
How to customize the table for guests. How beautiful to serve the table at home - photos, instructions

How to customize the table for guests. How beautiful to serve the table at home - photos, instructions
How to customize the table to the instruments. How to serve a table for a birthday, for guests, to dinner, holiday, for Easter, to tea. How to serve the table at home.

The coverage of the table and the placement on it the tableware is called the table serving. There are a number of rules that dictate the order of feeding the table, about them and will be discussed below.

The main tableware tableware

Beginners housewives easy to get lost in the variety of dishes, appliances and drinking glass. Therefore, before you lay the table for the guests, you must learn the theory: There are four main types of dinnerware.

Plates for table

  • Serving Dish. She wildcard plate or podtarelnik - plate diameter of 28 32 cm. Performs decorative and protective functions, not used for feeding foods. Color, texture substitution plates may vary, but should be in harmony with the rest of tableware. Serving dish is removed from the table before the dessert serving.
  • Dining plates. Diameter deep dining (soup) of the plate is in the range 20-24 cm. Soup plate is used for supplying cream soup, muesli, porridge, flakes, milk. Dining dinner plate need to supply dishes.
  • Fast dish. Most snack plate diameter 26 31 cm is used for supplying hot and cold snacks. Diameter diner shallow dish is 20 cm, that the service element is used for supplying cold dishes.
  • dessert plates. Deep dessert plate is designed to supply requiring sauce desserts. Small dessert plate used for all other desserts or fruit. A characteristic feature of small dessert plates is a wavy edge, or the existence of a pattern on the hem. Diameter dessert plates is 20 cm.
  • Dish Pie Shop. It is bread. Designed for bread, pastries, toast.
  • Plate Coquille. This dish stands out for its bizarre shape, resembling the leaf of a seashell. It used to supply seafood.
  • Caviar dish. Applicable for supplying pressed caviar.
  • A plate of fish. The name reflects the appointment of the plate. The shape of this plate looks like oval, maximum length and width of which are in the range 33 37 and 23 26 cm respectively.
  • Seledochnitsa. Used to supply canned fish or herring.
  • Plate-menazhnitsa. With it serves several kinds of salads, side dishes or fondue.
  • Dish. It can be of different forms. The length / diameter dishes reaches 40 45 cm. With the help of a dish on the table, canapes, cold fish or meat dishes, game, bird dishes are served.
  • Salante. This is a deep plate, the container of which exceeds 120 ml. The shape of salad bowls can be the most diverse. In the salad bowls can be served on the table of marinada, pickles, fresh vegetables and, of course, salads.
  • Egg plate. It is a container of medium depth with handles around the edges. It serves fried eggs.
  • Saucer. These are a small diameter plate, used as coats under a cup or cup.
  • Socket. Looks like a deeper saucer. It is used to serve honey, jam, jam.
  • Cream. Creams are on the leg and without it. Looks like deep 9-centimeter plates. Used for feeding berries, jelly, fruit salads.

Cups for serving a table

  • Bouillon cups. Used for feeding soup puree or broth.

  • Tea cups. Tea, cocoa and hot chocolate drink exactly from them.

  • Mug. Used only in everyday life. The purpose of the circles is the same as the tea cup.

  • Coffee cups. Small are used for coffee, larger cups - for Cauccino.

  • Piel. In large cups in the form of a hemisphere or a truncated cone, it is customary to put green tea or koumiss on the table.

Cutlery for serving a table

Basic devices:

  • Cutlery: Knife, spoon and fork. The knife has a length approximately equal to the diameter of the dining plate, the spoon and the fork are somewhat shorter. Designed for the first and hot dishes. A spoon and plug can also be used to shift food from a common dish on a personal plate.
  • Snack devices. Knife, the length of which is equal to the diameter of the diner plate, and the fork is a bit smaller. Served to all types of snacks.
  • Dessert devices. Knife, the length of which is comparable to the diameter of the dessert plate, a three-time fork, a spoon. Served to desserts, cheese. A spoon is fed to the soups released in the broth and not requiring cutting desserts.
  • Fruit devices. Knife and double fork.
  • Food sticks. Additionally served to Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese dishes, Korean cuisines.

Auxiliary devices:

  • Knives: For oil, knife fork, knife saw.
  • Forks: Two-rod, for sprat, for crabs, crabs and shrimps, for oysters, mussels, cold fish cocktails, chill, for lobsters, lemon veil.
  • Spoons: For salad, for salt, for spices, for jam, ladle.
  • Shoulder blades: caviar, rectangular, slotted brace, and curly brace large small.
  • Forceps: for chopping nuts, confectionery, large and small, ice, asparagus.
  • Scissors: for grapes.

Popular dishes for drinks at the table setting

1. The capacity of the glass depends on the alcohol content in the drink: the higher it is, the less the amount destined for his dishes.

2. Glasses for the largest water, their capacity can reach 850 ml. Also for water, juice, you can use the toggle switch glasses Hayboll.

3. Red wine is served in lafitnyh wine-glasses or special rounded, tapering upwardly glasses at high stalk. Glasses of white wine similar to their counterparts, but have a less rounded shape and a lower capacity. As originally designed for muddy white wine Rhine wine glasses in our time can pour the white wine of any kind. Dessert wines can be drunk from glasses Maderna. Wine variety "Sherry" There is a special glass, shaped like a tulip flower.

4. champagne were originally designed three types of glasses:

  • flyute - a graceful tall glasses on a long stalk, tapering upwards;

  • tulip - a tall, narrow, extending up the glass on a long stalk;
  • champagne saucer - broad lower bowl at high stalk. However, the taste of champagne in the last few centuries has undergone several metamorphoses, because of which the use of these glasses for the drink became less desirable. Today, in a glass of champagne saucer cocktails are served more often.

5. The beauty of laminated glass to emphasize cocktails complex cocktails conical shape. Of cocktail glasses, which has the shape of a cone on the stem and is popularly called the "Martinka" to drink smoothies without adding ice. Cocktails with ice cubes may be supplied in a glass Margarita, Collins glasses and Hayboll. Tropical cocktails served in Beaux Hurricane glasses at low stalk.

6. Cocktails-aperitifs - are served by the glass Tumbler. Strong cocktails to drink from the stacks. For cold dense, coffee cocktail is a glass Frappe. Cocktails on the basis of beer drunk from beer glasses. Punch decided to pour on the eponymous circles round shape.

7. rum or whiskey with ice is perfect Old fashion glasses, toggle switch.

8. The most popular cognac glass - snifter: rounded, tapering upwards vessel on a low leg.

9. Vobbler differs from the lack of legs: instead of a glass of spicy spikes at the gland. Cognac glasses - extending the top vessels on a long leg. Also called "tulips" due to similarity with this flower.

10. Liqueurs are served in special wine glasses on the leg.

11. Drink drink from a glass or stacks / Skotov.

12. Verka glass is suitable for tinctures and emphasis.

13. Coffee in Irish is drunk from a glass Ireish coffee, Latte is served in the shell of the same name.

14. Beer can be served in a beer glass, and in a beer mug.

How to Serving Table at Home - Step-by-step instructions

Definition of the format of the event for serving a table

Specify the tone of the serving such parameters:

  • Type of trapese. For breakfast, lunch, dinner, tea drinking or drinking coffee have its own rules for serving.
  • Character of reception. Casual serving is different from table setting for official-business techniques, solemn events.
  • A place Events.
  • Topic The holiday plays an essential role when choosing a style, coloring and textures of a tablecloth, cutet, decor.

Card Textile Choice for Table Serving

  • The beautiful countertop is not necessarily hiding behind the tablecloth, because the latter has long been not a strictly mandatory element of serving the table. Alternatively, the tablecloths can be used ornamental tracks, fabric wipes, playsmat mats.
  • When using a tablecloth, it is desirable to cover the tabletop to the tab. It provides additional table protection and prevents the tablecloth on the tabletop.
  • The use of the loaf, both solo and on top of the tablecloth, is considered a bad tone.
  • The shape and length of the tablecloth dictates a tabletop. For rectangular countertops, the tablecloths of a rectangular shape are suitable for square, respectively, square. An ideal form of a tablecloth for a round table is a circle, but it is permissible to use a square tablecloth. For oval countertops, the oval shape tablecloth is best suited, but you can cover such a table and a rectangular tablecloth.
  • Optimal is considered to hang long 20 40 cm. Consequently, to find out the necessary parameters of the tablecloth is necessary to the length and width or diameter of the countertops add 40 80 cm. Exception: Wedding Banquets, at the events of such a plan more advantageously look at the tablecloth with a race to the floor.
  • The tablecloth before diverting should be perfectly deposited, the folding line on the fabric should be clearly in the middle of the countertops.
  • The coloring of the cutlery depends on the time of day: the in the morning bright and motley tablecloths are appropriate, in the evening there are better textiles in muffled colors. The win-win option for the solemn reception will be a white linen tablecloth with a printed brilliant pattern.
  • Long decorative paths spread to the center along a longer side of the table top. Short ranners put across the table top. The number of short tracks is determined by the number of invited: one Ranner on 2 4 guests.

How to serve the table with napkins

  • Solemn events or food intake in the evening meant the use of tissue napkins. It will take at least two napkins for each guest. One napkin spreads to the table under the plate. The second folds and places on an empty snack or soup plate, at the beginning of meals it is placed on the knees.
  • When folding the napkins you need to try as little as possible to concern her hands. This is necessary for hygiene reasons.
  • For the aesthetic appearance of the tissue napkins, it is not necessary to add intricate figures from them. It is enough to simply fold the napkin or roll it into the tube and make a special decorative ring or ribbon.
  • Paper napkins are also necessary on the table: They wash the corners of the lips. Most often, such napkins are put on the left side of the plates.

Selection Plate for table setting

  • The number of plates used determines the number of invited and the number of alleged shifts of dishes.
  • Plates should be combined with the rest of the decoration elements. Experienced hostesses can combine the dishes of several colors, enter into the design of the table of dishes of the bizarre form. For example: for serving the table to dinner, you can take plates of muffled gray and pink colors. It is better to stay newcomers on uncomplicated plates from a single service.
  • Beginners to comprehend the art of serving is recommended to combine neutral white, gray or black items with no more than two other colors.
  • The motley tablecloth requires the use of monochrome plates.
  • Before placing on the table, it is necessary to check the plates on the absence of defects, wipe them with a wet towel and polished to the perfect gloss with a dry towel.

How beautiful to serve the table with plates

  • Plates are set strictly opposite chairs at a distance of 1.5 2 cm from the edge of the table top.
  • Under the plates, the napkin, Ranner or PlaySmat.
  • The first table is placed. In everyday service, this step can be skipped.
  • A dining plate is placed on the wildcard plate. To avoid slipping between plates, you can put a napkin.
  • A snack plate is placed on the dining room.
  • If there are first meals in the menu, a deep dining room or a dilapidated plate is put on a snack plate.
  • The top and to the left of the serving plate is a pyroloy plate.

Selection of cutlery for serving a table

  • The number and type of devices used depends on the menu.
  • Invalid use of devices with defects.
  • Before serving, the instruments should be polished.
  • Table silver requires a certain care, so used for special occasions. For business table, stainless steel appliances are perfectly suitable.

How to serve the table appliances

  • Severity of the use of cutlery: in the bottom upwards.
  • On the left side of the plate in the direction of the right left, plugs are unfolded: a snack fork, a dining force, a fork for fish.
  • On the right side of the plate in the direction from left to right, the devices are located in this order: a snack knife, a table knife, a knife for fish, a teaspoon, a tablespoon, fork for oysters.
  • A slightly above the plate is flattened by dessert devices: a knife, fork and a spoon. Moreover, the cuttings of the knife and spoons should be directed to the right, and the twinkle cutlets - to the left.
  • The oil knife is put on the piring plate, the blade of the knife must be directed to the left.
  • The devices fold out strictly perpendicular or parallel to the edge of the table.
  • The distance from the edge of the plate to the instruments and between the devices themselves should be 5 mm.
  • Knives are put on the blade to the plate. Forks and spoons must lie with a convex side down.

How to store the table with glasses

  • Before serving, drinking glass must be polished.
  • The glasses are put on the table on top of the right.
  • The order of construction is determined by the procedure for use. Traditionally closer to the plate, glasses are put with a greater container.
  • The maximum amount of glasses in one row is 3 pieces. If the abundance of beverages assumes the presence of a larger number of vessels, they are built in 2 rows.

We serve the table at home

Table setting to breakfast

Breakfast traditionally consists of sandwiches, hot dishes and hot drink. In this case, the table is served like this:

  1. Occasioned tablecloth, laid out the places of napkin.
  2. Next, large snacks are placed, the number of which is determined by the amount of breakfast.
  3. On the right, a teas pair of the diner is placed on the side of the diner, on the left, the paint plate.
  4. The napkin is a triangle and put on the left side of the plate. The base of the resulting figure should be directed to the right.
  5. On both sides of the diner disk, the devices are laid out: the fork is put on the napkin, right - the knife and spoon. A tea spoon is put on the saucer. An oil knife is put on the piring plate.
  6. Outdoor objects are put on the table: Solonka, List, Sugar, Maslenka.
  7. You can decorate the table with a vase with flowers.

How to serve the table to dinner

Lunch suggests the most diverse menu. In order to avoid the jet of dishes, the severity of the change of dishes is observed.

Dish feed order:

  1. Cold snacks.
  2. Hot appetizers.
  3. First course.
  4. Second hot fish dishes.
  5. Second hot meat dishes.
  6. Dessert.
  7. Fruits.

Table covering process:

  1. Occasioned tablecloth, laid out the places of napkin.
  2. Personal wildcakes, snacks, pieces, cakes.
  3. The table is served by cutlery.
  4. The dishes are arranged for drinks.
  5. On the table is placed public items.
  6. When changing dishes from the table, unnecessary plates are carried together with appropriate cutlery.
  7. As a decoration of the table, you can use rings for napkins, vases with flowers, not lit candles, dried flowers.

Table setting to dinner

For evening meals, dairy, dairy, cereal and vegetable dishes are recommended. Taking into account this table setting will look like this:

  1. Tabletop design tablecloth and napkins.
  2. Plate arrangement: Satientar, on top of a small dining room and a snack plate. On the left, the painter is a pyrochetic plate.
  3. Layout of cutlery.
  4. Placing drinking glass.
  5. Expustion of public items.
  6. Table decoration. The optimal decor for serving dinner - candles. Not lit candles will be added comfort, burning will create a romantic atmosphere. It is important to remember that the previously used candles are permissible to put on the table only in the daily serving. Burning candles require the use of special stands designed to protect the tablecloth from wax stains.

We serve the table to tea

  1. The table is covered with a tablecloth, planting places are made up with napkins.
  2. Dessert plates are arranged, dessert devices are laid on the right of the plates.
  3. If the fruit is supposed to be supplied to the table, then the corresponding cutlery is folded above.
  4. The right and above the dessert plate is a tea pair, the cup handle must be deployed to the right. A teaspoon is put on the edge of the saucer.
  5. In the center of the table should be milkman, sugar bowl with spoon or tongs.
  6. Candlers, baking plates, sliced \u200b\u200bthin slices lemon, fruit, rosettes with honey, jam or jam are placed around the perimeter of the table.
  7. Seasonal flowers in beautiful vases, dried flowers, ribbons are used to decorate the table.
  8. Final barcode - laying napkins.

How to serve a festive table

Responsibility for the festive atmosphere lies on the decoration of the room, the decor of the table, elegant textile and dining room.

We serve the table for Easter

Color spectrum

Easter - bright spring holiday. As a background, it is preferable to use white or delicate pastel colors, and emphasizes with the help of colors, greenery and Easter dishes.

Mandatory dishes / drinks

At the Easter table must be meat dishes, painted boiled eggs, Easter cakes and / or cottage cheese Easter. From drinks - Koror.


Candles, bouquets from spring flowers and greenery, willow sprigs, animal figures and birds are welcome on the Easter table.

Realged paper for scrapbooking pot with flowers, decorated with ribbies Wicker baskets, suitable made of sisal. Decorative nest for painted eggs - Handbook made compositions on this day look like never appropriate.

For serving of the Easter table, you need to use tissue napkins. If you wish, you can build an Easter bunny.

We serve the table for the holiday of the New Year

Color spectrum

Traditional New Year's colors: white, red green. This combination looks fresh, bright and smart. No less interesting option: a combination of white, silver and blue colors or white, red and gold. You can also choose the colors of textiles and dishes, based on the "color preferences" of the symbol of the upcoming year.

Mandatory dishes / drinks

New Year's Mast Hav The end of the last century: Salads Olivier and herring under a fur coat every year are becoming less and less demanded. But champagne to this day remains an integral attribute of this holiday, so the presence of the appropriate glasses is required.


The main decoration of the room on this day is of course, slim spruce or fluffy pine. You can dress up a Christmas tree with colored balls, tinsel, beads, candy, garlands, homemade toys.

You can learn the idea of \u200b\u200bthe decoration of the New Year's served table from the pictures below. Traditionally, the table is decorated with the help of twigs of the needles, filed with folded napkins, cones, rowan, garlands, Christmas wreaths, candles. The decor of natural origin should be clean and dry, so as not to leave the stains on the table textile.

We serve a birthday table

Color spectrum

Birthday is a cheerful holiday associated with bright, saturated paints.

Mandatory dishes / drinks

The main dish on birth is, of course, a luxurious festive cake. Champagne is a popular, but optional attribute of the holiday. The rest of the menu depends on the age of the birthday and the format of the celebration. If we serve the children's table, then first of all we care about snacks, the abundance of various appetizing sweets, drinks. But on the birthday of an adult, a festive table with a change in several dishes is usually served.


The premises decorated with various balls, garlands, serpentine, confetti, bouquets will enjoy birthday languages \u200b\u200bof all ages.

It is interesting to look for thematic birthdays. Children like holidays in favorite characters, pirated parties looking for a gift-treasure. Adults will like the celebration, aged in the spirit of the beloved decade of the last century. There will be an elegant "jazz era" or explosive time disco - to decide the perpetrator of the celebration.
Decorations for the room and the table are selected according to the chosen topics.

Name-friendly table, photo:


Table setting is a capacious topic involving the knowledge of a considerable amount of subtleties and rules. But mastering this art will allow the hostess to impress guests not only skillfully cooked food, but also a competent feed of dishes.


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