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How to care for cactus in a pot at home. Homemade Cactus: Watering, Landing, Reproduction - Instructions

How to care for cactus in a pot at home. Homemade Cactus: Watering, Landing, Reproduction - Instructions
The article is told how to care for cacti at home, depending on the variety and type of culture.

Many believe that the cactus is an unpretentious plant that does not require much care. However, everything is not so simple. These plants need care, as well as other deciduous cultures growing at home. It is the opinion that the pots with cacti absorb harmful radiation, so they should be placed on the written tables near the computer. But it is not necessary to do this, since, being in such conditions, the plant may soon perish. Next, consider in more detail how to care for cactium at home so that they have rejected you for a long time with their originality and beauty.

How to care for cactis in a pot: General rules

Features of home cacti

Before you find out how to properly care for a cactus, you should familiarize yourself with the features of this culture:

  • These plants have a special structure. So, instead of leaves, they have a thickened green stem that accumulates moisture needed for the growth and life of culture. Given this, cacti can be in a dry and sunny place for a long time.
  • The stalk of the plant, depending on its variety, can have a different structure. It can be an absolutely smooth, coated wax, bug, with recesses, etc.
  • Instead of leaflets, this culture has spines, the size of which can vary from 2 mm to 6-7 cm.
  • These plants are different in height. It can be both tall-minded duties and low-rise decorative "dwarfs".
  • Cacti has very interesting and beautiful flowering. For example, some varieties of this culture can bloom exclusively at night.

Cactus: Care and conditions of irrigation at home

Watering conditions during the care of cacti at home:

  • Cacti do not like abundant watering, so if you have not made moisture under the root of the plant on schedule, it will not affect his "health".
  • Best of all cacti water melt water.
  • In the Spring and Summer period, this culture should be watered every other day.
  • In the fall and in winter, cacti watered once a week.

Types of home cacti

At home, a large number of cacti is grown. These beautiful plants can create an atmosphere of comfort and calm indoors. Next, consider the names and care for cactis.

By its structure, form and astolo habitat, cacti are divided into several basic groups:

1. Deserted. These include several species:

  • Ceres.
  • Mummilia.
  • Echinocacts.
  • Echinocereers.

For plants of this group, the presence of thin leaves (barns) is characterized, which is due to their habitat.

2. Forest. This group includes:

  • Epiphillum.
  • Decembrist.
  • Discocate.
  • Prickly pear.
  • Melocactus.

Plants of this group in nature are found in the forest area, as well as on the slopes of the mountains. They are characterized by a well-developed root system, wide leaves, thanks to which they are more like deciduous plants.

3. Indoor cacti. This group combines those species that are adapted to grow in room conditions and in greenhouses. It includes:

  • Cactus Cargo.
  • Cactus Slubberger (Decembrist).
  • Cactus Echinopsis.
  • Cactus anthimonocalysis.

Care and reproduction of cacti at home

If you wondered how to care for the blooming cactus, then note that an important part in care is to use the correct method of reproduction of culture.

The most commonly used three ways of reproduction of cacti:

  • Seeds. Before planting seeds into a landing container, they must be prepared. For this, planting material is heated, and placed in a clean capacity. In the landing container, the soil should be well drained. For this, sand and crushed stone is used. Seeds deepen into the soil and pour the earth. Seeds usually take part in a week.
  • Shining. Start the preparation of cuttings in the autumn period. As a landing material, in this case, the controversial shoots of the cactus will be suitable. Cutted crop cuttings dry in a warm place for 1 week. Next, they are planted into landing containers with soil, which should be peat and sand. The seedlings in March or April are usually rooted.
  • Vaccinations. This method is commonly used to improve the flowering of the plant. In this case, the cutting sections and the lead should be "at an angle". In addition, the inlet and the lead should be the same size. Next, the cable is applied to the cutting section and fixed with fine rubber band. The lock can be removed after 1 week.

Instruction: How to care for cactus at home

Home Cactus Cargo - Care

Care for cactis Cargo is to maintain the optimal temperature of the room, humidity and illumination:

  • This type of cacti is very light, so you should keep it in a well-lit room, preferably from the south side.
  • In addition to the lighting, the plant requires fresh air, so after the onset of sustainable warm weather, you can transfer it to a well-lit balcony.
  • In frequent watering cactus, loads does not need. In the summer, when the humidity decreases and at the same time accelerates biological processes inside the plant, moderate watering is carried out (about 1 time and a half weeks). In the autumn, in the spring and winter, the intensity of watering is reduced.
  • Cactus feeding from the beginning of the spring until the end of summer. To do this, you need to use only specialized fertilizers for cacti. They are distinguished by the presence of mineral substances necessary for these plants, as well as reduced nitrogen content.
  • Cargo Cactus very well tolerates low humidity indoors. In winter, when the heating is turned on, you can spray a plant by imitating the dew dropping out.
  • When leaving this plant, it is important to observe the temperature regime. It will be most comfortable at a temperature of + 20 ° C ... + 25 ° C, with its decrease to + 8 ° C during the winter period. Care for red cactus is carried out similarly.

Home Cactus Mummilia - Care

  • For cultivation of mummilia, it is necessary to choose a light place, however, a plant should be protected against direct sunlight.
  • In the summer, the air temperature for the plant is up to + 25 ° C, in winter - to + 10 ° C.
  • Watering should be moderate in winter - meager. A spraying of the plant from the spray gun is allowed. Do it better in the morning so that the whale has managed to evaporate from the surface of the plant.
  • Feed to mummilia from the end of spring until the end of the summer. For feeding, specialized mixtures and solutions are used.
  • For normal growth of the plant, it is necessary to ensure its regular transplants. As the root system grows, when she begins to take the entire volume of the pot, Mammiliaria is transplanted into a large container. As a rule, adults are transplanted 1 time in 4-5 years.

Home Cactus Skluberger - Care

  • Grow cactus Skluberger is needed from Western or Northern side. The plant does not like strong illumination too much. If the windows overlook the eastern side, then you need to shake the light tool window.
  • During flowering, the Decembrist, and this is another name of this plant, does not need additional backlight. Reduction of solar activity is a kind of signal for the plant on the time of formation of floral kidney.
  • Pull the cactus of Slubberger as they dry. It is not worth keeping the soil wet, but also to allow strong dryness of the roots. The intensity of watering with the beginning of autumn is constantly reduced.
  • Podcorch when careing for a cactis, the Decembrist spend several times. The first is in the spring during the period of intensive growth. To do this, mineral complex fertilizers with a reduced content of nitrogen components are used. The second feeder is carried out during flowering with special fertilizers for flowering plants.
  • The most suitable soil for cactus Skluberger is loose, slightly acidic soil. It is in such conditions in the wild that this plant lives in the wild. Required in a pot of sufficient drainage. In conditions of stagnation, the plant develops very badly. For the preparation of the substrate you can mix equal parts of the peat, sand and deciduous humor.

Home Cactus Hymnocalysis - Care

Cash care The anthemocalysis is the right watering and the choice of the soil:

  • Like other cacti, the anthemocalysis is best grows in a slightly acidic soil. For its irrigation, only soft water is suitable. The fact is that the high content of solils in rigid water leads to grounding of the soil, which can cause bad development or the death of the plant. Watering is carried out as the soil drying.
  • Cactus gymnocalysis is produced in the warm season (more often from late spring until the end of summer) with fertilizers for cacti. The frequency of feeding - every 2-3 weeks.
  • This plant needs a constant transplantation. The reason is not so much a rapid growth of the root system, how much latching of the soil. When transplanting the old soil must be completely removed. The frequency of transplanting young individuals is once a year older in 3-4 years.
  • The gymnocalysis cactus does not like bright sunlight, and it is better grown in a darkening.

Home Cactus Echinopsis - Care

  • This kind of cactus feels very well in the sun, so it is better to choose a sunny side for its cultivation. When the rack of warm weather, Echinopsis can be taken out to the street or balcony on the south side. At the same time, during the actively vegetation, it is not recommended to change its location relative to the sun.
  • Temperature regime, the same as for most cacti. Summer temperatures up to + 25 ° C, in winter - no more than + 15 ° C.
  • The intensity of cactus watering depends on the growing season. In the summer, when the plant under the sunny rays evaporates a lot of moisture, the intensity of watering increases to 1 time per week. To allow the drying of the earth coma is impossible, especially during the flowering of the cactus, it can cause bouton fiction.
  • Fertilizer cactus Echinopsis carried out only after the third year of life. The fact that the underdeveloped root system is not able to absorb sufficient amounts of fertilizer, so they make no sense.

Home cactus Epiphyllum - care

Take care of this cactus in the home is very simple:

  • It is not advisable to expose it to too bright place. The light should be bright, but diffused, direct sunlight is not allowed.
  • The temperature regime is the same as for all cacti. Humidity for Epiphyllum not play a big role. He is quite normal transports room humidity. When the temperature rises above 25 ° C is necessary to spray warm water.
  • Fertilizing plants is carried out in a period of high vegetation (May to August). Make fertilizers for cacti twice a month.

Home cactus euphorbia - care

  • Euphorbia - one of the most unpretentious cacti, so too keen care for them is not required. Although he is very fond of light, expose it to direct sunlight should not be.
  • Watering is carried out only when the earthen room completely dry. Winter spurge enough one watering per month. Spraying milkweed spend quite rare.
  • Feeding scheme almost like most cacti 1 times a week throughout the summer.
  • Spurge does not like stagnant moisture in the soil, so when planting in a pot need to take care of the presence of drainage.

Home cactus D5 - care

Caring for cacti mix D5 depends on what kind of plant it collected. Many flower shops try to select more homogeneous species, in order to facilitate the care process. For them, all applicable standard recommendations for watering, feeding, site content and periodicity of the transplant.

How to care for cacti in winter at home

Care is practically not carried out for cacti in winter. At this time the plants are dormant and therefore decreases the intensity of irrigation. Feeding is carried out only for blooming in December and January of the Decembrists (cactus Schlumberger). During the resting period it is desirable to provide plants conditions of low temperature (not more than + 15 ° C). Under such conditions, the plant will not lose moisture.

How to care for a small cactus at home: Pests and Diseases

It is very important when planting and caring for cacti, to know what diseases can become sick plant:

  • Rot. It occurs with the moisture stag. In this case, the corner of the cactus should be treated with an antiseptic. In addition, it is necessary to stop watering cultures for 7-10 days.
  • Aphid. You can cope with this pest using a soap-tobacco beam.
  • Mealybug. The affected plant should be treated with insecticide.
  • Cute tick. You can cope with this parasite with the help of a daisy infusion, which is treated with a diseased plant 3-4 times a week.

Cacti, Care: Photo

Cacti, Care: Video


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