
How to cook soft -boiled eggs, plowed, in a bag. How to cook eggs in the microwave. How to cook eggs in a slow cooker

How to cook soft -boiled eggs, plowed, in a bag. How to cook eggs in the microwave. How to cook eggs in a slow cooker
Ways to cook eggs are screwed, soft, in a bag, a plowing. How to cook eggs in order to and without a shell.

Eggs have everything that our body is necessary for life. They contain about ten different vitamins, animal proteins, as well as carbohydrates and fats. As a result, you will remain full until dinner. To cook them, you do not need to sit for several hours in the kitchen. And the purchase will not ruin your wallet. Today we will talk about how to properly cook eggs, how to cook eggs in order to better clean. All this is not only awaiting you further.

How to boil a soft and screwed egg?

Well, we will start our journey through the world of fast and tasty egg dishes from the simplest, but very tasty - boiled eggs. They can be added to various salads, stuffed and simply served on the table with something edible, whether it is greens, bacon, cheese, or ordinary mayonnaise, everything rests only on your imagination and, of course, opportunities.

In order to boil a hard -boiled egg or software you will need:

  • Chicken eggs (choose a quantity for your needs).
  • Salt.
  • A pan, which is filled with water.

Here are a couple of tips that will help when cooking eggs:

  • If you are not sure of the quality of the eggs, it is enough to lower them into the water. Fresh eggs fall immediately to the bottom, and the spoiled ones pop up.
  • 10 minutes before cooking eggs, pull the egg from the refrigerator if you want them to be welded evenly.
  • In order for the eggs to be cleaned better, they must be very fresh (a maximum of three days). We also do not advise you to cook cold eggs - they can crack. We recommend cooking over low heat, as the shell can crack due to severe water on water.

Important: it is forbidden to cook eggs for more than 20 minutes, since it is believed that such cooking is harmful to humans, and beneficial substances will be poorly absorbed by the body.

Next, we will start detailed instructions for the preparation of gas eggs on gas:

  • Pour water into the pan and add one pinch of salt.
  • Boil water.
  • After the water boiled, carefully lower the eggs with a spoon into hot water. Be vigilant when you lower it, try not to break the eggs and not burn yourself.
  • Wait 4-5 minutes.
  • The soft eggs are ready, you can pull it out of the pan and cool.

Now let's look at how to properly cook the eggs on the gas:

  • We pass the points that are described earlier, only now you will need to wait 10 minutes, instead of 3 minutes. This, perhaps, is the whole difference.

How to cook an egg in a bag?

The egg is in the bag - not every housewife knows about this method of cooking. Meanwhile, eggs prepared in this way are a very tasty and even exquisite dish. So, how to cook eggs in a bag at home?

We will use the following instructions:

  • Boil the eggs screwed.
  • Cut them in half.
  • We leave the protein not touched, but the yolk will need to be pulled out and wiped.
  • Mix our yolk with butter.
  • If desired, you can add a paste from the liver, fried mushrooms, green onions.
  • Serve eggs in a bag like a cold snack.

How to cook a PASHOT egg?

Perhaps some noticed the so -called Pashot eggs in the restaurant menu, they ordered them at the first glance, at the first tasting, the question was asked in your head: “How to cook the same eggs at home?” After all, the taste of these eggs discovered for you something more than what you cook at home.

The plowing egg is cooked without a shell and, it would seem, there is nothing easier, just break the egg into boiling water, but in fact it is far from the case. When cooking, there are a lot of nuances. To cook the Pashot egg, you need to know some of the subtleties of preparation, which we will tell you further:

  • First you need to choose a small pan and fill it with water by 4 cm.
  • Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water, since without it the egg will blur through the water and you will have to start cooking again.
  • Next will require a fresh egg (no more than 3 days).
  • We bring the water to a boil, reduce the temperature of the fire by a minimum and wait until the water is drilling.
  • Then we take a spoon and, rotating it in a circle, create a kind of whirlpool. At this moment, carefully put an egg in the funnel. Try to leave the yolk whole!
  • Then wait for 1 min, then turn off the heat and let the egg for ten minutes will lie down in the water.
  • After expectations, stretch out an egg with a spoon out of the water. To get rid of water residues, place the egg on a paper towel, if suddenly there are no napkins at hand, then you can use any other paper.
  • You can serve with any sauce.

There are still a couple of options for how to cook the pashot eggs:

  • Wait for the moment when the pan will boil with water.
  • Set the smallest fire.
  • Slue the food film with vegetable, butter or olive oil.
  • Place the film you just lubricated in a cup.
  • Break a fresh egg into it.
  • Tie the ends of the film with a thread and lower it into a pan with boiling water.
  • Cook for about five minutes. You can experiment over time. The longer, the cooler we get the yolk.
  • Put the finished egg on rye bread and season with any spices at your discretion.

And the second option, how to properly cook the eggs of the Pashot. However, now we will not need a pot of water and do not have to create funnels:

  • To begin with, take a large cup, preferably 0.5 liters and pour cold water into it.
  • Break the egg into a cup and put in a microwave. It is necessary to put on such a time that the water in the cup warms up to 80 ° C. The time that needs to be installed depends on the power of your microwave.
  • After the microwave oven warmed up a cup of water and egg inside, drain the water. If you do not like the final result, repeat this procedure again, since you will not have to spin the funnels in your pan and stuff a food film into the cup.

How to cook an egg in a slow cooker?

In the yard of the 21st century, many in the kitchen have such a kitchen device as a slow cooker. Those who bought a slow cooker probably wondered: “How to properly cook eggs in a miracle technique?” There are a huge number of multicoars from different manufacturers, but the most popular are Redmond, Philips, Panasonic. In these slow cookers, you can cook eggs with two options.

The first method is to make eggs for steam:

  • Pour four glasses of water into the vessel, which is in a slow cooker.
  • Put a special steam grid.
  • Put the eggs on the grid that has just been put and activate the “double boiler” or “steam” mode.
  • Put the timer for 8 minutes, if you need software eggs. If you want the eggs in charge, set the timer for 14 minutes.
  • During cooking, the shell can crack, so we recommend that you pierce it with a needle on the dull side.
  • By the way, in a slow cooker it is possible to cook at the same time different food. For example, put the eggs steamed, and in the bowl from the bottom a potato, buckwheat or something else.

Now let's move on to the second option for cooking eggs. We will cook in a bowl of water:

  • Add water to the bowl, a pinch of salt.
  • Put eggs in the vessel, which is in a slow cooker.
  • Activate the “steam” or “double boiler” mode.
  • Put a timer for 5 minutes if you want a soft software, or 10 minutes for steep eggs.
  • The eggs are ready, you can pull it out of the water and cool.

How to cook quail eggs?

In addition to chicken, you can cook quail eggs. They are much smaller than chicken, weigh only up to 15 g (chicken up to 60 g, although there are times when the chicken can demolish the egg in the size of a quail). However, before we start talking about the preparation of quail eggs, let's talk a little about what they are so useful.

Just as in the chicken, the eggs of the peppers have a huge number of amino acids, vitamins, trace elements. Quail eggs are record holders in the phosphorus content, potassium. In addition, they are easily absorbed. The eggs have a huge amount of calcium, so many recommend them to feed small children, people who need calcium, pregnant women.

  • They are also very useful for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus and various allergies.
  • In addition, they are still used in many cuisines of the world. The egg is added to various cocktails, salads, pizzas.
  • Some readers of this article are interested in: “Can I use raw quail eggs?” Yes, like the chicken, they are quite edible even in raw form. However, although this product is very useful, without heat treatment they can pose a threat due to the possibility of infecting salmonella. Therefore, if your eggs are not from a home quail, it is not recommended to eat them fresh.

The difficulty of cooking the eggs of the quail lies in the fact that the shell is quite delicate, and the eggs themselves are small. Therefore, it is very important to cook eggs in the correct algorithm, so that in the end they turn out without damage and not digested.

What is the best way to cook the boobs of the soft -boiled software? Let's look at the detailed instructions:

  • Before cooking, it is advisable to rinse raw eggs under running water.
  • A sufficient amount of water needs to be poured into the pan so that the eggs are completely covered.
  • Add a pinch of salt and bring water to a boil.
  • Without damage, immerse the quail eggs in a pan.
  • Cook no more than 2 minutes.
  • At the end, drain the boiling water and zone to dial cold water into the pan so that the cleaning from the shell does not bring labor.

And in this way you can correctly cook the eggs of the quail hardly:

  • For cooking eggs, you need to repeat the above actions. The difference is only in cooking time - you need 5 minutes. You can also put eggs immediately in cold water, but as soon as the water begins to boil, you need to turn off the fire.

How to cook eggs in the microwave?

In the modern world, we always rush somewhere, sometimes we do not have enough time to become and fry a simple scrambled eggs, so some people use a microwave not only as a tool for warming up cold food, but even cook in it.

So, in order to prepare a hard egg in the microwave, you need:

  • Special dishes - sometimes a glass plate comes to the furnace. You can also use ordinary plates from the cabinet.

Important: a vessel in which there is a golden border is not suitable for the microwave. Never try to turn on the furnace with this dish, otherwise the outcome will be very sad, starting with the usual failure of the stove and ending with a crack in the plate and the smeared walls of the microwave!

  • One raw egg.
  • A pinch of salt.
  • 400-500 ml of water.
  • Needle.

We move directly to the preparation:

  • Now you will need to wash the egg. Pierce the egg’s shell so deep that the film bursts under it (in this way we remove the possibility of explosion of the egg).
  • Carefully put it in the bowl side, where you did not pierce.
  • Make sure that the egg does not turn over and the yolk with the protein does not flow out.
  • Now run the timer on your microwave for 7 minutes at medium power.
  • When the microwave finish finishes to work, put the egg in ice water so that the shell will better move away from the protein.
  • To prepare the soft -soft egg, you will need to repeat the same actions as when cooking, only now you need to put a timer for 3 minutes at a power of 400 watts.

How to cook an egg without a shell?

This question is disturbed by many housewives, but there is actually nothing complicated in the preparation process, and now you yourself will be convinced of this.

We propose to consider the most common option for making eggs without a shell - in the microwave. For this dish, you will need:

  • A deep plate that can be put in a microwave oven is desirable.
  • One egg.
  • Food film (so that your microwave does not get dirty during cooking).


  • Break the egg so as not to damage the yolk, add a pinch of salt.
  • Cover the dish with a film so that it does not touch the egg.
  • Set the power of 350 watts for 2 min 30 seconds. Every 30 seconds stop and see the level of readiness.
  • At the end of the timer, take out the dishes with our egg and let it cool for a couple of minutes.

The key to successfully cooked eggs, whether it is screwed, soft, or a pashot from the eggs of a quail - in fresh eggs. When the egg is fresh, the protein is more elastic and better keeps the shape. To find out how fresh the egg is, just dip it in a pot of water. If it falls on the bottom with a blunt end, know - an egg is already a week at least. But if the egg lies on the bottom side, you can not worry, the egg is fresh enough and use it, recommended. Bon appetit!

Video: How to cook software, in a bag and steep?



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