable temperature for the growth of mold is 20 - 30 0C over a humidity over 60%.


The dispute division process can be compared with a snow avalanche - the fungus multiplies so quickly. Traces of mold first are a single character, modestly appearing here and there in the bathroom or on damp lingerie. However, very soon the fungus is gaining strength and directly before our eyes occupies all new territories.  Home remedies for mold on the walls - vinegar or hydrogen peroxide - unfortunately, have only a temporary effect.

There are disputes of the ubiquitous fungus even in the air. No wonder scientists argue that the coexistence of man and mold microorganism has billions of years.  In terms of resistance, endurance and ability to adapt to this fungus, there are no equal.


The effect of mold on human health

The prolonged neighborhood of people and the fungus was not in vain: in a sense, we “tamed” invincible disputes and began to use them for the benefit. So, mold today is used in medical, wine and food spheres.

At the same time, ancient manuscripts warn: if mold disappeared into your house, burn it to the ground and leave this place as far as possible. Why our ancestors were so afraid of the fungus invisible to the eye, modern scientists explain - mold on the walls is dangerous for human health. Colaral microorganism provokes the development of such diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • laryngitis;
  • tracheitis;
  • bronchitis;
  • stomatitis;
  • eczema;
  • candidiasis;
  • kidney pathologies;
  • nasal bleeding;
  • severe allergic reactions;
  • chronic sinusitis;
  • violation of the efficiency of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • violation of the operability of the musculoskeletal system.

The symptomatic picture of pathological conditions caused by spores of mold is manifested in the form of cough, nausea, vomiting, cold, headache.  In addition, mold irrevocably spoils all the objects that concerns - books, wooden panels, wallpaper, fabric.

Many are quite calm about the appearance of fungus and mold on the walls of their home, but such a pest cannot be underestimated! The influence of microorganism on the health of children and adults is cumulative - the intensity of the symptoms is growing gradually. For example, at first, the child suddenly from where the chronic rhinitis or cough appears from where. Later, this condition can be complicated by a frequent headache or conjunctivitis. In addition, the baby begins to quickly get tired and capricious. Unfortunately, a rare mother will be able to understand that with all the wine “ordinary” mold, not a draft or a seasonal infection.


The main danger of black mold lies in its high toxicity. The endless colonies of the dispute distinguish between aphlotoxins. After these toxic substances penetrate the human body through the pores of the skin, mouth and nose, they begin to accumulate there. Over time, these “deposits” can serve as an impetus to the development of cancer disease, since it is this body that is responsible for the neutralization of toxins. If the liver does not fully cope with harmful substances, then the body will soon begin to suffer from general intoxication.

The reasons for the appearance of mold on the walls in the apartment

The question is why a fungus arises, most often the owners of recently repaired apartments are asked, on the walls of which black splashes of mold had already managed to appear.   How do dangerous disputes fall into our dwellings? The approximate sequence of this process is as follows:

  1. Microorganism “moves” into a house or apartment on shoes, upper things, products or pets wool.
  2. Getting into a favorable nutrient medium (namely such conditions in our homes), disputes begin to share at the astronomical speed. The fungus on paper, wood, indoor plants, tissues develops successfully.
  3. The best microclimate for mold in rooms with high humidity (about 50 - 60%) and poor ventilation. As you already guessed, this is a bathroom, a kitchen and a toilet. The foci of the fungus appear primarily there.
  4. Under the sight of molds, there are always apartments located on the first and last floors. Microorganism appears there due to a raw cellar with poor waterproofing or poor-quality roof insulation, respectively.

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Experts call the main causes of the appearance of the fungus in the living room:

  • improper circulation of air flows, due to which air in the room stagnates;
  • increased humidity, which causes the regular use of air humidifiers, a large number of pots with indoor plants, frequent drying of linen in the room;
  • the use of drywall in construction and finishing work. This material, in the presence of the first two reasons, becomes an ideal environment for the spread of mold.

Before deploying a military campaign against the fungal dispute, you need to find out the cause of its appearance and certainly eliminate it, otherwise all your efforts to cleanse housing from mold will be in vain.

How to remove mold from the walls

The solution to the problem should be extremely complex. It is not enough just to remove the walls of the apartment from black spots - it is important not to leave the fungus of the notorious chance of revival. Here is a general action plan to eliminate toxic disputes:

  1. We carry out mechanical cleaning of walls, floor and ceiling from black spots and divorces.
  2. We cover all the favorite places of the fungus with a remedy that destroys mold.
  3. We get rid of things that were spoiled by mold. Remember that the fungus puts a large and oily point on the operation of any porous materials, wallpaper and upholstered furniture, which mold literally corrodes from the inside.
  4. We regularly ventilate the room for free air circulation.
  5. Reduce the overall level of humidity in the room.


Popular ways to eliminate black mold on the walls


The active substance of the means that is well known to everyone in economic everyday life - sodium hypochlorite. Aggressive and less toxic compared to special primer components is dangerous for both the fungus itself and for its dispute. An ordinary bleach can be destroyed by almost all types of mold in a dwelling.

It is convenient to process tiles in the bathroom, glass and floor. Use a mixture of a bleach with water in a ratio of 1 to 10, respectively. Keep in mind that the bleach has corrupt properties, so it can discolor and spoil many things. When processing the surfaces on which the fungus settled, be very careful - the chemical solution greatly damages the skin of the hands. To prevent this from happening, work in rubber gloves. Also make sure that all windows in the room are open for ventilation.


Dining vinegar is a solution of weak acid, with which you can neutralize about 80% of the varieties of mold. There is no getting away from the specific smell of vinegar, but this liquid is not toxic, like a bleach.

To remove mold from the walls, treat all the foci of the fungus with vinegar. For convenience, use the sprayer: irrigate all surfaces affected by spores of the fungus. After 1 - 1.5 hours, rinse them with water and be sure to ventilate the room. In order to prevent the re -appear of terrible black spots, problem areas are treated with vinegar weekly.


Hydrogen peroxide.

This tool has pronounced antibacterial and antifungal properties, so it is best suited to combat mold. You can purchase a hydrogen peroxide solution at any pharmacy. The advantages of the drug include absolute safety for health and the lack of an unpleasant odor.

The peroxide needs to thoroughly rinse all the places in the apartment where the mold settled. After 10 minutes, dirty stains are removed with a hard brush. However, remember that this tool, like the bleach, has a clarifying effect, so it can ruin the fabrics and stained surfaces.


The tool successfully copes with the destruction of mold, which appeared on the non -vorous surface of the tile or glass, but for cleansing porous materials it is not suitable.

Mix ammonia and water in equal proportions, and then use the foci of the fungus using a sprayer. After a few hours, rinse the treated areas with water. Using ammonia, you need to work in a mask, since the product can provoke the appearance of a headache and sore throat.

In no case do not mix the ammonia and bleach - this explosive mixture releases toxic gas into the surrounding space!


Baking soda.

A safe household cleaner is a good assistant in the fight against mold. There are no aggressive components in the baking soda, so it will not harm either to you or your children.  1 tsp. Dissolve in 1 tbsp. water and thoroughly treat the infected surface with a solution. By the way, then you can not wash your soda completely, then it will become a reliable protection from the re -appearance of the fungus.

Take folk recipes

How to treat walls from mold, if none of the above tips helped you? Folk medicine has its own opinion on this score. Here are a few useful, in our opinion, recommendations.

  1. One of the most popular natural products to combat mold was and remains a drill. It is famous for its fungicidal, herbicidal and insecticidal properties. Being a natural inhibitor of a mold fungus, a drill in the form of a water solution easily copes with black stains on the walls.  Before the direct use of the drill, go along the infected area of \u200b\u200bthe wall with a brush of a thin cleaning vacuum cleaner. Then connect 1 tbsp. Boers with 2.5 liters of water and wipe the molds with this solution. Then get wet with a piece of dry fabric to eliminate excess moisture. It is not necessary to rinse the solution - it will protect the surface from a re -invasion of the fungus.
  2. Use a solution of copper sulfate: dissolve about 100 g of matter in 10 liters of water. Take into account that the product will leave a light bluish tint on the surface that you will process.
  3. If mold problems have not yet moved into the category of global, you can try to save the situation using a concentrated solution of laundry soap containing alkali.
  4. Moderate foci of mold will not be able to resist the oil of tea tree. Connect 2 tsp. aromatic oil in 2 tbsp. Water, then fill the sprayer with the prepared tool and evenly distribute the product on the infected surface. The protective film, which is formed as a result of the procedure, does not need to be washed off.
  5. A lot of positive reviews in the fight against black mold gathered grapefruita extract. Add 10 - 15 drops of this amazing disinfectant to a glass of water, and then spray it over the surfaces infected with disputes. Then it is not necessary to wash off such a solution: its antibacterial effect has a prolonged effect.


How to remove black mold on the walls in the bathroom

Black spots and stains on the tile of the bathroom can be safely eliminated using a bleach, having previously combined it with water in a proportion of 1 to 10. Chlorine in this product effectively destroys fungal disputes. Carefully process the clusters of mold with sponge, rag or spray. It is not necessary to rinse the disinfectant solution from the surface. It should be noted that the bleach effectively affects incorrect surfaces, while the chipboard and wooden materials can not get into the head of the drywall.


The mold loves the bathroom most of all: in this room, the humidity level is always an order of magnitude higher than in the other rooms of the dwelling. In order to eliminate mold and prevent the repeated appearance of an uninvited guest, during the repair of a house or apartment you need to take care of arranging high -quality ventilation, control so that all the loosely fitted plumbing and sewer joints are strengthened by special seals. In order to forget about mold for good, heating is increased in the bathroom. It is also important in this room to make good thermal insulation so that the walls do not freeze and not be damp. Save on health, choosing materials cheaper, is not worth it. By the way, the budget insulation polystyrene foam will only accelerate the process of developing and growing the spores of mold.

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They proceed to the direct struggle with the fungus if ventilation and humidity in the bathroom are in order. A special antiseptic primer will help you succeed, it is sold in many stores selling building materials. The tool not only eliminates the fungus, but also blocks the propagation of its dispute.

Before applying a protective solution to infected areas, all surfaces disfigured by black traces of mold are cleaned with a spatula. It doesn’t matter how deeply the pest came in: all spoiled layers are removed, up to the concrete or brick wall. Then a uniform layer of primer is applied to the absolutely dry surface of the wall. For convenience, you can use a painting roller or brush. It will take about 7 hours to make the protective layer completely dry. Then they apply another layer of primer and wait for it to dry. Only now the walls can be covered with wallpaper or painted.


The fight against mold using special antiseptics

When a stubborn struggle with the fungus does not bring the desired result, you need to take cardinal measures. Special compositions will help to destroy mold and its disputes:

  • Anlas Mykos is an antifungal drug with a high level of efficiency suitable for use both indoors and outside. This tool can be destroyed even by an old fungal plaque;
  • Profilux is an antiseptic composition designed to combat molds on wooden materials. It can also be used for preventive purposes. After processing Profilux, natural surfaces can slightly change the color;
  • Antisept is a primer intended for use in the process of construction and repair work. It not only has an antiseptic effect, but also contributes to better clutch of materials;
  • Schimmel Vernichter is a household tool that is used to cleanse and disinfect various surfaces in the house.


How to get rid of mold smell

When molds occupy more and more surfaces in the apartment, an unpleasant musty smell appears in your house. He will torment you until all his sources are eliminated. How to deal with molds, we have already discussed. We offer you a way to temporarily eliminate the fungal smell. Pour the soda with mold with mold and leave it for half an hour, then remove the soda with a vacuum cleaner.

During each cleaning, add a certain amount of tea tree to water to wash the floors and wiping dust. The natural remedy will fill the room with a pleasant aroma and disinfect the air in it.


How to prevent improving humidity in the room

If you defeated mold, this does not mean that it will not return again. To prevent this from happening, follow the normal level of humidity in the rooms. You can prevent its increase by following the following recommendations:

  1. A faulty ventilation system in the kitchen and bathroom is subject to repair or complete replacement.
  2. Drying linen in a closed room is strictly prohibited.
  3. The premises need to be regularly ventilated.
  4. Humidity can be reduced using a special air drainage.
  5. To normalize the moisture level at the corners of the apartment or house, you can lay out the crushed pills of activated coal mixed with salt. The mixture is changed once every 6 - 7 days.

How to remove mold from the bathroom. Video


Igor 11.09.2017 Answer

Use better this tool. “Ambulance against mold” is a 5% solution of biopag disinfectant in a convenient 450 ml of a spray nozzle. After processing, the product prevents mold growth on surfaces for 4 to 6 months. The drug has no smell, safe for people and pets. It has proven itself in rooms with high humidity (fish processing production, pools).
