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How to get rid of the smell on clothes are the best means and methods. How to remove smells from clothes at home. How to remove unpleasant odors from clothes without washing

How to get rid of the smell on clothes are the best means and methods. How to remove smells from clothes at home. How to remove unpleasant odors from clothes without washing
The article discusses the methods of how to get rid and remove the smell on clothes. How to get the smell of sweat, cigarettes, gasoline, diesel fuel, mold on clothes.

The problem of the appearance of an unpleasant odor on clothes is familiar to everyone. There may be several reasons for this. This is a person’s sweat, and unpleasant odors in the room, and pollution with strongly smelling substances, such as gasoline, motor oil, and others. Also, an unpleasant odor can form in the contact of dirty and clean clothes in one box. You can just get rid of the unpleasant “aroma” with a smell with the use of washing powders and air conditioners. However, this does not always help. Some smells are very eaten into the structure of the fabric and remain on it even after washing. Especially the so-called "smell of second-hand." All things undergo special chemical treatment, after which they smell not quite pleasant. We will tell you about how to remove the smell from clothes.

How to remove the smell from clothes after buying

If with the purchase of a new thing the problem of an unpleasant odor is not so relevant, then when acquiring a second-hand, it is very acute. To prevent mold, fungus, insects - such clothes are treated with special chemicals. It is believed that they are less harmful to a person than mold or fungus. However, these chemicals may contain formaldehydes. If the clothes have a pungent smell, it is better to refuse to buy it. But if the thing still had to be bought, then it must be washed several times, and then take measures to neutralize the unpleasant aroma.

Recipes and methods of removing the smell in this case are as follows:

  • One of the most effective means of smell on clothes is ammonia. This substance is in almost every house, and it costs inexpensively.  To eliminate the smell of clothing, ammonia (10%solution) and water are necessary. For a small thing you need 5 liters of water and 20 ml of alcohol. If you need to wash a large jacket or trousers, it will be necessary to increase the volume of water to 10 liters, and, accordingly, the volume of alcohol to 40 ml. The duration of the procedure depends on the degree of pollution (saturation of unpleasant odor) and on the type of fabric. If work with cotton fabric takes no more than half an hour, then for the skin or synthetics it will need up to 6 hours.  Carrying out the procedure consists in the usual soaking of things in a container with a prepared solution. After the end of it, you just need to squeeze it out and hang it out into the fresh air. After it dries, it should be washed with the addition of the air conditioner. If the first washing did not give a result, then the procedure should be repeated again. The advantage of this method is that the use of ammonia does not affect the color of the tissue and its structure. The color remains as saturated as before the procedure. Unlike other, more aggressive means, this tool does not spoil the fibers of the tissue, preserving all its properties.

  • In addition to ammonia, there are other effective methods of how to remove the smell from clothes. For example, washing with the addition of aromatic oils. At the stage of soaking clothes, it is enough to add a few drops of lavender or lemon essential oil to the container. After washing, the smell should disappear.

  • Soaking clothes in an aqueous solution of rations, soda, salt and aromatic oils.

  • Storage of things with flavoring agents. To do this, you can put a thing in a plastic bag for 2-3 days with a piece of soap or perfumery. True, it is worth noting that this method is not too effective for stuck strong smells. It should be used as part of the complex, for example, after processing a thing with a solution of ammonia.

  • Steam ironing. The ferry processing can help eliminate not too sharp smells.
  • Washing without spinning. Lingerie is slightly squeezed manually, after which it is dried in the fresh air. Together with the evaporation of moisture, unpleasant odors also leave.
  • In particularly difficult cases, if not one of the above methods for eliminating the unpleasant odor has brought the desired result, you should contact the dry cleaning. In the vast majority of cases, dry cleaning will help get rid of unpleasant aroma.

How to remove the smell of sweat on clothes

All people are different, and the work of the sweat glands differs in them. For some, the smell of sweat is so sharp that it is eaten for a long time into the fibers of the fabric. At the same time, even modern deodorants do not help.

You can get rid of the smell of sweat using dry cleaning, however, the cost of such a service may exceed the price of a new thing. You can try to solve the problem at home.

This can be done both with the help of washing in the washing machine, and without it. Next, we consider options for removing the smell of sweat on clothes.

Removing the smell on clothes using washing

The algorithm for using the washing machine to get rid of the smell of sweat on things is as follows:

  • Before washing into the drum, it is necessary to pour 100 ml of vinegar and put two tablespoons of soda. Before this, you should study the instructions for the car to verify the safety of this method for a specific model. It is not recommended to use vinegar for machines with enameled tanks.

  • You need to load the powder in an increased dose (more by 20%than on average for washing).
  • A bleaching agent based on chlorine or active oxygen should be added to the powder. The first option is preferable to use for color things, the second for white.
  • Before laying things, you need to soak them with warm water for 15 minutes in the car, and then rub them with household soap.
  • Washing mode must be installed without spinning.
  • After the washing is over, the thing must be squeezed manually and hang it in a well -ventilated place (ideally on the street).

How to remove the smell from clothes without washing

Manual washing consists in soaking and processing things using certain means:

  • Laundry soap. Suitable for washing things with a not very sharp smell. It differs in very good results. Things are soaked in water, thoroughly soaped and left for several hours with a container of water. After that, they pierce and dry in the open air.
  • Washing dishes or hair shampoo. In addition to unpleasant odors, these products can help get rid of fat spots.

  • Soda. In a solution of baking soda (1 tbsp. Spoon per 1 liter of water), a thing is withstand for 20 minutes. After that, they are washed with soap and powder and pierced in fresh water.
  • Salt solution. For soaking clothes, a strong solution of salt is used (2 tbsp. L per 1 cup of water).
  • Salt solution with ammonia. A teaspoon of ammonia is added to the previous remedy.
  • Lemon juice or citric acid. In the first case, 1 tbsp. l juice of freshly squeezed lemon, in the second-only half of the spoon of acid. With citric acid, 9% vinegar can be used.

The choice of a tool for soaking clothes must be carried out very carefully so as not to damage the fabric. So, using vinegar and acid for thin silk tissues is undesirable.

Elimination of the smell of sweat on outerwear

Although the main “blow” from an unpleasant odor takes on underwear, outerwear can also be saturated with the smell of sweat. You can’t wash a coat or sheepskin coat, but you need to fight an unpleasant phenomenon. In this case, you can either give the thing into dry cleaning, or try to solve the problem yourself.

  • Not pungent smells of sweat can be removed with ordinary ventilation. If there is frost outside, just hang out the thing onto the balcony or on the street and leave there for several days. There should not be a trace of an unpleasant odor.
  • They cope well with the task of the newspaper. They can wrap a thing or fill it from the inside. After a few days, newspapers should absorb an unpleasant odor, after which they can simply be thrown away.
  • With an established smell of sweat on outerwear, a solution of ammonia with water is used in a proportion of 1:10 with the addition of half a teaspoon of salt to it. The resulting solution is rubbed with problem areas (collar and armpits).

How to get rid of a pluck smell of clothes

Most people are faced with this problem. In a box with clean and ironed linen, an unpleasant smell of dampness appears over time. Where does it come from?

  • Raw linen. Many housewives can put in a chest of drawers or linen cabinet not completely dried clothes or bed. This is especially true for the winter period. Things do not dry to the end on the street, maintaining high humidity, which leads to the appearance of the smell of dampness on clothes.
  • Poor ventilation. As a rule, linen is stored in poorly ventilated cabinets, which leads to stagnation of air and the appearance of mold on clothes.
  • Storage of dirty things with clean. Even one dirty T -shirt, accidentally hit the box, with clean clothes can cause the spread of an unpleasant odor from clothes.

Let us further consider how to get rid of the smell on clothes. So, in order to avoid the appearance of a musty smell in a closet with clothes, it is necessary to observe the rules for its storage:

  • In the box, you should not put not completely dry linen. In winter, it should be dried in the room, and then iron it.
  • The place of storage of clean clothes and linen must be provided with ventilation. In the rear wall of the cabinet or chest of drawers you can make several holes. Thanks to them, the air will not stagnate. Once a week it is worth opening the cabinet doors for about 10-12 hours to ventilate.
  • Do not allow installation of cabinets for storing clothing close to the walls of the house that go outside. This can cause mold inside. If such a situation has happened, it is necessary to make a gap between the wall and the cabinet at least 200 mm, as well as at least once a year to check the condition of the wall of the wall.
  • Do not allow dirty clothes to get into a box with a clean one.
  • Use aromatic tools for storing clothing. It can be bags with fragrant herbs, pieces of smelling soap, etc.

How to get pungent odors from clothes

A special problem of clothing is delivered by pungent odors, which are deeply absorbed into the structure of fabric and are not removed from it for a long time.

  • The smell of gasoline on clothes. It appears due to the repair of a car or a long stay in the garage with the engine turned on. It is enough to stand next to the heated car, and the smell of gasoline is provided. It is excreted by soaking in a liquid for washing dishes and manual washing. It is not recommended to wash the smell of gasoline in the washing machine. If the smell has not removed, the thing is re -erased already in ordinary powder.

  • The smell of diesel fuel on clothes. Diesel fuel is excreted from clothes much worse than gasoline. To get rid of it, it is necessary to soak the clothes in a solution of soda soda for one hour, and then wash with manually with the addition of air conditioning. You can also soak clothes in water with the addition of mustard powder.

  • Smells of urine on clothes. The smell of urine is very much eaten into the structure of clothing. It is impossible to wash the things soaked in urine in the car, so they will be washed in a solution of urine in water. Before washing, they need to be soaked in a container of water (you can add a little vinegar). After that, wash in the car with the addition of air conditioning.

  • The smell of cigarettes on clothes. It is displayed by soaking clothing in a container of water and vinegar in a proportion of 100 g /10 liters. Then they are erased in ordinary powder. A coat and sheepskin coat can be rid of the smell of tobacco smoke using aromatherapy. It is necessary to make several bags of gauze in which to put coffee grains. The thing is placed in a plastic bag and shifted with bags. A few days later, there will be no trace of the smell of tobacco.

How to remove the smell from clothes: video



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